Walkers Sharing Experiences

I know what you mean, I have a new set of sore muscles. Though my times aren't nearly as fast as you I can see a definite improvement when I can hold together the correct form. Just the correct arm form has has given me improvements.

Tracy & Panda,
Thanks for the tip about your pockets, that really made sense to me and helped me focus during my last walk. Also, thanks for the link, I'll go check it out now.
I know what you mean, I have a new set of sore muscles. Though my times aren't nearly as fast as you I can see a definite improvement when I can hold together the correct form. Just the correct arm form has has given me improvements.

It's fun to see improvement, isn't it! Believe me, I can't keep that speed up for any distance yet, but it's fun to see that I can do it for short (very short) spurts. :goodvibes
Just checking in to say "Hi" and that all is well in snowy Colorado. Still preparing for my White Rock half, in Dallas Texas, on Dec. 14th. Found out from one of the gals sharing my room, that we're all going to Billy Bob's, which is the largest honkytonk, on Friday night (12/12). Should be interesting as I have never been to a real honkytonk before, not even sure what a honkytonk is. lol:lmao: Hee-Haw everybody.:laughing: :dance3:
I don't know but it sounds like some cowboy boots might come in handy!!

Had a 8 mile walk yesterday in "cool" Florida weather. It was Fantastic!

Is there a racewalking book anyone would recommend?
Hi everyone,
Went for my longest walk on my training schedule yesterday. Was supposed to do 13 miles and then start tapering before my first 1/2 on Dec 14th. Struggled the whole time to maintain pace but then ended up stopping at my turn around. 6 1/2 miles was all I got in before I ended up with a rather large blister on my heel. Needless to say I'm bummed. Do you think I should do that long walk next week or taper like my schedule says to? :confused3

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week, though I see on the weekly thread that it's a little colder than some of you want it!
Lynn: Sounds like you got it under control. It takes different sock/shoe combos sometime to get blisters under control. Try using Glide or Runner's Lube on you feet, especially heels and other areas that you think might get blisters. As you start going further new hot spots will start to pop up. You could try to do your LD walk, but at least give youself about two weeks between your last LD and your Half Marathon.

Thanks. It sure was a relief to have a good walk after the disaster the other day. Depending on how the heel feels this weekend I may try to bump it up a notch. Just didn't know how close to the race I should try it. So, thanks again.

How is your uncle doing? MRSA is a tough one. I'll keep the prayers coming.

I see you are from Florida as well. Any non-Disney race plans?
Hi Lynn, yep down here in Broward County in the city of Pembroke Pines. THis year I did the WDW Half, the Miami ING Half and the Ft. Lauderdale A1A Half. A bunch of 5ks and some Judged Racewalks. Next year I have the WDW Half and the Miami ING Half - which is two weeks after the WDW. I will not be doing the Ft. Lauderdal one. I wasn't too impressed with the route and the organization of the whole thing.
AmyKab who lives in the middle of the state is doing the SpaceCoast Half soon. I may think about that one. It has a cool medal with an astronaut on it.

We all have stinker walks sometimes. You just know your going to have them and just accept them as they come and move on.

Hi guys, I'll start keeping up again when I start getting days off again. I'm at two weeks without a day off right now and other than thanks giving I won't have one till next week.

One of the secrets of having super walks is to walk comfortablely till you are well warmed up then progressively get faster till you are at cruising speed. I usually do my first mile about 14 to 15 mpm then when I start perspiring start picking it up till I feel some effort without feeling strained. Usually the last mile I'll pick up the speed again a little to where I'm going fast but really concentrating on each part of the technique.

Have a great holiday y'all.

Working Panda:hippie:
Lynn: Have you ever tried the Injinji socks? They are like gloves for your feet. Robert and Linda recommended them to me last year and now I swear by them. I have always been very prone to blisters but haven't had any since I've been wearing the Injinjis.

Just want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. I will probably not be online much until next week. Three of the four kiddies are already home and the last one is in the air right now.....checking flights arrivals as I read my emails.

Remember.....feast on whatever you want, but take small portions and eat
Lynn: Have you ever tried the Injinji socks? They are like gloves for your feet. Robert and Linda recommended them to me last year and now I swear by them. I have always been very prone to blisters but haven't had any since I've been wearing the Injinjis.

I've never heard of Injinji socks, are they in regular sports stores?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
A Very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Lynn - the running stores here carry them. I remember all too well toe socks in multi colors ... just can't bring myself to try these.:upsidedow

However I found after getting shoes that fit properly, good socks and using Body Glide on heels plus pads just below toes the blisters stopped. I use C9 socks for short distances and UA for long. It's what works for me.
Hi everyone,
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Time to walk off the turkey and do some holiday sock shopping!
Hey walkers, hows the miles treating you??

I had a stonker 8 miles last week. It was just tough and when I would glance at my Garmi she was telling me I was going slower than I thought! UGH! At least I got that out of the way!
I did a 5K race on Saturday, the Jingle Bell Jog in Sunrise. Mostly runners of course, but I just did my thing. They handed out bells when they gave you your bib. Everyone had them tied to their shoes, boy what that a jingling experience!! I even had a lady come up to me and started asking me about racewalking.
I did 12 miles today as part of the WDW Half Training. I think I did pretty well and when I was at about mile 7, Aloha Jeff's voice came in my head telling me to count how many miles left. So I kept saying to myself 5 miles left, then 4 miles left and so on. I still can't see myself doing a full, but you never know. My right big toe has started to act up again like it did before I had surgery on it about 2 1/2 years ago. I guess after Jan I will have Podiatrist check it out. That will be the determinor as to wether I sign up for the full or not in 2010 when I'm 40!!

Take care walkers and continue with getting in your miles!

Tracy: you can SO do the full! With all the training you have done for other shorter races, you have an excellent base. John Bingham's marathon plan for walkers is 19 weeks and that pretty much takes you from ground zero. I don't have the plan in front of me right now, but I don't think you hit 10 miles until well into the schedule, probably the second month. It's just a question of how much you want it. I walked every single step of the way this past January and I am not nearly as fast as you. All you have to do is make the committment and it's yours.
Keep to your training...it is almost pay day!!


Think about it...the quick runners can finish in less than 4 hours...that's easy....let see how they do spending 6 hours on the course!!!
Hello all.

I have been a lurker on this board for quite some time but since we are getting closer and closer to the start line, I thought I would post and join in on the support.

I have done the Disney Half in '05, '06, and '07 and the Disney Full in '08. I have walked them all and stayed pretty much in the back the pack finishing the halves in about 3:28 and the Full in 7:01. I have been fortunate that I have always managed to stay ahead of the sweeper and have never been swept!

This year I will be doing the half with my husband (who proposed at the finish of the Full last year) and my mother-in-law who is a walker but is part Gizelle and/or part Kenyan...in other words she is FAST! And I know I will never be able to keep up with her!

Anyway, like everyone else, I am getting really anxious and excited about the race. This year has been a bit different since I had been doing more wedding planning than walking...I am still getting my miles in but I don't know if I am maintaining the intensity I have trained under in past years...

We shall see...hopefully this won't be the year I break my lucky "avoid the sweeper" streak!

See ya'll at the start!
Ila - (HM #40450)
Hi Ila, glad to have you on board. Hope you see you at the POP Century Meet Friday at 4:30!!!

Interesting article walkers....

<<If you add just 2000 more steps a day to your regular activities, you may never gain another pound. So says research by Dr. James O. Hill of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. To lose weight, add in more steps.

Sedentary people in the USA generally move only 2000-3000 steps a day. Previous studies have shown that moving 6000 steps a day significantly reduces risk of death, and 8000-10,000 a day promotes weight loss.

How far is 2000 steps? It is about a mile. But the benefits for health and for weight management don't depend on you walking a mile all at one time, but simply adding in more steps throughout the day.

By wearing a pedometer all day, you are motivated to add in extra steps whenever you can. There are many little trips that can add up to a mile or two a day - parking further from the door of your destination, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, pace around as you talk on the telephone, take a marching-in-place minute once an hour.

"All in all, it is entertaining to ponder that such a seemingly insignificant gadget may be of practical importance in the war on obesity!" said Catrine Tudor-Locke, Ph.D., Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University in the conclusion of a report by the President's Council of Physical Fitness and Sports, June, 2002.>>

Hope everyone is doing well, keep up the walking!!



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