Walt Warriors

Happy Sunday Warriors!

I got my 8 miles (88 laps around the Y track) done yesterday- it wasn't pretty, I will never go longer than 5 again without a sports drink of some kind! I sweat alot and by 5.5 I was having cramp issues in my calves (even wearing compression sleeves (? is that the right term for legs?) on them).
I finished with a bit more walking than I normally would have done, and will go 8 again with sports drinks so I know if that's the issue or a different gait is the issue. My energy level seems to be back to more normal this last week so I'm hoping it'll stay that way the way I'm eating now. (somehow once I leave home for a race the carb issue seem to solves itself eating out more LOL)

Have a great week Warriors
Pam- Nice job on the 8 miler. Sorry to hear you had the problems.
Amanda - 8 Miles is your "recovery run". Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly.
John - Good luck with your tri training.
JimB- Hope thing are going better.

AFM - The weather here in Ohio has been strange. Friday night into Saturday we had 6 inches of Snow, and south of us there was .5 in of Ice and a couple of inches of snow. I'll take the snow over the ice anyday. Today it's in the 50's and we had thunderstorms last night that melted most of the snow. I had a pretty good run today. I did 4 miles on the paved trail near my house. The first 1.5 miles were clear, the last .5 mile before turnaround was slush covered. This week is technically the first week of training for my spring half marathon in May. That being said, I built in a huge amount of slip room for the weather. I'm also going to try sticking at higher miles longer to help me decide if I want to make the jump to the Full marathon for Fall.
Happy Tuesday from the land that winter forgot!

It's been a really warm few days down in sunny Florida. Highs in the mid-upper 70's.

Training is moving forward slowly. I put in 40 miles on the bike yesterday, followed by a 2400 yard swim and 5 mile run today.

I'm about 85% committed to do the Florida 70.3 1/2 Ironman in May, but still not quite ready to flip the switch yet. Still not quite "water comfortable" yet. Hopefully soon.

Next up for me: The Gate River Run 15k in March.

Stay safe warriors!!
Good morning, Warriors!

I'm struggling to get back to a schedule now that marathon weekend is over. I do think I needed a little recovery time for various aches and pains, but I'm feeling good now and need to recommit. All I've done the last two weeks are some three-mile treadmill runs.

This week I'm signing up for the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston, where I'll be going with some great women from my husband's office. I hope one of them is going to be willing to tow me up the bridge! This will be my first time in this race. I've seen that bridge....YIKES!

Have a fantastic day, everybody.
No school today because of the ice on the roads- but as soon as it's safe to drive I'm heading to the Y to get my long in. (I'll also do my lifting that I'm missing tomorrow to pick DH up at the airport.)
Happy Sunday Warriors!!

It's almost cool here today. Highs in the 60's. Tomorrow in the 30's in the morning. Fortunately my new "swimming hole" is indoors!!'

I finally took the big step(leap)(bungie jump)(skydive)(rocket launch)(setting hand grenade off in my face) etc., etc., etc. and registered for the Florida 70.3 Half Ironman in May.

Somebody PLEASE tell me what the @*#&$@*&!!! I have done........?

Soooooooo, first post registration "brick" was today. 21 1/2 miles biking +4.3 mile running.

Hmmmmmm. Have just a BIT of work to do........
Happy Sunday Warriors!!

It's almost cool here today. Highs in the 60's. Tomorrow in the 30's in the morning. Fortunately my new "swimming hole" is indoors!!'

I finally took the big step(leap)(bungie jump)(skydive)(rocket launch)(setting hand grenade off in my face) etc., etc., etc. and registered for the Florida 70.3 Half Ironman in May.

Somebody PLEASE tell me what the @*#&$@*&!!! I have done........?

Soooooooo, first post registration "brick" was today. 21 1/2 miles biking +4.3 mile running.

Hmmmmmm. Have just a BIT of work to do........

Happy late Monday all!!!

Great job registering for the 70.3.:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Kathy purchased the Garmin 910XT for me on Saturday. Played with it Saturday afternoon and used it yesterday for a 3.5 miler by myself then a 5K with Kathy after she got up at 5:15AM. It was great.

Went out today for my second training session in preparation of the 72.2 Duathlon March 25th. Being so inspired with the 910XT I started with a 3.2 mile walk in 34 minutes then hopped on the bike. Felt good even with gusting 25mph winds I road the 56 miles in 3:06:00 plus I continued for another 4 miles just because. Next up was my second walk and did 14 miles in 2:36:00. Of coarse I did not include transition times because every time I got back to the house I had to feed Kathy's Persian. The anesthesia for his Lion's Cut messed up his brain so he takes food only in small amounts and very slowly.

Now that I know the distances are no problem I'll work on my speed.

Have a wonderful week everybody.
We're having great weather in Indiana (maybe God is smiling on the Superbowl?) anyway it's supposed to be in the mid to upper 50's here today so I'm going to actually hit the road today- it will be great to get outdoors for a change.
Hi Everyone

Pam - The weather has been nice here as well.

John - Nice job on the 3.2 mile walk. I can just barely run that fast. Also hope you enjoy the new Garmin.

JimB - Good luck training for the half ironman.

GBBTomorrow - Hope your having luck getting started back up with your training. I know I took a couple of weeks off after the Disneyland half marathon.

AFM - Just noticed it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. Last Friday was technically my first long run training for my spring half. Unfortunately, I went out too fast, and something happened about 5.5 miles into my 7 mile long run. I pulled something and ended up needing to walk the final 1.5 miles back. Saturday and Sunday were rest days. Monday, I tried going out again for some easy miles. It didn't hurt as bad has it had after it happened, but it still hurt a little bit to run. I decided to up it to another 3 days off. Today was my first day back. I ended up doing an easy 5 miles. For most of it I did run :30/walk 1:00. Prior to pulling that muscle, I was doing 3-3.5 miles of straight running on my 5 mile days with the rest being warmup and cooldown, and my longer runs had been run 2:00/walk 1:00. I took it easy and it felt pretty good. I think I'm going to need to watch the pace of my long runs a little bit closer especially over the next couple of weeks. I'm going to continue to take it easy next week and can hopefully get back to regular training the week after that.
Went out today for my second training session in preparation of the 72.2 Duathlon March 25th. Being so inspired with the 910XT I started with a 3.2 mile walk in 34 minutes then hopped on the bike. Felt good even with gusting 25mph winds I road the 56 miles in 3:06:00 plus I continued for another 4 miles just because. Next up was my second walk and did 14 miles in 2:36:00.

Just reading that made me exhausted! And that is why I haven't been able to commit to anything longer than a sprint tri! ;)

On that note, :woohoo: Jim for signing up for the Florida 70.3!

To you biking/tri people.... do I really need a road bike for seriously training for anything more than 15-20 miles? I'm guessing the answer is yes? I have a really great hybrid bike (no fancy pedals, either), but I have so many people flying past me on the bike section of the tri's that I've done. Is that really all difference in the bike, or am I just a really crappy cyclist? :rolleyes1

AFM.... I am having hip and ligament issues and am having trouble walking the dogs around the block currently. So, lots of swimming in my near future. 40 minutes in the pool this morning - mostly swimming, but a bit of pool running to keep the legs moving without the impact. Is it May, yet?
.....To you biking/tri people.... do I really need a road bike for seriously training for anything more than 15-20 miles? I'm guessing the answer is yes? I have a really great hybrid bike (no fancy pedals, either), but I have so many people flying past me on the bike section of the tri's that I've done. Is that really all difference in the bike, or am I just a really crappy cyclist? :rolleyes1.......

A good road or tri bike CAN make a HUGE difference. I'm talking mph and longer enjoyable time spent on the bike. You can modify your hybrid to make it more competition ready but it's still not the same, period. I went from a top of the line 1983 road racing bike to my current mid range road bike but because of the current technology in the frame and components it has added speed and greater enjoyment to my riding.
I'm so impressed with all of you!!!!

I'm training for my next half marathon on April 15th. I did a great 10 miles this morning at 13 min/mile pace. Pretty fast for me and faster than I intended (that's what happens when one forgets to charge the Garmin....). It's amazing after the marathon how 10 miles feels like a "shorter" run. :rotfl: I'm hoping to PR this race in April. My fastest half is in the 2:36 range and I'd love to be below 2:30....

I'm so impressed with all of you!!!!

I'm training for my next half marathon on April 15th. I did a great 10 miles this morning at 13 min/mile pace. Pretty fast for me and faster than I intended (that's what happens when one forgets to charge the Garmin....). It's amazing after the marathon how 10 miles feels like a "shorter" run. :rotfl: I'm hoping to PR this race in April. My fastest half is in the 2:36 range and I'd love to be below 2:30....


13 min./mile is maybe a touch fast. According to McMillan based on your 2:36 half 13:04 should be the fast end of your long run. My too fast 7 miler last Friday was a 12:30 average pace doing run 2/walk 1. I'm training toward about a 2:40 half marathon in May my current PR is 2:51:02 from last April. I'm going to try to keep my long runs closer to the 13:30-14:00 pace.
Hello everyone! I am new here. Accepting new Walt's Warriors? My name is Melinda, and I am 37 years old, stay at home mother of 6, ages 11--20! My husband is an ER physician and we live in Minnesota. I just started running 19 months ago, and just completed my 7th half marathon, the Inaugural Tinker Bell Half at DL. I have done two other Disney halfs, the 2011 Donald in January, and the 2011 DL Half Marathon in September. I plan on doing the ToT 10 miler and the 2012 Wine and Dine. I am a slow runner (about a 15 min pace) but I am happy to report that I am getting faster. I completely ran the Tink half, first time ever. Three weeks prior, I had a 12 mile training run and ran the first 6.4 miles nonstop, and that was the first time that I had ever officially ran a whole mile at least, without stopping. I feel a certain change happening to my running right now, like its just now starting to all come together! Its super exciting! My next goal is to finish a half in under 3 hours (I PR'd at Tink in 3:19:32). My next half is April 28, then June 16, then August 26 (all three in Minnesota), with a few 5K's thrown in the mix there starting in March, and then the ToT 10 Miler September 29, and then the Wine and Dine Half in November.

Glad to see this group on the DIS! :)

Melinda :cool1::thumbsup2
Melinda, welcome aboard. :thumbsup2 Sounds like you have been pretty busy and have a full plate for this year.

Jeremy, you will get that PR in May.

Amanda, great job today and I'm certain that you too will PR as you desire.

Kathy and I had a 5K for Make a Wish today. We decided to chip it and Kathy managed a 14:54 pace with a 46:25.2 time that gave her a 2nd place medal and a PR by 3 minutes. :woohoo: :woohoo:

I managed a 9:05 walking pace with a 28:10.9 finish time and a 3rd place. Missed 2nd by 2.3 seconds. Feeling pretty happy after completing an entire half Ironman Duathlon on Monday and a very fast 58 mile bike ride on Thursday.

Keep up the great training everyone.
Hi Warriors!

After a looooong recovery from knee surgery, I am back! I am running the Princess in 3 weeks and SO excited! I am not trained as well as I would like, but I will finish. Slowly! ha! It's ok...nothing is worth getting injured again and being sidelined. It was awful!
Hi Warriors!

After a looooong recovery from knee surgery, I am back! I am running the Princess in 3 weeks and SO excited! I am not trained as well as I would like, but I will finish. Slowly! ha! It's ok...nothing is worth getting injured again and being sidelined. It was awful!

sounds so familiar- I'm getting excited about Princess too. I didn't get out to do my long run this week- Tuesday I thought I was coming down with a cold and the wind outside was cold and since I was feeling icky I stayed in and took Zicam and now am feeling much better. I will get a long run in this week (probably thursday as my long term sub job is over wednesday) so I can get a few more miles in. Today might just be a biking day since I'm not intrested in the Super bowl- except that it's in Indi!
Jeremy - My Garmin died 2.5 miles into my run so I was just using my iPhone to time myself. I was surprised that I went as fast as I did! You've been training so hard that I'm sure you'll get your PR.
Melinda - Welcome!!!! It's fun to see new faces! Congrats on your new PR at the Tink. I wish I could do a Disneyland race...
John - Congrats to you and Kathy!!! You never cease to amaze me.
Erika - Welcome back! Good luck at the Princess.
Pam - My DH is a Giants fanatic so we are all wearing BLUE today! :lmao: I hope you feel better and can't wait to hear about the Princess.

My knee is a little sore today. Nothing terrible but I think I need to slow down a bit over the next week or 2. It seems like every time I start doing speed work, I get a little injured. :sad2: This isn't a bad injury but I certainly don't want it to get worse!!!

Amanda-l am using the Cho-Pat http://www.cho-pat-store.com/chopat-dual-action-knee-strap_ChoPDulAtn.html straps. It's interesting that I can pedal my bike at 32mph with the guys I ride with and sprint walk in the 7:00/8:00mpm pace area for short distances but have to walk sideways down stairs and have my knees give out when just walking.

As I warmed up for yesterday's 5K there was some pain in my knees but at the start of the race and throughout I felt nothing. They might slow me overall but I love the end results.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :) And good luck to everyone running the Princess! I have never done that race, but its on my list! Hard to believe just a week ago at this time I was in the middle of Tink. What a fun race!

I had some knee pain after my last long training run before Tink, and I chalked it up to tight quad/IT band issue. Mostly I just hoped it would go away. :lmao: At the expo when it was still hurting I bought THE STICK to help massage it out. It works pretty well. Anyone else ever use one of these?


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