VALLIE'S [w.i.s.h] to be FIT [--closed--]


DIS Veteran
Oct 22, 2006
hi all! welcome to my weight loss journal

my name is val i'm 22 from toronto canada! i'm a disney newbie but supper excited about my upcoming trip with my wonderful bf of 1.5yrs :banana: :banana: :banana: i'm in 3rd York U for Women's Studies and plan to a teacher when i'm finished my masters! Everyone (mom, friends, bf) calls me princess... because well... i guess i am a bit of a princess! lol princess:

i started this journal because i stepped on the scale yesterday and the number i saw really made me sad :sad2: i want to loose about 15lbs which seems achievable before my vacation! and overall loose about 30lbs! so I can see the skinny/fit me again!

I will be posting sucesses, tips, daily eating/excersizing (hopefully)

any advice, comments, tips would be appriciated :) thank u! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Day One

2 pieces of chicken bacon

2 Chicken Hotdogs
1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese

1 Baked Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast
Side of Mac and Cheese :rolleyes: (couldn't help it :confused3 )
i stepped on the scale this morning and i lost 3LBS! WOAH! i know it's just water weight but it was nice to see hehe :)

Nada (i know so bad..but i woke up late!)

1 egg omlette w/ cheese and ham

1 chicken hotdog with a whole wheat bun (i was hungry)
** Need to pick a better snack next time!**


I'm trying hard to find low carb options.. It's frusterating because I'm so used to eating carbs.. anyone have any good ideas?

Also I need to start excersizing.. I walk 20mins to work everyday, however between being a fulltime university student and working 5 days a week and homework its hard to fit it in
ok i got a little side tracked the last week because of many assignments due for school however i'm back on track and more determined then ever after beginning my vacation shopping :D:D:D

Missed Breakfast

Mid Morning Snack:
1 Piece Melba Toast
with 1/2 tbspn of smoked salmon cream cheese

Michealina's Lifestyle Penne with Herb Chicken (250 Cal) - Recommended!
2 pieces chicken bacon - 90 cal


Blueeyes101817 said:
Even a water weight loss is great!!!!!!
You seem to be on the right track! you can do it!

yah water weight loss is easy weightloss! hehe i just noticed ur going on a cruise too! we seem to have lots in comman! i left u a msg in your journal!
well yesetrday was my birthday so i kinda splurged on the diet... just a bit!! haha my wonderful bf took me to the keg and lets just say we spent over 100 bucks on food for the both of us! for my entree i had a HUGE broiled lobster tail with rice and veggies so I guess that wasnt too bad! but for appitizer we had spinish/crab/paramsan dip and for dessert he got me this GIANT cocolate brownie/ice cream/whip cream thingie!!! mmmmm it was sooo good i only ate half tho! lol

My cruise is less then 2 months away I really have to start being strict especially with my carbs! i really wanna loose this weight before the cruise so i can loook good in my new years dress haha!!

Today I gotta make up for that huge meal!

- one no fat low cal source vanilla yogart


Happy Birthday! Im glad you had a good night out!

For me, using the cruise as my motivation really helped me to watch what i was eating and exercise..And now its 2 days away so well see if i look okay in the dress for formal night!

I probably wont be around until after I get back from the cruise--so have a great week!
Blueeyes101817 said:
Happy Birthday! Im glad you had a good night out!

For me, using the cruise as my motivation really helped me to watch what i was eating and exercise..And now its 2 days away so well see if i look okay in the dress for formal night!

I probably wont be around until after I get back from the cruise--so have a great week!

I'm sure you will look fantastic in your dress! Make sure you post photos and have a WONDERFUL vacation :)
Ok so I've decided me trying to figure out what I want to eat is not giving me the results I want. I am going to try the Scarsdale Medical Diet. I have tried the diet before and have had success so hopefully it will work this time around because I need some fast results! I think I am the type that I need a structured plan to follow in order to stick to it.

Has anyone else tried this plan?
so I woke up today feeling so MOTIVATED! my main motivation? I want to look like a princess: princess princess: in my formal dress on new years so i've decided on a reward... If i loose a good amount of weight on this diet and can stick to it I will buy myself some cute new clothes for the trip AND a dress for new years! if shopping doesnt get me motivated nothing will! lol

so wish me luck! I want to do this i have to do this! 6 more weeks and i CAN do this... right?!

1 tangerine

5 slices of lunch meat
2 veggie crackers
1 pickle

Baked Salmon with Lemon, Herb and Pepper
Cucumber Slices with calorie wise french dressing
2 Veggie Crackers

2 Walnuts

I feeel GREAT however I'm trying to distract myself from "boredom" eating! which DIS boards is great for!!!
Ok So I'm still SUPER motivated this morning... hopefully I can keep it up! I think the hardest part for me will be to not eat at night... which I tend to do especially while studying and in school! However, the thought of looking good in my new years dress and bikini is more important to me then snacking!

So far today.. Scarsdale Day 2

- slept in (its my day off) so no breakfast!

- Baked Salmon (left over) Salad with teaspoon of red pepper sauce and lime juice with celery and carrots (SO GOOD! mmm!)
- Tangerine
- Water

- Chicken fried with a little water (no oil)
- 1 small whole wheat tortia (instead of protien bread)
- Lettuce and Cucumber salad with 1 tbspn cal-wise french dressing

I'm not feeling too well today so I didnt want to jump right into anything too strenuous so I did some arm excersizes and worked on my tummy!
(total 20 mins)

Need to start with cardio!!!
Scarsdale Day 3

3LBS lost 12 to go!!! woohoo!!!


- 2 slices of pastrami
- 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese
- 2 veggie crackers
- 2 walnuts
- water

- 3 baby corn cobs
- 6 teeny mini burgers (homemade - lean ground beef)
- 4 rice cheese flavoured crackers (super low in carbs/fat/cals - HIGHLY recommend them!)
- Water

Still feeling blahs so
- Lower body excersizes
- 100 Crunches
4 lbs lost... 11 to go!

Still feeling the motivation and honestly I'm feeling better and less tired I think it has to do with all the junk leaving my body!

Anyways I'm very happy with the diet so far! I hope I can keep it up till my cruise

Scarsdale Day 4-

- tangerine
- water

- 3 slices turkey bacon (very delicious and low in cals and fat)
- 2 eggs scrambled with no fat used for cooking
- 1 slice protien bread
- 1 tbspn of ketchup

- 1 1/2 chicken breast (boneless, skinless)
- 1/4 cup of chili sauce
- 1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese
lol I've noticed this thread is like 90% me posting... is anyone out there?!

I FINIALLY got to change my W.I.S.H sign to 5lbs! WOOHOOOO :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Scarsdale Day 5 -
Wow Today I get to eat 2 whole pieces of bread! lol


Grilled Cheese Sandwhich made with proten bread and low fat marble chedder cheese

Shrimp and Scallop Low Fat Scampi - SOoOoOOo GOOD!!! :Pinkbounc

If anyone is interested in how to make low fat shrimp scampy you use the same recipe as regular shrimp scampi (can be found online) but instead of white wine u use water and use half the butter and parmasan called for
Ok this weekend was hard because my DBF always stays over on the weekends and LOVES to eat so its hard to not pig out with him however i think i did a pretty good job!
For dinner on saturday night I made him crab legs and a shrimp and scallop low fat scampi with some veggies and some rice for him which he LOVED! :)
I overate a bit on this dinner but managed to nto have any rice and just eat the fish and carbs! I had a very small lunch of 3 slices of turkey bacon which made me feel less guilty! hehe

Anyways for today

Scarsdale - Day 7 (1 week down one to go b4 Keep Trim 2 weeks)


Fruit Salad (yummy)

3 slices of mortatella
2 veggie crackers
(bad snack i know :rolleyes: )

chicken breast
white chedder rice cake
Scarsdale Day 8 -

frusterated b/c my scale went back up 2 lbs ( i guess too much food this weekend hehe) but at least im not gaining any of the official 5lbs back!

- tangerine

- rice cake
- assorted sliced meats

- low fat shrimp and scallop scampi (my new fave!)
- rapini


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