Trip report - "Dreams do come true" (video complete - pg 45)

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Mary626 said:
I never thought I would find someone who makes me as happy as my husband makes me, and I never thought I would be getting married in EPCOT and having a magical honeymoon in Walt Disney World. It was always my dream, but I never thought it would actually happen. How many times do the things we wish for actually come true? It is so rare, and to have had my dream wedding and honeymoon.. well.... it really WAS a dream come true :cloud9:

-Mary :goodvibes

That was so beautifully said. I just spent three days (mostly at work :teeth: ) reading the whole trip report. It was fantastic! Absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for writing and please go to WDW again soon so you can write about it again. :thumbsup2 I'm so happy for you that you're dreams came true. That's all anybody can ask for out of life. Congratulations and you were a beautiful bride. The whole wedding was beautiful. :wizard: Thanks again!!! (although I'm sure my boss doesn't thank you ;) ).
Mary I've absolutely loved reading your report. I'm a little sad that it's over. I've never been to San Fransico but reading your trip report has made me feel like I've been there. I had a bit of a down week but reading this made me smile. Thanks for sharing with us!

Okay I went and read your review of the Superman movie and had to edit my comment. You've made it so I absolutely can't wait to see the movie this weekend. I was also so excited for you to get those videos for Jo and that all those people were so nice to you. Glad you two had fun!
littleladykaty said:
Loved it loved it loved it!!! It was so fun reading about your wedding adventures!!! You SHOULD write a daily blog! I would SO be there!! My DF and I are also going to do a home reception as we live in New Jersey but are getting married in Oregon so lots of friends can't be there. I really liked the way you set things up! Your back yard looked fantastic!!! Now I've got some ideas! Of course we don't really have a backyard... that's townhouse living for ya...we are house hunting for a place with a great backyard though!! Sorry, sidetracked....OH yesterday I was at Target looking at Northern Exposure DVD's and said to my DF..."Look hun, there's Jim's Dad!!" Like I actually know y'all...of course DF says to me "Who's Jim?" all suspicious like... :rotfl: Y'know Jim..and Mary...? and his response was "If you are STILL talking about those people from the internet I am taking you to therapy RIGHT NOW!" :rolleyes: :lmao: He SO doesn't get the DIS!!! I do need therapy but for many other reasons beyond DISing too much!! ;)

It's been a hoot and a holler girl! Thanks for sharing so much with all of us!! princess: :wizard:

Katy, you crack me up! :rotfl2: :lmao: My DH says the same sorts of things to me. "Are you talking about people WE know, or are you talking about DISBoard people?" He's soooooooooo silly, but he will also be the first one to say "What do your friends on the DIS say about ...?"

He knows were the real information is! :dance3:

I am still in catch-up mode. I have to get back to your TR...I left off on page I have much to catch-up on! I love your pics.
DawnA401 said:
Mary, I really enjoyed your trip report, thanks for taking the time to write it. I really enjoyed all of the pictures and that shameless cabbie!! Congratulations on your wedding and btw u were married on my birthday!!

Too bad there wasn't a picture OF the shameless cabbie- kind of like a Disboards warning system :lmao:
philadisney said:
Mary! I am sad your report is over but it was a wonderful read, like many people on these boards I feel like I know you and Jim personally now. It is always good to see two people who have found each other in this crazy world and made each other so happy. Ya got me a little choked up at the end there. Bravo!

Thank you for reading and for all your responses along the way! So glad you enjoyed the TR :goodvibes

radiofanatic said:
I'm so sad the report is over - I absolutely loved it - are you sure you can't do a report about your big move?

My dh and I can't wait to see the superman movie - we're going to his hometown though b/c they have an IMAX theatre so I can't wait to see it bigger than life and in 3D. I already read the book and loved the story so we're excited.

Thank you for reading the TR, not sure if I have any more Trip Reports in me for a while, truth be told! But I’m glad you enjoyed the TR! :goodvibes I haven’t seen the 3-d version yet.. we had bought our tickets for Wednesday but Jim and I were both soooooo dead tired that day that we ended up not going. Hopefully we will catch it tomorrow!

jackdis said:
Just wonderful! What a great "gift" you have given to Jim (and yourself!) by writing this trip report. Thank YOU for sharing it with us. You are a beautiful person - inside and out!!!

Thank you so much, Jackie!! :goodvibes I have enjoyed talking to you and am so glad you enjoyed the TR. I hope you are having a wonderful time in WDW right now and are having a great birthday.. Hopefully we will talk again soon!!

radiofanatic said:
okay, now I just read the superman report and am SOOOO jealous - that sounds absolutely amazing - how in the world did you get tix to that? I forwarded the link to my dh, I know he is going to be green!
In reading the book, I know the ending and boy, did it absolutely shock me - I really didn't expect that!
And I'm a huge fan of Lois and Clark too - I also saw every episode. LOVED IT! Are you sure we aren't related in another life?

How did you guys enjoy the movie? I didn’t read the book but Jim told me that they kept the big surprises out of it so the ending was pretty different in the movie.. not sure if that’ s true or not though. Getting the tickets to the premiere was a combination of luck and determination, and having the right phone numbers to call, I was so surprised when it worked out! Looking forward to hearing your opinion of the movie!

blythep said:
Thanks Mary for your wonderful TR. I have spent 3-4 days at work reading and enjoying it. I am 337 days from my DH and my vow renewal. I am an ultra planner and it is so much fun to plan. We are going on a cruise and then to Disney afterwards. I am a Disney nut, we are going to wear matching Disney attire for our ceremony and it will only be the two of us.
I have really enjoyed all the pictures and disciptions of your days leading to, day of and honeymoon. I am sad that it is over. I did notice that you mentioned eating bread again, and other comments about diet. Did you go on Atkins a year before your wedding/honeymoon? I am trying to motivate myself into weightloss before as well, and am still looking for the plan that would work for me.
Again thanks for your TR and I hope you and Jim have many years of happiness!!

Those 337 days are going to fly by!! The cruise sounds like fun, I really wished we could have gone on the Disney cruise at the end of our honeymoon, but the timing just wasn’t right. I hope you guys have a great time! I did go on Atkins a year before my wedding.. I started May 1st and stayed on the induction phase until February, when I started down the ongoing-weight-loss phases (which didn’t work for me nearly as well as induction had..) I had lost 80 pounds from May to February, but then gained back about 8 and the two months before my wedding was just trying really hard to maintain. I am back on it now, and I really love the plan, I think it is so easy to incorporate into your everyday life and I never feel deprived or starving like I do on the low-cal diets, so I definitely recommend it, but only to people who are willing to learn about it and “do it right”.. I know so many people who think they are doing atkins but are doing it completely wrong, and then they get mad when it doesn’t work… so I tell them to read the book before they start! Anyway, didn’t mean to get on a soap-box just letting you know my opinion of it, since it’s something I struggle with throughout my life. Goodluck and have fun planning your wedding. I’m glad you enjoyed the TR! :goodvibes

ely3857 said:
Excellent, Thankyou for taking the time to share it with everyone

Thank you for reading! :goodvibes

purplegirl247 said:
So in our newspaper this weekend, there was an entire article dedicated to this woman who started off writing blogs of her daily life and is now doing book tours of her biography (she's only famous for blogging; nothing else). And so I thought, "You know who should do that? Mary!" You already have lots of fans here! If you ever decide to blog regularly, please please PLEASE let us know!

In other news, I loved your Universal report. My bf works there (he's the sound tech at Marvel) so I looked for him in the background of your Wolverine and Storm pictures. Alas, I didn't see him. That would've been so cool! Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to entertain us all! :hugs: Good luck on your move!

Thank you so much, I really appreciate that you think I would make a good blogger! :goodvibes I will certainly let you know if I start one. Once I settle in to my routine after I move, I might actually start one, but right now I have way too much going on… thank you so much though!! That’s cool that your bf works at Universal, sounds like a fun job! Thanks for reading and for your comments!! :goodvibes

thedears said:
We stopped at a few other places that the walking tour said to visit, although a few of the places we couldn’t find. The tourguide said to stop at “House of Dim Sum” for a good authentic, cheap meal

ate here many times while living in San Jose.............definitely different when you are orginially from South MS.

yeah it’s definitely not your typical American food! I remember my first experience with “authentic” Chinese food.. I was visiting Singapore with a friend who had a friend that lived there.. he said he was going to take us out to eat Chinese food, and I stupidly said “oh sweet and sour chicken sounds really good right now!” and he just kind of laughed at me and said he didn’t think they would have sweet and sour chicken where he was taking us… :rotfl2: we ended up having a meal where half of the food still had its eyes attached to them… it was definitely interesting and unique!

snoopygirl said:
WOW!! It was so much fun reading your trip report. I'm sad it's over. Any more trips planned yet????

Congratulations to you both and I hope you have a wonderful life together!

Thank you so much! :goodvibes I’m always planning trips!! Whether or not I end up taking them, I’m always planning them! :rotfl:

Cinderellaprincess said:
I am so sad!!!! I so enjoyed reading your trip report!!!! I feel like I was there!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Congratulations to you and Jim and I wish you all nothing but the very best in life. And good luck with the move and with school!

Thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoyed the TR and thank you for the comments!! :goodvibes

angellady said:
I'm so sorry your TR is over! I've started reading a number of TRs in the past but always seem to lose interest before the end. Not this one!!!! You definately have a gift! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences! I look foward to your next TR so GET PLANNING!!!!!

Thank you!!! That is really nice to hear!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the TR.. I would love to go on another trip so I can write another TR.. I really need to start playing the lottery!

heatherlynn444 said:
WOW. glad I am home by myself b/c DF would definately give me a hard time about choking up at the last couple lines of your report about dreams. Now I cannot wait for my wedding and disneymoon.

you are truly a lucky woman with many talents. Thank you again for sharing a little piece of your life with us. It reminded me and hopfeully everyone else that not everything in the wedding/honeymoon was perfect, but those things are just a small part of a MARRIAGE! you are precious!

You are so sweet!!! :goodvibes thank you so much for saying such nice things! I’m so glad you enjoyed the TR and have fun planning for your wedding and honeymoon, I hope you have a wonderful time!!!!

daisy77 said:
Aw, Mary! I loved, loved, loved your report! You are a very talented writer and I am sad that the TR is over! Plan another trip so we can read the adventures of Jim & Mary once again!

I loved the part when you were surprising Jim on the way to the "airport" and you were actually taking him the Universal! His facial expressions in those pics were hilarious!! The way you describe him reminds me a lot of my DH!

Thanks again, Mary for sharing your special memories with all of us here!

Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I really hope we can go on another trip soon, I promise I will write another TR if we go anywhere interesting! Thank you for reading and for taking the time to comment!! :goodvibes

radiofanatic said:
alright, everyone who wants Mary to write a report about their move, say aye! AYE!!!

Thank you for the support.. we’ll see.. if anything actually interesting happens I might write a TR, but I have a feeling it would be very boring!! :goodvibes

a*lil*bit*goofy said:
OMG THOSE PICTURES! ok so my 2 fav's are: you and Jim, on the Pier, you are kind of looking away and he is looking at the camera. I LOVE that pic. and the other one, that to me struck me as "there is their 'official wedding pic" is the close up of the two of you on the bridge, just leaning and smiling. So natural, not posed...and real life is natural. Its a gorgeous photo, just stunning. ok now that i said that i can go back and read more about the report!

wait a second. its over? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! thanks for letting me sneak a peek into your lives mary! Congrats to you both for many years of fun!

Thank you again so much!!! That’s one of my favorite photos too!!! Thank you again for reading the TR and for your comments along the way!

dawnA401 said:
Mary, I really enjoyed your trip report, thanks for taking the time to write it. I really enjoyed all of the pictures and that shameless cabbie!! Congratulations on your wedding and btw u were married on my birthday!!

How cool, you have an awesome birthdate!! Thank you for reading, I am glad you enjoyed it!!

tinker74 said:
I agree!!! ...We need more Mary. ...I too was chocked up at the end. Its wonderful for two people to find such love ...and what a truly incredible wedding and honeymoon you had.

We,ve had emotion! We've been to Orlando...LA..and San fransisco!! Its been a fantastic trip...Thanks so much for sharing it all with us Mary.

I don't want it to end.... ....You are such a lovely person mary...You truly deserve all your happiness. I really really hope you start a blog or something....let us know ...Im off to read the superman report now. Thank goodness I have that, ...Or I would be like this

I am so glad you enjoyed the TR!! I will let you know if I start a blog or write anymore TR’s.. I think that’s so cool that you all want to keep reading.. I didn’t think anybody would even read this TR when I started!! Thank you so much :goodvibes

nikkilala said:
Your trip report was so Wonderful! It always gave me just the break I needed from studying (yeah i'm taking on of thoes breaks right now!)
You are such a great writer! You and Jim will have such a good and fun life together!
I can't wait till you move here! Call me if you need any help!

SEE you SOON!!

Thank you SO MUCH, Nikki!! I hope your final exams went well and I hope you are relaxing and enjoying your break right now!! I can’t wait to see you when we get to Kalamazoo, take care!!

littleladykaty said:
Loved it loved it loved it!!! It was so fun reading about your wedding adventures!!! You SHOULD write a daily blog! I would SO be there!! My DF and I are also going to do a home reception as we live in New Jersey but are getting married in Oregon so lots of friends can't be there. I really liked the way you set things up! Your back yard looked fantastic!!! Now I've got some ideas! Of course we don't really have a backyard... that's townhouse living for ya...we are house hunting for a place with a great backyard though!! Sorry, sidetracked....OH yesterday I was at Target looking at Northern Exposure DVD's and said to my DF..."Look hun, there's Jim's Dad!!" Like I actually know y'all...of course DF says to me "Who's Jim?" all suspicious like... Y'know Jim..and Mary...? and his response was "If you are STILL talking about those people from the internet I am taking you to therapy RIGHT NOW!" He SO doesn't get the DIS!!! I do need therapy but for many other reasons beyond DISing too much!!

It's been a hoot and a holler girl! Thanks for sharing so much with all of us!!

Thank you so much for your very sweet comments!! I’m glad you liked the decorations for our at-home reception.. We had the party at Jim’s mother’s house in Van Nuys.. it’s a pretty small backyard but it’s actually big compared to the other houses in the the LA suburbs, so we’re lucky to have it! We’ll be moving to Michigan soon though and renting a house and the backyard where we’ll be living is sooooo much bigger. It all depends on your location I guess.. Anyway, goodluck house hunting, it’s a crazy market right now! Thank you for reading the trip report, I’m glad you enjoyed it!! :goodvibes

jjclemson said:
Mary, I am so sad that your TR is over! During your last post I got chills and started tearing up. You have no idea how much your TR helped me. I was so nervous about my wedding b/c I could not picture what it would be like. Now whenever I think of Disney weddings, I always picture you and Jim. I hope my wedding and disneymoon is just as wonderful as yours. You and Jim seem like such a fun, sweet couple. I feel like I know you both. I wish I did not live so far away from you! I wish you two all the happiness in the world

Thank you so so so much for sharing your wonderful story. Just make sure you don't forget about us here, b/c I will definitely be needing your advice throughout the next year

Awwww I’m so glad that my TR may have helped you in your planning process, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! Thank you so much for your sweet comments, as always! I definitely won’t forget about anyone here, I love posting here and seeing how beautiful everyone’s weddings turn out! Though it does make me a little jealous that you all get to look FORWARD to your wedding while mine is behind me.. planning it is so much fun! :rotfl: Thank you so much and I hope your wedding is everything you imagine it to be!! :goodvibes

blueeyes101817 said:
i LOVED reading this entire report! The pictures were great to look at..Sounds like you guys had a great time, thanks for sharing

Thank you so much :goodvibes

neverlandclub23 said:
That was so beautifully said. I just spent three days (mostly at work ) reading the whole trip report. It was fantastic! Absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for writing and please go to WDW again soon so you can write about it again. I'm so happy for you that you're dreams came true. That's all anybody can ask for out of life. Congratulations and you were a beautiful bride. The whole wedding was beautiful. Thanks again!!! (although I'm sure my boss doesn't thank you ).

Thank you so much!! :goodvibes I’m so glad you enjoyed the TR and tell your boss I am sorry :rotfl: thank you for reading and for your very sweet comments! :goodvibes

poppinspal said:
Mary I've absolutely loved reading your report. I'm a little sad that it's over. I've never been to San Fransico but reading your trip report has made me feel like I've been there. I had a bit of a down week but reading this made me smile. Thanks for sharing with us!

Okay I went and read your review of the Superman movie and had to edit my comment. You've made it so I absolutely can't wait to see the movie this weekend. I was also so excited for you to get those videos for Jo and that all those people were so nice to you. Glad you two had fun!

Thank you for reading the TR and the superman premiere report too!! I was so happy I got those videos for Jo, she absolutely loved them!! I’m curious to hear your opinion of the movie… Jim was a part of a “superman line” with the website he visits, they put together a 24 line in front of the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, so fans could come hang out together in anticipation for the movie. I was there with him in line, It was a lot of fun, like one big long party or something, met some really great people! I was up from Monday morning to Wednesday morning, which is the reason I mentioned I was so exhausted before. Anyway, it was really cool, Bryan Singer and the writers of the movie were in the theatre when the movie started, they really are some cool cats. And the audience in the theatre was cheering and clapping louder then you’ll ever hear at a baseball game, although I’m sure people missed about half of the dialogue because of all the cheering throughout the movie! Anyway lots of fun, though I’m still recovering from being up for 48 hours straight! Between that and packing I have been feeling completely wiped out!

I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to everyone,, thank you all so much again!!!
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Mary I am so sad that your trip report is over. I really enjoyed reading it and I always looked forward to reading more of it when I got home from a long day at the office. Now I'll have to do some house work I guess since I no longer have an excuse.

However on the other hand I am so happy for you and Jim and I hope you guys have a happy life together and live happily ever after. I am also glad that now you are able to keep your trip report and put it in a scrapbook or a wedding album so you can share your wedding story to your children and grandchildren some day.
Well I've been home for less than a week, but just now finally got a chance to finish reading your wedding TR--excellent job Mary!
Sorry about your stupid "fired" cab driver--yes the story did live up to its hype :)
Kammie and Eric went to Hard Rock/Universal Studios for a day after WDW. She however did not take pics from the hotel, so it was nice to get to see your photos!
Wish I was with you at IOA--I'd ride the roller coasters with you :)
So glad I was not with you as you drove over the bridges--especially that double decker one! I have a thing with heights and even more so over water--so when we go over bridges, I hold the person next to me's hand and close my eyes real tight and just pray for it to be fast and safe. And it freaks me out when roller coasters go over bodies of water, small as they are--but that's a little quirk of mine that makes me me :)
And your wine tasting---that would so be me :) I don't care for wine--actually the only way I enjoy alcohol is when I can not taste the alcohol at all :)
Thanks for all of your fantastic writing, you really have set the bar for trs :)

I can't believe I am sitting here puffy eyed at 1 am after reading this whole thing today.

What a beautiful keepsake of your wedding. All your thoughts and emotions will be so precious to hold on to with all those gorgeous pictures.

Thank you so much for sharing yourself, your time, your wedding with all of us. I've learned some things I never knew about DFTW's and I appreciate it very much.

I have to ask: What is the significance of 626? I ask because my name is "Mary Lou" and my birthday is 626 so I thought I'd check. :)

You were a gorgeous bride and I hope you are enjoying your three month anniversary right now!

Thank you again.
Mary626 :wave: :

Well where do i begin, i ve finally joined the Dis boards after a year of reading everyones posts but it was probably your wedding log that made me think "hey this board is really worth joining".

I would come home from work everyday & go straight to my computer :surfweb: type in Disboards to search for your new update on your wedding log. I loved everything a bout it, your pics are gorgeous & you definatly have a skill for writing, Made me feel like i was there, wish i had been!! Your wedding looked amazing, god even my fiance feels like he knows you & he doesn't go on the boards! Could be to do with the fact that i was always saying "mary did this for her wedding,mary did that". At first he was like "whos Mary", not anymore though.

Im gutted :sad: you ve finished writing it, when you started writing a bout arriving in San Fran i felt quite sad. So on behalf of all the girls 'n' guys out there who are avid followers of your wedding report how about you take another trip to meet the Mouse so then you can come back & write another log.

As someone else wrote, i ve started reading other peoples logs but they just don't seem to keep my brain interested whereas i loved reading your report.

So how a bout a Vowel Renewal,anything.......Please :) :) :) :) We need more!!!

A massive :thanks: for sharing your wonderful wedding/disneymoon

Lots of pixiedust: & :shamrock: sent to you & Jim

Sorry I haven't responded - I'm supposed to be subscribed to this thread but it doesn't seem to be working! Oh well...

LuLuLovesDisney - thank you so much :goodvibes ... the "626" is from Experiment 626 (aka "stitch") from Lilo & Stitch :)

felinefigaro - I'm glad that you enjoyed my TR and that you have joined the boards - welcome! :) I would love to do another trip report, or a vow renewal, just need the money to take the trip before I can write the TR lol. Thanks for the kind words and thank you for reading :)

mindystar - thank you as always for your comments :goodvibes I'm glad you stayed along for the trip report and I've enjoyed reading your comments along the way, thank you! :)

princessblueeyez- thank you too for continuing to read the trip report and for all your comments along the way :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading it :goodvibes
aww great report and great pix!!! thanks for posting! the pictures are beautiful!! the whole thing just looked beautiful. it's making me look SO forward to when we go down for our wedding!

few things that made me happy/laugh:

#1 the Barbie for your friend....priceless! where'd you get that at??
#2 Earl of Sandwich! i love that place! good food at cheap prices!
#3 "You're a lizard Harry" *dies* gotta love the Potter movies!
#4 i did a similar thing to that Animation Academy in MGM. we were supposed to draw Stitch. we had a professional showing us every step. so, needless to say, i screwed it up royally(as i am the WORST at drawing) and my DF did this wonderful job. i was so angry i just threw out my pictrue on the way out and didn't want to talk about it lol.
#5 i actually kind of liked the fog in the backround of your early pictures in Epcot. kind of cool.
Hi mary

First i wanna say congrats :goodvibes that was the best trip report ever :cool1: :thumbsup2 i felt like i was there :goodvibes i stayed up till 3am the other night reading it!!!!!!!! And i also saw your wedding video on Stans video sample he mailed me :rotfl: so now i feel like i know you!!!!!!!!!! :goodvibes i am so happy for you :) you looked beautiful!!!!! :bride: Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!! :wave:
LiLIrishChick63 said:
aww great report and great pix!!! thanks for posting! the pictures are beautiful!! the whole thing just looked beautiful. it's making me look SO forward to when we go down for our wedding!

few things that made me happy/laugh:

#1 the Barbie for your friend....priceless! where'd you get that at??
#2 Earl of Sandwich! i love that place! good food at cheap prices!
#3 "You're a lizard Harry" *dies* gotta love the Potter movies!
#4 i did a similar thing to that Animation Academy in MGM. we were supposed to draw Stitch. we had a professional showing us every step. so, needless to say, i screwed it up royally(as i am the WORST at drawing) and my DF did this wonderful job. i was so angry i just threw out my pictrue on the way out and didn't want to talk about it lol.
#5 i actually kind of liked the fog in the backround of your early pictures in Epcot. kind of cool.

Thank you :goodvibes For the Barbie I "made", I went out and bought one of those pregnant barbie dolls (I think it's name is "Midge" or something), then I customized the packaging with some photoshopping and glue... My mother-in-law actually went out and bought some fabric and sowed it so that it looked like the bridesmaid's dress... we were going to stop there but one of us had the idea to put a doll-house toilet in there with the barbie (for the morning sickness she was constantly having), etc. We got kind of into it, she even had a barbie sized petticoat for under the dress:rotfl: Glad you enjoyed the TR, I thought the fog at epcot was kind of cool in the morning too. Glad it went away for the wedding though! :) Congrats on your upcoming wedding!

Belle83007 - Thank you too! :goodvibes That is so weird that Stan sent you my wedding as one of the samples! I think I was such a dork in that video! I wonder which version he sent you, as I actually asked him to make a few music changes... the finished one he sent me had the wrong music in it! He says he will fix it and mail me some new ones, but I keep forgetting to follow up with him about that. So if any of the music in it seems strange, that is probably why! Thank you for your sweet comments, I am glad you enjoyed reading the TR :goodvibes
Hi Mary,
DH and I just got back from our week at WDW celebrating our 22 years. I just wanted to let you know, when we walked by the Isola in Italy at EPCOT, I thought of you and your big day. I pointed it out to DH and told him about your trip report and how much fun it was to read.

Just thought I'd share that.

The sample Stan sent me was a 20min summary and the music was beautiful. :goodvibes Started with some Italian music. The reception started with Under The Sea it showed the highlights first dance minnie and mickey, cake cutting etc Ended with If I Never Knew You!! :thumbsup2 It was a beautiful summary!!! :goodvibes

I just finished reading your TR...I have never read anyone's TR being that I am new to the DIS...although not new to Disney. I came here by accident also through the "food porn" thread. I also, like everyone here, feel as if I know you and Jim. My DH is like the others here also saying "Are you still reading about Disney?!?"
I have always loved Disney, I wanted to be an animator at Disney when I was younger, still would if I could afford the schooling!! I even sent Disney a letter when I was 13 asking how to become an animator!...anyway that's a different story. We do have one thing in common Mary, I also met my husband online although not from a MB but a game.... I was reading your story about when you were with your sisters and parents at the AKL and your sister spilled the beans. I felt your pain :sad2:

Anyway I am so glad you wrote a TR and I will definitely be waiting for you to begin a blog!

If you aren't a scrapbooker you should start, you are very detailed and document your life so well, you make me jealous (I can never think of what to write about trips etc). Anyway just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your TR and I didn't get any house work done all week! :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing!!!!!
DisneyVetMom said:
I just finished reading your TR...I have never read anyone's TR being that I am new to the DIS...although not new to Disney. I came here by accident also through the "food porn" thread. I also, like everyone here, feel as if I know you and Jim. My DH is like the others here also saying "Are you still reading about Disney?!?"
I have always loved Disney, I wanted to be an animator at Disney when I was younger, still would if I could afford the schooling!! I even sent Disney a letter when I was 13 asking how to become an animator!...anyway that's a different story. We do have one thing in common Mary, I also met my husband online although not from a MB but a game.... I was reading your story about when you were with your sisters and parents at the AKL and your sister spilled the beans. I felt your pain :sad2:

Anyway I am so glad you wrote a TR and I will definitely be waiting for you to begin a blog!

If you aren't a scrapbooker you should start, you are very detailed and document your life so well, you make me jealous (I can never think of what to write about trips etc). Anyway just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your TR and I didn't get any house work done all week! :rotfl:

Thanks for sharing!!!!!

Hi DIsneyVetMom! Welcome to the DIS :goodvibes That's great that you met your husband through a game - I actually know someone who met their boyfriend on World of Warcraft :sunny: That's cool that you mailed Disney asking them about how to become an animator - did they ever answer? I have zero artistic ability but I always have envied those who do!

Thank you so much for the sweet comments, I'm really glad you enjoyed reading the TR! It's funny that you mention scrapbooking, because I occasionally try doing a scrapbook, but the problem is they always end up HUGE because I want to put every single photo in it! :rotfl: I did one for my Japan trip and it is the size of an encyclopedia set, I swear!

Glad you enjoyed reading, and thank you for taking the time to reply :)

Belle83007 - Sorry I didn't reply again sooner, I didn't realize there were more posts in the thread.. I really wish it would email me when there were more posts like it is supposed to... Anyway that's still so funny that Stan sent you our video as a sample.. The "Under the Sea" song was the one we didn't ask for.. I had asked for "instrumental version of Part of your world or kiss the girl" and he put that in instead, I felt it was completely wrong for that part of the video. He should be fixing it for the HD version when he sends those though, I hope. Glad you liked it though! :) Thanks again :)

Ol'Bear - That's sweet that you thought of us when you passed by the Italy Isola. Thank you for sharing that, Hope you guys had a fabulous time in Disney again! :goodvibes
Yeah Disney actually sent me a letter with how to draw mickey instructions and a list of schools that had animation programs of course this was 1985..... :teeth:
I also got a really cool letter from an animator Bub Thomas..... It had a really cool mickey mouse on the outside of the envelope with some cool information for becoming an animator. That was really cool I still have it somewhere. I should frame it lol.

If I could afford school I would go...but its like 100K for the ringling school or something like that, course I think thats worth it but I dont think I could convince my husband to uproot move to FL and take out a 100K loan lol. Oh well.... :artist:
Hi Mary! I have spent the past 2 weeks going through this trip report in the moments when I had enough time to devote. I have to say that I loved every second of it and I feel like I know you and Jim now :) The funniest part is that we received a sample DVD from STVS in the mail today and your entire wedding was on it! (My fiance said if he were you he would have saved some money and got the basic package from STVS and then just sent for their free DVD which had your entire ceremony! :rotfl:) I was like, 'hey! I know her.' My fiance of course thought I was nuts, but it was so funny that it felt like I was watching a friend's wedding. I was even saying, 'watch, she's going to tell her dad to go to the other side,' and 'watch, Jim is going to talk in a silly voice when he does his vows.' It was so funny!!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that it was even more beautiful in the video. There is one shot that's kind of in slow motion when you get out of the limo (or get up from crouching behind it ;) ) to walk up to the bridge at the ceremony and you look STUNNING!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience with us :) :)

OK, I just re-read this and I TOTALLY sound like a stalker :rotfl: :rotfl:
SRUAlmn said:
Hi Mary! I have spent the past 2 weeks going through this trip report in the moments when I had enough time to devote. I have to say that I loved every second of it and I feel like I know you and Jim now :) The funniest part is that we received a sample DVD from STVS in the mail today and your entire wedding was on it! (My fiance said if he were you he would have saved some money and got the basic package from STVS and then just sent for their free DVD which had your entire ceremony! :rotfl:) I was like, 'hey! I know her.' My fiance of course thought I was nuts, but it was so funny that it felt like I was watching a friend's wedding. I was even saying, 'watch, she's going to tell her dad to go to the other side,' and 'watch, Jim is going to talk in a silly voice when he does his vows.' It was so funny!!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that it was even more beautiful in the video. There is one shot that's kind of in slow motion when you get out of the limo (or get up from crouching behind it ;) ) to walk up to the bridge at the ceremony and you look STUNNING!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience with us :) :)

OK, I just re-read this and I TOTALLY sound like a stalker :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thank you so much!! :goodvibes That is so funny that you were predicting what was going to happen while watching it with your fiance! I wonder why the videographer keeps sending my wedding as a sample to people, that's so weird.. I should get royalties lol! That is a good idea about a way to get extra copies from the videographer by requesting a "sample video" :rotfl: thanks again and I'm glad you liked the TR, and the video! :teeth: BTW - that pic of your dog in your signature is SO CUTE!!!!

Disneyvetmom - that is so cute that they sent you the letter and you still have it somewhere! Wow I didn't realize how much it was to go to that art school, though it doesn't surprise me I guess. I'm back in school again now and remembering all over again how expensive everything is! :crazy:
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