Walt Warriors

Jim- I dislike reading about your ouchiness! Sounds like you got a bit of a telling off for pushing too much too soon. Please behave and take baby steps! I want to see you at W&D in one piece :)

Jeremy- hurray for the bike arriving, boo for the mix up though. I really hope these changes make a difference for you, sounds like the bike is working well for you exercise wise

Me- good week of running, managed 6.1 miles yesterday and until the last half mile it felt ok! I felt like i was plodding, but average pace was too quick again really as I finished just over 51minutes. Don't know why I can't ever read my pace accurately! Just waiting for CT results for kidneys then I can (hopefully!) relax and stop over reacting to every back twinge! Also had a lovely swim this week so my flippers are back.
It's been a long time since I checked in,

Dad died (melanoma) August 11th, since then my brother and I have been kind of "tag teaming" getting the estate in order and taken care of. I was home in Indiana for 10 days for a family wedding (other side of the family) and a Color me Rad 5K with that side as well. I'm back in Florida now trying to get things here accomplished and will be here until the 8th. My brother arrives tomorrow and we'll try to get the rest done that need the both of us. I have been running in the warm dark humid mornings (not bad just not what this Hoosier is used to. LOL)

I have another fun 5K coming up in Sept. then nothing on the schedule until Glass Slipper in Feb and Country Music half Marathon in April.

Have a good run all!
Oh Pam, so sorry to hear about your dad. I think you and your brother are both wonderful getting the necessities done at such a difficult time. Can't believe you squeezed a 5k in there too! Virtual hugs are headed for you.
Hey everyone. Hadn't realized it had been a couple of weeks since I posted.

Jim - Hope things are getting better for you and the healing is continuing.

Kate - Pacing can be a big problem at times. I've been know to set pace alerts on my Garmin to warn me when I'm going to fast.

Pam - Sorry to hear about your Dad. I know getting an estate in order can be tough, especially over long distances.

Me - I probably over did it a little this weekend, but not in a bad way. Friday I ran/walked 5 miles. It was my longest distance since my knees started acting up a year ago. On Saturday I did my first organized bike ride, the Marion Popcorn Festival 100. They offered 4 different distances 25 miles, 36 miles, 50 miles and 62 miles (100K). I decided to do the 36 mile route. The rest of the people in the group I was withwere more experienced bikers doing the 62 mile route. The 36 mile and 62 mile route stayed together for the first 24 miles before the 36 mile group to a "shortcut" back to town. A friend of mine wanted me to stay with the group until the split point. I decided to try and stay with them as long as I could. I didn't have too much problem to the edge of town. Once they got to the edge of town, I sort of kept up for 3 miles or so. My friend was trying to encourage me to keep up and try to get into the slip stream and while it helped some, it wasn't enough. I dropped back and let the pace line go to start doing my own thing. For that 3 miles though we averaged 15.7 MPH and the fastest mile was 17 MPH. I normally do 13-14 MPH.

My best friend in the group decided to drop back with me fairly confident he could catch back up later. So, the rest of that leg until 24 and the food stop was me pushing slightly thanks to his encouragement. When we got to the food stop, the rest of the group was still there. My friend took a shortish break then set off with them.

I ended up finishing the 36 miles in 3:23 with an almost 27 minute food stop. So an overall average of 10.6MPH riding speed about 12.2. . The group doing 62 finished in about 5:45 or about 10.8MPH overall, The one guy who was tracking riding speed said they rode at about 14.4MPH. So as it turned out, they rode faster but took longer food stops. Overall, not a bad day, I was hoping for a little bit quicker.
Been Paroled!!! Back to work in 2 days!!!

The Dr. does not want to see me back unless something majorly rotten happens. he cautioned me that I'll see steady improvement over the next year and what I have at about 15 months post surgery is what I'll get.

Still have the camel hump and some fairly major discomfort in one spot, but I'm trying to plow through it..................

ToT is in 2 weeks. Going to be pretty slow and ugly, but I'll be there!!!

When I mentioned to the Dr. that I had a lot of getting back into condition to get done and had a lot of things planned, he kind of smiled and his parting words were "Don't do it all at one time". Still have to be somewhat patient I guess......
Jim - Great to hear you've got an all clear from the Dr. Don't try doing any frantic training between not and the TOT.
Glad you've been released Jim, take it easy and enjoy the TOT.

As for me, I'm back to my "normal" (except this week has taken a bite out of my running time- today I'll be spending the morning out at our local farmers market hawking baked goods for church.) I'd rather be doing a 5K with my BIL and SIL but it's my turn to sell baked goods.
Hello everyone!

Pam glad you're feeling a little more 'back to normal'. Sounds like you've been kept very busy doing lovely, thoughtful things. Kudos to you :goodvibes

Jeremy Your biking adventures sound wonderful, but massively hard work! I'm loving that you get food breaks.... why doesn't that work during marathons?!?! :rotfl2:

Jim :cheer2: for Dr sending you on your way, but please be careful or I'll come and get you pirate: Seems that you'll need a ton of patience over the next year, I'm sending pixie dust to your DW to help her contain you a little :rotfl:;) Not long until Wine and Dine fun either!

Me Umm had a good 5k a couple of weeks ago, finished 23:06 and 6th female in a tiny field of just over 250 runners. There was a 10k on the same day so a lot of the speedy club runners did that. Even so, I aimed for top 10 so was pleased with that finish. Done a couple of 7 mile runs, been a bit cautious as the lovely medical people keep finding strange things about my insides. Anyone know if it's OK to run long distances with (another!) kidney stone? It's 10mm so probably not going anywhere! :scared: Hoping to get more info on this and other stuff this week as we're heading to WDW in 6 weeks!!!!! I'll probably play it safe and do my 8 miles on the treadmill tomorrow so I can stop whenever. Not the best race prep though :scratchin

Also, complete random side note... but what in the world do race photographers do to their images?!?!? I am the lightest I've ever been and yet looked like Sulley at my last 5k! Someone needs to have a word!!!!!
Good Morning Warriors,

Kate~ I hear you on the pictures- never seen one I would want to have from on a race course (maybe I should practice running with a smile instead of breathing through my mouth?)
Jim~ TOT? did you make it? how'd it go?

As for me, it's been a rough couple of weeks finding the run time I need between "fun" 5K's, Dentist, and other appointments, work and my Xfit class. The weather has been wonderful here though (except for the rainy weekend for our Electric 5K, Saturday night) except for the wet the run was fun. I need to get my behind in gear for GSC so I need to make the time sometime.
Hey Warriors!!!

A nice bleary, dreary day in NE Florida.............. It's wednesday I think. Did the ToT on Saturday NNNNNNNNNNNNNIGHT. WELL past my bedtime. Finally got asleep around 0330 Sunday morning. Hmmmmm. I remember a time in college that I considered that going to bed early..................

Anywhooo........It was a pretty good evening, all things considered. Warm and muggy, but not screechingly hot like last year. I shed my shirt at the 5k mark instead of the 1 mile mark like 2012. It was reasonably comfortable on my back. Being the patient, calm guy I am I went out reasonably fast (for me) and just kinda' held on for as long as I could. Just to see what happened......

Did the first 5k split in about a 9:30 pace. A bit slower for the second 5k. At about the 7 mile mark I really pulled the throttle back due to some discomfort. Final time was just a bit over 1:40, so I pulled out a 10:04 pace overall. Mr Garmin said I actually ran 10.21 miles (which I knew because I was slowing down and trying to stay out of other's way). Afterwards I felt fine (except for foot pain (forgot the KT Tape & need new shoes)). But about 12 hours later it got pretty uncomfortable. I guess I'm still a work in progress.

Put in about 16 miles on my tri bike yesterday. I get a fair amount of LLQ pain at about 45 minutes, so I'm still a ways out on building up some mileage there..... 5 miles running today. REALLY need to get new shoes.....

Next up ---- W&D in a few weeks. Another late bedtime........... The fun thing though is that the part of Celebration I live (part time) in usually has a lot of deer wandering the neighborhood at that time. Saw 2 big male deer Sunday morning.......... Fun Times!!
Hi all Sorry it's been a while since I've posted.

Kate - Congratulations of the 6th place finish. The 36 mile bike ride I did was not really as difficult as any of the half marathons I've done and I'm not in as good of shape now as I was for them. The food breaks were nice, but I'm thinking that's somewhat because it was a "ride" instead of a "race". In running, I know it's fairly common for ultra marathons to offer food stops along the course.

Pam - I know I've also been having trouble fitting exercise time in with my new work schedule.

JimB - Glad to hear the TOT 10 miler went well. I too remember the days when 3:30 wasn't that late to go to bed.

AFM - Like I mentioned above, with my current work schedule, exercise has been haphazard. But I am getting some done. The bike isn't breaking spokes with the new wheel but it's been having alignment problems. I may be a bit paranoid, but I've had to take it in 3 times to get retrued. Hopefully, with some more riding it will settle out. I'm currently fighting either a cold or some allergies so I've taken it easy this week.
Jeremy hope your sniffles didn't develop into anything too nasty. I can't believe how long it's taken for your bike to settle. Sorry it's being a pain!

Jim You did amazingly well at TOT! Hope you didn't suffer too much afterwards. I sort of think your interpretation of 'taking it slowly' might be slightly different to other people! Any new shoes yet?!?!

Pam thank you for the photo agreement, I wondered if it was just me! :rotfl: Sounds like you're still keeping your fitness up even without the run time, you'll hit your GSC training hard when you're ready to!

Me long runs are getting there. Did 10.2 miles on Saturday and with my IT Band strap on I managed it around without limping. Hurrah! Still unclear regarding my kidney stuff. Now I love that we have free healthcare, but this has been ongoing since July. Even better, went for results from a CT scan tonight and specialist couldn't tell me as the report hadn't been written!!! Waste of both of our time! Oh well, all clear to run and that was the crucial question :thumbsup2 :banana::laughing:

Keep it going guys :lovestruc
Just popping in to say hi again and that I ran 11 miles today!!! Took 1hr 30 so absolutely thrilled with that. I don't know how much tougher it'll feel at night when my body thinks it's 3am for the wine&dine, but anything near that pace would be lovely!

Hope you're all ok :D
Happy RAINY Saturday!!!

Getting ready to go to the Florida-Georgia football game in Jacksonville today. Unless it keeps raining. Then it's the "Best seat in the Stadium is my living room sofa" day................. :P

Hope ya'll are doing great. My back is being a bit cranky the last few days. Going to see a physical therapist on Monday to see if that can help things along. Wanted to do a long run yesterday, but the pain caused me to stop at about 6 miles. Bleh. :mad::mad:

Probably going to TRY to take it easy this week due to the upcoming W&D. Going to try to take it easy (unless my self-destructive male ego gets in the way) Katie - hope to see you there. PM me if you want and maybe we can get together on race night...............
Jim- growl at your back! Sorry it's sore, I guess you're asking a lot of it quite quickly. WISHing you a very helpful physical therapy session on Monday. I'd love to FINALLY meet you, are you headed to the globe at WWOS for 8pm on race night for the WISH team photo? It would be perfect to catch you then!

Oh and rainy Florida? Seriously? Boo! Mum and dad flew over there on Thursday so I'm hoping they get some decent weather before I get there next thurs. DH can't come as he teaches and it's term time! Oops.

Me- 5.5miles today, should've been 6 on the schedule but the weather was truly horrid and I didn't want to annoy any running niggles. Might go for swim time tomorrow so I can go and play in the hydra-pool afterwards, the bubbles help (oh finding nemo flashback- 'the bubbles!!!!!')

Anyone else lurking around? It's awfully quiet at the moment...
I've been absent. Sorry!
I'm running the NYC Marathon tomorrow. That's exciting!!! I promise to check in post-race.

I've been absent. Sorry!
I'm running the NYC Marathon tomorrow. That's exciting!!! I promise to check in post-race.


Amanda-SUPER GOOD LUCK!!!!. :thumbsup2

Also AWOL here but I was following the posts. Seems like there are still worrisome pains as well as good things happening. Guess we just have to take the bad with the good and just hope the good times out number the bad.

ASM-I heard those special words yesterday....."John Van Note, "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" after 13:31:48. Now that that is history, Space Coast Half Marathon in December, Dopey in January along with Celebration Marathon. Registered for next year's IMFL already and this time I WILL train for it.

Nurse your ills back to health, continue with your activities and most importantly remember, our exercising is for health and fun. Be safe all.

McFlurry John
Happy Sunday Warriors!!

John - Nice work on IMFL!! You are an inspiration. I don't realistically think a full is in my future. Hoping to heal enough so that my Lovely Luscious Bride will clear me to do Florida 70.3 in April. A friend of mine from work was there also. If you saw a really silly woman running in firefighter gear --> that was her..................

Amanda - I watched the NYC today on the TV. I saw you!!! Ok, well, maybe not, but I can say I did and nobody can prove me wrong..... Hope you had a great time!.

Katie - Not sure on the 8pm thing. We have not really figured out our timeline yet. What corral are you going to be in? And the weather is forecast to be pretty clear for the next few days.............

Hope ya'll are having a great time!! See ya Saturday!
CONGRATS John! It makes my little 26.2 mile jog through NYC seem like nothing! :rotfl2:
Jim - Maybe you did see me? WAY in the back? :thumbsup2

I finished the NYC Marathon in 5:26:58. It's actually a 25 minute PR over my Disney time but still quite a bit slower than my target. The race was harder than I expected. Oh the bridges!!!! And I felt so nauseated for at least 10 miles of the race that I couldn't fuel at all for fear of vomiting. I think my gut objected to the Gatorade Endurance that they were serving. I learned my lesson and will stick to WATER from now on...



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