V's gettin' back to the Bad Girl bod! Gonna lose weight in 2008!

Have a great time!! Gotta say, I'm jealous! ::yes::
I'm so jealous that you are at Disney now! Hope you are having a wonderful time- and kiss Mickey for me!
we had a blast and I wasn't terribly bad...just a tad but today is a new day and I am going to run tonight to jump start my workout goals for the week!! :)
~a moment on the lips forever on the hips!~
well I had a bad lunch...which means I need to have a good dinner! So salad and maybe small fish or chicken with veggies. I am going to get in some exercise once I get home. :)
My goals for the rest of the week:
tonight - eat healthy dinner and walk/jog
Wed - w/o on lunch healthy choices
Thurs - w/o over lunch, walk after dinner, healthy eating choices
Fri - w/o on lunch, healthy eating choices
Sat & Sun - walk both days and healthy eating choices

I think I may make a big pot of zero point soup tonight and have that for lunch for the nest three days....:) That thing does wonders!
Hi V!!!

Just wanted to stop in and say hi.....

Did you make your soup?

Hope you are having a great day!
Your goals for this week are terrific! Way to get back on track after a fun vacation! :cheer2:
Sounds like you are getting back on track! Hope you had a good weekend and that it's a good week ahead!
Well, I am back - back to journaling, weight watching and living a healthier lifestyle. I went back to WW today and wow have they changed. No more cards to get - I have to admit I kind of liked going to the "lifetime" box, kind of like being the cool kid ya know? My commitments for this week (now until next Thursday) are to journal everyday and stay within my points. Walk at least 30 minutes daily. Limit alcohol and sugar intake. Stay focused and positive. I can do it.

Want to know my real motivator? Well, it's like this. My sister called yesterday and she and my mother are joining WW today and not that my sister really needs to lose anything but I want to be sure and "beat" them if you know what I mean. When I joined originally it was with two friends and I became lifetime and neither of them did but I did so well because it was a competition for me. I probably shouldn't look at it that way but it really really helped me. I have 25 pounds to go. I will get this off and keep it off for sure. Those darn pregnancies....ah, but they (my girls) are so worth 25 pounds....a million times over.

Also we are going to Sanibel at the end of July, I would like to be a little lighter so I don't scare people into therapy. 25 pounds can be a very traumatic thing. So my WW journal starts today 5/25/06 and ends on 8/16/06 - 12 weeks. I would definitely like to be 25 pounds lighter at the end of 12 weeks but a definite goal would be the recommended 1 pound a week. That I know I can do. I will do....my Charming will so thank me for it in the end....
I made it through yesterday - stayed within my points and didn't even use any flex points. Yippee!

This morning I had Special K with FF milk, planning on a nice large green salad for lunch and not sure about dinner. I would like to go grocery shopping tonight and get everything for the weekend and next week. Guess I should make a list.

My mom and sister went and joined last night. Of course their weights are top secret....but I did get the 10% out of my sister...does she not realize I'm not Jessica Simpson and I can calculate her weight by that? Oh well...;)

No big plans for the weekend. I would like to hit the beach and definitely walk/bike/swim some each day.
Hi there,

Glad to see you back!!!!

You have a great plan...I know you can do it!!!

Keep up the good work :)

Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the encouragement!!
I 've had a great day so far....at lunch I had a nice green salad and the Applebee's WW onion 3 point soup. And now I am chewing gum to stop any munchie attacks. I have 12 points left for tonight which should be plenty!

I got some low calorie recipes off Kraft Foods and I think I am going to try one tonight. Have to stop by the grocery first!
Welcome back, V!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! :cheer2:

Have you ever checked out www.dwlz.com? It's got the points values for a lot of restaurants and some really great recipes.

Take care, and keep on going!! We're here for ya!

(oh, and I am totally with ya on the competition thing. That has definitely pushed me to lose the weight!!)
Wow, I've just read your journal - thanks for posting! :thumbsup2 You have a great attitude and just by reading it helped me want to get back to WW. Quick question, what does WW do differently now? I haven't been for a very long time........... :crazy:
Well - made it through the holiday weekend!! I was actually motivated to cook - I made potato salad - 2pts, cowboy beans - 5pts and burgers for our cookout! I thought that was pretty good! The potato salad was great and even DH loved it and he's used to his mom's german potato salad!!

Been great today, and planning on having a good night as well.

Got in a lot of exercise this weekend and with it being so hot....I definitely sweated out a ton - wish I could sweat away the pounds!!

tink- not sure the last time you were at WW...they still do the lex points but they also have the core plan...you can eat as much as you want on the core until you feel satisfied. I don't know too much about it as I follow the flex points. Just easier for me....:)
so far so good today...tomorrow is my weigh in day but the WW meeting is at 9am and I have a very fun and exciting tax seminar to go to. SO I will be weighing in at WW on Friday at 9am....one day should be ok. I'll go back to Thursday's next week. My sister is doing well on it. She thinks she's lost three pounds and our mother has not been doing well at all. She is blaming it on her job...no dice. She is getting no sympathy from us. My sister is trying to motivate her and get her to turn her life around. I don;t feel as though I have lost any this week but hopefully I haven't gained either. So we'll see on Friday!
Today I had a ff hot dog for breakfast - 3 points with bun and a tossed salad for with lite dressing for lunch (basically let, cukes and dressing) 2 points. Tonight I won't be home until late so I am probably going to eat a WW frozen dinner before leaving work to tide me over. Hoping to come in way under the points values for today....I still have some flex points left but I would like to make the most of today and tomorrow before weigh in ya know?

I signed up for the June exercise challenge and I am going to get to 1000 this month....I will I will I will...it's so gorgeous out there is no flippin' excuse to not be walking the beach every single night!
today is my seminar so hopefully we get a break for lunch and I can hit subway.....haven't had any breakfast but will probably pick up a granola bar on the way. Or something to tide me over. ;)

I have a class tonight so no working out, but WI is tomorrow morning and we plan on walking the beach tomorrow evening. Should be nice out as well.


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