Tracy's Journal-The Saga and Drama of It All!

I like chicken soup! At least your chicken will be very, very tender!;) Good job on the workout. I love when the program goes between going forwards and backwards. I think it is a good workout. Good luck at the gym tonight. :cool1:
Yesterday was a great day all the way around!!

I didn't have chicken soup when I got home, but I have to say that the chicken was the most tender chicken that I have ever made! I enjoyed it. Had some corn with it & picked up a few of DD's french fries...I stayed under my daily points allowance & still earned 5 AP...I had 9.5 points left over, not counting flex. I could have eaten quite a bit more & been fine, but we had homework to do, a bath to take & ALIAS to watch before turning in last night...I just sat on the couch like a lump!! :earboy2:

We had a turning point with swimming last night:


I was stunned!! I told her that her swimming lessons would be over next Wednesday unless she got really comfortable with the whole "face in the water" thing...that motivated her, apparently. I just couldn't see putting her through a 3rd beginner class when she was so adverse to getting her face wet...I thought we'd just finish up this class & spend lots of time at the pool this, she REALLY wants to go up to the next level of classes, which I would absolutely's the "strike while the iron's hot" theory, in the case!! I am proud of her...the little stinker...


DEx's Mom DID get the dates off that we need for vacation!! I was happy about that...I didn't really want to go in February this time...she did leave a message on my machine last night saying that she was going to look into the nurse's discount at the Dolphin/Swan for our dates...well, Gran, I've got the hotel booked already (which I've already told her...twice) AND I'm allergic to dander/down, so I can't sleep in a "Heavenly Bed"!!!! Don't get me wrong, I love down pillows, down comforters, couches stuffed with down...I just don't like having crusty eyes & a sniffly nose when I wake up, so I gave that stuff up 5 years ago...just wasn't worth dealing with daily...anyway, this is Reagan's trip & she'll have a ball at AKL...of course, if a great code comes out, I would consider switching, but we're not staying at Dolphin/Swan...maybe POLY! POLY! POLY!

Now that my adrenaline is going, I guess I should get to work!!!

Have a super day!!
Yay REAGAN!!!! :cool1:

Congrats on the dates too!!!! Happy Friday!!!
:sunny: :flower: :sunny: :flower: :sunny:
Glad you get to go when YOU wanted to!!!! Now if you can get it across to her that you're NOT staying at Swan/Dolphin!!! Good luck!!

Have a great weekend!!!!!!
Hi Everybody!!

I've got to keep this short and sweet...the "efficiency" and "internet" police are running rampant around here!! :badpc:

I didn't show a loss last week...I figure it must have been the previous weekend's birthday festivities (mine & DD's friends) that caused a derailment there...just took a few days to show up!!

I didn't show a GAIN either!! :banana:

I did get to the gym yesterday for an hour of cardio & I will be going in for strength training & cardio this evening...

Sorry I can't check into the journals today...maybe tomorrow...hope everyone is doing well!

Way to gain!!! That's awesome...especially since you were celebrating last week!! I'm sure next week will show that loss!!
Good Morning!!

I'm sorry that I haven't been around much!! Work has become quite bizarre over the past week, so I will be in and out at odd times here!

I had a "pig-out" day yesterday...I was doing really well until about 2:00pm, when I decided to have the whole bag of "Butter Lovers" popcorn...then I had a granola bar...of course, I had to follow that up with a piece of chocolate cake & some ice cream...I had a piece of ham & some carrots for dinner...oh, then I had a snack bag of fudge-stripe cookies!!! I'm sure my 30-minute walk at lunch & 30-minutes on the elliptical after work didn't even begin to touch all of that!!!! I wasn't eating emotionally yesterday, it was more of a case of no self-control...I saw food and I ate it!!

Today I'm having this nasty oatmeal (low-sugar, yuck) for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine for to the Y for DDs last beginner (I hope) swimming session...then I promised DD I would take her to Wendy's for dinner to celebrate (she could have asked for Red Lobster, Chili's...but, no...WENDY'S).
I should be OP today & should get in 30 minutes of cardio and 20-30 minutes of strength training...I'm hoping that the fact that there is a big chocolate cake two offices down from mine doesn't sabotage me...I AM WEAK!! I love chocolate...

I took the St. Patty's Day challenge...I signed up for 8 pounds to lose between Valentine's & St. Patty's...only lost 4.5 lbs, but I am considering that a HUGE SUCCESS!!! I think my next challenge will be to lose 5 lbs. between St. Patty's Day and April 29...I found out yesterday that one of my all-time favorite rock bands, the Black Crowes, will be coming to Knoxville on April 29!!! Back before DD was born, I was in the music biz, so I went to alot of shows...since DD, I have been to about 5 shows in almost 5 years! I am as giddy as a schoolgirl about this show!! :Pinkbounc I would like to fit into a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans that were pre-DD by the show...right now, I can get them zipped and buttoned...can't move, bend or breathe, that is my goal...5lbs & those jeans should be close enough to wearable that I could suffer through it to wear them to the concert!!! :rotfl: It's all about the small things...

On to trip planning...I'm awfully chatty this morning...I believe our itinerary is going to shape up as follows:

Nov. 30-Wed-arrive at WDW-AKL, dinner at Boma
Dec. 1-Thu-AK in the AM; dinner at LTT; MVMCP
Dec. 2-Fri-MK with CP for lunch; Campfire at FW
Dec. 3-Sat-MK with CRT sometime
Dec. 4-Sun-breakfast at CM before flying home

I hope that leaves us some breathing room...I'm probably going overboard on the character meals, but I figure if we need to have a sit down meal once a day to rest & relax (?), we might as well have characters there...

Have a super day!!!
Hi, Tracy! Ouch on the food yesterday -- just like me this past Sunday! Isn't it weird when we do that? At least you worked out! I didn't even do that! The big difference for me was that I actually recognized I was overeating (2+ pork chops, popcorn at the movies, pria bar, etc) and wrote it all down and used my WW flex points for that food.
Congrats on the 4.5 pounds! AWESOME!!! Just think, you did that in 4 weeks -- doing it again over the next 6 weeks will be very do-able! Good luck!

I used 10.5 flex points yesterday even with the can say OUCH again...I was on a binge!! Sad thing is, if I'm going to binge, I want it to be a quality binge...yesterday wasn't THAT satisfying!!
Tracy-- It could be worse! I used 22 flex points Sunday! It was UGLY!!! Fortunately, they were satisfying points as far as flavor and addressing a real salt craving, but I was feeling so sick by the end of it all. Thank God there is always the next meal to do it right. Congratulations for getting back on track so quickly! Aren't flex points wonderful? An affirmation of our human-ness. I didn't even have to give up my cheat-free clippie, since I had the FPs to use and used them. Hard to believe we can do that -- just one more thing I LOVE about weight watchers!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Tracy,

Congratulations! The 4.5 pound loss is really great! Congrats on also getting right back on track after yesterday's binge. That is what makes this time different. Nobody is perfect, but we start fresh and do our best.

Your trip sounds fabulous. I am getting really excited for ours. We are also doing a ton of Character meals. I persoally enjoy them.

Take care,
Hi Tracy!

Congrats on the 4.5 pound loss! That is awesome!!! :cheer2: Way to go for getting back OP too! Keep up the good work Tracy! :cheer2:
Greetings and Happy Friday!!

I hope everyone had a great St. Patty's day...we had a sneaky leprechaun at DDs school, my folks house, & at our house...he turned over furniture, moved shoes & dropped gold coins & candy everywhere!!!

I've been doing well since my binge of a few days ago!! I've stayed OP with food and exercise...had a HUGE salad for dinner last was SOOOO good!! Now that the St. Patty's Day challenge is over, I'm starting the Black Crowes Challenge!!! My goal is to fit into those Ralph Lauren blue jeans by April 29...five pounds or so...I'll update on my progress with that challenge on Mondays...woo-hoo!!

DD progressed to the next level of swimming classes!! :thewave:
She was in the "Pike" class, now she's an "Eel"!! We start those on April 4, so I will have to tweak my exercise plan for the next two weeks since there are no classes between now & then...

This weekend should uneventful for a change...I've got to go to the gym & get started on the housecleaning/laundry tonight...tomorrow, I truly have nothing scheduled (gym?)...Sunday, maybe a day off from the gym & dinner at Kanpai of Tokyo...all in all, I think this weekend is going to be relaxing & less productive than usual (YES!!!). Who knows? Maybe I'll even take a nap!!! :laughing:

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! See ya Monday!!
Tracy...glad to see you've been OP! How guys go all out for St. Patty's Day!! And congrats to DD!

Enjoy your "uneventful" weekend...we all need those sometimes!!


I love the idea of a sneaky leprechan. I'll need to do it next year.

Great job getting back on program. You definately need to take a nap this weekend. Grasp the opportunity because you never know when it will come again.
Take care,
Awww, today is my 2-month WISH anniversary!!!! Coolness...I need to celebrate!!


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