Turning 40, Gotta lose 40~A New Chapter in my weight loss journey

Happy Birthday to me and DD!! Looking forward to our dinner out tonight.

Walked 2 miles, earned 2 pts.

weight: 162.6, yay!

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: tbd

dinner: 10 pts
7 oz sirloin 6 pts
veggies 0 pts
part of the queso blanco appy 4 pts
Happy Birthday Veronica and your DD too! Enjoy your night out.

Boy you are out there walking early- is it still dark out there when you go?

Linda, I do all my walking on the treadmill. Its way too dark and cold then. And thanks for the birthday wishes!
Ok, so its been 10 days since I last posted here. I have been staying away as I really have been pretty far off plan and didn't want to acknowledge it. But I must, and I have to get back to business. Lets just say the last 2 weeks have been a bust, and I really need to kick it up a notch to get headed in the right direction.

Ran 3 miles this morning in 29:44, 9:54 pace. Not too bad considering. I have been fortunate to run outside 4 days this week, with the long weekend (I was off Wednesday and Friday). Earned 4 exercise points

weight: /sigh 165.4, but working on getting back down.

points for today: 22 + 4 = 26

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
ww english muffin 1 pt
roast beef 1 pts
russian 2 pts
chips 2 pts
peppers 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt

dinner: 9 pts
ww bread 1 pt
bacon 4 pts
lettuce and tomato 0 pts
light mayo 1 pt
chips 2 pts
I don't think I talked about my plan to get to goal weight before we went to Disney in July. Basically I need to lose 6 pounds each month to reach my goal on July 1, when we leave. So I started on November 1, at 167. So by Dec 1, I need to be 161. Jan 1, 155. etc. If I don't make the whole six pounds, I will add them to the next month, trying to hit my target weight for each month. It is so completely doable, just a matter of staying on track through the holidays and keeping up with the exercise.

Walked 2.5 miles this morning in 42:52, earned 2 pts

weight: down to 164.0:thumbsup2

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 35
flex points used:
flex points remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
chicken with stars soup 1 pt
grilled chicken over tossed salad 4 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
cafe moch 1 pt

dinner: 9 pts
eggs (1 whole, 3 whites) 3 pts
peppers and onions 0 pts
ham 1 pt
ww english muffins (2) 2 pts
cape cod rf chips 2 pts
clementines (2) 1 pt
So here we are, the last day of November already. I am supposed to weigh in tomorrow at 161, but that is not going to happen (unless a miracle occurs). But that is okay, I will still target 155 for 1/1/11.

Walked 2.5 miles in 42:52, earned 2 pts

weight: 163.6, still going down, can't complain

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 35
flex points used: 4
flex points remaining: 31

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
cafe mocha 1 pt

dinner: 12 pts
ww english muffin 1 pt
veggie burger 1 pt
guacamole 2 pts
chips 4 pts
clementines (2) 1 pt
candies from work 3 pts

With the holidays here, that means gift baskets from other offices. I at 2 small chocolates from the basket, better than some of the choices. But not something I am going to do everyday.
Hi Vern, Glad to see you back to your journal. Great job getting back on track after the holiday weekend. :thumbsup2
December 1. I am supposed to weigh 161 pounds. I have fallen short of that goal, and more disappointingly, I was up from yesterday. Weighed in today at 164.8. I am not sure why, since I really stayed on plan yesterday. But it is what it is, I am staying on plan and continuing to work toward my goal. Jan 1 is 155. I would really like to hit that target.

Walked this morning, 2 miles, 34:18. Earned 2 points.

weight: 164.8
points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 31
flex points used: 7
flex points remaining: 24

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 14 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
cafe moch 1 pt
donut 6 pts

dinner: 9 pts
soup 0 pts
ital bread 2 pt
bologna 3 pts
chips 4 pts
Today is a sad day for me, as 7 yrs ago today I lost my mom. I miss her everyday. But life goes on unfortunately, so must I.

I didn't get to post this morning since we were so busy trying to get out of the house. But I did get a workout in, did intervals on the treadmill. 2.5 miles in 30:40, did five 3 minute intervals (the first two at 7mph, the next three at 6.5) with a 1 minute walk in between. Earned 4 pts.

weight: down to 164.4, ugh its taking a long time to get this weight off!

points for today: 22+ 4 = 26
flex points available: 24
flex points used: 3
flex points remaining: 21

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 12 pts
turkey 2 pts
stuffing 4 pts
mashed potatoes 2 pts
gravy 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
ww bread 1 pt
margarine 2 pts
ww cheese 2 pts
sweet potato fries 4 pts
cafe mocha 1 pt
:hug:, Veronica, so sorry about your Mom. It doesn't matter how long they are gone we still miss them even though they live on in our hearts. :littleangel:

Are you doing the new WW?

Looks like you are making some good progress and your activity rocks! :rockband:
Thanks Lisa! I know she is always with me, but having her here to talk to is what I miss most I think.

I am doing the old points system, as I do not go to meetings or subscribe online. I have had success with it in the past (having already lost 60 lbs) so I am just going to stick with it. I have seen some of the details of the new plan, but I hate to have to learn all over again.:rolleyes:
Veronica- so sorry about your Mom, can't even imagine it.

You weight loss goals sound good, setting a goal for each month.

You will get there, you have done well so far.

Thanks Linda!

I took off Friday and Saturday from exercising. I figured I needed a day to rest Fri and Sat I just did not want to get out of bed. I was agitated, feeling like someone had a hand mixer going full tilt inside me. Agitated because I had my first mammogram last week and have to go back for more pictures of my left breast, there is something there. They do not believe it is anything serious, but I have to go back. And while they SAY its not anything, I am still a bit worried about what it actually IS. So agitated.

I also ate kind of poorly Friday night and all day yesterday. But to my utter delight, I was rewarded this morning on the scale with a loss. Hmm. I don't get it, but I'll take it. Weight down to 161.4:banana: Only slightly off my goal, hoping I can make it up along the way this month.

Ran 3.6 miles in 39:41 today, 10:50 pace. Was very windy and cold. And I wore my old sneakers for some reason:confused3, just picked up the wrong ones in my groggy state this morning. I went to Fleet Feet today and got new ones for my FIL to give me for Christmas. I tried on Saucony, Asics, Nike, Brooks and NB. I opted against the Saucony, since it is the same one I have now and I had problems with it while training this summer. I had tried the Gel Kayano from Asics before, but this time it did not feel quite right. I ended up with the Nike, which is just strange to me, since I have never had good luck with Nike before. But I think my foot has changed, and they really felt the best of all the shoes I tried on.

I am going to try to use WW as a "guide" and not obsess over the points, as it seems that doing so does not work out for me. I will see how it goes this week, and if need be, will go back to counting points next week.
It must be stressful waiting to go back for more picutres even though they reassure you it is nothing. I would feel "aggitated" too. I hope that you can get it done soon and get the all clear so you can put it behind you. :hug:
Okay, so the last week has been a terrible one. My exercise was almost non existent and my eating was out of control. I realize that I must stick to the WW plan to have success.

I walked 2.5 miles this morning in 42:52. Earned 2 pts.
weight: 166.4:eek::headache::sad2:

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 35
flex points used: 1
flex points remaining: 34

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
chicken noodle soup 1 pt
open hot turkey sandwich 7 pts

dinner: 9 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
chicken patty 3 pts
lf mayo 1 pt
chips 3 pts
skinny cow fudge bar 1 pt
Sorry to hear the last few days have been tough. We all have weeks like that. Good to hear you are back on plan :thumbsup2 This week will be much better!!
Woke up to snow outside :headache: not my idea of a great way to start the day. At least school is not delayed. That is even worse.

Did 2 miles on the treadmill at 5% incline in 32:27. Earned 2 pts

weight: down to 166.0

points for today: 22 + 2 = 24
flex points available: 34
flex points used:
flex points remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
clementines 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt

dinner: 8 pts
chicken with rice and veggies 7 pts
skinny cow fudge bar 1 pt
Another cold day here in NY. Glad I have the treadmill. Though I would really prefer to go outside and run. I am leaning toward running the Hangover Half on New Years Day, so I really should kick it up a notch.

Ran 3 miles in 31:19, not too bad.

Got sidetracked and forgot to get on the scale.

points for today: 22 + 3 = 25
flex points available:
flex points used:
flex points remaining:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 8 pts
ww bread 1 pt
ham 1 pt
mustard 0 pts
chips 2 pts
fiber plus bar 2 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
clementines 1 pt

dinner: 9 pts
chicken patty 3 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
light mayo 1 pt
chips 3 pts
skinny cow fudge bar 1 pt
Hi Veronica,
Great job on the incline, I have not done that on the treadmill at all.Temp here is 14 today, no wind which is good and no snow except for a dusting.

Hangover half sounds interesting???

Have a good one,
Thanks Linda! The Hangover Half is at noon on New Years day. It is part of the Winter Series of runs sponsored by the running club. It is free for club members (which I am). It is a pretty low key race. I may do it just as a "fun run". Funny how a half marathon can be a "fun run". It will depend on the weather for me.


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