Walt Warriors

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :) And good luck to everyone running the Princess! I have never done that race, but its on my list! Hard to believe just a week ago at this time I was in the middle of Tink. What a fun race!

I had some knee pain after my last long training run before Tink, and I chalked it up to tight quad/IT band issue. Mostly I just hoped it would go away. :lmao: At the expo when it was still hurting I bought THE STICK to help massage it out. It works pretty well. Anyone else ever use one of these?

DW, Embroidery Grandma, purchased her STICK some time ago. Uses it all the time after training, racing or whenever. I only use it on occasion but employed it after my left calf over-reacted during the Donald and then again after the Mickey last month.
Melinda - Welcome. It does sound like a switch went off here recently with your running. I know I had something similar (although smaller) happen after the Disneyland half in September. What did you think about the course for the Tink half? I know other than the parks and Angles stadium, the Disneyland half's course was a bit anticlimactic. Looking at the course map, the Tinkerbell half look like a more interesting part of town, I was wondering if it came across that way.

John - Great job on the 5K. 9:05 is really booking for walking. Kathy also seems to be improving her speed at walking as well.

Erika - Good to hear your back on the road. Hope your able to finish training for the princess safely.

Amanda - It's probably not a bad idea to take it easy for a week or 2.

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I won't go so far as to say I will get a PR, but as long as the weather cooperates and I get to the starting line healthy, I've got a good shot at smashing my previous PR. But, I also know, heat and racing don't go together very well for me. And it's doesn't even need to be very hot. Much above 65 and start fading. At Disneyland, it was about 75 and even though I wasn't going extremely fast, I still bonked pretty hard in mile 10.

Tomorrow is supposed to be my first run of next week. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do. I'm probably going to continue to take it easy and not run the entire time, but I'm also going to take fewer walk breaks than I did Friday.
Happy Monday Warriors!

A cool foggy morning in north Florida.

Spent the weekend with my Lovely, Luscious Bride at WDW the past few days. Not much training as a result. Last thursday a managed a 2200 yard swim followed by a 5 mile run.

Yesterday after returning home I got in a 28 mile bike ride/5 mile run brick workout in.

LOTS of work still to be done.........
JimB-keep up the good work and it will all come together.

Jeremy-do what feels right and good luck.

I'm getting more movement in the right shoulder but the bone on bone cracking is still a pain. Will work with Kathy on a swimming stroke that will allow me to swim come warmer weather and I think I'll enter a local Sprint Tri in July.

Today's duathlon training was a 5K walk, 56 mile bike and then 4 mile walk. Making sure to keep my walking pace at 11mpm Going to keep the 5K and 56 mile bike the same and just add to the end every week until the 1/2 Ironman March 25th.

Sorry everybody doesn't have this warm SW Fl. weather but there are plenty of houses to move into if you want to relocate.

Safe training to all.:thumbsup2
DW, Embroidery Grandma, purchased her STICK some time ago. Uses it all the time after training, racing or whenever. I only use it on occasion but employed it after my left calf over-reacted during the Donald and then again after the Mickey last month.

That thing is amazing! I have never used anything like that, never had a reason to, but this works wonders! THE STICK-check it out.

Melinda - Welcome. It does sound like a switch went off here recently with your running. I know I had something similar (although smaller) happen after the Disneyland half in September. What did you think about the course for the Tink half? I know other than the parks and Angles stadium, the Disneyland half's course was a bit anticlimactic. Looking at the course map, the Tinkerbell half look like a more interesting part of town, I was wondering if it came across that way.

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I won't go so far as to say I will get a PR, but as long as the weather cooperates and I get to the starting line healthy, I've got a good shot at smashing my previous PR. But, I also know, heat and racing don't go together very well for me. And it's doesn't even need to be very hot. Much above 65 and start fading. At Disneyland, it was about 75 and even though I wasn't going extremely fast, I still bonked pretty hard in mile 10.

Tomorrow is supposed to be my first run of next week. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do. I'm probably going to continue to take it easy and not run the entire time, but I'm also going to take fewer walk breaks than I did Friday.

Congrats on your training! It sounds like you are very mentally there and that, imo, is at least 80% of it. Go get 'em!!

Yes, I thought the Tink half course was slightly better than the DL half course, save going through Angels stadium. I thought that was just spectacular. The Tink course took us through more residential areas, and that was super cool. The DL half course seemed to take us through a rather non-descript almost industrial kind of area of Anaheim. The Tink course just seemed faster to me. Maybe its where I am in my training, but after reading a lot of race recaps I think other people felt this as well. I'd love to do it again next year!

I'm getting more movement in the right shoulder but the bone on bone cracking is still a pain. Will work with Kathy on a swimming stroke that will allow me to swim come warmer weather and I think I'll enter a local Sprint Tri in July.
Today's duathlon training was a 5K walk, 56 mile bike and then 4 mile walk. Making sure to keep my walking pace at 11mpm Going to keep the 5K and 56 mile bike the same and just add to the end every week until the 1/2 Ironman March 25th.
Sorry everybody doesn't have this warm SW Fl. weather but there are plenty of houses to move into if you want to relocate.

Safe training to all.:thumbsup2

Wow! That's amazing! I hope you can swim very soon! Good luck on that Tri! I'm not much of a swimmer (at all) but that duathlon sounds super fun! What a training schedule you must have going on! I'm envious of that 56 mile ride. That would be so sweet right now!

Yesterday was my first run after Tink. I feel like I've been slacking (no, maybe that's resting, lol) but I was itching to get back out there for a couple of days now. I did an easy 4 miles, then worked out with my trainer at the gym. That was a super hard workout. I was dripping sweat by the time I was done. She is a world class triathlete and really pushes her clients. After I fully ran the Tink she has upped the intensity of my workouts. I am glad. Mind over matter, baby! During the course of that training session I ran a mile on the treadmill at 1.5 mph over my fastest pace at Tink. That was tough, but no undoable.

Last night I had Spin class where we biked 22 miles in 50 minutes. That was awesome! I always love that class. It started the first of January and is every Mon/Wed. My 17 year old daughter and 14 year old son do that class with me.

Today on tap I have two workouts: this morning, a hike or a video workout, depending on what my friend wants to do (I'm hoping video, as I'm going for a run mid-day). The run will be an hour, whatever I can get in an hour.

I hope everyone has awesome workouts and lots of progress as we get closer to our races/goals! :)

:cool1::thumbsup2 Melinda
Melinda - Thanks for your description of the Tink course. You pretty much described my impressions the DL half fairly well. The section after leaving the park zig zagging between Ball rd and Cherritos was mentally probably the worst part of the course. I don't think it highlighted the best parts of anaheim.

John - Good to hear the injury is getting better. It's been a long slow process.

Jim - Glad to hear you had a good time at WDW.

AFM - I over did it a little bit yesterday. This hamstring injury (I think it's a slight pull) seems to be on of those 2 steps forward one step back. Like I said, last Friday's run went fairly well. Yesterday, I increased my walk run ratio because it was feeling good, but probably over did a little bit. It felt better than last Monday but not as good as last Friday. I probably need to keep thing super easy for a couple of weeks until it finishes healing.
Melinda - Thanks for your description of the Tink course. You pretty much described my impressions the DL half fairly well. The section after leaving the park zig zagging between Ball rd and Cherritos was mentally probably the worst part of the course. I don't think it highlighted the best parts of anaheim.

John - Good to hear the injury is getting better. It's been a long slow process.

Jim - Glad to hear you had a good time at WDW.

AFM - I over did it a little bit yesterday. This hamstring injury (I think it's a slight pull) seems to be on of those 2 steps forward one step back. Like I said, last Friday's run went fairly well. Yesterday, I increased my walk run ratio because it was feeling good, but probably over did a little bit. It felt better than last Monday but not as good as last Friday. I probably need to keep thing super easy for a couple of weeks until it finishes healing.

johde I hope you feel better soon! Its hard to take it easier when we feel ready to go! :wizard: I hope you have a very fast recovery.

My workouts have been going very well this week. Yesterday I thought I was just going to go out for a quick 4, and ended up doing 7 on the beach. It was challenging and fun. Still have what I think is a IT band issue which is affecting the lower outer part of my left knee but I'm still massaging it out and hoping it just goes the heck away!!!!
Melinda - Good to hear your run went better. Hope the IT Band issues continue to improve.

AFM - I ditched Wednesday run to allow extra healing. Today got out for a slow 6 miles. I took it fairly easy and had no pain. I started out walking 1/2 a mile like I always do, then did 1/2 mile run 20 sec/walk 40 sec. Then did 3 miles run 30 sec./walk 60 sec. At that point I felt good enough to do run 30 sec./walk 45 sec. for 1 3/4 miles before a 1/4 mile cool down. A far cry from the 3-4 mile straight running I was doing but if I down aggravate thing, hopefully by next weekend I can start doing some slow continuous running again.
Happy Friday Warriors!!

Hope everyone's body parts are healing well & staying together nicely!

THis has been a "meh" training week for me. I strained my shoulders last week on some funky-angled weight machine last weekend so I skipped the long swim this week. Have it rescheduled for next week, but it was kinda' frustrating. I did a quick (relatively speaking) 6.2 miles on wednesday instead. I would have gone farther, but my garmin battery died. I like to keep very close watch on times and distances so I packed it in at that point.

This a.m. I was able to get in a 47 mile bike ride. Pace was ok, not great, but I figure I'll get to the distance first, then work on the pace a bit more.

Tomorrow my DW is going to do a "practice" 1/2 marathon by herself to see if she's gonna' enter the DL 1/2, so I am playing race support for her. I'll probably try to do some intervals running while that is going on.

Not much else here. Hope everyone stays well!!
Hi Warriors!

Not a bad week for me. 9 miles total walking, 12 miles biking, and 1.5 miles swimming. Nothing impressive, but not too bad for 25 weeks pregnant. :) I've been trying to get to the gym 3-4 days a week, and then walking the dogs 1.5 miles a day.

We had our first group training session for our Arthritis Foundation running/walking group today - it was nice to see everyone again. We met at one of my favorite Seattle parks - I got in a good workout pushing 50 lbs of jogging stroller and toddler up all the "rolling hills" for 3 miles! :lmao:

Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend!
I've had an ok training week. On Monday my running group went 2.76 miles with no walk breaks. It felt pretty good. I still plan to use walk breaks when I train on my own.
I thought I would miss my mid-week run but when I came home Thursday we had several "extra" children playing at our house so I didn't feel guilty disappearing into the basement for a run on the treadmill. It wasn't my best run ever but at least I got it done.
Today I went 4 miles. I did a few 800m repeats and then some run 2/walk 1. Felt pretty good. I was hoping to do a "magic mile" at the high school track but it was snowing this morning so I abandoned that idea.

Happy Valentines Day Warriors,

I took the day off subbing yesterday to hit the track for my last long run before Princess for some reason 8 miles seem worse for me than 10 or the half marathon, but yesterday it went like a dream. The only time I can remember doing 8 while keeping my intervals and not slowing or walking more near the end. I also made it all 88 laps without a thought of a leg cramp :banana: Feel much better now about being able to keep up with the girls at the Princess. (all 3 DD's are running the race with me) Then yesterday afternoon we had boot camp in Cross fit- legs are a bit tired today but not nearly as bad as the could be.
Now to plan my celebration dinner outfit for the castle.

Have a very Happy Valentines day
Well, it's been a few months since I've posted in a team thread and for that, I apologize! Hope everyone is doing well!!! :)

I've had a few goings on since I last posted:

1 - I applied for retirement! I will be RETIRED USAF on 1 Nov 12 (with a ceremony probably sometime mid-Oct.)

2 - I passed my AF PT test in December with a score of 93.7, which means I never have to take another AF PT test again!!! I shaved an entire minute off my run time and maxed out my sit-ups! :woohoo:

3 - I signed up for the Air Force Marathon - my first full marathon and the last chance for me to run it on Active Duty. :)

4 - I ran the Tinkerbell Half and shaved 15-WHOLE-MINUTES off my previous PR! I'm not for certain, but I think employing a new run 2 songs/walk 1 song strategy from the beginning of the race helped quite a bit. On my previous 2 HMs, I'd run about a 10K before starting the run/walk thing and my legs seized up around mile 11. This time, none of that, and I felt pretty good at the end. It was much less of a mind game - just running for 2 songs at a time until I hit the finish line. I plan to use this for my next half...

5 - ...which will be the Princess Half! This will give me my first Coast to Coast medal! :yay: I was originally planning on waiting until the Wine & Dine to get my C2C, but I'm scared of possibly hurting myself on the AF Marathon or possibly the ToT 10 Miler (which I also plan to run) and then making that solo trip out to CA for Tink kind-of not worth it. (Although, the new PR was almost worth it alone!)

I wish I could say I've been a faithful trainer for these races, but it's just not the case. I have a VERY busy work and home life and I can't seem to find the time to fit them in. I must be a freak of nature, though, because not training doesn't seem to affect my ability to run these half marathons with a decent finishing time. Maybe after I retire, I'll be able to fit these in and increase my time even more. But for now, I'll keep on keepin' on like I do. :)

Again, I hope everyone is well and healthy. I promise to check in more. :love:
Hi everyone

So far this weeks been pretty good. Monday's run went real well. On today's run, went out a little bit fast early in on. Ended up with a slight tweak in the hamstring. But taking an extra walk break and slowing down helped quite a bit. Was able to get almost 4 mile in today. I was going to do speed work Friday but I think I'm going to swap it for a long run. For right now, if I keep it slow enough everything seems to be going fine.
I'm not exactly sure how I managed to miss this thread! Sorry time passes quickly hey!

welcome to out two new members Melinda and Cari. It's lovely to have you! Also, been running for 19 months and just finished half number 7!?!?! Blimey we have a very determined new warrior :goodvibes

Jim Huge congratulations on entering the 70.3!!!! I can't wait to have the honour of watching your journey to completing it!

Sarah my word your workouts would thrill most non-pregnant people!!!! You're doing so well and I'm thrilled you're having a daughter :lovestruc eeeeeeh.

Jeremy sorry your hamstring's acting out, I'm sure it'll be happy that you take a few more walk breaks. You'll get back at it!

Amy It's fantastic to see you back here and congratulations on the retirement. It's so wonderful that you will be able to do a run whilst active too. Run yourself and everyone else proud!

Erika fantastic to see you back too!!! I hope your knee's progressing ok, slow is better than not at all :hug:

Sarah jubilee welcome and I hope you stay successful in your weight loss challenge.

Pam so sorry your knee is still bad and that it's 5k's for now. Who know's though as John said with a bit of speed walking your knee might grow to love longer distances again.

John your walking pace is bonkers!!!! You are AMAZING!

Amandabrilliant run without your garmin! sometimes it's lovely to have a run without being aware of paces at all.

Sorry if i missed anyone!!! I feel like I'm pretty much back on it finally. Ran my first double digit run last weekend, 10 miles in just under 1 1/2 hours and it felt ok!!!! So thrilled. Also doing pace work again so we'll see if I can keep it going until race day in 6 weeks. Great job everyone :woohoo:
Happy Rainy Friday Warriors!!

Hope all are doing well!!

Becky - Great job in the Air Force & congratulations and thanks for a fine career! Enjoy your well deserved retirement. Btw, FLY NAVY!!!!

Sarah - It looks like you are getting your baby adjusted to a fitness life style early!! Great Work!

Kate - -Thanks for your vote of confidence. Hopefully I will not disappoint.

In that vein - Yesterday I did a 34 mile ride/4 mile run "brick". Putting the pieces together is proving to be a challenge. I was told today I need to try to fuel more in the later bike miles and in transition. I'll try that next week.

Also managed to get a 2100m swim in today. Didn't drown, so thats a positive. :)

Ya'll stay safe!!

Train well and smart!
Kate - Wow 7 halves in 19 months. I'm going on close to 3 years counting both walking and running time and I've officially done 4 and I'm training for my 5th. Although I'm thinking about doing another one a couple of weeks earlier as a supported training run.

Jim - Nice job on the "brick"

AFM - Friday I got out and did some speed work. I did just 3x800, and I didn't do them as fast as the plan recommended. I started out with an extended warmup. I normally do a 1/2 mile walk for my warmup. And I did 1/2 mile walk and 1/2 mile rum 30/walk 60 to get started. The first 2 800's I ran straight through, the third one I did run 2 minutes/walk 1 minute. The third one was just as fast overall compared to the other 2 so I needed to run faster to overcome the walk breaks. The most important thing was the Hamstring didn't bother me at all. I think the extended warmup really did the trick. And I'm going to need to do that for the time being any time I going faster than easy pace.
It's really nice to "see" everyone here more!!!

I did 12 miles yesterday. I was tired and didn't really feel like running but I did it anyway. And it went well. I maintained a run 2 min/walk 1 min ratio for the entire run. My pace was around 13:20 min/mile which is where I think I should be training (my goal pace for the half is 11:30). My only issue is that I'm having some right knee pain today. Muscle pain doesn't scare me but joint pain does! :scared1:

Hi all

Amanda - Nice job on the 12 mile run.

Bumping up the thread and giving everyone an update on this weeks training. My legs are finally starting to feel like themselves again. Did 5 miles Monday, 4 miles Wednesday including 2 a little faster than half marathon place, and 8 today. I've found with the hamstring, an extra long warmup has really helped. So, in addition to walking 1/2 a mile, I'll do a half a mile of easy run/walk before doing whatever I'll do.
Got a new PR at the Princess Half today. 2:27 - only 3 minutes faster than my 2:30 at Tink, but still. I'm happy. And sore. :lmao:


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