URGENT!! NO Hand baggage allowed today

Hope we do get away tomorrow as planned but if not, desperate to go Saturday as we have save the pennies hard and are supposed to be on the Disney Cruise that sails on Sunday.....

Not sure how my insurance will work for that or for my Disney points I am using tomorrow night and Saturday night, probably not knowing my luck.

Fingers crossed and prayer mats out.

Not a lot we can do but be patient and be thankful that its a precaution and for the right reasons. (hope my teenagers understand that tomorrow :confused3 )
magicmouse2 said:
I dont want everyone on the plane to know when I have got my period. And no - you dont get free tampons on board the plane. I would imagine if they did put them in the loos people would nick them (or stuff them with explosives, as you imply) What I begrudge is the total lack of privacy that this world is coming to due to terrorism.

I dont appreciate your tone. Would you be happy if you had some nasty rash in a very personal place and you had to carry your 'ointment' that was clearly labelled into the loos with you in a clear plastic bag ? (BTW I dont have any nasty rashes or anything - just trying to give an example of how we are losing our privacy).
The next thing is we will all be microchipped like dogs.

I am 100% for increasing our security on planes, I have 3 kids, and have flown many times and I have been frisked and shoe searched, cases fully searched in front of me, and scanned enough times to tolerate high security. People still have the right to preserve some privacy. Give me an untransparent plastic bag that ties at the top for my medication and toiletries and I wil be happier.

I can see it now. CCTV in the on board loos. :surfweb:

I do not know who you fly with but certainly Virgin have tampons in the loos.
Again, if I was carrying hemmeroid treatment for example, not a problem, or even tablets for something errrr else (Giggle) better to be safe. Also, what are the chances of meeting someone you will know for a long time after the flight???
I would support the microchipping of children actually. You would know where they were and what they were doing!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
My daughter is in England due to fly home to the Isle of Man from Manchester at lunchtime today. What should I do? Should I tell her to stay there and get her a new ticket for say, Sunday? She is only 17 and is travelling alone. I have every confidence in her, but do I really want to put her in a stressful situation of being in such a busy place with not much information and not even having her mobile phone? What would you all do? It is not critical she flies today. Any advice? Am I just being paranoid?


magicmouse2 said:
I dont want everyone on the plane to know when I have got my period. And no - you dont get free tampons on board the plane. I would imagine if they did put them in the loos people would nick them (or stuff them with explosives, as you imply) What I begrudge is the total lack of privacy that this world is coming to due to terrorism.

I dont appreciate your tone. Would you be happy if you had some nasty rash in a very personal place and you had to carry your 'ointment' that was clearly labelled into the loos with you in a clear plastic bag ? (BTW I dont have any nasty rashes or anything - just trying to give an example of how we are losing our privacy).
The next thing is we will all be microchipped like dogs.

I am 100% for increasing our security on planes, I have 3 kids, and have flown many times and I have been frisked and shoe searched, cases fully searched in front of me, and scanned enough times to tolerate high security. People still have the right to preserve some privacy. Give me an untransparent plastic bag that ties at the top for my medication and toiletries and I wil be happier.

I can see it now. CCTV in the on board loos. :surfweb:

Really, It doesn't bother me if you're having a period. Also, how many people do you believe on the aircraft are watching your every move? I'm usually watching the in-flight movie, talking to my wife/daughter etc. (in fact both wife and daughter were having a period when we last flew out - nobody was embarrassed).

You bring your plastic bag onto the aircraft, you place it in the overhead locker, the overhead locker is then shut so nobody can see your bag. When you "need" to go to the toilet you open the overhead locker, take out a tampon, put it in your pocket, go to the toilet, do your "necessaries", return to your seat and everybody is none the wiser (this would also go for any creams for embarrasing rashes as well).
magicmouse2 said:
If you can stuff a teddy with explosives and get it on a plane surely you can stuff other things - like Bras for example ? I am no explosive expert and I dont even think I want to know in what manner of body parts or nclothing explosives can be sneaked onto a plane.

Will trainers be banned in case the Nike air bubble has been filled with some sort of explosive liquid ?

I gather that all shoes are being x-rayed today again. So probably, yes they will be checked for pin pricks, cuts etc..

Fox news saying that the same precautions of no hand luggage in the cabin now in force at all USA airports.
Anyone in Fla or if you know anyone out there, they will be quite surprised on the way back I would have thought.
This could be an imposition for quite a long time. You know that the airlines have been trying to reduce cabin baggage, they now have a valid reason.
pampat said:
My daughter is in England due to fly home to the Isle of Man from Manchester at lunchtime today. What should I do? Should I tell her to stay there and get her a new ticket for say, Sunday? She is only 17 and is travelling alone. I have every confidence in her, but do I really want to put her in a stressful situation of being in such a busy place with not much information and not even having her mobile phone? What would you all do? It is not critical she flies today. Any advice? Am I just being paranoid?


They are advising people not to go to the airport unless they have to fly today. Personally I would delay the flight - only because it will be really busy and could be intimidating for her. I know I wouldn't want to be on my own and I'm just a bit older than 17 :blush:
mushumadness said:
dont you think if we had more harse punishments for these people (and I use the word lightly) they would be less inclined to do this. and yes I am fully in support of the death penalty for terrorists, that arnt human

How on earth would the death penalty deter people who intend on killing themselves as well!!!!!!!

How do you hang a suicide bomber ?

Frightening times indeed. We have to trust our security services to weed out these scum but I cant help but recall the words of the IRA after Brighton. We only need to get lucky once. You have to be lucky all the time.
Obi Wan Kenobi said:
I do not know who you fly with but certainly Virgin have tampons in the loos.
Again, if I was carrying hemmeroid treatment for example, not a problem, or even tablets for something errrr else (Giggle) better to be safe. Also, what are the chances of meeting someone you will know for a long time after the flight???
I would support the microchipping of children actually. You would know where they were and what they were doing!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

When I flew with Virgin a few years ago they did not have tampons in the loos. And to be honest if I saw you going into the loo with your industrial size tube of 'embarrassing itch' cream I think I would be tempted to hold it in for 9 hours rather than use the same loo. :rotfl: :rotfl:
Microchipping kids would be a good idea though!! :goodvibes
My daughter is in England due to fly home to the Isle of Man from Manchester at lunchtime today. What should I do? Should I tell her to stay there and get her a new ticket for say, Sunday? She is only 17 and is travelling alone. I have every confidence in her, but do I really want to put her in a stressful situation of being in such a busy place with not much information and not even having her mobile phone? What would you all do? It is not critical she flies today. Any advice? Am I just being paranoid?

British Airways have said it expected to cancel some flights today and warned of severe delays due to heightened security. "It is likely that some flights will be cancelled during the day. Any customers who do not need to travel today are advised to stay at home," a BA spokesperson said in a statement.
Thanks Anita for that. It was my first thought, but Joy is my only child and I tend to be a bit over protective. I'll put into practice my contingency plan.

Please don't worry and let it spoil your excitment. I know it's hard not to but this is good news really that the alert has been raised before anything fatal has happened and not after which is usually wot happens. We flew to florida 3 weeks after 9/11 and couldn't take on any hand luggage. I will just miss my bottled water/snacks/moisturiser - but as long as we all have a safe flight it will be worth it. Safe journey to everyone flying at anytime!
magicmouse2 said:
When I flew with Virgin a few years ago they did not have tampons in the loos. And to be honest if I saw you going into the loo with your industrial size tube of 'embarrassing itch' cream I think I would be tempted to hold it in for 9 hours rather than use the same loo. :rotfl: :rotfl:
Microchipping kids would be a good idea though!! :goodvibes

ROFLMAO!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

"Oh Stewardess! have you any incontinence pads available? I SAID HAVE YOU ANY....oh never mind.." :teeth: :teeth:
This is awful, I can't believe what they are saying on the news at the moment. What on Earth makes these people tick? :guilty:

They are saying that the terrorists were trying to target 10 planes at the exact same time, but they have also said that by trying to target such a large amount of planes that they have given themselves away so to speak.

I must admit that if it was going to keep me safe then I don't have a problem with the world knowing what I am carrying in my clear plastic bag, and I think I would also find it reassuring that I could see what every other passenger is carrying too JMO.

Watching news 24 now and there is a Scotland Yard statement about to start.
It's awful that these "people" can disrupt our flights like this. We should be allowed to take the things we want on board - books, ipods, toys etc but because of these morons us normal innocent people have to give them up for safety reasons. I totally agree with why the authorities are doing this, I'd rather be bored than risk someone getting a bomb through the scanners, but I'm still angry that we should have to give them up because of an inhuman minority.
I am curious as to what will happen with checking your laptop and camera equipment ? will we have to buy a metal case for these so that they are not broken or damaged during transit ?
At first, i thought "what, no books? why?" :confused3

But then after some thinking (doesn't normally happen till after 9.30) it occured from my chemlab days :teacher:that you can easily dry out an explosive liquid like glycerin, petroleum, etc, on the pages of a book and avoid detection, and it makes it no less flammable...

My thoughts go to all stuck in airports / due to fly in the next couple of days :grouphug:
magicmouse2 said:
I am curious as to what will happen with checking your laptop and camera equipment ? will we have to buy a metal case for these so that they are not broken or damaged during transit ?

At LHR there is a special line where you can check these into the hold, though I would rather not let the monkeys at my laptop.
You will probably have to get a metal transportation case as used for cameras by professionals, at least that is what I use.
Im all for hightened security and ordinarily take little hand luggage - just the travel documents, medications and any travellers Cheques. Usually take a bottle of water but happy to leave that behind.

My main concern and i know this is INCREDIBLY selfish on my part - is my wedding dress. I had planned on taking that on as hand luggage but obviously if its going to be searched - my husband to be will see it before the wedding. Not a good start :teeth: I have plenty of time though - not until Nov!


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