Three Things...Gratitude Thread

@PollyannaMom - Happy Birthday to your DH 🥳
I hope he has a great day

Happy Tuesday Everyone :wave:

I will focus on my DH for this…..

#1 - He can fix almost everything - he’s incredible. He‘s my own personal McGyver.

#2 - He’s crafty, way more crafty than me - he’s the one that always helped the girls with school projects and the finished projects were amazing. He was always good about helping the girls come up with ideas, buying the items and overseeing them doing it - he never did it like some parents have been known to do. He never left their side while they did it.

#3 - He‘s a great husband and father - we’ve known each other since 6th grade - we’ve literally grown up together. I am very blessed to be going through this life with him.
@PollyannaMom , :cake: For your DH !

Today’s my oldest Grandson’s birthday! He’s 20:cake:

DH has many admirable characteristics, but taking care of himself ( like heading to hospital when first noticing something’s wrong ) is not one of them. However!
Loving…I smile when I think about him.
Caring…He’s fashioned a way to teach me about our finances.
Dependable …He’s willing to take our dog Gus out during night potty breaks.
I am grateful for my sister.

She is the one person I can be completely myself with and know she’s still on my side.

She knows just how to cheer me up when I am feeling low.

We get along so well that we don’t even fight when we disagree on something. After reading so many posts on the boards about family issues, I realize how rare that can be for siblings. We can truly agree to disagree and simply let it go.
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Happy Birthday to your DH dear PollyannaMom and to your grandson dear Bobbi.

Dad I sure am extra grateful to Glod for right now that is for sure.

God has absolutely graced us to get through go through life daily together with Him step by step.

Dad has always encouraged me.

The joy of having the blessing of these years together as adults. Cherish those you love, dear friends and tell them so right now. Don't wait! With that, hugs and love to each of you always.
Happy HUMP Day! :wave:

#1 - I’m grateful that DD20 is coming home today - I’m so excited :yay:

#2 - I’m grateful for our Parish - this is our third Advent and Christmas at this church, and being a part of this wonderful community makes the season even more wonderful.

#3 - I’m grateful for simplicity - I’m even more grateful that my DH and I agree about simplicity. The older we get, the more we realize that we don’t need extra stuff and expensive things to feel better about ourselves and our marriage. In fact, we are trying to get stuff out of our house instead of bringing stuff into our house. My DH lately has been selling a lot on eBay. We‘re living a less is more type of life 🙂👍🏻
I'm grateful that we didn't sustain serious damage in Monday's rain/wind storm. Gusts were measured up to 73mph, and we had two very large hemlocks land on our home. I am talking trees that are taller than the 4 story house next door. Fortunately our in-town lot is small and the trees didn't have far to fall, so they didn't build up much momentum. They are laying on the roof, the side of the house, and the deck. I can see that an outdoor light fixture has been 'relocated' and the downspout is no longer straight, but until the trees are moved we won't know if there's more damage or not. We were lucky; many areas have been without power since about noon on Monday and there are still a LOT of trees down, some blocking entire roads. We only lost power for about 30 minutes and are safe, dry, and warm.

I am grateful that DH is "handy." I just discovered that the clothes washer is no longer agitating. Fortunately he knows how to replace the feed dogs and will do that this weekend. I am NOT interested in schlepping laundry to the laundromat, and I also don't want to replace this washer. It's an "older" model, so it doesn't do the low water, leave your clean clothes smelling musty thing. I love it and am not ready to give it up.

I am grateful for all my friends and neighbors who have checked up on us. Also grateful that, as we have power and water, we've been able to offer them a warm place to shower and have some lunch. A friend has a daughter who will be 8 on Friday; she's coming over to bake a birthday cake tomorrow. I am grateful we can help our community members and friends.
LeeBee :thanks: hug my friend.

Slo, have a wonderful time with your daughter! ITA about simplicity! As I get older, all that matters to me is I pray living each day in faith as called by and in thankful service to my Savior Jesus. I chose simple. Joy. Zero desire for drama, negativity, etc.

I am grateful extra to God for placing His words in my heart of tribute that I shared yesterday my friend K whose mother J recently passed away in her 90's. J's celebration of life service will be live streamed on my church's website for which I am also so thankful since I am not able to physically attend.

Wednesdays often bring me an extra smile to think of pooh:
I'm grateful that we have no snow yet!

I'm grateful that we "fall back" in time each winter. I know I'm in the minority, but I don't mind the early darkness. I like coming home from work, cooking dinner, and getting all snuggly for the evening, wrapped up in my blankie with a good book and a cup of tea.

I'm grateful that the cold means no bugs or critters. When I think of all the creepie-crawlies that are 'normal' in southern climates, it makes my skin crawl. Also, the resident 7 year old has a bug phobia which makes it hard to get him to play by himself outside in the summer. In the winter, he'll happily play in the yard, and especially in the snow, because there is nothing flying around, distracting him and making him nervous.

Keep the good thoughts for me, please. Two trees are still residing on the side of my house and it's predicted we'll have sustained 20mph winds today, with gusts to 45mph. Those babies better not move! Fingers crossed!!
Good Thursday Morning :wave:

@leebee - you have been going through a lot. I hope the trees stay put. How soon can someone remove those trees for you?

I have a love/hate relationship with winter.
Quickie answers today…..

#1 - Wearing warm sweaters - I love my sweaters

#2 - I sleep better in the winter months than I do in warmer months.

#3 - Winter cleaning - I take advantage of winter months to deep clean the inside of the house.


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