TR - Shuttergirl does Castles, Kilts, Craic and Croissants - Photos up to Day 10

Ms. Shuttergirl

DIS Veteran
Apr 20, 2009
Well we are down to the wire now with only 2 sleeps to go so I thought hey let's get this Trip Report party started.

For the newcomers to my rambling TR's, here are the players:-

ME - 42 (cough cough), planner extraordinaire, pretty "pitcha" taker, stresser, food porn loving Disney-oholic, travel obsessed, proud mumma

DH - 41 (going on 60, old man lol) shopaholic, reluctant Disney visitor, sports mad, music mad, food loving, highly strung, hard working, proud dadda

DD14 - Diva-licous dancing queen, loves Disney as much as her mumma, loves desserts so free dining is her favourite thing in the whole world, stunning, super smart, super sweet, wants to be an interior designer, living in a fancy NYC apartment (a girl's gotta dream )

DS10 (turning 11 on the trip) - Sports mad feral beast, makes me laugh, makes me cry, is slowly evolving out of being a fussy eater (thanks to our last WDW trip), very OCD like his mumma and pappa, still young enough to be "cute" at Disney, super smart, mummy's little man.

and introducing

Grandma - nurse for 42 years, recently very sadly widowed, very social and fit, lawn bowler extraordinaire, great mother-in-law most of the time, loves her grandchildren, occasionally likes to point out my faults (should be fun right :rotfl:)

Here is the plan as it stands right now. Things will be dumped along the way as tiredness seeps in and that's okay. I'm getting better at just going with it in the moment. However, if it's something booked and paid for, there is no shifting, we do it. Everything else is fluid.


Arrive LONDON, private car to Apartment, afternoon settling in and wandering the neighbourhood

Dinner at a very well known local pub called The Churchill Arms

TUESDAY 26 March, 2013

Morning - Private Tour in Black Taxi Cab seeing:- Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, No. 10 Downing St. Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus, Tower Bridge, Marble Arch, etc.

Trafalgar Square for lunch and a wander

Afternoon - Hyde Park for the afternoon seeing Princess Diana's Memorial, Kensington Palace etc.

Dinner at my MIL's cousins restaurant called Entree:-

Kind of a mini family reunion with this branch on her family

WEDNESDAY 27 March, 2013

Morning - Westminster Abbey Private Tour

Afternoon - London Eye, Thames Cruise and shopping along Oxford St

THURSDAY 28 March, 2013

All Day bus tour to Oxford, The Cotswolds and Statford on Avon (home of Shakespeare)

FRIDAY 29 March, 2013

Morning - Tower of London

Lunch - Borough Market -famous food market

Afternoon - The Globe, Shakespeares Theatre and walk across Millenium Bridge

SATURDAY 30 March, 2013

Morning - Portobello Market

Afternoon - Girls to go to The Orangery for High Tea at Kensington Palace and boys to go to Lords Cricket Ground and Abbey Road

Evening - West End Show "We Will Rock You"

SUNDAY 31 March, 2013

Easter Sunday

Morning - British Museum

Lunch - nearby Museum

Afternoon - Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum

(may need to switch British Museum with Wax Museum as have been reading that the Wax museum is mayhem in the afternoons)

Late afternoon/evening - a local pub for music/food/etc.

MONDAY 1 April, 2013

All Day Tour to Bath and Stonehenge

TUESDAY 2 April, 2013

Morning - St. Paul's Cathedral

Afternoon - Harrod's and more shopping


Morning - catch train to Edinburgh

Afternoon - arrive, check in, go to Holyrood Castle nearby

THURSDAY 4 April, 2013

All Day Bus Tour to Loch Ness and the Scottish Highlands

FRIDAY 5 April, 2013

Morning - hop on hop off bus tour around Edinburgh

Lunch and walk along the Royal Mile

Afternoon - Edinburgh Castle

SATURDAY 6 April, 2013

All Day Bus Tour to Rosslyn Chapel and the Roman Border of Scotland


Morning - fly to Dublin, check in

Afternoon - wander around Dublin

Evening - dinner and show at The Merry Ploughboys Irish Pub

MONDAY 8 April, 2013

All day - Hop on Hop off Bus tour around Dublin, seeing many of the major sites including Trinity College

Afternoon - relaxing in a local pub I would say

TUESDAY 9 April, 2013

All Day Bus Tour to Cork and the Blarney Stone and Castle

WEDNESDAY 10 April, 2013

All day - Hop on Hop off Bus tour around Dublin seeing whatever we didn't see Monday

THURSDAY 11 April, 2013

All day bus tour to Belfast to see the Titanic Experience Museum and tour Belfast. Also taking a Private Political/IRA Taxi Cab tour through the affected areas.

FRIDAY 12 April, 2013

Guiness Factory and shopping and relaxing in a pub I would say


Morning - fly to Paris, check into apartment, get supplies,

Afternoon - wander around Palais Royal area

Evening - out for birthday dinner for DS, walk home past the Louvre

SUNDAY 14 April, 2013

Morning - Private Walking tour along the Seine past most major sites
Lunch near Grand Palais

Afternoon - Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, walk along the Trocadero

MONDAY 15 April, 2013

Morning - Opera Garnier and then shopping at Galleries Lafayette

Lunch then walk to Rue Montorgureil Market Street for beautiful food

Afternoon - wander through Jardin Tuilleries, hot chocolate at Angelina's, then up Rue Royale to visit famous shops like Maille and Ladauree and go to Madeliene

Evening - Me and DD to go to Moulin Rouge

TUESDAY 16 April, 2013

Morning - go into Notre Dame, St. Chappelle and Concergerie, icecream at the famous Berthillion, then on to Shakespeare & Co bookstore

Lunch in Latin Quarter than wander around this beautiful area

Afternoon - Luxembourg Gardens and St. Germain

Evening - walk across Pont Neuf and then take a Seine Cruise

WEDNESDAY 17 April, 2013

Most of day - Palace of Versailles

Afternoon - Musee D'Orsay

THURSDAY 18 April, 2013

Private Tour guide for the day

- morning Louvre
- afternoon Montmatre and Sacre Coeur

FRIDAY 19 April, 2013

Morning - Arc De Triomphe and Champs Elysees, then Place De La Concorde


Afternoon - Invalides, Musee Rodin and Jardin Des Tuileries if haven't visited before or shopping


Morning - private transfer over to Disneyland Paris, check into hotel

Afternoon - wander around park

Evening - evening show

SUNDAY 21 April, 2013

Day - rides, shows, parades, etc

MONDAY 21 April, 2013

Day - rides, shows

Afternoon - private transfer to airport, fly home​

Let the fun and packing begin, oh my
Index to Trip Report

Travel Day and Day 1 -

Day 2 - Touring the city -

Day 3 - St. Pauls, Hard Rock and Harrods -

Day 4 - Part 1 Oxford, the Cotswolds & Stratford upon Avon -

Day 4 - Part 2 Oxford, the Cotswolds & Stratford upon Avon -

Day 5 - Tower of London, Borough Market and Shakespeare's Globe -

Day 6 - Portobello Market, Lords, Abbey Road, High Tea and the West End -

Day 7 - Easter Sunday -

Day 8 - Stonehenge and Bath -

Day 9 - Westminster Abbey and packing to go to Scotland -

Day 10 - heading to Scotland -
So with only 2 sleeps to go I would feel happier if I was further along with the packing and when I say further along, I mean had actually started :rotfl2:. There cases are out, that is where I am up to.

I have bought all of the toiletries etc but it just needs to be brought together. And as you know there are all of those last minute things that create the drama right up until the end.

Our kids have got an enormous few days of sport coming up with our DS even training on Sunday morning for basketball and us flying to London in the afternoon. Whew. I'm tired just thinking about it all. But that tiredness could be a good thing because perhaps we shall sleep on the plane :).

Taking the MIL along on this trip will be interesting. I'm wondering what this will do to our travel dynamic since it's always only been our family of 4 previously. I think my DH will be on his best behaviour so that's good but I worry about the pressure not to "yell" at the kids too much :lmao:. Perhaps they will be better behaved and the need to growl will be lessened. Regardless, I am excited that we get to take her along. She has had a rough few years and this will be a lovely adventure for her.

I definitely need to have a big packing day today, and when I say big I mean huge ;).

Wish me luck.
Oh Shuttergirl, it sounds absolutely delightful! I actually read out your itinerary to a work friend and we both went all dreamy-eyed wishing we could tag along!

Have a fabulous time! Now... GET PACKING!
Dearest MsShuttergirl, I know I haven't made any comments on your PTR of late, but I promise I've been reading along! I can't believe that the time has finally come! Travelling with parents or in-laws is never the same as just travelling with your immediate family but there are very many pros that come along with it. Good luck with the packing. I hope the lead up isn't too stressful. Your trip just looks amazing and I can't wait to follow along.
What I really want to know is will the much hated goretex boots be making a reappearance this trip? :lmao: Or has DD manage to 'lose' them :)

I'd gladly do a tour of Castles but nobody else in my family is as excited about them as I am.
Oh Lisa your trip sounds wonderful, I think you are very brave taking your MIL. We went to USA with my MIL and SIL and they drove me bonkers (but they are strange lol):rotfl:

I was a little stressed by the language barrier in Paris, I found some where quite rude if you didn't try just a little french. I can remember my Mum practicing to say 3 tickets in french for 2 days and when we got on the bus he was English lol.

Moulin Rouge was a highlight as were the huge perfume shops on Champs Elysee's, we also caught a train to Nice and sat on the pebbled beaches.

We also loved Ireland, hired a car and had 5 days traveling around ended up in Scotland, then drove to Bath. Did the Roman Baths tour and stayed in a delightful bed and breakfast. Joined a tour and did the Cotswalds, was hoping to do the Princess Diana memorial but from memory it was closed.

Brings back so many memories, it was 8 years ago now, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time and we will enjoy your trip report and photos.

How exciting!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Hope you guys have a fantastic trip over to England, and a wonderful time while you're away :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read about your travels...

Hope your weekend isn't too stressful :upsidedow
Ms Shuttergirl, you know so well that I am all set to travel vicariously with you on your amazing trip. Let the fun begin!! :cool1:
Good luck with your packing Ms Shuttergirl. Your trip sounds amaze-balls ( in your words :) ). Can't wait for it to begin, and for you to take us along for the ride with your amazing commentary and piccies :cheer2:
Wow! What a fantastic itinerary! I am sure you will all have the time of your lives and make lots of memories.::yes::

Can't wait to once again follow your travels:)
i am absolutely in love + awe + dreamy-eyed fan girl obsessed with your itinerary. you can take me, i will be well behaved :lmao:

seriously, you have a wonderful, wonderful, amazing, omg itinerary there.

can't wait to read all about it. and love the title :)

oh, and ms shuttergirl... don't leave the packing til the wee small hours before you depart. i did that and it's hugely stressful.

a biéntot :)
I hope you got the packing sorted, so you have a stress free day before yo leave.... Stress free who am I kidding, there is always something to do before you go away.

have an amazingly fantastic trip.
Oh Shuttergirl, it sounds absolutely delightful! I actually read out your itinerary to a work friend and we both went all dreamy-eyed wishing we could tag along!

Have a fabulous time! Now... GET PACKING!

Hehe, glad I could help you and your colleague go dreamy-eyed. :)


Dearest MsShuttergirl, I know I haven't made any comments on your PTR of late, but I promise I've been reading along! I can't believe that the time has finally come! Travelling with parents or in-laws is never the same as just travelling with your immediate family but there are very many pros that come along with it. Good luck with the packing. I hope the lead up isn't too stressful. Your trip just looks amazing and I can't wait to follow along.

Thanks to you Miss Shushh and all of your wonderful advice, it's much appreciated. I do think having MIL along will have everyone on their best behaviour and I won't complain about that.

What I really want to know is will the much hated goretex boots be making a reappearance this trip? :lmao: Or has DD manage to 'lose' them :)

I'd gladly do a tour of Castles but nobody else in my family is as excited about them as I am.

Nope she is refusing to take the Gortex shoes :rotfl2:, little diva. I guess it's okay since we won't be encountering snow but it just annoys me because they cost a bomb.

My husband is pretty excited about the castles and I think my son will like them if he lets his imagination take hold.

Oh Lisa your trip sounds wonderful, I think you are very brave taking your MIL. We went to USA with my MIL and SIL and they drove me bonkers (but they are strange lol):rotfl:

I was a little stressed by the language barrier in Paris, I found some where quite rude if you didn't try just a little french. I can remember my Mum practicing to say 3 tickets in french for 2 days and when we got on the bus he was English lol.

Moulin Rouge was a highlight as were the huge perfume shops on Champs Elysee's, we also caught a train to Nice and sat on the pebbled beaches.

We also loved Ireland, hired a car and had 5 days traveling around ended up in Scotland, then drove to Bath. Did the Roman Baths tour and stayed in a delightful bed and breakfast. Joined a tour and did the Cotswalds, was hoping to do the Princess Diana memorial but from memory it was closed.

Brings back so many memories, it was 8 years ago now, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time and we will enjoy your trip report and photos.


Sounds like you remember your trip with such fond memories, hopefully we will come back feeling the same. Moulin Rouge will be a highlight for my daughter because she's a dancer and one of her teachers danced at the Moulin for 18 months so a very personal connection to the whole thing.

We have a little bit of french up our sleeve and our secret weapon is the Diva, she's in her 3rd year of french at high school and is all straight A's so hopefully she will be a help.

I may have to purchase myself some perfume.

How exciting!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Hope you guys have a fantastic trip over to England, and a wonderful time while you're away :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read about your travels...

Hope your weekend isn't too stressful :upsidedow

Thanks so much. :)
Ms Shuttergirl, you know so well that I am all set to travel vicariously with you on your amazing trip. Let the fun begin!! :cool1:

Jump on board Travel Mum :goodvibes

Good luck with your packing Ms Shuttergirl. Your trip sounds amaze-balls ( in your words :) ). Can't wait for it to begin, and for you to take us along for the ride with your amazing commentary and piccies :cheer2:

Thanks, I'm going to need good luck I think hehe. And I love that word amaze-balls.

Love the title. Safe travels and can't wait to join in.

Glad the title meets approval, I kind of liked it too, although yours were good too lol. Thanks so much.

Wow! What a fantastic itinerary! I am sure you will all have the time of your lives and make lots of memories.::yes::

Can't wait to once again follow your travels:)

Thanks Minnie Sue.

i am absolutely in love + awe + dreamy-eyed fan girl obsessed with your itinerary. you can take me, i will be well behaved :lmao:

seriously, you have a wonderful, wonderful, amazing, omg itinerary there.

can't wait to read all about it. and love the title :)

oh, and ms shuttergirl... don't leave the packing til the wee small hours before you depart. i did that and it's hugely stressful.

a biéntot :)

I'm sure you would be well behaved Alicia but alas, there is no room but feel free to follow along and pretend you are with us.

I hope you got the packing sorted, so you have a stress free day before yo leave.... Stress free who am I kidding, there is always something to do before you go away.

have an amazingly fantastic trip.

I'm feeling okay about the packing, still haven't actually put anything into a case yet but it will all come together.

Wow, what a wonderful trip, can't wait to read your adventure :)

Thanks Miss Red, stick with me and enjoy.
OMG you're off again! surprised me! a great trip = esp for the kiddies. 2013 marks 20 years since I was last in UK/France. :sad1:
have a great time! :thumbsup2
Love your TR and can't wait to hear how it all goes. Looks like you are all going to have a fantastic time. Hubby & I went did a UK trip with my mum - first and last time ! So I hope being with MIL is good :) At least you have a babysitter if needed. Safe flying and look forward to hearing about it. And seeing your fantastic photos ! :cool1:


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