Touring the Tower of Terror and other Ghoulish Delights! Sept 13 TR | FINALx2 4/17!!!

Hi Dani :wave2: I'm going to backtrack a bit first because I completely forgot to say how much I love the t-shirt you bought for Bruce in AK - SO funny!! :rotfl:

Really enjoyed the latest updates - Wonderful photos as usual! :)

I seriously need to try a Dole Whip one day - that float looks really good!

I am like Matt in that I hate being in the spotlight so I think it's fab that he was so game when he got picked as Sulley. Go Matt!! :goodvibes

Such a shame you weren't able to get into Beaches & Cream but I'm glad it didn't spoil your time with Jenn & family...Those girls are so adorable!

I agree with you re: the Beach Club dining area - It would be good if Disney could separate it more from the Marketplace as we also found it got quite congested in there at times.

Very best wishes,
Looks like a fun afternoon at MK! The Ghostbuster costumes are awesome!!

I've only been at the Beach/Yacht Club to eat at the Yachtsman so I couldn't even tell you where the Marketplace is!! I LOVE the Magic Bar at Roaring Forks!! It's my favorite dessert there! Very Sweet but OH SO GOOD!!

Packing to leave is a huge bummer! I'm thankful that most of our trips have been on the longer side and at the end exhaustion makes returning to reality not such a bad thought!

It was a good afternoon at MK! Got a lot done with little crowds.

Haha, the Marketplace is past the lobby, in the opposite direction of Cape May! And yeah, that Magic Bar is fantastic, I agree!

Packing is a bummer, but we get it done the night before to make ourselves feel a bit better. Being there for 11 days makes the pain of leaving a little easier to swallow, but it's still not fun!

Bahahaha... That is hilarious that Matt got picked for the show and he has a fear of that! I need to take my hubby there bc he's the same way, maybe it will force him out of it some!

I have loved this trip report so much! So glad I found it, and I've read through all your others and watched all the videos too! You and Matt are just hilarious and remind me of my hubs and I pre-kiddos!

I can't wait for the next TR and I'm happy to see all the future trips you have so I know there will be more TR's!!! :)

I know, he was nooooot thrilled but he did well with it, hahaha.

Thank you so much!! We really had such a fun time on this trip... and obviously have a blast together. It'll be different down the line when we have kids, but a different kind of fun!

I do have a Disneyland TR starting right after this one ends, which is very exciting! They never stop, hahaha.

Darn it forgot to post after the last update, well i promise not to do a novel again. I'm almost regretting the end of this TR as much as the end of Walking dead season. mmm well ok maybe you don't rank that high but the feeling is close.

However I am looking forward to reading about you next report because I think we may be making our first trip to west Disney!! I really have no idea about that place and have no clue what to do and we are only planning on two days there, regardless it will be great so feed me lots of tips.

so I pretty much died on the poop story.
I think there is no maximum wait limit for a dole whip, but seriously the line can be slow. But I always blame on the people not the CM's.
Oh yeah in my furious attempt to learn as much about DLR as I can right now. I saw that in CA splash mountain is nicknamed Flash mountain, due to some people trying to get some inappropriate pics on the monitors. so much so that they had to employ someone to sit in a room and screen all pics before they got sent to the monitors for viewing. I can only assume that is why the CM was so rude to you, but that doesn't forgive the rudeness. Nothing worse than being accused of something you would never do.
great update, so much so I had to re-watch your video again to fill the tanks back up, I mean it's been soooo long since I have been

It's okay!! Hahaha, I'm sad about it ending, but also kind of happy to have another TR on the books!

Oh my gosh, this line moved slower than anything I've ever seen. Maybe it was just the sun, but still, ugh. But the Dole Whip Float was worth it!

For some reason that doesn't surprise me with Splash there. I'm not a fan of it there, based on our laaaast experience on Splash in Disneyland. :rotfl:

I watch our videos when I'm feeling kind of sad/missing Disney hardcore. But then I remember we have 3 trips planned between DLR and WDW this year, so I can't complain. :thumbsup2

So jealous of all the amazing photos you take. I never take enough and when I do they aren't nearly as good as yours.

It's funny Matt got picked. I have that fear as well so I totally understand. Anxious to hear about your last day.

Aw thank you very much! I'm still working on getting better! I'm at least getting to the point where I finally feel comfortable posting on Flickr, haha.

I know, it was hilarious, but also definitely not his favorite thing ever. But he handled it so well, hahaha. It was so cute.

Awesome updates!!! You guys sure did a lot on the last day!! Glad you got to spend a bit more time with jen & the fam too!! Sad about the numerous womp womp moments, but hey, at least ice cream is always a good thing!!

Thanks! This wasn't our final day, but we did get a lot done, haha. And yeah, it was good to spend some more time with them since we figured we wouldn't see them a ton on our last day. It was kind of a bummer of a night, but we still made the most of it!

Great updates! Can't believe your Tr is on packing day already. Triple wompwomp :rotfl:
We still haven't tried the kitchen sink yet but loves amazing!!!!! Can't wait to hear about your last day.

I know! It feels weird to have it ending soon, but then I also realize I've been writing this thing FOREVER, so it's not so weird, haha.

I want to try the Kitchen Sink so bad! We are planning on it for our next trip!

WOW! That was a full day. I kept going back and thinking..."they're still on the same day??" Way to go! :thumbsup2

I loved those Ghostbusters costumes-I would have snapped a photo, too! One of my favorite movies.

What a bummer about Beaches and Cream. That's what's always dissuaded me from going is to get all the way there for a long wait (especially if your resort isn't near there!). But that chocolate coconut bar looks DELISH.

I'll have to check out the Haunted Mansion store next time I'm there...I love kitschy stuff!

Hahaha, I know! We got a lot done. In fact, a lot of our days I go back and think "holy CRAP we did so much that day!" whiiiich is why next trip, I think we're going to try to slow down just a smidge.

I know, I thought they were such awesome costumes!

It was a big bummer, and one of the big issues with going there.. you had to time it right! But at least they now take ADRs, which helps out a lot for dinner time. And yes, that chocolate coconut bar was AMAZING.

Totally check it out, they have all sorts of awesome merchandise there!
All caught up...just emerging from PDD (post-Disney depression).

Seeing your pics just reminded me of all the things we forgot to do when we were there earlier this month...seriously is there ever enough time at Disney to do all the things you need/want to do?!

Guess we'll just have to go back!

Love that Matt got picked as Sulley and rolled with it, Joe is the exact same way about being at the center of attention, however in Disney I feel like he might be up for it.

I like that you guys decided on the HM statue, I think it goes with your love for HM and the details on it are pretty awesome.

What a windbag CM...seriously. As if you were giving the finger at the camera or doing anything inappropriate. If you don't like people having fun, why work at Disney World??

I was just about to say "sorry you're just about to start your last day", however as it was actually over 6 months ago I'm sure you are over it by now!

Ugh PDD is the wooooorst, wompwomp.

See, I love that about Disney, because it just means that next trip, you have something new to check out or do!!

Matt did such a good job, but I just felt bad for him, hahaha.

Yeah, it just seemed to be the better thing for us... though I wouldn't be shocked if that Oswald statue ends up in our household at some point!

She was a party pooper to the extreme...

and yes, I guess we're kind of over it, haha. It helps to have other Disney trips planned!

I adore that Disney does "obscure" things like the 5 legged goat vinylmation. Something for real fans like the "Por Favor" T-shirt.

Not a daytime parade fan either Dani, BUT Festival of Fantasy looks FANTASTIC!!! If it's as good as what I've seen, it will become a regular occurance for me I think.

Haha, you know a line is slow when you have to take pictures to pass the time.

I'm terrified of being put on the screen too, but I think if I was with a group, and especially if there was kids in the group, I'd totally have fun with it like Matt did (and yeah I went and watched the video again).

Awww yeah, Beaches and Cream can get ca-razy waits. I hear you can advance reserve now though.

Oh man I hear you about packing up. I always do that too. Get it all done (well mostly) before the final day. Too depressing otherwise.

I know, it's fantastic. I was so happy they included it in the Contemporary set.

FoF looks amazing! I am really genuinely excited to see it in person.

Yeah, it was SO SLOW and I was melting. I had a dark t-shirt on and it was not taking the sun very well at all.

Haha it helped to have the group, but it was still just hilarious since we'd discussed what would happen if he got chosen.

Yes to the reservations! On one hand, I don't like that because I loved just walking up for lunch, but on the other hand, it's great for dinners!

Yup, it makes life way easier and you can enjoy the final day WAY more!

Finally caught up!! It is definitely helping with my Disney Countdown. 26 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay, you guys are so close to your trip!!

Wow, hard to believe this TR is getting close to the end. Happy that you have more trips coming up so at least the withdrawl will be minimal. :)

Great pictures from your TOT Tour. That is so cool about all the amazing details that they have, like the women's lip stick on the tea cup and the table that has the man's setting and the woman's setting. Also interesting about the glue gun cobwebs, that would be a fun job to be the cobweb maker.

So funny that you have a picture of the CM near the gate that is making that face. He is the exact same CM that jumped in my picture that I was taking of my hubby and kids. I LOVE that picture cause he is looking at them and has an angry face and my hubby is making a face like Oh NO and my 6 year old is staring at him like he doesn't know what he is doing. When I posted that pic on facebook my cousin said that he is the same CM that worked at TOT while she was working there years ago and I guess he is featured in some of the Disney Planning Videos. :)

Okay so I am going to have to had Cookes to my places to eat next time. That burger looks delicious and makes me want one right now, even though it is 0330 in the morning. :goodvibes

I can't belive that CM at Splash that said you should be careful about the things you do for the ride photos and then made sure that you didn't get your picture. That is awful!! Glad you got to go back on and that you didn't have her there and you actually got that funny pic.

Speaking of ride photos I have to go back to your Dinosaur one. You know how much I love that first ever photo of you on Dinosaur so I am SO happy that you went on again and had another really funny photo (especially how you break it down). When we were there in Jan the Conataurus was back popping out on the right side of the car. Not sure what was going on while you were there but it has since been fixed. :goodvibes

That big white bird that you caught a picture of chilling on the roof is the same kind of bird that while sitting at Pecos Bills for lunch, I watched it scare off a child and then proceed to steal the ENTIRE plate off the table, it then proceeded to eat the cheeseburger and fries until the CM came out and chased it away. The poor kid was terrified. I just wish I had caught it on video. Crazy Disney birds not afraid of anyone.

I just spent over an hour catching up on your TR so I am sure I am forgetting a ton of things I wanted to say but oh well. :)

Looking forward to your last day's update.

I know! It definitely helps with the withdrawal. We're almost at one month out from Disneyland!!

The TOT tour was so, so cool. I will never forget that experience!

Hahaha that is fantastic about the CM! He was so hilarious and I was glad I caught his face on the way in. :rotfl: I'm not surprised he is featured!

Cookes is SO GOOD. Please go and then experience the amazingness that is that place.

The CM was party pooper central. It just irritated me because she was so darn rude about it!

Hahaha, that stupid Carnotaurus is all over the place... I never know where he's going to come from! He will forever scare me.

OMG, those birds are terrible! Seriously, they tried to steal Matt's turkey leg during one of our trips! Cannibalistic birds.

It's weird it's the last day, but I'm also glad! This has been a fun TR but it's nice to have it come to an end. :thumbsup2

Seeing Matt as Sulley in Monsters Inc Laugh Floor is one of my favorite parts of your video! So cute to know the whole story behind it now, and I'm glad Matt took it in stride. :thumbsup2

What a fun evening with Jen & family! Too bad about B&C being so busy. We've still never been there, mostly because I am so worried about going all the way there and encountering a super long wait. I'd love to try a No Way Jose though! Maybe now that they take ADR's, we will actually make it there.

We have those same HM headstones! That's my most favorite of our Halloween decorations!

Packing at the end of a Disney trip is just the saddest thing. :sad2: I just hate when that time comes!

Hahaha, yeah, he did well with it, but it was adorable!

Well, now you can make reservations for Beaches and Cream, which helps GREATLY! I am hoping we get to try the Kitchen Sink on our next trip!! You have to go at some point, the food is fabulous, and so is the ice cream!

Haha, we um, keep them out year-round, even though they're probably more appropriate for Halloween. But they are fantastic!

I know, it's always sad, which is why we do it all the day before, hahaha. It helps ease the pain!

Hi Dani :wave2: I'm going to backtrack a bit first because I completely forgot to say how much I love the t-shirt you bought for Bruce in AK - SO funny!! :rotfl:

Really enjoyed the latest updates - Wonderful photos as usual! :)

I seriously need to try a Dole Whip one day - that float looks really good!

I am like Matt in that I hate being in the spotlight so I think it's fab that he was so game when he got picked as Sulley. Go Matt!! :goodvibes

Such a shame you weren't able to get into Beaches & Cream but I'm glad it didn't spoil your time with Jenn & family...Those girls are so adorable!

I agree with you re: the Beach Club dining area - It would be good if Disney could separate it more from the Marketplace as we also found it got quite congested in there at times.

Very best wishes,

Hahaha, that t-shirt was such a good find on our part! He loved it!

Dole Whips are SO GOOD. It's a must-try, though I myself love the Dole Whip Swirl! The vanilla just balances out the pineapple so perfectly!

Yeah, he did a good job of being Sulley, it just didn't surprise me that he got chosen, haha. He just seems like a good Sulley!

I know, their family is just adorable and we love them. We had to improvise, but it worked out!

I really hope they break it up a bit and expand the quick service area! I mean, when you go to places like Roaring Fork, you have to wonder why the heck Beach Club Marketplace is set up that way. I still love it, but that part can just get so busy!
OMG I just realized after reading your response I have never read you DLR TR? what is wrong with me? Now I'm off to read that to mine any gems I need to help plan for our trip in Jan. I've never been there and I'm very unsure of myself
Chapter 56: I'm temporarily blinded... HEY FREE CAKE POPS!
Day Eleven: September 21st, 2013

This was it. Our final day in Disney World. It's always a bittersweet day when it shows up... on one hand, you still have a day in Disney World left, and you're excited to do ALL THE THINGS that, well, you want to make sure you do one last time. But it's the last day, and you're soon leaving to go back to reality. The one saving grace of going back to reality, or sorry, two, are seeing my puppies, and sleeping in my own bed. Otherwise, poop.

Anyway, we woke up at around 8:30, and actually just laid in bed for a while. We were both feeling bummed out about having to leave our favorite place in the world. We still had more packing to deal with, so we handled that and then got ourselves ready for the day. Of course, in the process of getting ready, I SMASHED my toe on one of the suitcase wheels. Between the pain and sadness of it being our last day, I cried... a lot. Thankfully Matt was good in consoling me, because I was a blubbering mess. It happens to the best of us.

Once I finally got myself together, we got out the door at around 9:15 or so and headed on over to Epcot. Even though it was only 9:30 in the morning, it was exceptionally hot outside. And as I've mentioned before, the walk on that pavement to the International Gateway is BEYOND brutal in the heat. You are walking on the sun. And this morning, the sun was just getting to us. Never a good sign when you haven't even made it to the park yet!

But finally we found some solace in the shadows near the Gateway... Though it was hot out, it was a beautiful day, too.


Nothing beats that morning walk into World Showcase with barely anyone else around, seriously.

Of course, because it's now basically a last day tradition for us, we headed right on over to France for some breakfast at Les Halles. It was nice and quiet inside, with not too many people around. We ordered the Quiche Lorraine, Garlic Cheese Roll, and Ham and Cheese Croissant. Matt went with an Orange Juice, and though I'd ordered a chocolate milk, they ended up giving me a hot chocolate. I don't really know WHY I didn't say something, but I just dealt with it.

We found a seat inside, as much as we enjoy sitting outside, it was just too hot.





Our food was FANTASTIC, as usual. And I love that they still offer the Garlic Cheese Roll in the mornings because it's SO good. If you haven't tried it yet, and you like garlic and cheese, do yourself a favor and hike it on over to World Showcase for one. You won't regret it, I promise.

After we finished breakfast, we decided to head over towards Future World so we could go on Spaceship Earth one last time.


Of course, I had to stop and take some photos of the flowers. I LOVE the flowers in Epcot.



As we walked, we noticed that the Pin Trading Station was closed, which we thought was super weird.


I believe we finally asked someone later on and they explained it was closed for something to do with Food and Wine? I can't remember, but there was definitely a reason for it.

Anyway, we made it to Spaceship Earth where people decided to cut us, and the line was a bit long, but we both just didn't really care to say anything.

Well, as soon as we got on, I was wishing we had. Everyone and their Mom who was right in front of us decided it was TOTALLY okay to take flash photos during the entire ride. And even BETTER, the line cutters then decided to turn around in their ride vehicles and take photos of EACH OTHER, which meant I was totally blinded for most of the ride.

PSA: If your camera can't take a good photo in darker conditions without the flash on, then go invest in one that can or just don't take flash photos. This is easily one of my BIGGEST peeves in Disney parks.

I can usually deal with one flash photo, but anything more than that and I am probably wishing you'll fall overboard on Pirates of the Caribbean trying to take a super washed out photo that you'll end up deleting anyway.

I realize I may sound like a total jerk for saying that, but oh well. It irks me.

Flash photographer violators aside... we still managed to get some fabulous photos together for our final ride.



After leaving Spaceship Earth, we headed to MouseGear to do one of our favorite things: SHOP!

Well, and trade pins, too. I got this awesome Swedish Chef one.


While at MouseGear, for my boss, we picked up the Mine, Mine, Mine cup. He had this gross old one that desperately needed to be replaced. He still uses the Mine, Mine, Mine one every morning, haha. It was a little thank you gift for giving me his REI backpack that has now become our absolute favorite bag to use in the parks.

We also picked up the Mickey Mouse Duffy costume because it's SO ADORABLE. Yeah, we own like... 8 Duffy outfits now. NO SHAME. And we so plan on buying the new Stitch one when we're in Disneyland in May.

We left MouseGear and then headed for Starbucks to get some iced coffees. The CMs there were SO bright and cheery and friendly this morning! They were all wishing us happy anniversary and it was super adorable.

While we were waiting for our coffees, one of the CMs came over and surprised us with birthday cake pops in honor of our anniversary, for free! It was really awesome and so kind of them, totally making our last morning in Epcot that much better.


We then decided to head back towards World Showcase, stopping in Canada since we hadn't really explored much of it this trip.


We went inside the store to look around, and Matt spotted a Vancouver Canucks hat. This was a BIG deal because Matt had been looking for a Canucks hat since forever, but couldn't find one. He's a big hockey fan (the only sport he likes to watch), and Seattle doesn't have a hockey team, so the Canucks are it for him!


He bought it, of course, and I was happy for him!

We explored a little more of Canada, heading back towards the waterfalls.



But holy COW that sun was just so intense for both of us!

We left Canada and went to England, but the sun was starting to really get to me.


We didn't last very long, so we continued on walking back towards our room. Melting or not, though, I really wanted to make sure we said goodbye to Epcot, so we stopped at the bridge near France and soaked in our final moments in the park for this trip.


Epcot is Matt's favorite park, and my second favorite, so it's always hard to say goodbye to it. I think it was especially hard this trip because though we spent a good amount of time in Epcot, it also felt like we didn't spend nearly as much time as we usually do.

I feel like there were two reasons for this:

1. The heat was just too brutal most days, especially in World Showcase.

2. Staying at Wilderness Lodge, we didn't find ourselves strolling over to Epcot like we usually did when staying at Beach Club for longer. I know that we're going again in September, so the weather is going to be brutal again, but we're hoping to spend more time in Epcot since we'll be at Beach Club for either all of our trip, or at least 9 days of it (we are waitlisted at the Villas at Grand Floridian right now for our first 2 nights; fingers crossed we get in!).

We finally left, and decided to walk the longer way back to our room, to get photos of my favorite area of Beach Club...



We got back to the room, where I took a few photos of everything we'd bought that morning.




DUFFY EVEN GETS HIS OWN PLUTO. It's just too much cute all at once.

I needed to lay down for a bit because the sun had really hit me hard this morning. I don't know why it was just this morning specifically, but I know my limit and I didn't want to push it. The last thing I would want is to not be able to enjoy the last day of our trip by being dehydrated/getting sun poisoning, so some time in bed was necessary.

Continued in next post
Chapter 57: Pool time, waffle time, MK time. Nothing better.
Day Eleven: September 21st, 2013

We finally felt a bit better and decided to go for swim in the quiet pool. We'd thought about going to Stormalong Bay, but the quiet pool had so few people around, plus it's RIGHT outside of our room. We just wanted to relax and float around and it was perfect.

We swam around and talked about the highs and the lows of the trip for us, and just enjoyed relaxing in the pool. In that moment, that is where we decided that our next trip would be way more relaxed. I'll get into this way more during my "Final Thoughts" section of the trip report, but our pool conversation definitely inspired a lot of our wants for our next trip for sure.

And I love that about Matt. I love floating around the pool with him in Disney, talking about all sorts of random things... it's kind of my favorite thing. Every married couple LOVES each other, but I also like Matt. I know that sounds a bit odd, so let me explain.

I like him as a person and as someone to talk to about anything and everything... he's my best friend and I love that about us. Some people think we spend too much time together, I'm sure, and I have had countless people ask about how we work at the same company (and at one point, on the same team), and I just tell people... I really like my husband as a person. We just get along really well and make each other happy! That's not to say that we don't spend time apart (I love going out shopping alone/with a friend while he plays board games with his guy friends), but I would say 95% of the time we are together and we like it that way.

It's a two-for-one deal; I have a husband and a best friend all in the same person.

Sorry for the random tangent there, but I just have those moments where I feel so stinkin' lucky to be with someone who makes me so incredibly happy, who I can be my TRUE self around, and who I make just as happy. It's the little moments where I realize this.

We got out of the pool then got ourselves lookin' all dapper for our final night at the Magic Kingdom.

Of course, I had to get a photo of us looking snazzy in our hats.


Fun fact: I took video of this, too, and it's in our trip video. If you watch it closely, you will notice that I move my head and my ears totally smack Matt in the eye, hahaha.

Matt was being a patient dude while we waited for the elevator.


Of course, you knew we weren't leaving that elevator without a last day ELEVATOR SELFIEEEEEE.


Never gets old.

We got to the bus stop at around 2pm, and hung out on a bench for a little bit.


While we waited, I want to take a photo of my favorite part of Matt's ear hat, and the reason why he ended up getting it.... HIDDEN CHIP 'N DALE!


We then took another ear hat selfie. I was apparently really in the mood for selfies this afternoon!


We got to Magic Kingdom and got ourselves inside relatively quickly, though it was definitely a bit busier than we'd seen on most days of our trip.

As we walked in, we noticed there was surprisingly NO ONE around the cute pumpkins on Main Street, so we shot over there quickly to get our photos taken without dealing with a line. I'm a big fan of this photo!


Matt ran over to the bathroom really quickly while I hung out. I wrote down that I took photos, yet I have no photographic proof of this?!

Once he was back, we went into the Emporium to get a few last-minute gifts/items we'd been on the hunt for, including some Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom cards, Winnie the Pooh on blu-ray, and a pair of Minnie ears for my sister, who we always send a gift package to whenever we go to Disney World.

After checking out of the Emporium, we darted across the street, (or as I put it in my notes), to avoid the parade "attacking" us... we went into Starbucks! Matt got a Pumpkin Spice Latte while I went with a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino.


Because the parade was going on, we had to loop around the hub to get over to Sleepy Hollow.


Once there, we had two waffle sandwiches we had yet to try on our minds...


We found a seat outside and while waiting for our Waffle Sandwiches, I watched the parade go by.



It's definitely a spot I would NEVER think of watching the parade from, but a pretty decent one if you want a seat! We could have been closer where those people were but opted for a space in the shade.

Finally, our waffles came out, and they were looking AMAZING.

This was the Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle:


And then we also got the Ham, Prosciutto, and Swiss Waffle:


They were both fantastic! This was one of the few times that Matt was happy to split a meal with me, so we both got to try the different Waffles.

I think I enjoyed the Sweet and Spicy one a little more, and I didn't find it that spicy, and I can only handle so much spice in most things, but the Ham one was really good, too.

Nutella still wins out as my personal favorite, but when you're in the mood for something a bit more savory, these are both fantastic alternatives.

After we finished, we decided to go and see how long the Haunted Mansion wait was. The park, like I'd mentioned before, was a bit busier than what we'd seen during our trip, so there was a 20 minute wait.

We decided to just roll with it anyway since we weren't in a huge rush. We then proceeded to get stuck behind the hugest... well, let me try to put this nicely... We got stuck behind some not-so-nice people.

They were terrible and literally cut everyone in the line. But I tried to just let it go since I didn't feel like being in a bad mood on our final evening.




When we finally got through the Stretching Room, and were JUST about to get to boarding, a family of children stopped the entire ride because there were all too young to ride together.


The parents didn't understand this rule and it caused a huge back up. Sigh. While we were standing there and the family was trying to figure it out, we were talking to a CM nearby, who was nice but also alluded to it being a LONG day for her at the Haunted Mansion. Based on the people we'd been dealing with so far in the line, I could see why.

Oh, but of course, it didn't stop here. Once we finally got on, the ride stopped a few times, like it usually does, and one of the not-so-nice people who were in front of us earlier decided to whistle as LOUD as possible every time it stopped. EVERY. TIME.

Like, one of those baseball whistle people make with their fingers. I seriously was so close to getting out of my Doom Buggy and slapping some sense into him. He also wouldn't stop talking/making dumb jokes.

I just don't get why people think it's funny to essentially ruin the ride for other people. It infuriates me and is seriously one of the rudest things you can do. What if that was someone else's only chance to go on the Haunted Mansion? And you had to be a jerk and be absolutely obnoxious the entire time. Good on you, buddy, you're a class act.

Anyway, we still tried to enjoy it as much as we could, and I got a few decent photos while on it.



Once we got off, we decided to go back on it again using our FastPass+. I have to admit, it was REALLY nice being able to book FPs at the last second and not have to worry about lines, especially for things like Haunted Mansion and Pirates, which at the time didn't have normal FastPasses.

We had a few minutes to wait before we could use our FP+, so I snapped a couple photos of Matt in front of his favorite attraction!



Continued in next post
Blah, all these rude people are ticking me off just hearing about them! Can't believe Epcot is all done!!! :( Hopefully all the annoying people are through for your day and the rest will be fantastic!! I love all the shopping you did and Matt's hat is ADORABLE!! We are going in Oct this year and I hope they have a hat like that! I LOVE the hidden Chip n' Dale!!! :thumbsup2
Sad it is your last day :sad: but I did want to tell you how much I love your photos. First, you take so many more than I ever do, but the quality of them is amazing. The interior photos of HM are stunning! I keep telling my DH that I need a better camera since I have a dinky coolpix, but then I know part of getting good photos is being a good photographer and I am.....not! :confused3
I'm loving the rest of your trip report and the photo's of Haunted Mansion are awesome. Did I read that you guys are heading to Disneyland in May? We will be there May 17-24 maybe we could stop by Starbucks(big fan) for a dis meet
I love that you and Matt are best friends!

Stupid annoying jerks on rides.... I saw that on my recent trip, I was eating at the Blue Lagoon restaurant in Pirates and heard a boat go by where they where doing a chant call/respond type thing........ the entire boat...... all I could think was if I was behind them on the ride I'd scream.
Oh yeah leaving Disney is always hard, but leaving Disney with Epcot in your backyard has to be doubly painful.

What is it that causes what may be normal people in the "real world" (though I may be overly optimistic) to be such inconsiderate "ME First" types in Disney??? I'm gonna use my flash and I don't care who I blind or disurb in the process because I'm just so special. I particularly hate when people take self photos since that's when you really get the flash in the eyes. Infuriating!! And oh yeah, all your flash photos will absolutely suck! Congrats loser!

OMG your SE faces!! :lmao: God Bless you two. :hug:

Aww free cake pops. Love it!

Yup, Matt sure does look happy with his Canucks hat, lol.

Dani, I completly get the difference between loving AND liking the same person. What you basically have is a perfect blend that everybody should hope for. You are the very definition of soul mates.

Um... right. You only went into Starbucks to avoid the parade. Sure. :rolleyes1

WOW, you really found ALL the lovely people this day didn't you???
My husband and I used to spend almost all of our non-working time together. It makes it even harder now that we live apart.

Flash pictures on rides is a huge thing for me too! Can you NOT hear them say "No flash pictures please!" And do you not realize how much that disturbs everything for everyone else?!?!

Hopefully you got away from rude people for the rest of the day!
Leaving day is the worst! I always feel like I never spent enough time in Epcot, no matter how long I stayed there in my trip (does that make sense)?
I really dislike ride ruiners!!

So sad your TR is coming to an end as well. I ended my own and now all my favorites are coming to an end. :sad2: I am going to go through some serious withdrawal! :worried:

Love shopping on my last day! Mousegears is awesome. I could spend all day in there wandering around.

A last dip in the pool is always great, too!

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day.
Oh my, I'm catching up and you are almost through your last day. :sad1:

Sorry, I have a lot of comments since your updates are awesome as always!

Those Nutella waffles at Sleepy Hollow are ohhhh so good! I had to video my first taste when I tried it a couple years ago. I'm curious about the chicken one that you got that last day. Maybe I will put that one on my list as well.

Ohhh kayyyyy, that CM at Splash that basically went all church lady was odd. Reminds me of a come back from Uncle Buck (you are probably way too young to remember that) where he puts the lady in her place. See the youtube link here.

Dumbo at night! Weeeeeee is the perfect description!

The MK Castle kiss goodnight is definitely worthy of shedding a tear or two. We accidently saw that in August since we didn't know when they do that.

Ha ha the sneaked in TR note from Matt - thanks for the editorial! That was hilarious!

Sorry Beaches & Cream didn't work out. It can be a crazy wait when everyone is craving that at that same time. At least they now accept ADRs.

Very smart to start packing ahead of time. I'm sure it makes that last morning much more pleasant and less stressful. I try to aim for packing the night before but that doesn't usually happen.

I absolutely agree about flash photography on the dark rides! Preach it!! Come on people be considerate of others. I had to chuckle at your comment about the washed out photo that will just be deleted anyway. So true!

Awww your best friend/husband and all the togetherness that not too much was so sweet. If more people felt that way we'd see a lot more happier couples.

Wow! I'm impressed with that HM photo where you captured the stairs room. I can barely see that without night vision goggles. That's a great shot.

I feel the same about the last day urgency to not miss a thing. You want to do and see it all and soak it all in and you know the clock is ticking away.

When will you be at DL in May? You know... I'm an unofficial Disney greeter there! :lmao: Seriously though, if something works out I would love to be one of the people to run up to you and declare that I've seen your Disney trip videos!! :wave2:
Long time lurker taking the plunge
I have just spent 3 hours reading your trip report and I love it and really dont want it to end haha
You and Matt make the cutest couple and the part you wrote about him being your husband and best friend is exactly how I feel about my other half (getting married this November after 6 years being together and one daughter) I love the fact he understands my 'geeky' ways and is just the same as me!
but thank you for writing this report we are going to Disney October 2015 for the first time as a family and reading these trip reports really give me some amazing ideas for my family and I
Big love from the UK xxx
What a relaxing and lovely morning so far! Despite the sun, Epcot was awesome sounding, I do love the breakfast in france, I'll have to try that garlic cheese thing! YUM!

Ugh to obnoxious people, that's just plain rude, like, just stop.

LOVE the waffle sandwiches!!
Long time lurker taking the plunge
I have just spent 3 hours reading your trip report and I love it and really dont want it to end haha
You and Matt make the cutest couple and the part you wrote about him being your husband and best friend is exactly how I feel about my other half (getting married this November after 6 years being together and one daughter) I love the fact he understands my 'geeky' ways and is just the same as me!
but thank you for writing this report we are going to Disney October 2015 for the first time as a family and reading these trip reports really give me some amazing ideas for my family and I
Big love from the UK xxx

I have to agree with this poster. I've been spending the past three days being generally unsocial and reading all your trip reports (and watching the videos!) and feeling a bit like a crazed stalker. I ended up subscribing to this forum just to let you know how deeply I wanted to thank you for the umpteen hours I'm sure you spent with the trip reports and entertaining me. (I read the TR with the funny Dinosaur ride photo and I am still laughing at the the "scream" photo... only because I have a photo of me EXACTLY like that from about ten years ago on that ride.)

So, thank you thank you thank you. I'm planning a trip this fall and have made notes to myself to sniff the Beach Club, try school bread, and definitely cough up the cash for MNSSHP.
Hi Danni, Just got caught up with your last few updates. Wow, that battered burger looks amazing. DH and I usually skip Downtown Disney (we are not big shoppers) but might have to make a special trip to try that. I totally understand about your flash photography pet peeve. It is mine also. I've actually considered learning how to say "no flash" in several different languages just so people have no excuse!! Ugh, I hate saying goodbye to EPCOT too. It's my favorite park. Hopefully one day we can stay at one of the Boardwalk resorts so we can walk there. Looking forward to your final thoughts -Amanda :goodvibes
Caught up again and usually that is a good thing except now you are almost to the end! :(

Of course I had tons of comments along the way but can't remember very many of them!

I was dying over your Spaceship Earth rude picture taking experience. When we were there last week the lady in the seat in front of us was taking flash picture of everything....really everything. It was driving me crazy....but to top it off (and this is when it became funny, like crying funny). As we were exiting her husband was trying to leave and she motioned for him to come with her because she "had to take a picture". At this point I had NO IDEA what she hadn't taken a picture of yet. Maybe you had to be there but at that moment I realized she ruined one ride for me but that man had to be with her for the whole vacation. haha

Sorry about Beaches and Cream. Once you decide to attempt the Kitchen Sink there really isn't much to compare. I feel pretty torn about them taking ADRs now. Like the wait is usually long but I do like the ability to just pop in.

Love Matt's notes and what makes it the best is that you didn't find it for so long that he had forgotten about it.

I really think you and Matt are just too adorable! Anyone that thinks you're weird for always wanting to be together likely doesn't have as good of a relationship as you two do.


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