This forum is awesome but

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i post on the Spanish thread, and it's not a big deal. Please don't complain about making this board about all English! If you want to know what it says go ahead and post there, there are so many people that don't speak Spanish that have come over and tried or just asked!! It was mainly started by someone that is embaressed about how his WRITTEN english comes across so he began asking questions in Spanish and it took off from there. The bilinguals on this thread are just happy to help. Once again just ask don't talk about how it should all be in English.

Have a great day everyone!! ADIOS!
Who is everyone ? Don't want to start any rumbles, but not everyone speaks just English or just Spanish. Looks at the folks who responded to it in Spanish. I'm sure they appreciated having someone post in Spanish.
maddhatir said:
I have been on the boards for quite some time and i have NEVER seen a post in spanish- that is a first--- but really- who cares? :confused3
I agree.
Maybe the OP could learn a bit of spanish if s/he was so curious or concerned that s/he might miss something...
The maps at the parks are also available in other languages. We like to grab a
map in another language and slip it to an unsuspecting family member or friend, it is a good laugh to wait and see how long it takes for them to notice. :guilty:

Sometimes it is the simple things that give a good laugh.
I can't imagine having to translate posts in my mind and then trying to formulate replies that made sense in English--that is basically what someone whose first language is not English does each and every post here. I think its cool that they were able to express their views much more fluidly in that post, and obviously, others were in the same boat and replied there. Like someone said, you can always translate. Its not like they were trying to bash us without us knowing.

MouseEarsJenny said:
Er... How could EVERYONE benefit, when everyone doesn't speak English?

Actually, I found it entertaining to try and use my rusty high school Spanish to decipher the thread. And if I were dying of curiosity and spoke no Spanish, I'd follow the advice of others and seek an online translator.

Relax and think Disney thoughts! :thumbsup2

Because the site is in English.
yaksack said:
Because the site is in English.

Not everything is so black and white yes, the site is in english but there are many different kinds of people on this site. If we want to get really irrational does that mean that this site is only reserved for people who speak English? I take just a little offense to the fact that you have not taken into thought all of the people who's english is choppy or non existant and make an effort in order to be a part of this site. They simply posted one thread and like it was said by other posters their questions are the questions of millions of other threads, just that they are in a language which they are more comfortable communicating in. ;)

littleEinsteins4 said:
Not everything is so black and white yes, the site is in english but there are many different kinds of people on this site. If we want to get really irrational does that mean that this site is only reserved for people who speak English? I take just a little offense to the fact that you have not taken into thought all of the people who's english is choppy or non existant and make an effort in order to be a part of this site. They simply posted one thread and like it was said by other posters their questions are the questions of millions of other threads, just that they are in a language which they are more comfortable communicating in. ;)


If their English is choppy let them use the translator that was recommended to me. How else will they learn English?
Just wanted to say, I'm an English girl who speaks English (obviously!) but also Spanish and French. I think it's great people are posting in other languages so I just went over there to say hi - even though my written Spanish isn't that great!

So - despite you not being happy with it, I say thanks for bringing it to my attention so I can practise my other languages and speak to lots more interesting people who I might not have met otherwise :D
I thought the thread title was pretty neat myself, what an awesome way to learn about the Dis and Disney. I never even bothered to open it though, for I can not read or speak any other languages.
yaksack said:
If their English is choppy let them use the translator that was recommended to me. How else will they learn English?

You have got to be kidding about this entire thread. You just dont like people speaking spanish and you should have never posted this at all. We are on the world wide net and people on here are from all over the world and everyone that goes to disney are not from the good ole US of A. The Dis is a great place to get information and I think the trhread is great and the fact that many have posted on it (with the exception of poor old you!) means that people speak spanish also.

If you want to know what they are saying LEARN THE LANGUAGE!!!!!!
Everyone does not speak english and everyone does not NEED to either. I believe if you live in a country you should make an effort to learn the language but some of these people are from totally different countries!

People on these boards sometimes chop you up when you say one thing wrong and i can see where someone who does not write well in english would be a little apprehensive about posting. I have seen times where people were written about in a negitive light just because they spelled some words incorrectly.

Please if you dont like the thread dont read it and dont try to use the lame excuse of you feeling your missing something!! your not!!

As I stated before what they are discussing is probably things posted on these boards a million and one times!!!

I hope they shut this thread down....and i hope you see that no one feels the way you do, your the minority on this one!
yaksack said:
If their English is choppy let them use the translator that was recommended to me. How else will they learn English?

I am sure that many do in order to post on the dis. They enjoy this and make an effort its just one thread!!!!!!!!!

Translate this:
Tenemos que vivir en armonia!!! Nos encanta dis tenemos eso en commun.
Just wanted to add--my most favorite saying at WDW is this:
(with many apologies to Spanish-speakers out there--I'm spelling it as I hear it)

Por favor montengensee allahadro de las puertas. :lovestruc

:cloud9: When I hear that, I'm at Disney.
I find myself saying it all the time--with no particular reason! :cloud9:
missmun52 said:
I hope they shut this thread down....and i hope you see that no one feels the way you do, your the minority on this one!

I am the only one with the courage to say something.
yaksack said:
I am the only one with the courage to say something.
Scrap_Vamp said:
I'm sorry, but I just can't understand why it would bother you so much?!
It's called racism, and I'm probably going to be the only one with the courage to say THAT.
I can't believe that you would devote so much time to this issue. I think it is great that they are posting in spanish. What has been said some many times here is that Disney is a vacation for everyone. Not just people who speak English. And if you are so interested in what is being said use that Google translator.
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