Turning 40, Gotta lose 40~A New Chapter in my weight loss journey

Thanks Lola. I talked to the doctor at the part time office yesterday and explained why I was not comfortable taking a full time position there at this point. I think he understood where I was coming from. I am going to continue to work on Fridays there, which is good because that money is paying down debt and saving for our next vacation. So while I could live without it, it does make life a heck of a lot easier with it.

No exercise again as tomorrow is race day. I am feeling the fire again, ready to go out and leave it all out there. A new PR would be nice, but I won't beat myself up if I don't.

I have stayed off the scale, hoping it is kind to me on Monday morning.

points for today: 22

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch/dinner: 13 pts
salad greens 0 pts
hard boiled egg 2 pt
turkey 3 pts
russian dressing 4 pts
cream of broccoli soup 4 pts

We were out all day running errands, going to the race expo, shopping for a Halloween costume for DD. So we ate at like 3pm, so late lunch/early dinner. Not hungry at the moment, trying to stay light for tomorrow morning. I have to leave by 6am in order to get to the spot where the bus leaves for the race start.
Good luck today! I hope you had fun at your race and got the results you were looking for :cheer2:
So the race is done. Did I PR? No, not even close. I was on pace (actually almost a minute ahead at one point) until mile 6, when I started to get a pain in my left foot on the outside all up and down my pinky toe. Then my arch started to hurt. If I walked it hurt more, so I just ran slow. I met some really nice ladies while chugging along, it helped to have someone to commiserate with! My official time was 2:28:25. When I got home, the arch of my left foot and the base of the big toe on my right have big blisters, which I have never had before. The outside of the left foot still hurts, tender if I put pressure on it. I am planning to rest it and see what happens. I think maybe the shoes may be done, too many miles.

Another strange thing was that once I got home, I could not leave the bathroom. Usually I have 1 or 2 episodes of "runners trots" when I finish a long run or race. But this time my stomach really hurt and as soon as I left the bathroom, I had to turn around and go back. And the nausea, boy oh boy. DH was up last night with the same thing, perhaps it was a bug? I didn't even eat until dinner time tonight, and I didn't even think about points today. Tomorrow is a new week, I will start again with WW. I would like to get down to 155 by my birthday next month, which I can do if I stay on plan.
Well my foot is feeling better, but my quads are killing me! As is usual after a race. No exercise for this week, I need the rest. I am going to spend this week investigating what time classes are at the Y and see how I can fit them into my schedule.

Weigh in day: 163.4, down 2.2 from last week.

points for today: 22
flex available: 35
flex used:
flex remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: tbd 8 pts available

dinner: 6 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
apple 2 pts
Congrats on finishing your race! Sorry you didn't feel so great during/after it. Hope your Y is offering something that interests you. A friend of mine is doing a "boot camp" through her local Y and really likes it.
Well my legs are feeling slightly better, not a lot though. My foot hurt by the time I got home last night, since I stand all day at work. But this too shall pass.

No exercise.

points for today: 22
flex available: 35
flex used:
flex remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
sf jello 0 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 6 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
apple 2 pts
Well we seem to have a bit of a tummy bug going around our house this week. DH and I have both been having troubles, I go from hungry to nauseated to gassy and just having a stomachache. So I have been eating, but not as well as I should. Comfort foods are what I want. So I am going to try to stay on plan, despite how I am feeling.

points for today: 22

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts

dinner: 6 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
apple 2 pts
Ok so this week has not been one of my better weeks. I feel "off" not doing any exercise, though I know my body needs the rest following the half marathon. And now I have it in my mind to sign up for another one SOON. Apparently, I have gone around the bend! There aren't a lot of races here in the winter, so I will have to wait until spring anyway. Though my coach is lobbying for RnR NOLA. Wish I could, but can't afford the trip! I did sign up DD and I for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. It should be fun.

points for today: 22

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
sf jello 0 pts

dinner: tbd
I have a hair appointment after work, so I may have to pick up something on the run.
Glad to hear you are feeling enthusiastic about running again! The turkey trot sounds like fun. Good way to burn off some calories before all the Thanksgiving treats start pouring in.
OK so I totally went off the rails over the weekend. It was DH's birthday, and today is our anniversary. So there was a lot of eating out. I got out to run yesterday, 3 miles in 31 and change. A nice easy run. Back to the mill this morning for a 2 mile walk with the incline set at 5%.

weigh in: :sad2: up to 164.8, which is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
Sounds like you had a lot to celebrate this weekend! I'm glad you enjoyed it and glad to here you are back to running this week. Hope that means your foot and tummy are all better.
Well I did not get to bed as early as I wanted to last night, but at least I slept better than the night before. Got up and walked my 2 miles on the treadmill. I have to be better about my food tracking, I have been falling down on that job.

points for today: 22 + 2 exercise = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 9 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
apple 2 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: tbd
All right, I am still eating like crazy, not being conscious of what I am shoving in my piehole. I so need to get this under control. At least I am back to exercising, which does help a lot.

Walked for 2 miles, 34 minutes. Earned 2 points.

points: 24

breakfast: 8 pts


Hang in there Vern, you will get the eatting back on track. Sometimes when I get on a bender I just write down everything I eat without really doing the points. At least then I'm accoutable for it and sometimes that helps me bring it under control.

Great Job keeping up with the excercise. :thumbsup2 That is just as important as the eatting if not more so.
Hi Veronica about your question about races in the area- there is a half in Simsbury ,CT. in June- it was the 6th this year and I thought about doing it but DD graduated and had alot going on.The area is beautiful and relatively flat.

I am not doing anymore January Disney races after this year so I plan on doing the York,Maine race the first week of November next year- I know the whole area since we go a couple times every summer- would you be interested in that one? I know it is all women and there are medals- I like that it isn't just a tshirt.

I am trying to plan 3 halfs for next year-the first on New Years day, one in May/June and then the Mohawk Hudson Half (which I just did) in October. I may check into the CT one. I know there is one in VT, the Covered Bridges in early/mid June. Trying to diversify a bit too!

I am now coming down with the plague that DD and DH have-UGH:sick: My throat is all scratchy and I am tired. Now I did run 5 miles this morning and have been busy all weekend with chores and errands. But I just cannot succumb to this illness, there is no time. Going to take a nap and see if that helps.

Food, :headache::rolleyes1 I'm not even going to talk about it today. Tomorrow is another day, I did shop yesterday and bought all the things I need to have a successful week on WW. The issue is that I have to stick to the plan. Feeling as I do, it should not be a problem.
Sorry to hear you are sick. My family is all fighting off a fall virus too. Feel better soon!
Ok, so I have been AWOL for the last week. And I have been sick and SOOOOO far off plan it is not even funny. But I am back again and taking it one day at a time.

Walked 2 miles at 5%incline on treadmill in 34 minutes-earned 2 exercise points.

weight: back up to 167:sad2:

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 35
flex points used: 6
flex points remaining: 29
breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 12 pts
cream of chicken soup 8 pts
grilled roll 4 pts

snack: ff cappuccino 3 pts

dinner: 7 pts
italian bread 2 pts
turkey 1 pt
low fat mayo 1 pt
carrots 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
2 fun size 3 musketeers 2 pts
Yesterday was an okay day for food. Mondays I go out for lunch with my coworker, so I try to make good choices. Yesterday was just so darn cold and yucky that soup was in order. Not the best choice of soup, but it was really good.

Walked 2 miles in 34 minutes, 2 exercise points earned.

weight: 166.8
points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 29
flex points used: 0
flex points remaining: 29

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
ww bread 1 pt
turkey 1 pt
lf mayo 1 pt
chips 2 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt

snack: 3 pts
1 mini snickers (the bite size ones) 1 pt
smarties 2 pts

dinner: 5 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
morningstar farms veggie patty 1 pt
guacamole 2 pts
carrots and pepper strips 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
I was a good girl yesterday, not giving in to temptation at every turn. We threw out the last of the halloween candy, so there is no temptation.

Woke up late, but still got my 2 mile walk in. Earned 2 exercise points.

weight: 166.2:thumbsup2

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 29
flex points used: 6
flex points remaining: 23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
healthy request italian wedding soup 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
eggs (1 whole, 3 whites) 3 pts
ww bread 1 pt
fleischmanns margarine 1 pt
cookies 4 pts

snack: 6 pts
cereal 4 pts
skim milk 2 pts


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