The New *Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread*

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I'm in:thumbsup2 this will be my 2nd Princess! I ran the 2012 Princess just after comming off a 3 week rest due to injury so I'm hoping to run this one injury free and to beat last year's time. I'm also doing the 2012 Wine and Dine for the 1st time and am considering my first full in Jan 2013. Living in FL does have its advantanges.
:hug: You're so sweet - I need all the help I can get...still can't believe I'm doing this!

My strategy is as follows:

I just started keeping track of my miles/pace in January...with my short, squat legs and my short/squat body, I was only walking about 19-20 min per mile for 3-4 miles. Now, I can manage 16-18 min mile for 3-5, some improvement but I definitely have a long way to go.

In the meantime, I managed to sign up for the Expedition Everest Challenge in May, my first 5K. I started the C2K program in February. I was doing the running but at such a slow pace and for a pretty short distance that I changed to doing more of the Galloway method. Right now, I am running/walking at 1:00/1:00 intervals for 3 miles...still super duper slow but a whole faster than I would be if I was sitting on the couch, right :).

Whew...anywho...for the Princess, I hope to get to a base of 8 mile walks [once per week] and work steadily on getting my time down. I'll cross train by riding my bike and keeping up with the run/walk intervals.

There are two half-marathons in my city this fall - October and December. Both of them are walker friendly so I'm planning to sign up for those to get used to all of those people being around me. Also, in the fall, I'll be getting up to 10-12 mile walks [every two weeks] so hope to be ready for the Princess in February.

How does that sound? Please don't hesitate to give me some tips. And my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak, especially during our horribly humid summer months - I really hope I can keep this up.

You have a great plan set up, and if you keep to it, I'm sure you'll be able to do the Princess. Your plan about getting some smaller races in to get used to people is a great idea, and one I should have done before my first half. I was somewhat used to crowds because of triathlons, but not to the level that are at the Disney races.

As for some advice... you'll probably hit some walls and have days or weeks you really don't want to train (especially in the really humid summer), but just try to find some good times and remember why you're training. You can also take some time off, especially since you're starting your training now. If you get frustrated just breathe and take some time off then hit your training with renewed enthusiasm.
Hi Everybody!

I will be going to the Princess. I'll be with a group of about 15 people. We all met online in a weight loss group and are all meeting at the Princess.

I have finished two half marathons. My first was the Wine & Dine 2011. I also did the Rock n Roll New Orleans in March 2012. I am also doing Expedition Everest with my husband (his first race ever - I am so excited about that!). I hope to do ToT and Wine & Dine again this year also. I'm addicted to Disney races now...:mickeyjum

I ran both races with JG. I love his program! I look forward to meeting you all!

I am so glad I found this. I am doing the Princess 1/2 and I can't wait. I miss running so much. 6 years ago I ruptured my Achilles tendon and had to have it repaired at 26, then I had 2 kids and now I want to get back into training and running. I miss it! This will be my first 1/2!

I have read everything I can about the race and can't wait for registration. The race retreat sounds amazing, when can you sign up for that? Now, to get training and convince my SIL to do this with me since DH said he would fly down but he is not happy with getting up so early! I love him but when he said "can't you buy the medal on ebay and sleep in" I knew I was going to have to find a new support group!
You have a great plan set up, and if you keep to it, I'm sure you'll be able to do the Princess. Your plan about getting some smaller races in to get used to people is a great idea, and one I should have done before my first half. I was somewhat used to crowds because of triathlons, but not to the level that are at the Disney races.

As for some advice... you'll probably hit some walls and have days or weeks you really don't want to train (especially in the really humid summer), but just try to find some good times and remember why you're training. You can also take some time off, especially since you're starting your training now. If you get frustrated just breathe and take some time off then hit your training with renewed enthusiasm.

Wow, triathlons :worship::worship:

Thank you for your advice and that is good to know that I can rest during the summer if I get burned out [pun intended]. Our winter and spring have been so mild that I have loved getting out. But I detest heat and humidity and know it will be much more difficult to get motivated to walk during that time.
I definitely may scale down to fewer miles if I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Right now, I get discouraged that the pacing isn't decreasing fast enough but, I've only been training since January - need to cut myself some slack!

What a fun thread this will be!!! I'm so excited to read everyone's back story and share in the trials and triumphs of getting ready for this.
Count me in! I did my first half and first Princess this year. I can't wait to do it again next year! A friend and my sister said tehy would do it too so I'm hoping to make it a girls weekend and leave the kids and DH at home! They were such a buzz kill this year.
Wow, triathlons :worship::worship:

Thank you for your advice and that is good to know that I can rest during the summer if I get burned out [pun intended]. Our winter and spring have been so mild that I have loved getting out. But I detest heat and humidity and know it will be much more difficult to get motivated to walk during that time.
I definitely may scale down to fewer miles if I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Right now, I get discouraged that the pacing isn't decreasing fast enough but, I've only been training since January - need to cut myself some slack!

What a fun thread this will be!!! I'm so excited to read everyone's back story and share in the trials and triumphs of getting ready for this.

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm also training for my first full marathon, which will be Disney's Marathon Weekend in January. I've already hit my training pretty hard (my longest run thus far is 7 miles), but I was doing that because I can and I know once the humidity sets in I probably won't get in too many long runs.

But yes definitely don't force yourself to train too hard right now. You have enough time still. Now, if we're having this conversation in December, that advice might change.

Good luck!:cheer2:
ABSOLUTELY get the Race Retreat!! It was worth every penny!! I swear to goodness, it was so nice to get inside a nice warm tent in the morning cause it was cold out there at 3:00 AM!! And afterwards it was rainy and chilly, it was nice to be inside and in a beautiful place!!

The best part was the private port-a-potties, never waited for one, there were so many and so few of us using them, there was always one available, that right there is worth it when the rest of the potties have lines about 20 people deep :scared1:

They had Tink and the fairies out for meet-and-greets before and after the race which was awesome!!

Also afterwards the breakfast was NICE :goodvibes I really wish I could have eaten more, but my tummy was a little flipped at that point lol! And the post-race coctail was nice too - they had 3 options: Bloody Mary, Mimosa and Hibiscus - I got the Hibiscus, it was a sweet drink and I really enjoyed it!

It was pricey - I think it was over $100?? I can't remember but it was definately worth it, and I would never dream of doing the Princess again without it lol!!

My only regret... I wish I would have taken more pictures in there lol!!!

This sounds AWESOME and exactly the info that I wanted! THank you!! I'll be doing the race retreat for sure! :cool1:
I'm hoping to make it a girls weekend and leave the kids and DH at home! They were such a buzz kill this year.

This cracks me up! I went with girlfriends for Princess 2011 and 2012 and let me tell you, it's the way to go! I have 3 kids and it was a joy and a delight to leave for the parks with a purse the size of an envelope! :banana: No snacks for everyone, no changes of clothes, no first aid items, no things to keep them entertained in line.
As far as I know, I'm in for next year! Julie & I are already encouraging a brand new runner friend who has her goal as next year's Princess, and we have another friend who is really wanting to do it, too. Have already started the fund! I was such a mess in Februrary, stressing out about funding the weekend that I resolved to start saving NOW and have a great surplus of "fun" money. If y'all have any budget questions, I did a blog post on how much the weekend cost me - you can maybe get a ballpark of what you need to set aside. Blog address is in the signature. I'm determined to have a great time, eat, drink, shop & be merry, all without extreme guilt over how much it's costing my family!:thumbsup2

I will check it out for sure! I am going to Disney with my family in October.. so my $$ is going there for now.. but immediately afterwards I'm going to start saving for February!

Count me in! I did my first half and first Princess this year. I can't wait to do it again next year! A friend and my sister said tehy would do it too so I'm hoping to make it a girls weekend and leave the kids and DH at home! They were such a buzz kill this year.

No kids or husbands going here either!! Well.. I may take my baby (she is 5 months right now) but we'll see. It all depends on if I have someone to keep her during the race.

Does everyone usually fly in on Friday?
Where are your favorite resorts to stay in?
This cracks me up! I went with girlfriends for Princess 2011 and 2012 and let me tell you, it's the way to go! I have 3 kids and it was a joy and a delight to leave for the parks with a purse the size of an envelope! :banana: No snacks for everyone, no changes of clothes, no first aid items, no things to keep them entertained in line.

That does sound amazing!

3 hours will get you in E or F, or at least seemed to this year. You can also put down 2:46 (fastest you can put without proof of time) and you'll probably get D.

I am in the 12:30 Galloway pace group and I do 1:30 min run, 1 min walk. I do two short runs per week, usually 2-3 miles, at a 12-13 min pace (going to work on getting that closer to 11 this year!), then the long run at a 14-14:30 pace, adding time in for heat. I live in NC, so heat is a big factor in summer training and we trained sometimes as slow as 15-16 min miles when it got into the upper 80s before 9AM.

Last year I followed that exact formula from May - Nov, working up to long runs around 15-16 miles, and my PR at a Nov race was 2:44.

FWIW, I am a good 50-70 lbs overweight (was 215 at 5'8" for the race above), and I will be 37 this year.

We are running at the same pace then :) I've also been doing the 2 short runs at a 12-13 min pace, and my long run is 14 min..
I'm just wondering, when I am finished with my training app.. How do I know what my long runs should be from week to week? I've seen JG's training plan on the RunDisney site, and I do plan on using that starting in October. Right now, the longest run on my app is 8 miles.. I haven't ran that far yet.
Does everyone usually fly in on Friday?
Where are your favorite resorts to stay in?

We did Thurs. night to Monday morning this year. 2011 we stayed at the Swan b/c Julie's SIL got a great discount there. It was very nice and is on the boat route - you can get to Epcot and DHS via the boat. This year we stayed at Port Orleans French Quarter and really liked it. The room was nice and the food court was fine. One night we went over to Port Orleans Riverside to eat as their food court is much bigger. We stayed here because it was a host hotel and provided bus service to and from the expo and the race. The dream is to one day stay at the Poly...:cloud9:
We did Thurs. night to Monday morning this year. 2011 we stayed at the Swan b/c Julie's SIL got a great discount there. It was very nice and is on the boat route - you can get to Epcot and DHS via the boat. This year we stayed at Port Orleans French Quarter and really liked it. The room was nice and the food court was fine. One night we went over to Port Orleans Riverside to eat as their food court is much bigger. We stayed here because it was a host hotel and provided bus service to and from the expo and the race. The dream is to one day stay at the Poly...:cloud9:

Does the Swan have a nurse's discount? How many people can stay to a room there, just 4?

I've been considering the POFQ, we are staying at POR in October and I plan on checking out the FQ while I'm there.
Because of work I will get in Friday night and go home Monday. I can't take 2 days off (I am a teacher) so I will just have to make due with a quick weekend. We are DVC members but own at OKW. I plan to stay at any of the host resorts I can get a room booked at!
This cracks me up! I went with girlfriends for Princess 2011 and 2012 and let me tell you, it's the way to go! I have 3 kids and it was a joy and a delight to leave for the parks with a purse the size of an envelope! :banana: No snacks for everyone, no changes of clothes, no first aid items, no things to keep them entertained in line.

Ohhhh that sounds really easy and relaxing. DH , our 5 yr old son and I will be coming from Calif. and it is about the race for me but also this will be our son's first time in WDW. So it's the backpacks, snack, water, toys, change of clothes and on and on and on for me. I will say the race will be my "ME TIME". I hope to go to the Expo by myself with out my guys and hopefully we will all have a Princess Meet to attend.

We plan on flying in on Thurs and out on Wends. I am concerned about the West Coast-East Coast time difference and still getting up early for race morning. The plan is to stay at the Caribbean Beach Resort. DH and I stayed there before our cruise years ago and liked it and thought it would be fun for our little guy.

My biggest concern is the transportation race morning with the buses since I've never done it before. One thing about DL races just walk to the start.
In the meantime, I managed to sign up for the Expedition Everest Challenge in May, my first 5K. I started the C2K program in February.

I'm signed up for Everest too. A friend and I are going for a girls' weekend (I can't wait!!) I've done a few 5k's though and just did a 5-mile race a couple of weeks ago, but that's the longest race distance I've done so far.

As far as the Princess goes, I'm thinking of staying at POFQ. I've stayed there before and liked it, but then I'm thinking maybe I should try a different moderate.

Princess will probably be a girls' weekend as well, but I think I'll be the only one doing the race. I don't think that weekend would make for a good first-time Disney trip for my DBF. :laughing:
I will check it out for sure! I am going to Disney with my family in October.. so my $$ is going there for now.. but immediately afterwards I'm going to start saving for February!

No kids or husbands going here either!! Well.. I may take my baby (she is 5 months right now) but we'll see. It all depends on if I have someone to keep her during the race.

Does everyone usually fly in on Friday?
Where are your favorite resorts to stay in?

I recommend adding days to the end rather than the beginning, if you are planning on some park touring days. I usually fly in on Fri and back on Tues.

There are two reasons for touring the following Mon/Tues rather than Thurs - one, you won't tire yourself out for the race, and two, it's president's day week the week before the race, and it will be a TON less crowded plus cheaper rates for the week after.

Because of work I will get in Friday night and go home Monday. I can't take 2 days off (I am a teacher) so I will just have to make due with a quick weekend. We are DVC members but own at OKW. I plan to stay at any of the host resorts I can get a room booked at!

We've stayed in OKW the last 2 years. It was not a host resort last year but we had cars so drove to the start. You can also walk but it is not "Disney-approved" to do so.

I do this as a girls weekend every year with 5-7 girls that I met through WISH in 2007. We have an absolute blast.
Does the Swan have a nurse's discount? How many people can stay to a room there, just 4?

Not sure; I think I read somewhere that there is a teacher's discount, so you may want to check. Also, Swan / Dolphin are considered Disney properties but they are run by Starwood Hotels, so anyone interested in them can look at Starwood's website for discounts also. Julie's SIL works for them so that's how we got such a great deal in 2011. Her discount wasn't available for this year :confused3 We had a room with 2 doubles; not sure if they have any kind of suites.

My biggest concern is the transportation race morning with the buses since I've never done it before. One thing about DL races just walk to the start.

That would be nice. We got up at 3 and got on the bus at 4:15 or so. Had to wait in a little bit of a line, but not long at all, really. It was fine. However, we noticed that you can totally walk to the start from OKW and POFQ. If we stay there again next year, we may look into it.

I recommend adding days to the end rather than the beginning, if you are planning on some park touring days. I usually fly in on Fri and back on Tues.

There are two reasons for touring the following Mon/Tues rather than Thurs - one, you won't tire yourself out for the race, and two, it's president's day week the week before the race, and it will be a TON less crowded plus cheaper rates for the week after.

Totally agree with this. You can even tell the dip in crowds on Sunday after the race. I will say, though, that if you just get up early, you can do SO MUCH. Most people want to sleep later on their vacation, or, if they have multiple kids, it's hard to get everyone up, fed & ready early. We got to the MK shortly after opening Fri morn. and did everything we really wanted to do (some things twice) with only 2 fastpasses and ate a counter-service lunch by 1-ish. By then the crowds were really starting to get higher so that's when we headed out to the expo. It was perfect!
I'm in! It will be my 3rd Princess- a group of mommy friends I met online almost 8 years ago make it an annual trip.

I was planning on doing the Full in Jan, but we are rethinking plans- $$$. Sigh. So it will be the Princess again! Loved it this year.
That would be nice. We got up at 3 and got on the bus at 4:15 or so. Had to wait in a little bit of a line, but not long at all, really. It was fine. However, we noticed that you can totally walk to the start from OKW and POFQ. If we stay there again next year, we may look into it.

Can you really walk from OKW? I am so directionally challenged I cannot even imagine where the start is in relation to anything. I think it is time to break out a big map! I think I am going to try for 7 month availability at BCV or BWV if they are host resorts again this year but if I can walk from OKW, I might just be happy there! We won't have a car so that is a big consideration.

Now I am wondering if I could take 2 personal days so we could come home Tuesday instead. Low crowds at the parks sound so nice since we usually travel in the summer months!
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