To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Glad to hear you are getting back into the groove with training. It's funny that you mentioned having having to catch up on all the movies before infinity war. My DS wanted to revisit all of them in order by release and have spent quite a few weekends in the marvel universe lately. Unfortunately we are set to get on a ferry to move opening weekend so will have to try to avoid media till we can get to a theater to see it.

Solid strategy!

Also,I believe you will do well with your brackets. You seem to have a knack for predictions, I mean you won your own Dopey contest.

Thanks! Just sticking to the system.

We were looking at the marathon thing that AMC is having of all the movies before Infinity War release and wondering how on earth anyone could sit through 31 hours of movies. :) We decided that the best time for naps looked to be during the Edward Norton Hulk movie that has no connection to anything else (I don't know why they are showing that one?) and then the stretch of Spider-Man: Homecoming and Black Panther right before Infinity War, since those were very recently seen in the theater.

I'm not sure I could pull that off. That's nuts!

My copy of Ragnarok should be waiting for me when I get home. It’s so good. Top 5 marvel movie for me.

I’m stoked for Infinity, but have purposely avoided all trailers, media, articles, etc. I want to go in totally blind.

Nice! I'm excited for it. We opted for Justice League at the theaters, but I know that was the wrong choice. Should have done Thor...


I wanted to check-in publicly on your page regarding my training plan you put together. I'm in my 6th week of an 11 week plan preparing for the Great Western trail HM on May 6th. I am enjoying the plan and have been sticking closely to it. Like many, it took a few runs to learn how to slow down. I'm very optimistic that the training will allow me to have a great run. Thanks!!

Glad to hear it! Learning to run slower is certainly difficult for almost everyone. Happy to hear that things are starting to click.
I'm not sure I could pull that off. That's nuts!
I guess it's not technically ALL of them. I thought it was, but it's missing Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 2 and 3, Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and Ant-Man.

At AMC Empire 25 (New York) and AMC Disney Springs 24 (Florida), fans will have the opportunity to experience a 12-title Marvel movie marathon unlike any other. Starting Wednesday April 25, see 11 films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe all leading up to MARVEL STUDIOS AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. This premium event will include, marathon only collectibles, exclusive content, and a special concession offer. Plus, AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR will start at 6pm local time, one hour earlier than regular public show times. Schedule begins on 4/25/18: IRON MAN (1:30pm), THE INCREDIBLE HULK (4:00pm), THOR (6:15pm), CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER (9:00pm), MARVEL'S THE AVENGERS (11:30pm), GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2:15am), AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON (4:30am), CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR (7:15am), DOCTOR STRANGE (10:00am), SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING (12:45pm), BLACK PANTHER (3:15pm), AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (6:00pm)​
2018 Wellness Checkup

My insurance does a $150 gift card for completing a wellness visit, survey and other activity. Today was my wellness. Brutal to have to fast for 9 hours through the mid-day (appointment was at 2:45pm). So let's check the data!

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So weight is up a smidge from last year (163 vs 166), but compared to 2008 I'd say I'm doing well. BP is good. Pulse is slightly elevated, but that's likely because of decreased endurance training load and my lingering sickness. But again, compared to mid 80s rHR where I use to be, I'd say I'm quite content. Waist line and Triglycerides are virtually the same. HDL has gone up (can't compete with Steph's 91!), but so has Cholesterol, LDL and Non-HDL (all still in great ranges). But even with that, the ratio of 1.9 is still rock solid (below the ideal threshold of 3.5). Lastly, I've got my lowest blood glucose since I started getting tested in 2012! I had made a conscious effort to reduce my sugar intake after April 2017 and it does appear it has dropped (2/8/18 was non-fasted).

Overall, looks like I'm still making great strides to stay healthy. My commitment since April 2012 has continued to payoff and become a lifestyle change.
77 Days to Go (Almost normal)

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Date - Day - Scheduled Workouts (Intervals within desired pace)

3/26/18 - M - OFF
3/27/18 - T - MCR Stage 1B + 4 miles @ EA (9:11 min/mile) + FTP Builder W3D1
3/28/18 - W - 6 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile)
3/29/18 - R - MCR Stage 1C + 4 miles @ EA (9:11 min/mile) + FTP Builder W3D2
3/30/18 - F - 6 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile)
3/31/18 - Sat - FTP Builder W3D3
4/1/18 - Sun - 5 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile) + FTP Builder W3D4

Running duration = 3:34 hours
Running mileage = 25.3 miles
Indoor Virtual Biking duration = 4:31 hours
Indoor Virtual Biking mileage = 94.1 miles
Total (training) duration = 8:05 hours
Total (training) mileage = 119.4 miles
Number of running SOS intervals within pace = x/x


Day off.


McMillan Core Routine Stage 1B again.

Front Plank - 3 x 20 sec w/ 20 sec rest
Side Plank - 3 x 20 sec w/ 20 sec rest
Leg Lowering - 15 reps
Metronome - 10 reps
Sit-up with a Twist - 15 reps
Jane Fonda - 15 reps
I Run Fast - 1 set both legs

Legs starting to feel more normal again. A total of 4 miles (34:46), pace of 8:25 min/mile, and HR of 140.

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8 min WU + 6 x 6 min @ 73% FTP w/ 1 min RI @ 52% FTP + 10 min CD

Biking continues to go well and I can tell my legs are getting stronger. In total, 19.6 miles in 1:00:33, with cadence of 88 rpm and HR of 108.


Time to bump up the mileage to 6 miles. Things felt good, but I could tell I wouldn't want to go much further yet. Six miles in 51:35 (8:34 pace) and HR of 137.


Stepping it up to McMillan Core Routine Stage 1C.

Front Plank - 3 x 45 sec w/ 45 sec rest
Side Plank - 3 x 45 sec w/ 45 sec rest
Leg Lowering - 20 reps
Metronome - 15 reps
Sit-up with a Twist - 25 reps
Jane Fonda - 25 reps
I Run Fast - 1 set both legs

UMMOOMPH! That was really really hard. Like too much for me to handle tough. I could do the planks up until the last set of side planks. I survived the leg lowering. Got smacked in the face by the metronome, run over by a truck by the time the sit-ups started. And while Jane Fondas has never been challenging before they were taken to a whole new level in this workout. Rough but successful.

That evening was 4 miles in 36:31 (8:51 pace) with HR of 135.

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19 min WU + 3 sets of 5x10 sec w/ 1:50 min RI + 10 min WU between sets

Another solid biking workout. In total, 24 miles in 1:09 with cadence of 81 rpm, and HR of 101 peaking at 120.


Well else can be said about Friday other than I decided to just give it a go. Six miles on the plan. First mile 8:23, then 7:53 (first sub-8), then 7:46, then 7:28, then 7:50, and ended with 7:42. Average pace was 7:51 min/mile (47:36 total time). HR was 143. I decided to look into the data to see how I was progressing:

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The pink square was one of the first runs back. The two green squares are Friday and Sunday. The red line is peak performance from back in mid-December. So in two weeks time, I've quickened my pace from 9:16 to 7:51 at the same HR (143 or 73% HRR). So right on track to making continued steady progress.


Went to bed Friday night knowing Saturday morning's 5 mile run was very unlikely to happen (originally this was to be 5 mile run without any biking as the run training load increases). Forecasted to be raining, windy, cold and Steph had to work in the morning. When I woke up, the weather was confirmed. 30 mph wind. Rain. 33 degree WC. And it had to be early to get done before Steph left. I decided to go with option B and bike a similar workout. Stravistix was showing I was toeing the line between optimal and overloaded (training load). So I figured a bike day in replacement of a run day might not be a bad idea anyways.

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6 min WU + 6 x 6 min @ 73% FTP w/ 1 min RI @ 52% FTP + 6 min CD

Nothing too crazy. G was a spectator for this one. Hey look there's a whale! A dolphin! Watch out for the lava! Speed up they're passing you! Wow, dad you're fast. In total, 19.5 miles in 54:26 with HR of 98 and cadence of 90 rpm. I decided to test the schosche HR monitor vs Garmin optical and at times they could be off by as much as 20 (Garmin higher and more believable). But then sometimes, they were the same. I moved the location of the Schoche and then it and the Garmin were more in sync more often.


Time to wrap up the week. First time having a breakfast before the workout since I was going over 2 hours today. Also gave me some time to find some Easter eggs that pesky bunny hid around the house.

The run was cold. A windchill of 19. So I overdressed and since it was short and easy, then I didn't really have any issue with cold fingers. In total, 5 miles in 43:40 (8:40) with a HR of 133. Now we're getting back into old territory. A 133 HR is historical easy pacing and 8:40 is inching closer to old easy pacing. Time to hit up the longest training bike ride to date!

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10 min WU + 4x4 min @ 88% FTP w/ 2 min RI + 3x6 min @ 86-89% FTP w/ 3 min RI + 5x1 min @ 100% FTP w/ 3 min RI + 3 min CD

Solid bike day. The game was a bit laggy. Since it was April Fool's day, the Zwift team decided to create a funny game. A throw-back to 8-bit Paperboy:




See the 8-bit bikes with newspapers in the front!

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The laggy game was a bit of a downer. Seemed to take 15-20 seconds to respond to a change in rpm/watts for what I was actually doing. The workout was completed, but the intervals were definitely shifted from the recording. Life got REAL difficult at the end of the workout. But I survived. I was riding with my eyes closed, trying to relax my breathing and not focus on the burning in my legs. In total, 31 miles in 1:27:04 with HR peak of 139.

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Still sitting in the optimal zone and the training load is right on target. Time to step it up next week again! Only three weeks of recovery left and I can tell my legs are starting to feel more normal every day.

March Training Summary

Running duration = 9:06 hours
Running mileage = 62.8 miles
Indoor Virtual Biking duration = 17:51 hours
Indoor Virtual Biking mileage = 383 miles
Total (training) duration = 26:57 hours
Total (training) mileage = 445 miles
McMillan Core Routine = 20 min x 12 times = 4 hours of Strength Work


One game left tonight. To this point, I had a 13% chance to get the five games right leading into the Championship. Michigan has a 33% chance to win tonight. So, going into this I had a 4% chance to get the remaining six games right and win $1000. Go Blue!
Sorry about Michigan ... but congrats on a good training week. Looks like recovery is going well!

Thanks! I mean once that was the championship I was fairly confident Nova was going to win. I still had one bracket end up prize eligible (Bleacher Report top10%), but no email today claiming I was the random winner.

Happy about the process thus far!
Hi Coach! Training is going great. Was just wondering if you have written any posts on how to race. I've read your race recaps but am hoping to find something geared for newbies - e.g., how to pay attention to breathing etc and figure out if the effort level is appropriate for each stage in the race. Not that I'm prematurely freaking out about my upcoming race or anything :rolleyes1.
Hi Coach! Training is going great. Was just wondering if you have written any posts on how to race. I've read your race recaps but am hoping to find something geared for newbies - e.g., how to pay attention to breathing etc and figure out if the effort level is appropriate for each stage in the race. Not that I'm prematurely freaking out about my upcoming race or anything :rolleyes1.

Always depends on the race distance and the circumstances around it. In general, I schedule "blind runs" to help teach the runner over the course of a training cycle to get in tune with effort based running. But, with your 10k plan, you don't have those. Having effort based runs at paces faster than HM pace is super risky. So, for your case, we'll come up with a pacing strategy the week of the race. For a 10k, I think most of the pacing will come from the WU prior to the event, and then making sure you don't go too fast for the first mile or two. After that, it's time to run as best you can. Remember to learn to be flexible on race day and adapt to the situation. Don't let a missed split define the race, merely it's something that happened. As long as everything is still going well with the scheduled plan, then we'll aim for a 7:52 min/mile to start (dependent on weather, which is why we wait till week of to discuss the final plan).
Always depends on the race distance and the circumstances around it. In general, I schedule "blind runs" to help teach the runner over the course of a training cycle to get in tune with effort based running. But, with your 10k plan, you don't have those. Having effort based runs at paces faster than HM pace is super risky. So, for your case, we'll come up with a pacing strategy the week of the race. For a 10k, I think most of the pacing will come from the WU prior to the event, and then making sure you don't go too fast for the first mile or two. After that, it's time to run as best you can. Remember to learn to be flexible on race day and adapt to the situation. Don't let a missed split define the race, merely it's something that happened. As long as everything is still going well with the scheduled plan, then we'll aim for a 7:52 min/mile to start (dependent on weather, which is why we wait till week of to discuss the final plan).

Ok thanks! Aiming for a specific pace will be easier for me than going entirely by effort. So in general, should I expect a 10K race to feel like T pace to start and more like I pace toward the end? I need to prep my brain for the type of effort to expect so I don't talk myself into slowing down.
Ok thanks! Aiming for a specific pace will be easier for me than going entirely by effort. So in general, should I expect a 10K race to feel like T pace to start and more like I pace toward the end? I need to prep my brain for the type of effort to expect so I don't talk myself into slowing down.

Effort is super unreliable right at the beginning. So 10k pace very well may feel like M Tempo pace (if we set it up right it should feel too easy). That's why my recommendation is run by effort, but don't run faster than X. That way if things feel too easy at X, then you stick with X for a period of time until a point at which we quicken the pace. This walks the line between risk/reward on pacing. Some races though, just going for it and see what happens is a great strategy as well.
Effort is super unreliable right at the beginning. So 10k pace very well may feel like M Tempo pace (if we set it up right it should feel too easy). That's why my recommendation is run by effort, but don't run faster than X. That way if things feel too easy at X, then you stick with X for a period of time until a point at which we quicken the pace. This walks the line between risk/reward on pacing. Some races though, just going for it and see what happens is a great strategy as well.

OK, great - I can do that. That is pretty much how I've approached my half and full marathons; I think I've just psyched myself out for this 10K thinking I need to go out harder for a shorter race. But it makes sense that in the race day atmosphere I will naturally start fast and need to keep the pace in check.
70 Days to Go (Preparing to make the switch)


Date - Day - Scheduled Workouts (Intervals within desired pace)

4/2/18 - M - OFF
4/3/18 - T - MCR Stage 1C + 4 miles @ EA (9:11 min/mile) + FTP Builder W4D1
4/4/18 - W - 6 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile)
4/5/18 - R - MCR Stage 1C + 4 miles @ EA (9:11 min/mile) + FTP Builder W4D2
4/6/18 - F - 6 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile)
4/7/18 - Sat - 7 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile)
4/8/18 - Sun - 6 miles @ EB (8:33 min/mile) + FTP Builder W4D4

Running duration = 4:36 hours
Running mileage = 33.2 miles
Indoor Virtual Biking duration = 3:19 hours
Indoor Virtual Biking mileage = 71.1 miles
Total (training) duration = 7:56 hours
Total (training) mileage = 104.3 miles
Number of running SOS intervals within pace = x/x


Nothing to note.


McMillan Core Routine Stage 1C.

Front Plank - 3 x 45 sec w/ 45 sec rest
Side Plank - 3 x 45 sec w/ 45 sec rest
Leg Lowering - 20 reps
Metronome - 15 reps
Sit-up with a Twist - 25 reps
Jane Fonda - 25 reps
I Run Fast - 1 set both legs

Man McMillan makes a mean Stage 1C core workout. So so brutal. Survived, but definitely did not complete all of the reps.

It was snowing/sleeting/icing when it came time to do the Tuesday run in the afternoon. I'm running low on pairs of shoes, so I went with a nearly retired pair. After about a 0.5 mile, I regretted going with a nearly retired pair when they should just be retired. Completed the run and moved onto the bike. In total, 4 miles in 35:19 (8:35 pace) with a HR of 134.

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8 min WU + 6 x 8 min @ 73% FTP w/ 1 min RI + 5 min CD

Relatively easy bike ride. In total, 23.4 miles in 1:07 with a HR of 105.

After the run was over, my right ankle was a little sore. Nothing major, but notable. Likely because of the retired shoes.


Right ankle not feeling great. Fine to run, but ugh feeling. Decided just to go with it. In total, 6 miles in 45:31 (7:35 pace) with a HR of 144. Probably should have pulled back on the reins a bit. The ankle felt fine during the run (not great), but afterwards it was sore.

Decided to finally go and see the doctor about my sore throat and cough. I've been dealing with cold, sore throat and/or cough for about 2.5 weeks now and I'd really like to be done with it. I thought maybe I had strep or something because I couldn't shake it. As soon as I tried to go to sleep I couldn't stop coughing. Annoying. Unfortunately (or good news) it isn't strep and just needs more time to work its way out. The cough could last up to 3 weeks... Grr...


McMillan Core Routine Stage 1C.

Front Plank - 3 x 45 sec w/ 45 sec rest
Side Plank - 3 x 45 sec w/ 45 sec rest
Leg Lowering - 20 reps
Metronome - 15 reps
Sit-up with a Twist - 25 reps
Jane Fonda - 25 reps
I Run Fast - 1 set both legs

Brutal. Just so tough.

Time for the run. In total, 4 miles in 34:47 (8:30 pace) with HR of 137. Ankle still not happy with me.

On to the bike!

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10 min WU + 3 x 5 min @ 88% FTP w/ 2 min RI + 3 sets of (6 x 30 sec @ 100% FTP w/ 30 sec @ 73% FTP) w/ 4 min RI between sets + 4 min CD

Another good bike ride. Not a huge fan of the sets of 6x30 because of the dramatic change in pace every so often. I haven't quite figured out how to change gears on the bike without jolting myself. I mean I've read how, just haven't gotten it to work yet. In total, 22.1 miles in 1:02 with a HR of 108. Good workout.


Since my right ankle was still bothering me since Tuesday's run, I decided to take it super easy today. Just go out and enjoy the weather. In total, 6 miles in 53:02 (8:50 pace) with HR of 131. No improvement in the ankle, but it certainly didn't make it feel worse.

Watched Thor Ragnarok and I'm finally all caught up in advance of Infinity Wars. Ragnarok is a really good movie. My type of balance of action and inserts of comedy.


Another DNS weekend. This was to be my "A" spring race (Parkinson's HM). Didn't feel I'm ready to line up and run 13.1 miles yet, let alone race it. Would have probably finished top 3 if I had been able to run (and been in shape). But alas, that's not the path I'm on anymore.

Time to start making the switch from biking majority to running majority. For the first three weeks of recovery, it had been running + biking on Saturdays. But as the running continues to increase, I've decided to drop the biking. So in total, 7 miles in 59:59 (8:34 pace) with a HR of 132. Longest run since returning to running. Decided to keep it easy again, and things felt better. I don't think I'm making the ankle any worse. Just biding time until hopefully it heals from possibly using too old of shoes.


Time for another daily double. In total, 6 miles in 47:58 (7:59 pace) with HR of 138. Things continue to progress well. That puts me at about 35 sec/mile behind peak fitness. So definitely closer than when I started 4 weeks ago when I was about 120 seconds/mile off pace. If not for the ankle, I can tell I'm getting stronger and back into form.

On to the last bike ride of the week.

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10 min WU + 4 x 5 min @ 88% FTP w/ 2 min RI + Ladder (3 min 88%, 6 min 100%, 3 min 88%, 2 min 100%) + 3 min RI + 3 x 2 min @ 100% FTP w/ 3 min RI

I could feel this workout for sure. HR never got that high, but my legs were certainly burning. Felt strong throughout and was able to complete it as written. In total, 25.7 miles in 1:10 with HR of 107 (peak 134).

Another good week overall. That marks 4 weeks of recovery down, and only 2 weeks remaining until I can return to a training plan. I feel as if I made the switch between biking and running seamlessly. The Stravistix data seems to suggest the same:

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The post-Sunday workout form score (the measure of whether you have an appropriate training load) has been a consistent -25.8, -26.9, and -26.9. Which means that I've paired the increase in training load very well with my training load over the long period. Thus, I'm increasing my workload at a consistent rate. The short term training load (Fatigue) suggests that I'm under a similar training load as the tail end of Dopey training. So everything seems to be progressing well.

Only two weeks left!
Solid week. Question, though... should you be at the same training load as you were towards the tail end of Dopey? Doesn't that seem kind of high? I guess it just occurred to me that you're probably treating this as the "finish" of one training plan, then you'll taper and kick back off with a new fully-running plan... is that right?
Smart choice to skip the HM if you weren't ready for it, but I know those kinds of decisions can be tough. Good luck as you switch back to majority running.

We finally watched Ragnarok for the first time last weekend. Loved it!
Ragnarok is so good! Just re-watched last weekend.


Solid week. Question, though... should you be at the same training load as you were towards the tail end of Dopey? Doesn't that seem kind of high? I guess it just occurred to me that you're probably treating this as the "finish" of one training plan, then you'll taper and kick back off with a new fully-running plan... is that right?

Thanks! That's a fair question. To piggy-back off that question - Do I believe the biking is providing the stimulus that it claims to be in the training profile? I'm skeptical. If we believe %FTP, then probably yes. If we believe HRSS, then probably not.

Based on %FTP data (Zwift power data)
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Based on HRSS data (Heart Rate Data)

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If the data is to be believed, then I spent most of Dopey training hovering between "optimal" and "neutral (or sub-optimal)". From a two-week training load standpoint, I was at about 60-70 "training load 2 week average" for pretty much Feb-May 2017, July-Oct 2017, and Nov-December 2017. I just entered that area in the last week. The difference is my six-week training load is much less, thus instead of hovering in "neutral/optimal" I'm solidly in "optimal". It almost begs the question that I might have needed this rest period to help allow my training drop enough that I could get back into "optimal" training. We'll see on that front I guess.

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With that being said, the data is dependent on whether the biking data is accurate. I've already covered why the biking data may or may not be accurate. However, I setup Stravistix to base the data output on the idea that my FTP is 299. Since I'm doing all my workouts on the basis of %FTP, then the output data should match up (regardless of whether the FTP itself is accurate). Thus, in theory the Stravistix data should be correct.

From a personal (and non-data) standpoint, I'm not fatigued in the least. The end of the biking workouts have been hard. The runs have been relatively easy. But from a fatigue standpoint, I'm doing great.

If we treat this recovery like my other reverse tapers (the buildup post-recovery into a new training plan), then this seems about right. With two weeks to go, I'm entering the same reverse taper standpoint to prepare the body for training. The question is whether near 100% running instead of 50/50 will still yield a "optimal" evaluation or if it'll push it into the "overload". I've got 39 miles this week (vs 33), 5:27 in duration (vs 4:47) and my first actual workout (10 miles at 7:25 on Saturday). This will help me figure out whether I've ventured too far yet.

Smart choice to skip the HM if you weren't ready for it, but I know those kinds of decisions can be tough. Good luck as you switch back to majority running.

We finally watched Ragnarok for the first time last weekend. Loved it!

Definitely tough. Excited to get back into more running and hopeful that it continues to progress well.


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