Trading Spaces...Upcoming Episode


Proud Redhead
Jan 1, 2001
Looks like an interesting episode coming up that you may want to mark on your calendars!

'Trading Spaces' Tirade: Owner Ballistic By Cathryn Conroy, CompuServe News Editor
Most of the fun of watching the cable cult hit "Trading Spaces" is to see how the homeowners react to what the neighbors did to their houses in the name of cheap interior design. The episode that airs on March 22 may be one of the most volatile reactions yet--so much so that The Learning Channel has issued a news release: "Las Vegas may be the boxing capital of world, but no one was prepared for THIS bout! Paige Davis steps in as the referee when the homeowners clash." What are the "Trading Spaces" designers REALLY like? What caused this? The color taupe. Plain ol' light brown. Mushroom-colored walls sent homeowners Jessie and Rodney into such a tizzy that the "reveal reaction" runs so long it bleeds into the show's closing credits. Jessie curses. Jessie walks out. Jessie levels her anger at the neighbors even though the designer, Laurie Smith, is plainly at fault. And all of this happens because Jessie "didn't want brown." (Well, hello! Ever hear of a paintbrush and new can of paint that isn't brown?) 10 tips for tired interiors! In the soap opera that is "Trading Spaces," you'll be sure to want to catch the show to find out this pressing question: Will the neighbors ever borrow a cup of sugar from each other again?
I have to remember to watch this one. I've seen some really bad rooms where I was surprised the reaction wasn't worse, but to walk out over taupe?????? Thanks for the head ups.
I have many taupe rooms with white baseboard trim! It looks great! I love taupe!

Of course, why would anyone trust a neighbor to decorate their home. If you want something done right.......

We'll be sure to have the popcorn ready that night to watch the fights!! It'll be like watching a hockey game!!! :rolleyes: :teeth:
I've heard about this one already. Knew it had to be Laurie's room because Edward is always soooooo careful about fitting eveything into what the homeowner wants. (Such a southern gentleman -- even if we does have strange hair).

I'll be tuned in as always.
Frank was recently in the Boston area and did a radio interview. He said that there would be a few upcoming episodes where the reveal doesn't go well. It was interesting hearing him talk about behind the scenes stuff.

I can't believe the monkey room from last week. I think I even had a nightmare about it!!!
Ohhhh! I can't wait! I thought the recent tiff about coloring the carpet orange was funny, but this one sounds like a hoot. :)
I don't feel sorry for the homeowner at all. They have to sign a contract saying they have no say-so in the room. If they've ever watched the show (and I hope they have if they sign up to be on it :rolleyes: ), then you know you get what you get. This is precisely why you will NEVER see my smiling mug on that show. I'm way too picky about my own home to ever risk it.

I find it hard to believe that a Laurie room could be that offensive. She usually turns out very well designed rooms with nothing bizarre in them. Even if it's not your taste, there's usually no permanent damage in them. :rolleyes:
I too, was suprised when I heard it was Lauries room that caused such a reaction. I think Laurie's room are almost always very tasteful and classy. I am betting it is a total case of overreacting! I can't wait to watch LOL.

But isn't Laurie the one who took down the ceiling fan in the home of the NC couple? They apparently had made it very clear that they didn't want the fan touched, and she took it down. The guy was cussing when he saw that the fan was gone.
I agree that she had the right to remove it, but she knew that was not what the homeowner wanted. Still, he could have just put the fan back up later. It would take a lot more than that for me to start swearing on national TV.
i was just thinking...poor laurie!! this will be the 2nd time (that i recall anyway) where the homeowner hated what she had done...there was an episode before with yellow or something...i would personally love for laurie or vern to do a room in my home! i love just about everything they've done! if i was doing a child's room, though, i would like frank. i've loved the rooms he's done for kids! well, except for that whole monkey thing last week...but that wasn't completely his...that was ty's input! my favorite room frank did was one that was for a little girl...he installed a swing in her room. i thought it was the cutest room...
Considering most of these people's rooms look like garage sale leftovers (there have been one or 2 exceptions), they should be happy with any type of improvement, be it taupe or not.

What's wrong with taupe, btw? Fergie is taupe.
We'll be setting the VCR that night. Thanks for the heads up on this. My alma mater is having an auction that night and we're going to that.

Oh well, if I forget to set the VCR, I can always watch the 2nd showing from 11:00-1:00. Been there, done that before.

I loved the monkey room and so did my kids.
I'll be sure to watch this one! DD and I always watch every Sat. night anyway, but most of the time we both end up falling asleep, and I'll wake up later and watch the late night repeat. I always have to laugh at the people who get so upset about stuff like a paint color, is there not anything else in their lives to get so torked up about? Hello, Home Depot is a nice place, they have paint and paintbrushes there, you might want to check it out, lol!:rolleyes:
I am looking forward to this one. This is our favorite show.
Vern is my favorite designer and the older man too. (name??).
Frank and Laurie do well most of the time but sometimes they are just OFF.
The blonde one (name?) scares me sometimes. Did anyone see the kids area she did with giant spots.....:eek: it was sooooo ugly. :p

did anyone see the one where they did the kitchens of both neighbors and one of them was an editor for McCalls or something?
they were AWESOME !!!!!!!!!
I can't stand laurie, she is too prissy for me. I would not want that new desinger, she is too whacked out in tastesadn ideas for me!
I could handle Vern doing a room for me! or Frank, or Gen, or Edward, even Doug! No Hilde!!!!!!!!! She might want to glue my dog's hair on the ceiling or something. (making it a cloud effect)
:D This sounds like a good one! I just feel bad for poor Paige. Personally, Vern can come over and decorate any time he wants. I don't think he's ever done a room that I hated. Doug and Hilde on the other hand... Remember the one where Hilde glued flowers all over the walls :eek: . Or the "magenta/taupe, magenta/taupe all around the room". No thank you!
Hilde has a huge ego for someone who has never even been trained in design. I gag at the sight of most of her rooms. Vern is a doll and I'd love to have him do my whole house. Ty could come over and do some yard work.... ;) he's a cutie..

I'll have to set the VCR for the 22nd. Thanks for the heads up!
I love that Doug has to keep telling everyone that he's a designer and he knows what he's doing. If he really knew what he was doing, he wouldn't have to try to convince everyone all the time.
I love this show and can't wait for this episode to air. To go ballistic over Taupe?? It's just paint, not like painting the rug orange as others have also mentioned, or even taking down a ceiling fan. I wonder how Paige reacts during this outburst.


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