The Triathlon thread


DIS Veteran
Dec 2, 2003
how's that for a peppy title? ha!:goodvibes

I know there are several triathletes on the WISH board, and maybe several who think they might want to do one some day, so can we have a thread to share more tri-specific info? Training tips, etc.

If interested, please post.

Obviously, this is not to take away from the weekly threads, or the team threads...but maybe just a place for some tri talk. I just happened on a couple of people talking about wanting to tri one on the Ohana thread, but I don't check all the team threads every day, so I thought it would be nice to consolidate some of the tri comments/questions.
I am definitely a newbie Triathlete. The swimming is much much tougher than anything I have done before. I am lucky if I can make it across the 25m pool before I need to rest. Monday night I managed 400 meters stopping after each lap for rest, and in some instances stopping half-way across the pool. Would love some advice on swimming. Right now I am thinking of how I would start running from never really running before and starting small and working up from there.

Get my old bike out of the shop today, so get to start some bike workouts soon too! The crosstraining is making me faster already on the running. Last night was 10 sets of 1 minute fast, 1 minute recovery running, and I cleared 1.4 miles during the 10 minutes fast.

Great job!
I get it on the swimming. I still get reminiscent when I look in my training log from my first triathlon. My first swim workout was 267 yards! Swim a Now that distance is only part of a warmup! (ok, if you fast forward 9 years from when I started)

One of the major keys to swimming is form. You have to be as balanced in the water as possible. If your feet are dragging, that will slow you down because you are causing more resistance in the water. If you can get to a swim stroke clinic, or a masters group, that can help a lot.

I love the cross training of triathlon. I think I get better recovery from each sport, and the aerobic benefits translate to all three!

I have been thinking of doing a tri again some day - maybe soon. I did a sprint tri many years ago and really loved it. I wanted to ask if you thought you would be a faster runner if you trained solely for running. I would imagine training for all three would make you more fit over all, but do you think it comes at a cost of your running speed? Just curious.

Hi Betsy...thanks for starting this thread!!! :thumbsup2

I am not a triathlete yet...although I'm going to be training for the SheRox Sprint Tri in Philly in August (if I ever get the nerve to sign up for it ;) ).

I'm a runner...not a great runner...but a runner nonetheless. I'm a biker...again...not setting any speed records...but I do have a decent road bike, can maintain a decent pace, and I have all the various equipment and ecoutrements to go along with it LOL! My issue is with the swim. I *CAN* swim...I *DO* swim...but I really don't know how efficient my stroke is. I haven't swam competitively since middle this area of the tri is what makes me soooo nervous. I'll be doing most of my swim training in my lake (yeah..yuck) but at least it will prepare me for the muddy river I have to swim during the tri ;).

My concern is that while training for the tri...I will also be training for a half marathon. I really don't want to sacrifice my run I think it will be a challenge to create a training plan given my work, mileage needs and tri training. :confused3 I figure that 3 runs a week will be more than sufficient for the squeezing the swim x 2 and the bike x 2 into the week will be interesting in addition to the 10 hours a week of pilates that consumes my life.

Cindy...I read in RW that training for a tri actually helps you improve your run times. I hope that's the case!!! :goodvibes

Today I did my first pseudo-brick workout LOL! VERY much pseudo. I ran 20 minutes at an easy pace....took an hour spin class (tough instructor)....and ran another 20 minutes at a slightly faster pace. It felt good...although now I'm starving and pretty spent. :thumbsup2 Took the legs a half mile to lose the heavy feeling...but after that the run felt normal.

OK...I've blabbered long enough. I really look forward to getting advice and inspiration from all you experienced triathletes! :worship: did a little duathlon! Great job! For a sprint tri, keeping to your run schedule and adding in a couple of bikes and couple of swims a week should be fine.

Cindy...For this (middle aged) lady, my running has continued to improve while training for tri. I get injured if I only run, so in addition to the aerobic and strength benefits from riding, I reduce my risk of an overuse injury from running all the time.

If you "think" that you're not good enough for a tri...go watch one! You will see all sorts of people...from the super fit fast athletes to regular folks. Just like at running race. No worries of not fitting in! And, there are several women's only events around the country, if that makes you feel better. Though I like racing with the boys...more to look at. ;) and they don't run you off the road like I was scared of at my first one!
I secretly want to do a tri, but I know it won't be this year. My question on the swimming... do you wear a swim cap. Here is my problem, my left ear is not so cool and water gets in easy. I have to wear an ear plug in that ear when I swim. But I can't hear a thing when I wear it and it seems to throw my equilibrium off a little. I can deal with it because it's better than getting swimmers ear, but wondering if an ugly cap would be a better option.
I always wear a swim cap (training or racing), and you have to in's partly a safety thing (bright colors so they can see you), and partly an identifying thing, for those races that start in waves (groups of swimmers at timed intervals). You could try pulling that over your ears well.

P.S. Speaking of helmets are MANDATORY.:thumbsup2
Thanks for starting this thread Betsy!

I've attempted 1 tri in my life and it was a 1/2 IM at WDW. What a way to do my 1st tri:rolleyes1 I didn't finish, but it was a good experience anyway.
I'm doing a tri in Aug. at the Jersey Shore.

Amy - I'm still undecided about the SheRox in Philly. I've lived in Philly all my life and drive by the Schuylkill every week. I just can't see myself jumping in there :eek: no matter how clean they say it is.

Jen - I swim with ear plugs in both ears. Have had ear troubles since I was a kid, so I try to avoid any type of infections or swimmer's ear.

I think this'll be a great thread and hope we can keep it going.

Lynne (xterratri) is probably our resident tri-expert. Maybe she'll pop in when she's not busy at work or training.

Hi Betsy,
Great idea on starting a triathlon-dedicated thread. I'm not a pro by any stretch but I've done a few in recent years. Although my big event for this year will be the DL 1/2 Marathon, I plan on mixing in a couple of sprints TRIs here and there. If anyone is doing the Los Angeles Triathlon or the Malibu Triathlon, let me know and we can meet up to train or on race day.
Betsy - Thanks for starting this thread! This is COOL!

I run, I bike, I even swim (can swim 4ever, but not fast....takes me 45 min to do a mile!:lmao: ), have completed 1 sprint tri and doing another March 29th.
I really enjoy the 3 sports.....Hey just learned how to do flip turns...I feel so fancy!:goodvibes

Betsy - lets say...I someday wanted to do a longer distance a 1/2 that crazy? How do you schedule your WOs? I do post mine on the BT site ( if anyone is interested the link is below) but not sure what to do to get ready for something like that....not signed up for one, just thinking about it....maybe next year sometime....but I have to think about it 1st.:confused3

I have been thinking of doing a tri again some day - maybe soon. I did a sprint tri many years ago and really loved it. I wanted to ask if you thought you would be a faster runner if you trained solely for running. I would imagine training for all three would make you more fit over all, but do you think it comes at a cost of your running speed? Just curious.


Cindy just wanted to comment on this....Swimming and biking have made me a faster runner. I am more fit and toned...and have a better base. I think swimming also speeds my recovery from a LR or race.
Thanks everyone for your replies to my question. Now I don't have that excuse to use. I do have to admit that I saw a car go by with a 70.3 sticker on the bumper and some little light went on in my head and I thought that would be soooo cool. We'll see. They are doing a 1/2 IM in Rhode Island this year near where we go on vacation. I definitely want to go watch. Maybe set my sights on 2009. In the meantime, I've been looking at gyms that have pools and there is one only 10 min. from my house that offers free babysitting. I hope to check it out this week.

Christa: In my opinion you thinking of a 1/2 IM is not crazy at all. You would so rock it.

Terri: What a ambitious way to enter the world of Tri's, good for you. What distance is the Tri you are doing in Aug?

Betsy: Good idea about starting with an all women's event. That would be a lot less intimidating, though you have a point about the visual distractions.

Paul: Good job on doing 400m straight. I'm sure when I start back swimming I'll have to rest every lap.

Have a great day everyone.
TEK224---I remember....I think we exchanged some PMs before the 70.3 race when you were getting ready for it. I'll be out there again this year. I had issues on the run this past year (issues being slowness! ha!) and want to really go do better this year.

lap3--one day I want to do the Malibu race, because all the stars are there. :cool2: But I always seem to get busy or am recovering from something that time of year.

gatorphipps....doing a 1/2 IM or longer is not unreasonable. You just have to set your mind to it! I think BT has training plans on the website, don't they? does, for sure. And the magazines always seem to have some training plans. There is also the Gail Bernhardt book of Triathlon training plans, which is where Triathlete magazine gets their stuff from anyway.

I did my first 1/2 IM my 3rd year of tri...and my racing buddy did the same race with me as his first triathlon ever. We both did Ironman together the following year. The overall training is probably like you would do for the shorter distances, trying to get in 3 runs, 2-3 bikes, 2-3 swims a week...but you will do more distance/time particularly on the weekends. It is doable, but time management is important, esp. if you have family/kids/job to juggle.

Anyway, if you do decide to do that, it's great fun! Ironman is crazy fun, too....ok....hard work to get there, and a long race day, but that finish line is like no other. :cheer2:
What a great idea for a thread!

I actually signed up for a Tri this morning! Compared to some of what you guys are talking about, it will be very short, but I'll be lucky to finish it! It's a women's only tri, with a 250 meter swim, 9 mile bike, and 2 mile run. From what I can tell, it is a fairly flat course too.

I'm currently training for my first 5k, which will happen the first of May. The tri isn't until August, so I think I should be ok by then.

The swimming doesn't really bother me(I just need to be in better shape!), but the run and bike have me concerned. The running group I'm doing should help with that aspect. As far as the bike goes, here's my hangup-I just traded in my mountain bike(which I loved sooo much) for a Specialized Road Bike(used, but pretty much brand new.) The problem is, it goes so fast! LOL I know, I know, that's the point, but compared to my MB, it is at least twice as fast! I just need to get used to it. The weather right now isn't exactly great for riding, so I haven't had it out much. I just need to get over my fear of the skinny tires flying down the road!

I'll look forward to keeping up with this thread for lots of good pointers along the way! :)
What a great idea for a thread!

I actually signed up for a Tri this morning! Compared to some of what you guys are talking about, it will be very short, but I'll be lucky to finish it! It's a women's only tri, with a 250 meter swim, 9 mile bike, and 2 mile run. From what I can tell, it is a fairly flat course too.

I'm currently training for my first 5k, which will happen the first of May. The tri isn't until August, so I think I should be ok by then.

The swimming doesn't really bother me(I just need to be in better shape!), but the run and bike have me concerned. The running group I'm doing should help with that aspect. As far as the bike goes, here's my hangup-I just traded in my mountain bike(which I loved sooo much) for a Specialized Road Bike(used, but pretty much brand new.) The problem is, it goes so fast! LOL I know, I know, that's the point, but compared to my MB, it is at least twice as fast! I just need to get used to it. The weather right now isn't exactly great for riding, so I haven't had it out much. I just need to get over my fear of the skinny tires flying down the road!

I'll look forward to keeping up with this thread for lots of good pointers along the way! :)

Becky...WTG! I understand the fear of skinny tires...had the same problem when I started. Are you in NC? Where? What tri are you doing?

Ironz - Yeah the BT sight has training plans.....I think a 1/2 is in my future....but a full...not so sure. It seems so big.
Gator-I live in Hickory, NC. You're in Charlotte? I signed up for the Ramblin Rose Tri in Winston Salem, but I believe they also have the same thing in Charlotte and Raleigh. This is the first time they've done it in Winston. I picked this one because that is the one my co-workers are doing(I'll need the support! LOL)
Becky! congrats on signing up and the new bike! You'll love it when you get used to it!

Ms. EvilQueen, thanks for confirming that BT has training plans.
Cindy - The August tri is, IIRC, 1/4 mile swim in the ocean, 15 mile bike and
5K run. Short compared to the 1/2 IM, but probably better for me to get started again.

Wow, Betsy, cool thread! Thanks for starting it!

I wouldn't call myself a real triathlete yet. I've done a few sprint triathlons and one international distance, but nothing longer yet. I do, however, train like a triathlete. I swim, bike and run every week. And Christa, I agree with you that it has made my running faster and I'm in MUCH better shape than I was by only running.

I completely remember the first swims and how I couldn't even make it the length of the pool without stopping for a breather. I was wondering how the heck I was able to run till the cows come home but I couldn't make it one length of a 25 m pool without a rest. Like Betsy said, it is ALL about technique and form/efficiency in the water. It took me a good 3 months to finally "get it." But there is nothing better than a good, long swim after a hard day of biking or running.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in to say hi. I'm going to try to keep up with this thread, even though I've been bad about keeping up with the weekly thread and my team 8 thread, so I'm not sure why this one is any different. :)

Thanks again, Betsy, for starting the thread!

And good luck to everyone contemplating their first tri. I guarantee, you will NOT regret it!

Steve, sounds like you are a real triathlete to me! You don't have to go long to earn the title. :)

TEK--I hope you do that tri and have a blast!


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