The Triathlon thread

We're moms so we can celebrate together! I'm seeing massages after the tri.
Thanks Betsey! Everyone got a finisher's medal/necklace. It says "Strathmore Women's Triathlon 2008 Finisher" on it. It is the perfect size to turn it into a key chain (better than laying on my desk like the rest of my medals) so I'm debating... Unless I decide to put together a shadowbox with bib and pictures from the race.

Stacie - PI shorts are my favourites... I may have hated their "I'm not a jogger" campaign, but I have to admit they make some terrific bike clothes. Have you heard about the Iron Girl events? They put on women's only tris as well. I saw a special on their inaugural Las Vegas event this year and it looked like a really fun race. Betsey, didn't you race it? I race their 10K in Seattle last year and had a good time, so if Danskin doesn't pan out, check out the Iron Girl option as well.

Suzann - Love the signature!!! I have to tell you that I had a few fears going into the race last weekend - and not wearing deoderant was one of them! I never really thought about how I smelled during the race (and I didn't want to stop and put deoderant on in T1). Don't worry smelling, no one will notice! One of my other worries was going commando, but that worked out to not be as bad as I thought either...

As for me, I finally got on the bike and rode into work today. It felt so good! I realized I'm going to need to keep my biking endurance up over the winter so I bought a trainer online today (that actually had half decent shipping to Canada). Later I may look at buying some of the Spinervals DVDs although I may just be happy enough to watch movies while riding.
Thanks Leana! I checked out the site. I was about to get all in a tissy as the Vegas event is so close to Disney and I thought I would choose between them... (We are planning to visit Vegas sometime next spring/summer anyway so I thought...perfect) BUT...I looked at the Distance for Vegas...Whew! I'm not there yet...May 2010!!! :thumbsup2 Atlanta may be possible though! :goodvibes

I'll have to keep my eye on these! Thanks again for the link!

Stacie - It is too bad they got rid of the sprint distance for 2009. I didn't see that!
Leana...what, no tri skirt???

Suzann...that is the coolest graphic!

Garmin you use the multisport feature during a tri? Does it work pretty well?
Mel - Yes, I used the multisport feature. It won't work for the swim, but you can use it for the bike and run legs. Works really well for a du as you can set it up for run - bike - run and can include your transition times.
Hey ya'll! SO I tried out my new bike shorts last night... :thumbsup2 I liked them a lot. We only did 8.4 miles. Honestly, I think I can condition my booty to be ok without for these shorter distances and save them for the longer ones (hopefully). I must say... HILLS kill me!!! I never knew this neighborhood had so many hills! Either I am way out of shape or I don't know how to use my gears properly. Our avg speed was 9.5 mph! Can you get any slower??? I must's a bit frustrating.

On a positive note...I got new shorts!!! We stopped by REI on the way home. They had the Danskin tri shorts. Has anyone seen them? They are on the Danskin site. Black w/ blue/green hisbiscus flowers on the sides. Very cute! They were on sale!!! I bought a pair for the trip in MAY! lol! Actually I didn't think they would fit. Thought they would be too small, but they do fit. I may go back and get a size smaller in hopes they will fit in May. I thought since the padding is not as thick I could use them for my shorter bike ride and maybe try them out on a few of my runs. Has anyone used TRI shorts before??? They had the matching tops, but KNOW they won't fit. I'm a bit larger on top. :sad2:

All from me...

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Stacie - I have a pair of Sugoi tri shorts that I used on my du and my tri last weekend. Love them! I haven't used them for straight riding, but the minimal padding is fantastic for the multisport event. The padding dried so quickly and I didn't feel like I was running around in a diaper on the run. Very comfy.

As for your speed, don't worry, you did great! Hills are tough and it can take a bit of time to get conditioned to them and to figure the gears out. Keep plugging away and I guarantee you'll see some great progress.
HI guys. I tried out my TRI shorts this morning on the bike...Did well. We did 8.03 miles on the bike... avg was 11 mph. Still slow, but better! I then went for a quick run down the street and the shorts seemed to do fine w/ that as well.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Hi everybody!!

It's been way too long since I've been able to post here! It looks like everyone is doing well with training and new goals for next year!

As for me, my first Tri is next Sunday (Aug 24)!!! I'm so so excited about it-but of course I have that little bit of nervousness as well! It's a women's only sprint distance, so it's managable(hopefully!) I'm only doing it to finish, and the only person I plan to compete with is myself. I did another brick this morning, and it actually went really well. Of course, it was nice and cool with almost no humidity too! :) I work at a running store, and all of the girls that work there are doing it-we'll all be sporting skirt sports tri shorts and skirts, and pink bubble tri tops-can't pass up free clothing when the owners are on board! :)

I'd love to do the Tri in Disney next year, but I'll have do decide if I want to do that or the Marathon in Jan's a tough choice, but either one would be great.

Have a great weekend everybody, and happy training!!! :)
Stacie - I have teh Dansking tri suit that matches that. They shoudl have a sizing chart fro teh tops. I think I have an XL and that fits top and bottom and I am larger on top too. You'll likely want to wash by hand or in the gentle cycle, maybe inside out? The flowers are peeling off mine already. Got it for a stral, though, so I can't really complain.

Got out for 16 mile ride Saturday and felt really good. Held at 15mph for almost the entire time (street crossings mess up pace). In fact even the hill that nearly killed me two months ago was not an issue. Better gear usage plus stronger. Time to steadily up the mileage.

Stacie - DH said I should definitely do the WDW Danskin tri next May. So now just need to watch for when registration opens. And work on my swimming.
That's great Liz! We'll all have to keep our eyes peeled for when they release the date and the date for registration!

Carrie...I've always wondered about those tri suits. Did you throw on a top over it for the bike and run w/ your number pinned on?

Did I mention I swam on Saturday. 14 laps in 30 min. I'd go freestyle down and backstroke back. I paused between each down and back. By the time I freestyle down, I feel like I really need a break on the way back. The lady from the gym said it was 50 yards down and back and they tell people 34 laps makes 1 mile...I searched online for the conversion and it appears that 36 laps make 1 mile. :confused3

Can someone give me some perspective on timing the swimming? So...I did about a 1/3 of a mile in 30 min...How slow is that?

I know that my biking is really, really, really slow. I know I have until May to train, but I'm not sure how much biking I'll get done in the winter. :confused3 The swimming is inside, so I'll be able to improve on that. I don't want to finish first, or even middle of the pack. I don't mind being towards the back, but I just want a respectible finish.

What are the types of timing goals I should have for this? 1/4 mile swim, 9 mile bike...

Becky...Yay for your tri!!! Have fun with that! How cool you will be outfitted in the SkirtSports stuff. How do you like their tri skirt/bike skirt? I've looked at them, but I think they are a bit short for me... The Tri at Disney is less than a sprint distance...You could do that AND the marathon....just and idea... :rolleyes1 :goodvibes

For any of you guys...Do you wear bike shorts when you bike? DH bikes w/ me and granted the furthest we've gone is 8.8 miles and he says he's been fine, but we biked on Friday and then again on Sunday and I think he was a little sore/tender on Sunday... I think he's a bit hesitant of the bike shorts due to the tightness of them...

Have a great day!
Stacie - In swimming, a mnile is considered 1500 meters. That's liekly where you're off. I have a race belt that I pin my number to. I did throw a skirt over my suit, though. Bike shorts help a lot. Proper seat position adn angle makes the biggest difference, though. Most people say you will get used ot it evenutally.
What are the types of timing goals I should have for this? 1/4 mile swim, 9 mile bike...

For any of you guys...Do you wear bike shorts when you bike? DH bikes w/ me and granted the furthest we've gone is 8.8 miles and he says he's been fine, but we biked on Friday and then again on Sunday and I think he was a little sore/tender on Sunday... I think he's a bit hesitant of the bike shorts due to the tightness of them...

Have a great day!

Stacie - I wouldn't worry too much about timing goals. You have tons of time between now and May to work on your swimming and before you know it you'll be front crawling on every lap! As for you DH, my ex-BF used to wear liner shorts underneath baggy shorts. He wasn't much for the lycra shorts either, but this way you get some protection!
Did anyone else watch the men's triathlon this evening? What an exciting finish!!!
Becky - Goof luck SUnday! WOo hoo for free stuff!

Leana - Missed it. :(
Did anyone else watch the men's triathlon this evening? What an exciting finish!!!

I did! I thought Simon Whitfield did an awesome job. I loved when he sprinted around the corner and I really thought he was going to win! Too bad CBC didn't get a shot of him throwing off his hat!

Yay for Canada and another medal! :cheer2: :thumbsup2
I missed it too! Too busy riding my bike for 13 miles and being chased by dogs! :eek: Yep... 2 miles into our ride, we were chased by some bull-dogs! That one of the draw backs to these country rides. So...on the way home, we went a bit out of our way to avoid the dogs. That put us out there longer than we expected and in the dark. We did have those bright LED blinking lights which made the few cars we met slow WAY down. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the tip Leana! I bought DH a pair of those liners yesterday and he tried them out last night. I think they worked out well. :thumbsup2

PUicked up dh's bike last night. He barely pedaled to stay with me on our 6 mile ride. Can't wait to get mine. SHould be in on Thursday!



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