Tracy's Journal-The Saga and Drama of It All!

Good morning!!

Well, I had a big weekend of eating!! I went out Saturday for Mexican food (lunch)...also had pork roast at Mom's with a baked potato & peas/carrots...had a muffelata (sp?) and chips at a deli after church yesterday, then I went out for Japanese last night with friends...oh, and there was some ice cream and M&Ms in there somewhere...sigh...

I checked my weight yesterday & was 1/2 pound over the past two weeks...I didn't give that a second thought, really. This morning, however, I was up 4.5 pounds!!! I'm thinking that the lunch meat/olive salad/potato chips from the deli in addition to all of the soy sauce from my dinner yesterday really did me in...Today is my official weigh-in day, but I'm going to see what the scale says tomorrow after I've been OP today & I'll just average the last three days together or something!!

I've decided to cut out some of the carbs for the next few weeks...I'm not going Atkins, but I'm not going to have any bread/pasta/cereal/rice for a bit. I love my carbs, but I've got to scale back some!

DD has no swimming lessons this week, so I will be walking at lunch & hitting the gym for quick cardio after major 1 1/2 hour workouts planned this week, just a little here, a little there...

Time to be productive!

Good news!! The 4.5 pounds that showed up on the scale yesterday is gone...I did feel all bloated & yucky I know that there were other forces at play & that was not a TRUE weight gain! :banana:

With that being said, the scale hasn't moved in two weeks, so my "Black Crowes Blue Jeans Challenge" is about to get even more challenging!! I'm up for it though!

My biggest obstacle this week will be, of course, Easter. My father is getting baptized, confirmed & making his First Holy Communion Saturday night at the Easter Vigil mass (GO DAD!) and we are going out to dinner beforehand (I think) to celebrate...this will be a toughie, I love dessert after a really nice meal...maybe I could have dessert instead of the meal?? Just kidding!!

Onward & downward!!
Just got through your journal and you have been doing super great. You had a few mistakes but no body is a still have to enjoy life. Once your DD gets back in swimming and you can hit the Y again I am sure you will fit in those jeans. Keep up the good work and thanks for stopping by my journal.

pettyone said:
, I love dessert after a really nice meal...maybe I could have dessert instead of the meal??

Hi Tracy,
What a special Easter this will be for you and your Dad! Maybe you could try the "3 bite" strategy for dessert. Ask someone else to order and just have three bites. I've never tried this, but I've heard it works!

Congrats on losing the mysterious 4.5!

Hi tracy,

I have done the 3 bite thing. it works as long as you can push it away. I just make sure I order a really good cup of coffee to savour while everyone else finishes with their desserts.
Every little bt of exercise counts. it all adds up.
Congrats to your dad.
Tkae care,
Wow you guys have some big Easter plans! That is awesome! I'm not good at the take a bite or two of something - which is probably why I was never successful with Weight Watchers. Portion control is not a strong point of mine. For instance they say "You can eat pizza, but limit it to one slice w/veggies and have a salad." All I hear is "You can eat pizza!" GREAT! This is the diet for me! :rotfl: So if you are able to do the 3 bite challenge then more power to ya sister!

Glad to hear the 4.5 lbs is gone - more then likely your body just retained some extra water from all the fun eating. I love Japanese food!

Happy Wednesday!!

I stayed OP last night with soup & salad for dinner!! I got in a good 30 minutes of cardio at the Y, too! All in all, it was a successful day!

Today I am hoping to get in a long session at the Y since DD is staying with her DGPs and her Daddy (just back from Colorado)...unfortunately, though, I think I may have the beginning of a urinary tract infection...that may derail my plans. I put a call into my OB/GYN & am awaiting a response as I type...let me just say that the drive to work today was pure torture...I was BEYOND squirmy by the time I got here!! :rotfl:

Kristin--Hey!! Thanks for coming by!!

Sunny & Beth--The 3 bite thing could work since I'll have my folks there, we could share a dessert...I KNOW that I could never institute that rule at home, DD isn't much on "my kind" of desserts, so there would be nobody to share with & I certainly don't have enough discipline to put a dessert away or to throw it away...

Amanda--For instance they say "You can eat pizza, but limit it to one slice w/veggies and have a salad." All I hear is "You can eat pizza!" GREAT! This is the diet for me! AND WE SAY THAT MEN HAVE SELECTIVE HEARING...RIGHT!? I'm with you on that one!!

Have a great day!!!


Update: Yes, I have a urinary tract infection!! Actually, the receptionist (not NURSE) said that I had "some junk" in my sample...thank you, Ms. Receptionist for that brilliant explanation of my lab work...sheesh!! :rolleyes:
Happy Wednesday!!! Sorry I haven't been up on your journal this week!!! I think I'm totally fried!!! (Tomorrow is my last day of school before easter break for 2 weeks!)

I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you!!! Keep it up! :cool1:
Happy Wednesday to you too!

Sorry to hear about the UTI--that's no fun at all! Hopefully it will pass quickly and not interfere with your plans too much.

Big congrats to you dad on his first communion! How cool!

Hope you have a great dinner and a great Easter!
Greetings all!!

I stayed 90% OP yesterday with food (M&Ms get me everytime) & had a great workout at the Y too!

I didn't sleep that well last night with the whole UTI thing, but I think that tonight I will be well on my way to recovery, thanks to the prescription that I picked up yesterday!

My plan for today is to walk 30 minutes at lunch & head to Y for an hour of some sort of cardio...

Gotta run, I've got mortgages to review...yippee!! :earboy2:
Hi Tracy,

I hope you are feeling better this afternoon. Keep pushing your water and try some yogurt to prevent a yeast infection. I hate antibiotics.

Keep up the great work.
Take care,
Hi Everybody!! :wave:

I'm feeling a bit better today--well on my way to recovery, I'd say! I've got 5 more days of antibiotics to take, just to be sure it's gone...and yes, look out yogurt here I come, just to be safe!!

I went to the Y yesterday and did the "gluteal" program (!) on the elliptical, I feel lifted and toned today! :earboy2: That was a booger!! I also went out shopping...wanted a black poncho to wear...all over town, I go...finally, at 9pm, I found one at Ross'...I crack myself up, though...I'm SOOOOO conservative that I don't know whether I will actually wear this thing or not!! I think that if I skip the camisole and wear more of a "shirt" under it, I'll be fine BUT it looks good with the cami, so I should just wear it & quit being so dull, right?!

I got up this morning to go to the Y for my cardio(they close early today) ...I plan to strength train at lunch, then off after work to rescue Mom from DD...or DD from Mom...Rea was out of school today, so Mom volunteered to keep her...I figure that by 10:30am, Mom will be worn out!

I hope everyone has a happy & safe Easter with lots of quality "family" time this weekend! :grouphug:
Thanks for stopping by my journal and YES I will try and stay away from the scale in the evening. I find the hardest thing to do is finish the medicine once I start feeling just finish it. Glad to hear you can still go to the Y while your feeling under the weather. Hope you have a blast this Easter.

I vote for the cami!!!!!! Live a little :)

Have a great Easter.

Another vote for the cami! Sorry to hear about the UTI and junk in the sample! What a way to put it... :rotfl2:

You're doing great! And losing those 4.5 lbs from the other week!! Keep it up!! Have a great weekend and Easter...congrats to your dad!!

Just finished reading your journal and wanted to say "Thank you" for stopping by my journal and lending me some support.

Looks like you are doing really good and getting in quit a bit of exercise. How are those jeans fitting now? Can you breathe, yet? :rotfl2:

Keep up the good work and Happy Easter. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo


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