Universal + Harry Potter...It's Official!

Hmm not sure about that red, blue line up unless you have it backwards. They said that Fire and Ice would be rethemed in HP land I thought.

Use this angle http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v...t=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=3909181&encType=1

and overlay the pic with the owl over the top of it, at the same angle and it looks good to me. Fire and Ice, under the right wing tip, behind the row of shops after the gate. The new castle would fit into the current empty space on the map at the back.
I don't think Dragons gets rethemed. This is going to be a massively themed area. I don't think they want two huge roller coasters sticking out.
Do you think that is almost nearly guarantees that Harry Potter will survive in the final book due out next month? Would you have the heart to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter if he were dead? I think this gives a big clue as to what is final outcome of this book. :scratchin

It looks amazing and although I'm pretty much a Disney-fanatic, I would definitely go to UO IOA to experience this!
I was really impressed with the theming at IOA. But the Imagineers are in a completely different league. I would be surprised if this was a bidding situation.

Of course it was a bidding situation. That is elementary. Every major project in any industry is. (Well, maybe not Halliburton) Themeparks are no different.

The difference is that JK Rowling herself is the one who approved Universal's bid over anybody else's. And everybody knows how notoriously picky she is when it comes to any kind of merchandising of HP. So, not only was it a bidding situation with money, it was also a bidding situation of who would do HP justice.

And Universal wins. Guess she has more faith in the Universal ex-imagineers than any other creative department of competing bids. :goodvibes
its not that I think disney could have done it 'better'... Universals engineers are mostly former imagineers, I just dont think it works to be walking thru a park and see Marvel superheros, then Bullwinkle and cartoons, thru Jurassic park and then suddenly you're in hogsmeade? What happened to Diagon Alley? A MAJOR fantasy for fans.. riding the train to hogwarts... not gonna happen.

Im sure it will look cool... initially anyway, But I think JK rolling made a mistake.

I agree with you. My initial thought was "wow, that's awesome". But I'm just not sure how they can do justice to the Potter theme with just another "island" at IOA. I don't see how it can really be the immersive experience they are talking about when it's going to be so small and only have 3 rides. I would have loved to see an entire park dedicated to this theme, including a Hogwarts themed hotel and dining.
I agree that Universal/IOA has beautiful themeing. Dont get me wrong. But their follow thru/upkeep is what worries me. I went to the IOA when it was brand new, and have gone back several times since. Things seem dirty, broken, in need of paint and unkept.

I have to disagree with you here. We go several times per year and I am always seeing somebody somewhere touching up things here and there. Last time we were there, a guy was spray painting the bricks on the New York buildings. They didn't look like they needed them at all, but he was spraying a faux stone mxture on the bricks and it did freshen them up when we saw the results.

Im sure it will look cool... initially anyway, But I think JK rolling made a mistake.
Considering she is the first billionaire author ever, she has proven herself to be an extremely savy business woman when marketing Harry Potter. I highly doubt she made this decision lightly without lots of reseach. And based on her past successes, I highly doubt she made a mistake.
I don't think Dragons gets rethemed. This is going to be a massively themed area. I don't think they want two huge roller coasters sticking out.

Here's the quote from the press release on page one of this thread.

Some current "Lost Continent" attractions such as The Dueling Dragons roller coasters and The Flying Unicorn coaster ride likely would be adapted to fit the Harry Potter story. Trowbridge would not discuss specific attractions, but did say that Universal intended to "leverage some existing infrastructure." He said that would have to include far more than a new paint job and a new sign, because too much is at stake.

While not gospel, I imagine this to be true. Again, if you look at the theme picture of the owl flying overhead and overlay it on this satellite image (link below) it lines up pretty well including bridges and Fire and Ice being in HP land.

Is anyone else thinking they will get rid of Sinbad and Posiedon and branch into some of the backlot of the studios?

do they even use those buildings anymore?
I just don't see alot of room for them to add too much more. I wish Disney had the rights to Harry Potter, they would have done it up right.
I just don't see alot of room for them to add too much more. I wish Disney had the rights to Harry Potter, they would have done it up right.

Get ready...:rotfl:

I think Universal will do a fine job. Most of the design work has already been done for them anyway. Coming up with cool attractions will be important, though.

Looking at Lost Continent, the only attraction we really liked was DD. Poseidon was awesome on the outside, but the attraction itself was "meh." An HP update would get a lot more attention. We also liked the Enchanted Oak, but that could be re-themed easily as well.
I just don't see alot of room for them to add too much more. I wish Disney had the rights to Harry Potter, they would have done it up right.

Apparently, JK Rowling didn't think Disney would do it better, as she chose Universal. Can't knock the woman's business sense, so I am going to trust her judgement on this one.
I just think everything feels so crowded at universal and looking at overhead maps it shows that things are crowded there, Disney has nothing but room to expand. Put it this way I don't think this will turn out any better than Disney could have done.
Apparently, JK Rowling didn't think Disney would do it better, as she chose Universal. Can't knock the woman's business sense, so I am going to trust her judgement on this one.

None of the press releases I've read have said anything at all about Rowling's thought processes, nor have they confirmed Disney definitely made a push for it. That's speculation.

I personally think HP is a better "fit" for Universal than for Disney.
Harry lives in the last book. People like a happy ending to a story. If she kills off Harry in the last book, the replay of the series goes down the tubes. This is what happened to the Matrix. Neo dies in the last movie, it's depressing, and no one cares to watch all 3 movies in reruns. They basically went for the sacrifice plot.

As to the bidding war thing, the impression I got was that JK asked for too much when it came to Disney. She wanted people to pass thru the brick wall, take a train to Diagon Alley, then tap a brick and have the door open. It was like she was asking them to make a real life movie. Sounds good as a wish, but kinda hard when thousands of people are passing thru. I think Disney told her that's not feasible and she went to Universal with a lower bar after thinking things over.

I think they'll go farther to the side of Dueling Dragons into the parking lot. I'm just wondering if they'll buy the gas station and use that land. I say they knock down the buildings between Dueling Dragons and the Ghost Busters area so they can make a walk way between the parks.
None of the press releases I've read have said anything at all about Rowling's thought processes, nor have they indicated Disney made a push for it.
One of the press releases either on this thread or the one on the CB did state that Universal has been working with Rowling for over a year and a half putting this together. It also quotes her as saying she is very excited about the concept.

I was really impressed with the theming at IOA. But the Imagineers are in a completely different league. I would be surprised if this was a bidding situation.
Your quote. You were the one who first suggested that Universal outbid Disney.
I am confused......

Why are you guys over here on the UNIVERSAL boards, bashing UNIVERSAL and its unimaginitive employees????

JK Rowling made a good decision, is very involved in the project and I have faith that UNIVERSAL will do her justice! You want to bash Uni? go back to the Disney side and this post:
Harry lives in the last book. People like a happy ending to a story. If she kills off Harry in the last book, the replay of the series goes down the tubes.

Oh don't start!! I'm going to have to lock myself in the house,turn off the internet, and speed read as soon as that book comes out. Last time some kid at the karate studio blurted out "Dumbledore dies, it's so sad" while I was still on chapter 5, I could have throttled her.
The Pooks on the DIS will always be the ignorant Pooks that we have come to know and love.

They will be singing a different tune once HP opens up and they are stuck with their craptastic Pixar attaractions that are destroying Disney.
One of the press releases either on this thread or the one on the CB did state that Universal has been working with Rowling for over a year and a half putting this together. It also quotes her as saying she is very excited about the concept.

That tells you that Rowling sat back and said "Universal PWNS Disney"?

Your quote. You were the one who first suggested that Universal outbid Disney.

Actually, I clearly said the exact OPPOSITE. "I would be surprised if this was a bidding situation" clearly means that I don't believe there was any bidding. At all.


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