The NEW 'Lets Help Each Other Whilst On The Atkins Plan' Thread

Do any other women have trouble staying in Ketosis during TOM? I re-inducted after vacation and lost 6lbs. I was in Ketosis for sure: the sticks turned pink, no hunger, no appetite, terrible breath. Then I got bloated right before TOM, then once it started, I went out of Ketosis.

I've been keeping track of my carbs & calories on fitday, and nothing else changed. I lost the water weight, but I'm still not fully in Ketosis. I've had to eat more than usual because otherwise I'm hungry all the time. I feel like I'm re-inducting again!

Way to go, Susan!!!

I started Induction today. I am hoping for the best!!!!
Hi All!! It is great to read that you are all still losing!! I am jealous!

I was down about 10 lbs before we left on our 15 day WDW trip!! Now I am up those 10!!! I just couldn't resist ALL the lovely and different foods at WDW!! I am a weakling!

I start ATkins again on Monday and need to be down 15 lbs for a wedding in Ocotber (would love to be down 20 but if I make 15 I will be thrilled!!)

Please think of me and wish me luck............

WDW is an awful place to diet!! But a wonderful place to be with family and enjoy the magic. We had a very magical time! (It was worth it!!)
Ok people, I NEED YOUR HELP. I started this thread a few months ago when i was dieting for my Wedding anniversary trip. Needless to say my dieting didnt last and now just 20 days to go, i really want to loose 7lbs before i go. Normally on induction i loose around 10 lbs so i know this can be done. I just need some help and support doing it.

I normally stick to bacon for breakfast, chopped ham and a tomato for lunch and a steak with very small salad for dinner. I dont eat green veg anyway so i dont miss that, nor do i eat much fruit. If it wasnt for my love of bread this diet would be excellent for me, oh also i like a cold beer :(

So please help me through the next 3 weeks, loosing this weight would make such a difference to my trip, it would make me feel so much better about myself. Also when i return i can focus on my discon diet.

Thanks everyone, i knew i could count on you. Menu ideas are more then welcome too;)

How is everyone doing?

I have been doing well. Lost another lb this week. I am trying a few new things this week - just to keep myself interested - low carb "cheesecake" for breakfast is one specifically. It has been a nice change from eggs. But... think I will have eggs on Saturday - just because it now sounds "different"!
May I ask where did you get the low carb cheesecake? How was it too? I looove cheesecake.
Did someone mention cheesecake????? Please tell us how to make it or where to get this from.

Im doing well so far, ok this is only day 5 but im focussed and sticking to the plan. I feel so much better just for sticking to it, and im not as tired as i normally am. My times of weakness are at the weekends, we normally go out for meals and have a few drinks, so this is going to be a trying time. But im am determind to do it :teeth:

Okay here is the recipe. It is from the LowCarbFriends website and there is a lovely lady there named BEACHGIRL who is a master of creating various LOW CARB versions of cheesecake. There is many of her recipes posted in the recipe room if you like this and are interested in more.

Anyway ... here is the recipe:

Beachgirl's Basic Cheesecake

- 32 ounces cream cheese
- 1 cup splenda
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 4 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
- 3 tablespoons sour cream

With an electric mixer, combine the cream cheese and splenda at slow to medium speed, scraping sides often. Add all other ingredients except eggs. When completely mixed (with no lumps), add the eggs and egg yolk, one at a time, beating very slowly. When eggs are incorporated, do not mix any more. Over-mixing the eggs is a contributing cause of cracked cheesecakes. (The leading cause of cracking is over-cooking, so don¡¦t believe any one who tells you it is normal for a cheesecake to be cracked; it isn¡¦t.) Always treat the batter gently.

Pour the mixture into the springform pan. Place the pan on a very large piece of aluminum foil, and fold the foil up around the pan to create a watertight barrier around the cheesecake. Then place the barrier pan in an even larger pan and fill the larger pan halfway with water. This is called a water bath. It is a gentler way to cook the cheesecake.

Place the entire water bath containing the cheesecake in a 300-degree preheated oven. Cook for 1 hour and reduce heat to 200 degrees for 1 more hour. Turn oven off and leave cheesecake in until the oven is completely cool. The cheesecake can even be left overnight at this point. Cracks can also occur when a cheesecake cools too quickly.

It may be beneficial to run a knife around the edge of the cheesecake, separating it from the sides of the pan. If your goal is to serve the cheesecake on a different dish without the bottom of the spring form pan, then the pan can be lined with parchment paper before the batter is poured in. Make sure to grease both sides of the paper. This will make for easy removal of the cheesecake later. It works best if the cheesecake has been refrigerated fully before trying to remove it from the bottom pan.

Per Serving (based on 12 servings per cheesecake): 308 Calories; 29g Fat; 8g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 165mg Cholesterol; 244mg Sodium.

I have been eating this for breakfast all week (1/12 of the whole cheese cake) and it has been very satisfying. You need the boxed splenda and LOTS of cream cheese to make this - but MAN is it good!
Thank you. As soon as I purchase the ingredients (mostly splenda), I will be trying it out.
Thank you. As soon as I purchase the ingredients (mostly splenda), I will be trying it out.
I've saved all of Beachgirl's cheesecake recipes, but haven't had a chance to try them out yet... that's on my to-do list this week!

She's also said you can substitute a cup of DaVinci sugar-free syrup for the cup of Splenda if you want to save on carbs.

Just got back from a long weekend at WDW (hooray!). Don't know how it's affected my weight yet, but I was good! You can find salads all over the parks... And we had the BEST salmon at the Sci-Fi Dine In! We did Teppanyaki in Japan one day for lunch... not bad if you skip the rice. One hint... do NOT get the grilled chicken salad at Pecos Bill's in the Magic Kingdom... it has a sweet lime vinagrette, and carrot and apple slaw. NOT a good choice for low carb! ;)

Plus... since it WAS a (mini) vacation... we had to have a few treats... Did you know you can get sugar-free cheesecake (no crust) at the Fountainview Cafe in Epcot? It was DELICIOUS! We also had sugar-free ice cream at MGM, from Hollywood Scoops... it's sweetened with asparatame, and probably made from skim milk, but better than the real thing as far as carbs go, and GOOD! Gotta do little splurges here and there, rather than a BIG blowout at one of the restaurants! :)
Thanks Dizneegirl,
Now, if they could just do something with those Dole Whips! They are my absolute favorite thing at WDW!
You know, I was going to splurge and get one... they're my favorite too! But that was the day we got the apple slaw/sweet lime salad by accident, so I figured I'd better not.

And the second time I was going to splurge, we had already planned on getting the sugar-free ice cream, so I figured I'd better not again...

Next time though... I'm getting one come hell or high water! ;)

BTW - thought of a few of our other not-quite-cheating meals...

Mama Melrose's has a portabello appetizer that's very good... and DH got their pork marsala (with mushrooms, greens (that I think were spinach), and risotto or polenta that he just didn't eat) - it was yummy. I wouldn't recommend the chicken caesar salad though, unless you like strong caesar taste. Just ask them NOT to bring out the loaf of fresh bread (it looked soooo good!)

We also ate at the Biergarten in Germany. Plenty of meats, cheese, salad, sausages and sauerkraut to fill up on, if you like that sort of thing!

The house salad at Sci-Fi was scrumptious! Just don't eat all the spiced (and sugared) walnuts.

DH had a great filet at Rainforest Cafe, with grilled veggies on the side (and skipped the baked potato). I had their "cobb" salad that was delicious!

And, of course, a turkey leg (no bbq sauce!)

The Cobb salad at the Brown Derby probably would have been a good choice, but it was just a long weekend, and you can only eat so much! ;)
Thanks for the dining reviews dizneegirl! We are gonna be at Disney in about 8 weeks, and I really have been stressing about how to eat. We have eight days to fill up, so I am having to review menus, to see which places have appropriate food.

I really hate to pay 20 or more dollars for a meal, and end up having to leave most of it on the plate.:(

I'm also planning on bringing cream and boiled eggs from home, along with some sandwich type meats and cream cheese, then keep them in a cooler in the room for snacking.

Since we only do this once a year, I think I may just relax the carb count some. Then get right back on Atkins when we get home. :D
I'm on Atkins and loving it. All other diets were the yoyo effect.

I would never believe that eating fat could make you thin.

Now I eat my words along with my bacon and steak and eggs.

I miss pizza and bagels. But I'll survive. I'm POOH sized and embarrassed to go on the rides - seat belts don't always fit - the bars are to tight on the stomach... then the airlines started saying they would charge for 2 seats - no way -

I've lost 30 pounds and counting. I'm not hungry between meals. Its easy to eat out.

Really looking froward to our DVC membership now. Many more things to do. - I'm still a little nervous about the rides though.
Mareka - I'm glad you found us. Every little bit of extra support helps!

Pooh Sized!
Gee -- I've never heard it explained that way! How appropriate for a Disney Message Board! I guess I would also be in the 'Pooh Sized' club. (LOL).


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