VALLIE'S [w.i.s.h] to be FIT [--closed--]

Lost another pound woohoo!

Breakfast... n/a .. must start eating breakfast!

fruit cup

small slice of sheppards pie

In my fave form of excersize... SHOPPING! (but not for me :guilty: )
literally walked around the malls ALL day finishing my christmas shopping... but it is done now so YAY!
down another 2lbs 2 more lbs and i've lost 15lbs! WOOHOOOO!!! :D i'm now aiming for 20lbs for the cruise! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

breakfast n/a

2 egg omlette with low fat cheese and fat free turkey

bowl of chicken soup and a skinless chicken breast from swiss chalet! gave away my fries AND my bun! :thumbsup2
Wow - way to go on the weightloss!! :sunny: You'll exceed your goal for your cruise for sure! The countdown is on. I wish your enthusiasm could rub off on me!! Keep up the great work and have a great weekend!! :cheer2:
You are doing sooo good!! congrats on being done finals! i wll be on done on Thursday and i cant wait!!!!
I wish i had a cruise planned!! you will have a great time!
thanks for the continued encouragement it means alot! im so glad to be done finals and i cant wait for the cruise :D i tried on one of my old dresses yesterday that looked just awful on me b4 and it looks great now :thumbsup2 and i saw one of my friends i havent seen in a few months yesterday and she said she couldnt believe how much weight i lost! :goodvibes :sunny: :cloud9:


grilled cheese sandwhich
used pam instead of butter
whole wheat WW bread

Bad bad weekend! hehe but hopefully the next two weeks i can stay on track and loose another 10lbs! we will see!

- plum

- 3 pieces of chicken bacon
- 1 slice of protien bread
- 1 tbspn of no fat cream cheese

Low fat shrimp/scallop scampi
16 days, 15 hours, 35 minutes and 15 seconds to go till my cruise...
will i be able to loose another 10lbs? I hope so! My weight has hit the 15lbs lost mark but has not been steady so im trying to stead that last 1lb so i can change my siggy!

- Plum

- 1 slice of protien bread
- 1 slice mozerella cheese
- shaved smoked montreal meat

- 1 slice protien bread
- chicken breast with low fat cream cheese sauce (so yummy)

- 6 apple slices with 1 tbspn peanut butter
I DID IT!!!!! :goodvibes :cheer2: :cloud9: :dance3: I MADE MY GOAL OF LOOSING 15LBS!! woooohooooooo!!!!! I am now trying for 20 for my cruise which is 2 weeks away!!!

I have a new obsession with swiss chalet chicken noodle soup its so good and so low cal/carb/fat :thumbsup2


- chalet chicken soup

- chicken breast and chalet sauce
Congratulations!!! You've really done an amazing job. The countdown is on! You'll look goooorgeous on your cruise! Have a terrific week.
Thanks agains ladies for the encouragement! it is GREATLY appriciated!! :thumbsup2

well im back from a HORRIBLELY bad weekend eating wise lol but i did lots of walking around the malls to make up for it! I ended up eating pretty heavy both days... and i gave into temptation at red lobster and had those biscuits and coconut shrimp! but luckily my weight just stayed steady!

My cruise is soooo close I just have a few more things to buy! I cant believe how much more fun shopping is now! i feel so good about myself again! amazing what 15lbs can do for ya!

Today I had..

- plum

- 1 slice protien bread
- 1/2 veal with light gravy sauce

- 1/2 cup of risotto w/ tomato sauce and tbspn of cheese
- 1 chicken breast with low fat cream cheese sauce
- 2 low fat peporoni sticks
Blueeyes101817 said:
8 days!! are you getting a little excited yet ;)

o yes i am so so sooo excited! i have been soooo busy the last few days but have managed to be eating pretty good!
i have to try and update this more often!
Well I leave tomorrow! I havent been able to update because I've been busy with the holidays and shopping and PACKING!
I have maintained my 15lbs even over Christmas which I am definitly proud of!
I didn't hit 20lbs but I did hit my original goal of 15lbs and I am so proud and happy for that! Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging me I will definitly be continuing my journal after the cruise for my new years resolution to loose another 20lbs!

I will talk to you guys when I get back! Hopefully don't gain too much with all that AMAZING food mmmmmmmm
Darn, I was hoping to catch you before you left. I hope you're having a wonderful time!!! Be proud of your amazing success. Can't wait to hear all about your trip! :thumbsup2
Hope you are having a wonderful trip!

Have a Happy, Healthy New Year!
i'm back and im working on my trip report! had an awsome time but we lost the camera at disney and i am sooo upset :( all my vacation photos.. GONE :( also i gained 5 lbs back but man was it worth it haha :)
Welcome back..
have you called to see if they have found your camera?

yes i have no luck so far :( i dont think i'm going to see it again but its ok i've already accepted it and had a few good crys and i'm gunna make the best of the photo pass pictures and the professional shots we got on the boat and from our friends and make a nice memory board with 1 or 2 pics and all the souvineers and plus the big pooh bear my bf bought is making me feel much better :goodvibes: not to mention my bf has already started planning our next trip he liked it so much

I'm hoping to get my jounral bac up and running by monday with a trip report just settling back into work and school

how was everyone else's new years?


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