W.I.S.H.-Wide Monday Mixer!

It all began with a mouse...

I was reading the All Ears newsletter in February of 2006, and there was an article about the upcoming inaugural Minnie 5K/15K to be held in May. I hadn't run since freshman year of college, but I looked at my husband and asked him if he thought I could run a 5K. Seemed like a good excuse for a trip to Disney, and the family agreed. I went out the next day and started running :rotfl2: (made it about half a block before I thought I'd died), but I kept at it, and ran/walked the Minnie 5K that year.

Somewhere along the way I found the WISH boards, and went to the meet at Earl of Sandwich that weekend. After I got home, I kept posting, which kept me running (but certainly NEVER anything like a half marathon :eek:), and the following January the boards were so quiet during marathon weekend that I vowed I'd be there the next year (2008). In May of 2007 I joined the local Galloway running group, and in January '08 ran my first half marathon.

Thanks to my WISH buddies, and my Galloway friends, now I can't imagine ever NOT being a runner!

My racing journey began when I finally went beyond my usual DIS threads (Resorts, Dining, Theme Parks), and found WISH in January 2007. I was so excited by the mere thought that I could squeeze another trip to Disney out of my dh (who is famously appalled by all things Disney), by proposing I get in shape by training for the WDW Half Marathon. (Yes, now I know training is not necessarily going to lead to weight loss, but back then...)

When I brought the idea to dh (who was an occasional runner), he decided if I was going to do a half, he had to do one, too! My first year of training was pretty bad as I fumbled around, and I was really concerned about being swept. I wasn't, and I haven't looked back from there! I completed the WDW Half in 2008-2010, and I'll be there in 2011, too! I'm also looking into more local 5Ks, and my dh has really taken off -- he does local halfs, 5Ks and 5Ms, and I think he's going to move up to the WDW Full next year.

Maria :upsidedow
I started running mostly so I could start eating more. I had lost about 80 lbs through dieting and had got my daily calorie intake to about 1300-1400 calories to maintain. Obviously not the best. I used to swim and we had a treadmill in the basement, so I just started running one night. After running for about three months I signed up for a 5k at the last minute and from there it started snow balling. I was talking with a guy at work who ran a half marathon every year and he talked me into signing up with him. So I started training with that in mind over the following four months and from there I was completely hooked.
My journey to fitness began as a teenager. I ran track, played basketball and was a gymnast. Then, I developed and quit everything until high school when I started power lifting.

When I met my husband at 20 yrs old, I did nothing physical. I started doing aerobics and light lifting. I discovered running in my late 20s. I only ran for fitness, never more than 3 or 4 miles and never faster than 6mph.

Last year, I got a wild hair one day and decided to run until I had to stop. I did 8 miles! I found my love of longer distance and, because I was turning 40, gave myself a birthday goal of a half marathon. I ran it last weekend. I ran it faster than I would have ever thought possible. I'm already planning the next one and hope to one day run a full.

I am happy to say that I am stronger and in better shape than I was 20 years ago. I also have a pride in myself that can't be taken away.
When I was in college I had a 48 hour per week job, took between 12 and 16 credit hours per semester, and lived with my grandma. The combination of lack of time, eating many means out (at school or work) and then eating grandma food with at home make me an out of shape disaster. I graduated in May 2003 and the next month was living in FL with a 40 hour per week job.

I had a lot more free time and lived where I could go to the beach almost year round. I decided that I would get in shape and started by cutting out some select items (fast food and sugar in my coffee) and doing weight training. I started cooking more and reading labels. I tried to start running but could only do a mile so instead I rollerbladed at work and rode a bike. Finally in January of 2005 on of my friends said he wanted to run a 5K and I decided to try. It was about 5 weeks between deciding to run a 5K and actually doing the 5K that was part of the Gasparilla Classic weekend in Feburary 2005.

I made it to 3.1 miles and did the race. The second I crossed the finish line I was hooked. That night I signed up for my next 5K and became a runner. Sept of 2005 I did my first 10K and then my first half was WDW marathon weekend 2006.
Mom.....ooooh the comments I could make.....:rolleyes1

In eighth grade I joined my school's track team. I ran the 800m, and I thought I was pretty decent. In high school I was too busy with band to really do any athletics.

My junior year, Mom found a 5k that was at midnight on New Year's Eve. I ran it (in the freezing butt cold, I might add) and beat her PR. With no training. A couple of weeks after, my parents went down to do the half, and I ran the 5k there with my Dad. I didn't run for a long while after, but I always swore to my Mom that I could do anything she could do better.

Then we discovered the Indy Mini Marathon. I am obsessed with Indy car racing. I was originally going to just do the 5k, but I found out that the half runs on the track. So I gritted my teeth and said I'd do it. So here I am, about 3 weeks away and about to do my first half marathon. And I so want to kill my mom's PR again. Love you Mommy!
Frank - gosh, I love the Anaeid. I was a Latin major in college and actually fell in love with the Anaeid my freshman year of high school - it was one of the first stories in the text book. I got to read it in the original Latin my first year of college with just a brilliant professor. We are planning to go to the ruins of Carthage this summer, and I'm thinking I gotta get that book out again!

Here's today's mixer question:

If you were asking the mixer questions, what would you ask? :laughing:

Seriously, I'm always glad to take suggestions!!!

Here's a good get-to-know-you question, too:

How did you start your journey to fitness and/or racing?

Frank and Corinna, my DH was a classical scholar in college and is very impressed by your reading choices! :thumbsup2

If I was asking the mixer questions, I would refer to the old QOTD archive from the BL threads that you are so kindly maintaining for us. Some day I think we will go back and make a mega-QOTD thread. If I was doing the mixer, I would think about recruiting some people to take turns so I didn't have to think of these questions all by myself! :lmao:

I am just starting my racing journey. I'm doing the C25K, doing a 5 mile walk/race on Sunday and doing the Princess half in March 2011. My goal is a Coast to Coast medal next year. I didn't think I would ever be a runner -- I didn't even like to run when I was a kid! :rotfl: But what I like most about running is the sense of accomplishment that I have and the feeling that I can really do anything that I want to! :goodvibes

Who has the nice kid sending their Mom a shoutout?!? Aren't you sweet? :)

If any of you are going to be at DL on 6/23 or 6/24 as there are a few of us from the WISH boards who will be having a little meet at Wine Country Trattoria one of those days. Send me a PM.

Thanks corinna for hostessing the mixer!
How did you start your journey to fitness and/or racing?

It's all my wife's fault. When we started dating, she was training for a marathon, so I got the pleasure of being the water boy on race day. I spent the whole morning going all over Richmond with a backpack full of goo, shoes, gloves, socks, and everything else she thought she might need. The next year, I didn't have any desire to do that again, so I figured the best way to avoid it was to run too. Several marathons, an ultra, and a Goofy Challenge later, I'm still going.
My journey to racing started in January of 2008 when I realized that I was bored beyond belief with going to the gym and doing the elliptical, with the occasional weights thrown in. And somehow I found WISH and the Minnie 15k--I don't remember how. (Could be I checked out the rest of DISboards after looking at DVC rent/trade).

So with no running experience and previous failed attempts at running, I signed up for Minnie. Got "the look" from DH--not sure if it was because of Disney (which he "can't abide", to quote a character from a particularly funny episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle) or because of the running.

The Minnie was neat, and even though I hurt like heck afterwards, I realized I now had a way to justify my trips to Disney! I mean, how can you knock someone who is going to do something healthy? So I did the 1/2 in 2009, along with the final Race for the Taste and this past year did the marathon.

I also worked up the courage to do a tri, and keep on running. I'm not sure I will ever consider myself a real runner--someone who does it because they love it and can't live without it (like my DD)--but that's okay. I get my own satisfaction from setting and meeting my own goals.

Got "the look" from DH--not sure if it was because of Disney (which he "can't abide", to quote a character from a particularly funny episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle) or because of the running.


I am so glad you said this! I often think I'm the only one with a dh who abhors all things Disney! He enjoys the races, but if he had his way we'd check out the second I cross the finish line (I'm alot slower than he is!).

Maria :upsidedow
Awww, Corinna, I feel your pain with the mixer questions! I remember pulling out my hair about it last year. So I'd be interested in hearing how people get their missing mojo back or how they get through tough races/miles/training.

As for this week's mixer question....

My journey to fitness on a regular basis started out after a move to Fargo for a job. Between the climate and the sedentary work conditions, I gained 25 pounds in a year & a half and was pretty unhappy. I decided one day that was enough was enough, recommitted to my health, and dropped 50 pounds over the next year. Summary form makes it sound easy, but it wasn't. I had to give up on my drug of choice – Mountain Dew – and figure out there actually were muscles in my body in places I wouldn't have guessed. (Maintenance is another struggle, and story.)

My journey to racing involves DOOD, who's "the runner" in the family. Like John, I "ran" crew for races. I didn't find it boring, per se, but it gave me the itch. So, in a fit of flip bravado, I told DOOD if he'd sign up for the Goofy I would too. True, I just really wanted him, a non-Disney lover, to sign up for a Disney race so I'd get another trip out of his hobby. But once I'd opened my mouth, I was committed. That Goofy was my first half and full, my first races as a matter of fact. But not my last! (Despite my recent slacker race behavior. ;))

P.S. Classical scholars & nerds...One of my favorite reading experiences was translating Beowulf from Old Engliish--a great piece of literature. (And I'm particularly fond of Seamus Heaney's bold translation.)

Recently, I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and will readThe Vampire Tapestry next.
Okay everyone, it's time for your Monday Mixer! :thumbsup2 FFigawi here, filling in for my Ohana cousins who were busy setting multiple PRs this .weekend and are taking a much needed break today. So here's today's question:

What is on your running/racing bucket list? What are the events that you have on your list to do?

For me, at some point I'm going to run the following races:

Comrades in South Africa (beautiful course, helluva challenge)
Rocky Racoon 100-mile trail run (50 was tough, time to see if I can do 100)
Marathon du Medoc (wine and running! Okay, so not as tasty as wine and cheese, but close)
London and Chicago (no desire to run New York but want to hit the other big ones)
Boston (need to get older and not slower)
Flying Pig and Grandmas (heard they're wonderful races)
Richmond (my first. I loved it and want to run it again)
Bermuda Triangle Challenge (mile, 10K, marathon all in the place where I got married. Think I can make an anniversary trip out of it :))
What is on your running/racing bucket list? What are the events that you have on your list to do?

Great question.

The two at the very top are:

-Qualify for and run Boston
-Do the Rome Marathon

The rest in no particular order:

-Paris Marathon
-Triathlon (with a half Ironman as my ambition)
-Do either a full or half marathon in every state (with at least 25 different states being a half for my half2run goal)

Not really races but more on my adventure bucket list:

Cycle France
Bike and Kayak the Fjords in Norway
Hike the Bad Ischl area of Austria
Cycle Tuscany again
Mountaineer Kilimanjaro
Okay everyone, it's time for your Monday Mixer! :thumbsup2 FFigawi here, filling in for my Ohana cousins who were busy setting multiple PRs this .weekend and are taking a much needed break today. So here's today's question:

What is on your running/racing bucket list? What are the events that you have on your list to do?

I, for one, am still thoroughly exhausted from this weekend's race, so thinking about bigger and better races is tough to do right now. I would say that an Ironman race is going to top my list at a site to be determined some time in my future, some place with a scenic course would be preferred. I'd like to do a bunch of Rock n Roll races on year, all the Disney races in one year, the Marine Corps Marathon is one I really want to do, also I'd like to do a big group relay someday like the Texas Independence Relay or the Kentucky Bourbon Chase.
Now I feel deficient because I don't have one...right now the big racing dream I have is to do the WDW Full, and to get a Coast to Coast medal one year.

I am really impressed with the lists you all have!

Maria :upsidedow
I would love to do a half similar to the MCM running through the DC monuments area. I've not ever been to DC and think that would be an interesting way to "see" it if I could stay out of the "bite me zone" long enough to look around.
There are so many...

WDW 1/2 IM
Kona IM (WHen retired and have nothing to do but train)
Goofy (Hopefully in 2012)
Crossing FLying Pig off my list this weekend!
Any race where a group of other WISHers will be is on my list!!


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