TigerCheer2009's Lose 30 and Not Gain It Back Plan! (Add comments please!! Welcome!)

Good AM all!

Waffle, ham probably, milk
L: Meat, starch, veggie/fruit, water
D: Same
Exercise: running, dancing, painting

How much do your clothes weigh when they are on your body when you step on the scale? 3 lbs? 5? TIA!

Happy Sunday all!
Lunch: grilled ham and cheese on white, 2 mugs tomato soup, biscuit
Snack: PB and J

Dinner: (my dad makes THE most creative) meatloaf shaped like a music note, chicken rice and veg-gies! (Blech...maybe salad!)

Tomorrow before I forget:
B: PB toast w/ jelly, waffles or I'll try a microwaved egg and toast, fruit
L: Lesser of the two choices for lunch (probably HD or chicken steak)
D: ???
S: ???

Have to babysit, and hopefully it's b-e-au-tiful so we can play outside ALL the time I'm there...doesn't hurt that I'm earning money for DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Room update: all cracks in the walls filled, sanding is partly done, nearly ready for Pri-imer and Pai-int!!!!! Jippy joy, I've never painted a wall before!!! Soon the tile will be down! Hoo-rah! :cheer2:

Sounds like you are having fun with this rennovating. It really is good exercise too. I don't think that you can really tell how much clothes add to your weight since all clothing is different. I try to weigh with very little on and always in the same thing to keep things closer to a real weight.

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
TigerCheer2009 said:
Room update: all cracks in the walls filled, sanding is partly done, nearly ready for Pri-imer and Pai-int!!!!! Jippy joy, I've never painted a wall before!!! Soon the tile will be down! Hoo-rah! :cheer2:


If you are TRULY having such a great time renovating that room...I'VE GOT ONE FOR YOU, come see me!!

Good luck on your weight loss journey, looks like you're doing just fine so far!!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Thanks all. I haven't checked the scale yet, but I feel good! :cool1: Maybe I will come see you...I'd really love to paint a wall!!! :flower: Haven't gotten so far yet, though.

B: 1 scrambled egg w/ ham and 1 sprinkle mozz., 2 pieces toast with butter, water (didn't feel hungry until 11:30! personal victory!)
L: Hot dog, potato rounds, pineapple chunks
S: 1/2 glass sprite
D: Ham, green beans and potatoes.

I feel like I need to police my eating more. I've been really eating more then I should be. The exercise is okay-going, water drinking is fine. Eating...I haven't been making the best choices. But I've been really stressed, and when I'm stressed I don't make good choices. I got fitted for my cheerleading uniform today, so I really can't gain anymore!! Any suggestions about better eating, at all?? Or, at least, how to make the good choices seem/taste better, or portion size/moderation (most trouble)? I know I can make good choices, but they don't seem "yummy enough". Keep me in your thoughts tomorrow; I'm facing a meeting...with LOTS of not good things...like pizza and rich desserts! :sad2:

Good news: I can do 8 push ups in a ROW now! Another PV! Did an obstacle course for a good half hour, then played run around the cones for another 10!

Thanks, Lesli and pettyone for your replies!!! (Baby steps, I know, but when can I learn to run???????)
Howdy...just finished about 30 mins. of dancin'. Plus the 40 minutes with the littlies, and 30 minutes from gym, that's about 100 minutes today!!! What can I say, I'm dedicated!!!

Lost one INCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah! Thought my scale was dead!

41 inches!!! :) :) :)

Dinner was a double cheeseburger and fries with water.
Tomorrow looks v. busy. Laying subflooring and just all around tiring.

B: Ham n Scram w/ cheese and toast (1 piece w/ butter)
L: Pizza from Pisanellos (2), diet Coke
D: ???
S: ???

Ay yi yi! I took some me time today and had a 20 min. bubble bath. Bliss... :flower: ! That felt soo good! Me time...gotta love it! Hope you all are treating yourself right.

Enjoy your night!
Your baby steps are coming along. Look at your breakfast, it's great! It is amazing that a person can actually eat only one egg (I amaze myself everyday :rolleyes: ), but it works, it is not over-filling, and it gives you enough protein to have energy and stave off the munchie monster.

As far as the rest, it will come. Although recognizing that you eat more when you are stressed is a HUGE step in the right direction. With that you can try to find something that will destress you without turning to food. Maybe excercise or go to another part of the house, take a bubble bath, read, just do something. Then you will learn to build a healthier habit for your stress.

Let's see........good foods that are nutritious and taste yummy. This of course is personal taste, but the more good foods you eat, the more your body will crave them. Try replacing a processed food with a veggie, fruit, hard cheese, yogurt, or foods that are less processed. Try cooking up some new recipes. The worst that will happen is you don't like it and know not to make it again. The best that will happen is you love it and have a new meal you can fix that is nutritious. It is all baby steps and you will get there.

I haven't learned to run yet either. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Lesli54 said:
Your baby steps are coming along. Look at your breakfast, it's great! It is amazing that a person can actually eat only one egg (I amaze myself everyday :rolleyes: ), but it works, it is not over-filling, and it gives you enough protein to have energy and stave off the munchie monster.

As far as the rest, it will come. Although recognizing that you eat more when you are stressed is a HUGE step in the right direction. With that you can try to find something that will destress you without turning to food. Maybe excercise or go to another part of the house, take a bubble bath, read, just do something. Then you will learn to build a healthier habit for your stress.

Let's see........good foods that are nutritious and taste yummy. This of course is personal taste, but the more good foods you eat, the more your body will crave them. Try replacing a processed food with a veggie, fruit, hard cheese, yogurt, or foods that are less processed. Try cooking up some new recipes. The worst that will happen is you don't like it and know not to make it again. The best that will happen is you love it and have a new meal you can fix that is nutritious. It is all baby steps and you will get there.

I haven't learned to run yet either. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

Yeah! I really am comin' along. I think a bubble bath helps destress a lot...should try that, and when I can't possibly take a bath, I'll leave the room! I want something sweet, so instead of reaching for that bag of candy, PB and Banana on a slice of bread! Yummers!

Congrats on the 10-lbs clippie! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Speaking of this, had 2 slices pizza and 1/2 Sprite. Snack will be PB/nana sandwich. Dinner will hopefully be Subway sandwich and fruit. And did ya hear? I'm at 41 inches now!!! Wahoo! Wahoo!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :banana: :banana: Exercise was 30 minutes at gym and I plan on jammin' after my snack!

You are doing great! I love your attitude, always upbeat. That will take you along way in your weight loss. Congrats on the smaller inches. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Lesli54 said:
You are doing great! I love your attitude, always upbeat. That will take you along way in your weight loss. Congrats on the smaller inches. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

Thanks. As my cheerleading coach says, Attitude is everything.

Poundage: relatively the same, though. It's okay with me (right now anyway). Thanks. I feel kind of embarrassed reading these posts. I mean, I'm really happy for everyone who has lost weight, but I'm kinda right back where I started. :sad2: I'm exercising and drinking water, and policing my portions (just started today with that!), but nothing's happened. (I did notice I can do push ups now. Other than GRD, could the weight gain be accounted for muscle :confused3 ?) That ticker is NOT movin' till I lose something.

B: Ham n scram, toast piece w/ butter
L: Hopefully a salad...:)
D: Other half of my sub from tonight.
Snack: I'm going to see if we have hard cheese and if not, I think bananas and water will do.

Goals: Police portions, make good choices (when I am calm), exercise, baby steps. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7. Lord, please help me make good choices tomorrow. Let me feel your presence, with Your power, Your love and Your grace. Forever and ever, amen.

Note: as of April 14, 2005, I will be one month and 365 days away from doing the Triple-Digit Tango!!!! One year till I meet Mickey! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
There could be several reasons for some weight gain.
1. You are building some muscle
2. You are not getting a minimum of 64 oz of water. (the average is supposed to be 64-80 oz. I drink 84-90oz because of the extra weight, it seems to help.)
3. You are eatting too many foods that have a high salt content
4. You are retaining water
5. You are not getting enough of the "good" foods that have fewer calories, little fat, and little sugar, like veggies and some fruits.
6. Portion control. If you actually measure out a recommended serving you will be surprised at what it really looks like. Veggies are usually a lot more than most people eat. Pasta and meat is usually a lot less.
7. I am sure there are more, but can't think of them all.

Don't be embarassed reading the other journals. It can really help shed some light on some of your own habits and is really helpful to see what others have done that you might try for yourself.

Keep up the good work and it will happen. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Lesli54 said:
There could be several reasons for some weight gain.
1. You are building some muscle
2. You are not getting a minimum of 64 oz of water. (the average is supposed to be 64-80 oz. I drink 84-90oz because of the extra weight, it seems to help.)
3. You are eatting too many foods that have a high salt content
4. You are retaining water
5. You are not getting enough of the "good" foods that have fewer calories, little fat, and little sugar, like veggies and some fruits.
6. Portion control. If you actually measure out a recommended serving you will be surprised at what it really looks like. Veggies are usually a lot more than most people eat. Pasta and meat is usually a lot less.
7. I am sure there are more, but can't think of them all.

Don't be embarassed reading the other journals. It can really help shed some light on some of your own habits and is really helpful to see what others have done that you might try for yourself.

Keep up the good work and it will happen. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

Thanks, Lesli. I know I need more portion control. I tried it today, but then kinda forgot about it. I most certainly know I'm not getting enough good foods or water. I'm going to read some journals now. Thanks so much!

B: Ham n scram, 1 toast w/ butter
L: CHicken patty on bun, 24 oz h20
S: 1/2 subway sub left over

Exercise 30 mins at gym.
Dinner was three small pieces grilled fish, baked potato with cheddar cheese shreds, and milk. Yummers. I also had a piece of "Mutated Spud" (potato stuffed with garlic and butter!!!) Drank 48 oz of water.
Good day all!!!!

B: ham n scram, banana
L: 1/2 bowl mac n cheese, 24 oz water
S: right now, I guess, 12 oz water with more most certainly. Food will probably be grapes and two pieces Vienna bread.
D: ?????

Exercise: 17 minute walk in the beautiful :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: ! 5 minutes playing volleyball (actually just hitting the ball around...it hit my gym leader in the back of the head!) 3 minute walk home. 25 minutes in all!!!
Thanks, Lesli!

B; h'n's, french bread
L: fish sandwich, water
D: ??
S: french bread

Exercise: walk, 3 minutes



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