UPDATED: MagicBands will NOT be coming to Disneyland

You can only have 7 days at a time booked with FP+ within a 30 day period (this has caused stress for offsite people planning longer than 7 day trips- if you are onsite, then you can make as many days are your onsite reservation).
On correction...onsite guests can make FP+ reservations anytime during the stay starting at the 60-day mark, but they only make reservations for the number of days they have on their tickets (or 7-days, if they have an AP). So if you're going for 10-days, but only have a 5-day ticket, you can only make FP+ reservations on 5-days.
I don't see how this is going to work...Disneyland doesn't have nearly the capacity that DW does, nor do they have the on site hotels to offer. I can see this being a huge PITB for those of us who go "on the cheap", stay off site and do it by the seat of our pants...
From what I've read, a good strategy at WDW with FP+ is get your FPs in the morning. That way when all 3 are used, you can go get some more. Right? Still confused about all of that stuff. Anyway, at DL if I used the same strategy, my last trip would've been a little off kilter. We were there the same week as you I think. Small crowds and we would get there at rope drop at 10am. We walked on BTMRR, Splash Mt, Pirates and several other rides for that first 90 minutes. If I actually got a FP for those rides in the morning, they would sorta be a waste. I know, I can just get some FPs for the afternoon, but them I'm planning and fretting about how busy the morning will be, and will I be able to get more FPs later.....ugh. Seems so stressful. Just leave Legacy FP alone at DL.

I have never used FP+. However, reading into various WDW strategies, and given the fact that I stay onsite, I would always use EMH to ride as many rides stand by as possible. I would then save my FP+s for later in the afternoon or evening.
From what I've read, a good strategy at WDW with FP+ is get your FPs in the morning. That way when all 3 are used, you can go get some more. Right? Still confused about all of that stuff. Anyway, at DL if I used the same strategy, my last trip would've been a little off kilter. We were there the same week as you I think. Small crowds and we would get there at rope drop at 10am. We walked on BTMRR, Splash Mt, Pirates and several other rides for that first 90 minutes. If I actually got a FP for those rides in the morning, they would sorta be a waste. I know, I can just get some FPs for the afternoon, but them I'm planning and fretting about how busy the morning will be, and will I be able to get more FPs later.....ugh. Seems so stressful. Just leave Legacy FP alone at DL.

When we went last January, we booked our FP 60 days out, and at that point they weren't offering the additional FP once in the parks (they did add that later on, before we went, so we could utilize it once in the parks). What we did was book FP rides in the afternoon. Glad we did, too, they were all walk on in the morning so that would have been a waste of a FP (and many had very limited availability later in the day or none at all by that point). It worked out great for us, but granted it wasn't peak season. Peak times I'd book mid morning and then try to get more. But you rarely need a FP at park open for an hour or two.

Even at DLR you have to make the choice - and you can only have one FP per park too. So first thing, say we're in DCA, we grab RSR. Then later we go to grab Soarin' (2 hours later, when we can get another FP) and now soarin' has a return time of 4pm. So at that point I have to wait 2 more hours and maybe there is another FP available. Total, I got 3 FP, but I had no control over what times they were. Or a few days out (or 60) I can pick the FPs and know what times they're for and have it all worked out. The quantity of FP doesn't vary all that much. It really was rare we used more than 3 in a day at DLR with the enforced return times. There are pros and cons to both scenarios. (and yes, you can get FP in both parks at the same time, but then you have at least one person spending their time running for them. The nice thing about FP+ is it eliminates someone missing out as they run for FPs)
It really was rare we used more than 3 in a day at DLR with the enforced return times. There are pros and cons to both scenarios. (and yes, you can get FP in both parks at the same time, but then you have at least one person spending their time running for them. The nice thing about FP+ is it eliminates someone missing out as they run for FPs)

See, I'm the FP king at DL. Once I hit a ride, I grab a FP for it for later in the day, and then the rush is on! I'll even finish lunch early and go grab some while the family finishes. Over at DCA, it's more of a place where I can see FP+ working better because of the lack of FP attractions, but I still run like crazy to get what I can. Last trip, we hit RSR standby first thing, then grabbed a FP, then as soon as the window opened at around 1:45, grabbed another one. Got to ride that one 3 times in one day while also getting FPs for Soarin' and Screamin'. With FP+, RSR becomes a once-a-day ride unless we're willing to stand around for an hour.

I can see the merit of not having to get a runner, but I've sorta gotten used to the no-schedule feel of DL. Let's just keep it status quo. No one is complaining about the system - leave well enough alone.
See, I'm the FP king at DL. Once I hit a ride, I grab a FP for it for later in the day, and then the rush is on! I'll even finish lunch early and go grab some while the family finishes. Over at DCA, it's more of a place where I can see FP+ working better because of the lack of FP attractions, but I still run like crazy to get what I can. Last trip, we hit RSR standby first thing, then grabbed a FP, then as soon as the window opened at around 1:45, grabbed another one. Got to ride that one 3 times in one day while also getting FPs for Soarin' and Screamin'. With FP+, RSR becomes a once-a-day ride unless we're willing to stand around for an hour.

I can see the merit of not having to get a runner, but I've sorta gotten used to the no-schedule feel of DL. Let's just keep it status quo. No one is complaining about the system - leave well enough alone.

On a busy day, 2 hours after park open (so the time you can get another FP if you grabbed one at open), RSR FP is either gone or really late at night. That was the case when we were there in December. There was not one day we could have grabbed 3 FP for it. 2 on some days, but never 3. And in theory if you did three, that means you can't grab another FP until 6 hours after park open. So now a lot are gone or really late at night. Still problematic. On slower days it might work, but busy days...not so much. And on busy days, even with FP, the wait was close to 20 minutes sometimes.
There are two different strategies for FP+ at WDW. One is to stack all of your FPs for first thing in the morning and then try to get additional FPs after that. The other strategy is to slate your FPs for the busier time of the day (e.g., mid-afternoon) and wait in the SB lines at opening. I think both strategies have their benefits and their drawbacks and it ultimately depends on how you prefer to tour the parks. Given that I now know that the most popular attractions probably won't have FPs left by the afternoon, and that my family isn't always going to make rope drop, I would probably opt to use the second strategy. Slate FP+ reservations for mid-afternoon and evening and ride standby in the morning, when the lines are generally shorter.

We did the stack method in wdw in May... I started my fps for 1 hour after the park opened... We did standby popular rides in that hour (since most of wdw is tiered and you can't do, let's say test track twice with prebooked fps)... Then we did our three fps one each hour in a row... And then I went to the kiosk and asked the cm what is giving out fps for right now... In truth the best we did was 6 fps in one day, because by 3 pm the good rides were out of fps, and the ones you never needed a fp for anyway you'd have to wait to use it near close. Most parks 5 was all we managed.

I liked the magic bands and having everything tied to them... Wearing them in 95 degree heat was not an issue either. I actually didn't mind the fps system... But felt we use more fps in Dl. Our next trip is October, and I am hopeful it won't be rolled out by then.
With FP+, RSR becomes a once-a-day ride unless we're willing to stand around for an hour.
Again, this is all assuming DLR adopts the same system at WDW (which I doubt because of the different park demographics), but you could still do RSR twice per day, almost the same as you do now. You would plan your RSR FP for some point in the day (a few hours after park opening) and then ride it standby first thing in the morning. And you could still get FP+ for Screamin' and Soarin' (assuming no tiered FP structure like they have at DHS and Epcot) as your other two FP+ reservations for the day.

For example:
8:00 am opening - ride RSR as standby
9:30 am-10:30 am: RSR FP
10:30 am-11:30 am: Screamin' FP
11:30 am - Lunch
1:00 pm-2:00 pm: Soarin' FP

The benefit of FP+ is knowing that you have FP for certain attractions and you can pre-plan them so they don't conflict with dining plans or others activities. The drawback, is you can't get another FP until afternoon after you're Soarin' FP time starts and you can't really change the scehdule (in many cases) once you've made it. Although, it's not the much different than getting to the machine and finding it's a time you can't do and have to wait until the time changes or skip the FP.
I think this February will be my last trip to DL :worried::worried:
I took my kids growing up every year, now my kids take their kids (and me). The main draws for me has always been clean, it was for all ages and relaxation. I hated planning my 10 day trip to WDW. If I wanted to sit down and eat, I had to know which park I was going to be in 60 days ahead of time. I personally don't view it as a relaxing vacation to have to plan where I will be at a certain time and if I don't plan, then I may be out of luck. It just reminds me of those who use to carry a folder with them detailing every minute of their vacation (I'm sure they use their smart phone now but we're talking the year 2000).

At least with WDW, they had cheaper onsite lodging. Even though I can afford to stay onsite, I refuse to pay $400 a night plus taxes plus parking. Having been a single parent it sort of gets my goat that those who pay extra get the 60 day out advantage. Yes I know, they are paying for it but the good thing about Disneyland was, it didn't use to be that way and I liked it better.

My big planning was, how close to the sidewalk we were staying and what day we would use our early entry.
Visiting a themepark is stressful. There are a lot of things going on : loud music, loud gusets, lots of people, lots of visual stimuli. I'm not saying this is bad, but it can be overwhelming.

I just don't understand why Disney thinks it's a great idea to add FP+ to an already stressful environment. So now on top of everything else, I am expected to set up appointment times for rides? I just think this is the most absurd idea ever.
Again, I really think people should consider what figment_jii has been saying: MagicBands and FP+ are two separate things. They could bring the former to DL and not the latter.

I have a slightly different perspective, because I work in the financial industry, and have seen the tremendous trajectory of mobile and hands free payments. There's plenty of data suggesting people spend more when they don't have to have a card or cash (I know my Starbucks spending went WAY up when I started paying with my phone). Disney is considered a leader in that they're willing to invest NOW in a technology that will pay dividends down the road. The ability to link a credit card to the band has always been a goal, even though they're not quite there yet.

And personally, if all I had to carry into the parks was my phone and a wristband, I'd be one happy camper. Think about the kinds of things that could be on the band and make a DL trip EASIER:

*AP cards and tickets could go away
*PhotoPass and ride photos activated with your band
*DAS cards attached to your band (no more cheating or people writing in new times on their cards)
*Pay for your meal or purchase with the band
*No more forgetting your AP discount if you have an AP and pay with the band; it could be automatic
*Technically, they could keep the STRUCTURE of the current FP system while just using a swipe to load it.
*Faster entry and less bag check

Point is that this technology is incredibly adaptable, and doesn't have to mean the end of DLR as we know it. If the lessons from WDW are learned - and the unique demographics of DLR are taken into account - the technology has a lot of potential.

(PS: They're going to have to upgrade all the credit card machines in late 2015 and early 2016 anyway when the United States goes to CHIP and PIN technology rather than magnetic credit cards. So, this is more likely the impetus for them implementing MBs around that time.)
I hated planning my 10 day trip to WDW. If I wanted to sit down and eat, I had to know which park I was going to be in 60 days ahead of time.

We just went to WDW this past June. It is 6 MONTHS ahead of time to know what park you would be in and where you wanted to eat and when! :scared1:

Overall, the MBs were fine at WDW. I would not mind having them at DLR, but not FP+. You could still take your MB to the FP kiosk and get your paperless FP without reserving it months ahead of time and I hope that's what they do instead. That would keep the spontaneity of DLR but loose the hassle of the little pieces of paper. MDE could be used for restaurants and shows only.

I also want to point out that the article (the second one linked- the first one wouldn't let me read it) that is is Len Testa who said to look for in 2016. He doesn't work for Disney and isn't making any statements for them. He is just speculating. I didn't see Disney give a year.
I also want to point out that the article (the second one linked- the first one wouldn't let me read it) that is is Len Testa who said to look for in 2016. He doesn't work for Disney and isn't making any statements for them. He is just speculating. I didn't see Disney give a year.

I'm willing to bet he's close. All credit cards in the United States must change from the magnetic strip to a CHIP card by the end of 2015. That means all vendors have to upgrade their card readers to accept the new cards by that time.

It makes perfect sense that Disney would take that opportunity to implement MB technology in all their parks.
All I know is that MM+ and FP+ would have been GREAT on my last DLR visit. It was SO busy that day...some family I was meeting didn't arrive until 11, and by then it was tough to get FPs that didn't conflict with one another and our ADR. It would have been awesome to have some things pre-booked, especially because not everybody wanted to do the same things.

I do think for DL that they should shorten the 60/30 day windows. It's not a place that requires planning that far out. I'm not sure what the magic number is, but I could see it being as short as day before (onsite)/day of and still working well.
Again, I really think people should consider what figment_jii has been saying: MagicBands and FP+ are two separate things. They could bring the former to DL and not the latter.

I have a slightly different perspective, because I work in the financial industry, and have seen the tremendous trajectory of mobile and hands free payments. There's plenty of data suggesting people spend more when they don't have to have a card or cash (I know my Starbucks spending went WAY up when I started paying with my phone). Disney is considered a leader in that they're willing to invest NOW in a technology that will pay dividends down the road. The ability to link a credit card to the band has always been a goal, even though they're not quite there yet.

And personally, if all I had to carry into the parks was my phone and a wristband, I'd be one happy camper. Think about the kinds of things that could be on the band and make a DL trip EASIER:

*AP cards and tickets could go away
*PhotoPass and ride photos activated with your band
*DAS cards attached to your band (no more cheating or people writing in new times on their cards)
*Pay for your meal or purchase with the band
*No more forgetting your AP discount if you have an AP and pay with the band; it could be automatic
*Technically, they could keep the STRUCTURE of the current FP system while just using a swipe to load it.
*Faster entry and less bag check

Point is that this technology is incredibly adaptable, and doesn't have to mean the end of DLR as we know it. If the lessons from WDW are learned - and the unique demographics of DLR are taken into account - the technology has a lot of potential.

(PS: They're going to have to upgrade all the credit card machines in late 2015 and early 2016 anyway when the United States goes to CHIP and PIN technology rather than magnetic credit cards. So, this is more likely the impetus for them implementing MBs around that time.)

You still need to have ID with you to get AP discounts. Last I knew the discount was not automatically added.

Walk up to a restaurant at DLR and want to make same day reservations for dinner? You need to give them your CC to hold the reservation.

It will be fascinating to see where this goes at DLR. And I hope against hope it will roll out differently there. But for it to be worthwhile to Disney to roll this out, they need to reach critical mass in terms of how many people will wear them. Without FP+ attached to it, the whole thing could just fizzle like the Glow With the Show ears.

They are rolling this out because they expect a payoff. To get a big payoff, they need big buy-in. FP+ is the hook.

Once again though, my fingers are crossed that's not the case and that it rolls out substantially different from WDW. Once you open FP up to people who aren't IN the park........ it changes everything.
You still need to have ID with you to get AP discounts. Last I knew the discount was not automatically added.

Walk up to a restaurant at DLR and want to make same day reservations for dinner? You need to give them your CC to hold the reservation.

You're basing this on how things work NOW. The technology, though, is limitless. Why do you think Disney spent so much money implementing it.

FP+ is NOT the "hook". Trust me. The "hook" is getting your debit card or credit card attached to your phone (or in this case, your band). Think ApplePay or Google Wallet. That technology isn't widespread YET, but it's there and once that happens, all bets are off. More spending, less fraud.

That's where we're headed.
Again, I really think people should consider what figment_jii has been saying: MagicBands and FP+ are two separate things. They could bring the former to DL and not the latter.

I have a slightly different perspective, because I work in the financial industry, and have seen the tremendous trajectory of mobile and hands free payments. There's plenty of data suggesting people spend more when they don't have to have a card or cash (I know my Starbucks spending went WAY up when I started paying with my phone). Disney is considered a leader in that they're willing to invest NOW in a technology that will pay dividends down the road. The ability to link a credit card to the band has always been a goal, even though they're not quite there yet.

And personally, if all I had to carry into the parks was my phone and a wristband, I'd be one happy camper. Think about the kinds of things that could be on the band and make a DL trip EASIER:

*AP cards and tickets could go away
*PhotoPass and ride photos activated with your band
*DAS cards attached to your band (no more cheating or people writing in new times on their cards)
*Pay for your meal or purchase with the band
*No more forgetting your AP discount if you have an AP and pay with the band; it could be automatic
*Technically, they could keep the STRUCTURE of the current FP system while just using a swipe to load it.
*Faster entry and less bag check

Point is that this technology is incredibly adaptable, and doesn't have to mean the end of DLR as we know it. If the lessons from WDW are learned - and the unique demographics of DLR are taken into account - the technology has a lot of potential.

(PS: They're going to have to upgrade all the credit card machines in late 2015 and early 2016 anyway when the United States goes to CHIP and PIN technology rather than magnetic credit cards. So, this is more likely the impetus for them implementing MBs around that time.)
1. I was at WDW and when MB didn't work for park admission , on several occasions, I had to provide a picture ID.
2. AP and DAS cards are still required at WDW, so this would not go away.
3. At WDW, you can only pay for purchases and dining if you're an on site guest. So at DLR this would be even more exclusive, since there are very few hotels.
4. At WDW, I saw people trying to use their MB's for purchases. When it didn't work, the person had to provide a different method of payment.
5. Personally, I never go anywhere without my ID, Insurance Card, a credit card and cash. I really don't consider that these objects heavy or onerous to bring into the parks. I could slip these into a pocket now, and avoid bag check.
6. How would they create FP+ lines in FL, unless they eliminated SB altogether? Also, everyone is suggesting central kiosks, but where? The only place I see this fitting would be in the esplanade between the parks.
You're basing this on how things work NOW. The technology, though, is limitless. Why do you think Disney spent so much money implementing it.

FP+ is NOT the "hook". Trust me. The "hook" is getting your debit card or credit card attached to your phone (or in this case, your band). Think ApplePay or Google Wallet. That technology isn't widespread YET, but it's there and once that happens, all bets are off. More spending, less fraud.

That's where we're headed.

We'll see. As I said, I hope you're right.

Disney has not always been the best at using cutting edge IT. Be careful what you hope for.
1. I was at WDW and when MB didn't work for park admission , on several occasions, I had to provide a picture ID.
2. AP and DAS cards are still required at WDW, so this would not go away.
3. At WDW, you can only pay for purchases and dining if you're an on site guest. So at DLR this would be even more exclusive, since there are very few hotels.
4. At WDW, I saw people trying to use their MB's for purchases. When it didn't work, the person had to provide a different method of payment.
5. Personally, I never go anywhere without my ID, Insurance Card, a credit card and cash. I really don't consider that these objects heavy or onerous to bring into the parks. I could slip these into a pocket now, and avoid bag check.
6. How would they create FP+ lines in FL, unless they eliminated SB altogether? Also, everyone is suggesting central kiosks, but where? The only place I see this fitting would be in the esplanade between the parks.

Please re-read what I said. These are things the technology CAN do. Right now, it's new and isn't as widespread as it can be. But it's getting there. Disney is really investing for the future in this technology.

And I'm not just making this up. I actually know the technology and how it's being implemented across the board.

I'm just trying to get people to see that there's more to this than FP+...


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