The Triathlon thread

I support the triathlon thread!!!

I'm hardly a triathlete but I have done many sprint and a few international distance. I like to just go at my own pace (which is usually kind of slow!!). I used to live in downtown Chicago so the Chicago Tri was my favorite. Surprisingly since I moved to Florida 2 years ago, I've done only one triathlon! Go figure. You'd think with the weather and living close to the ocean I'd be all into it but unfortunately life gets in the way.

But, soon I'm hoping to get back into it! Just need to finish saving for a new bike - I want a Trek, I think. :) Trips to Disney and Disney running races have been eating into my bike fund...

As for the swimming I wanted to add my 2 cents: I was a competitive swimmer for 13 years. But still, if I haven't been in the pool for a while it takes several arduous swims before my arms stop feeling like big hunks of lead! It takes some time just to get into the swing of it... though I have theoretically good technique and a lifetime of swim practice/competition, I still feel horrible those first several swims!! So anyone can do it, it just takes a little time.

Cheers, everyone, to all your triathlon accomplishments, past, present and future! :sunny:
Gator-I live in Hickory, NC. You're in Charlotte? I signed up for the Ramblin Rose Tri in Winston Salem, but I believe they also have the same thing in Charlotte and Raleigh. This is the first time they've done it in Winston. I picked this one because that is the one my co-workers are doing(I'll need the support! LOL)

Yeah, they have one in Charlotte. You will have fun. I am doing the MAP tri (in Huntersville) at the end of this month.

SWIM do you get your feet not to "drag". I know...stupid question, but I was being passed in the pool thursday by a very old lady....not kidd'n...she was real old. This hurt my pride somewhat so I need to swim faster.
Christa- get the Total Immersion book; either buy a copy or get from the library and practice the drills. Your feet dragging is a body position issue- the quick answer is you need to learn to "press the buoy" with your upper body but the concept is in no way shape or form quick or simple to explain because it's just a small part of what's needed to put a good freestyle together. Swimming is hugely technique driven more so than fitness driven.
Just Found This Out!!

The fall Disney Triathlon is gone.


It has been "replaced" by the "Athletes for a Cure" Triathlon to be held TOTALLY on WDW property on Sept 21, 2008.

A "true" international distance tri, with a 40k bike instead of the 36 mile bike they had last year.

I am now Officially Stoked!!! Only bad thing - $150 entry fee.

It is now time to officially hit the pool for real!
Ok to me about bikes. I'm thinking duathlon instead of tri for now since my swimming is not fab. I'm thinking XT and different events may help allow me some longevity in this fitness thing since I'm not sure what to expect long-term from my fused foot.

We went up to a new bike/run store today. Talked to the guy who is a triathlete and he recommended a Felt FW40 as a good women's entry-level bike. What do y'all think?

I'm still not too sure about the whole biking thing. I think a Muddy Buddy might be more my speed ;) Looks like the biking component can get really pricey!
Mel, one of my tri buddies is an orthopedic surgeon in Plant City. I know that she knows all the local bike shops and could give you a better idea on who to deal with. I'll try and contact her and see if she's got some suggestions. It's more important to pick the shop and let them find the bike that will be the best fit rather than pick a bike and hope it fits. The Felt is a fine bike but it may or may not be the best choice for you.
Christa...what Xterratri said about the swimming. By "pressing the buoy" or "swimming downhill" is another way to put it, you want to lower your chest and head just a bit to bring your legs up. Your body will act as a lever...when your head comes up, your feet go down. Lifting your head to breath (rather than turning it to the side) will also make your feet drag and you will not be as fluid. The Total Immersion info is very good, imho.

Mel...again, I agree with xterratri on the bike. Felt does make some good bikes, but fit is key. You want to be comfortable, but also have good power from your position. Hopefully, her contact will have some good info for you.

And thanks, y'all, for the questions and answers....that's how I wanted this to be, since it seemed we had some new triathletes out there!

Jim, the "new" version of the September Disney Tri sounds like fun...not sure if it fits my schedule or not though. Keep us posted!
Christa...what Xterratri said about the swimming. By "pressing the buoy" or "swimming downhill" is another way to put it, you want to lower your chest and head just a bit to bring your legs up. Your body will act as a lever...when your head comes up, your feet go down. Lifting your head to breath (rather than turning it to the side) will also make your feet drag and you will not be as fluid. The Total Immersion info is very good, imho.

And thanks, y'all, for the questions and answers....that's how I wanted this to be, since it seemed we had some new triathletes out there!

OOOO! Thanks! That sounds do-able I think. Will tri it next swim. I think I will have to get used to it...I have the turning my head to breath...but will have to practice the "swimming downhill" thanks for explaining it so I could understand.
Its funny. I was sitting at work being very bored and decided to start looking up info on triathlons, then I found this thread. In the past I have thought about doing one. The swimming portion is my weakest event, I just need to learn some technique I think. Of course, I also need to get a bike. ºoº
Steve - I didn't know you have done triathlons before, that is great ºoº
Ok, just signed up for my first Tri. There aren't too many triathlons in the desert, and this one is a reverse tri. 3 mile run, 20k bike, 400m pool swim. It's May 11. Running is definitely my strongest suit, so I don't know if it is a blessing that I get to run first. I would have almost rather had the run last because I know I can run on tired legs. Three Goofy's will teach that to you.

Now to get better on the bike and in the water...

Any advice on transitions for a reverse tri? Or just go out there, concentrate on finishing with a smile on my face, and learn for the next one?

Paul...I did my first (only) reverse tri last summer.
It was interesting, to say the least. :goodvibes

The main things I learned that are different from a regular tri:

--a little more crucial to get your breakfast early. You don't really want a bagel sitting in your stomach while you're running. (trust me, I know--now!) I apparently used the swim and bike in other tris to digest food.

--this didn't really come into play since it was a short tri, but you may not want to cram in too much food/gels/liquids on the bike since you will swim right after. I don't mean don't drink at all, but watch what you can handle and not hurl during the swim. ;)

--for me, as a slower runner, I had to be patient with the run, knowing that I would have to let my competition pick up a couple of minutes on me that I would hopefully make up on the bike (I did!). Though this was a much nicer feeling than being ahead coming off the bike and watching everyone run by me.:lmao:

--I have long hair and decided that putting on a swim cap in the bike to swim transition would be a hassle. Bad choice. I immediately felt the drag as my ponytail absorbed the pool water when I started swimming.

--the "shoe" issue for transitions was actually a little easier this way. I leave my bike shoes on the bike, so after the run, I slipped off my running shoes, and mounted the bike. I dismounted, leaving the shoes on the bike and ran barefoot to the pool. I don't wear socks for short tris.

Hope that helps!

Do you find it easy to use theclip in bike shoes? Not having done too many tri's yet, I have the staps on my peddles that my foot slides under. I was nervous about getting the type of pedals where the bike shoes had to clip in. I'm afraid if i started to fall, I would not be able to get unclipped fast enough to put my foot down. Is that really an issue or am I being paranoid?

This is just a wish. I wish that for the shorter distances (at places like WDW). there was a place we could rent road bikes to use for the race. Since I usually fly to WDW, I hate the cost of packing and shipping my bike down and bike for a relatively short race. I did ship when I did the 1/2 IM, but the total cost was like $150.

Guess I'll hop on this thread since I just had a "clipped in down you go" experience a couple weeks ago. Yes it might happen mainly due to carelessness. In my case I was trying to make a tight uturn while waiting for cars to go by so I could cross. Had I just unclipped to begin with to put a foot down and wait it wouldn't have happened. It wasn't painful or anything though, just similar to falling on your side in more of a laying down fashion with your lower body hitting first. Very easy to keep your shoulders from hitting too hard or head from hitting at all.

That being said, being clipped in will increase your power greatly and is highly recommended. takes practice. I know some of the girls I have trained with will put their bike on a trainer and practice clipping in and out until they can do it smoothly, then practice on flat roads with no traffic, etc.

Once you are used to it, as Matt says, it makes your biking so much easier and your pedal stroke is better.

One thing to know is that the pedals come with varying degrees of tension and may need to be loosened if it is too difficult to clip out. But not so loose you come unclipped too easily, either!

Agree on the rental options....the bike flying issue is tough. Shipping it ahead costs money and you're without your bike for several days. Bringing it on the plane is pricey, too. That's why I do love Southwest airlines...currently their charge is $50, compared to $80 or 100 on other carriers. But it sure adds up.
I have learned to pack and reassemble my own bike, so at least I don't have to pay on either end for a mechanic unless I really need one.
Hey I figured I would pop on over to this thread. My Tri background so to speak is a very colorful one. I did my first tri when I was 9 or 10 and did the entire swim breaststroke. Then was mad because I came in second place, Xterratri may have more info about this first adventure. Now a bit of back story I started swimming competitively when I was 8 and continued till I was 17. I have not done a tri since I was in high school but have three tentatively on my race calender right now. But when I did them my weak point was the bike, I could do the swim great and make time back up on the run, but the bike was my nemesis. So I am going to call myself a runner with a triathlon issue:thumbsup2 . Right now I am even thinking of signing up for a 70.3 in my area, need to get back into the pool though.

As far as clipless pedals go I have the speedplay lollipop ones and love them. Though I have fallen over before, but that was mountain biking and it was rather amusing. You just have to get used to them just like you have to get used to your running shoes or bike.

Mel as far as bikes go wait till Lynne has gotten in contact with her friend. Maybe you guys can come over to Disney in for the 70.3 and see Lynne's Bike and Jeff and I can talk strategey for Jan:goodvibes .

Now if anyone want humorus stories from me they just have to ask. Or find me on BT, same username as here.
Now if anyone want humorus stories from me they just have to ask. Or find me on BT, same username as here.
I thought your username looked familiar! I post on BT as well but mainly on the California thread. So, what funny stories do you have?
;) ;)
I thought your username looked familiar! I post on BT as well but mainly on the California thread. So, what funny stories do you have?
;) ;)

I post on BT too....My name is love2run26.2...or you can click below on the WO blog link.:goodvibes
?? about pedals .............

I need to replace the pedals on my bike. They are OLD Looks, but the cleat design has changed since I got them & replacement cleats that fit are no longer available.

Plus - they are pretty heavy by today's standards.

Anyone have suggestions for some light, inexpensive clip on replacements??

Mel as far as bikes go wait till Lynne has gotten in contact with her friend. Maybe you guys can come over to Disney in for the 70.3 and see Lynne's Bike and Jeff and I can talk strategey for Jan:goodvibes .Erin

Is that the one on May 18? We'll actually be there that weekend (I have a conference at the Swan). We'll have to meetup!


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