Watch out Dumbo, There's a bigger Circus coming to Town...Triplets take on the World

Not sure I said hi to Jen yet so this is my official hello. Looking forward to hearing about your plans for the big trip.

Have you been doing the homework Mo has been assigning you?

Hope you all had a great homecoming weekend.
SuperMomMo is at it again. What a full weekend! I used to love homecoming for football when Markie played. Loved TP'ing the houses, making signs, etc. Mark, on the other hand, hated it because it never failed to rain homecoming weekend and it was not fun trying to get the toilet paper out of the trees. :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Have fun!

Full weekend and THEN some. i LOVE homecoming yet i will say this was a LOT different then the Bulldogs of past years. thankfully we had BEAUTIFUL weather!!! huge update coming at cha.

Hi Jen, glad to see you finally made it!

Sounds like a very busy weekend. Have a great one Mo!

Thank you it was!!!

Yay Jen is here! Looking forward to seeing your input and excitement :)

Yeah me too...

WOW! I have been DIS-less :rotfl2: for about two weeks and everything has EXPLODED!!!! I will never catch up :sad2:

well i gave you more then ample time to catch up now! i'm two days behind on everything.

Yay for going with friends!! Hope they can get in on the surprise. That would be AWESOME!!!

It will be A-MAZ-ING! now just for keeping it a secret for... well... LESS THEN A YEAR NOW!

BTW, did you say something about your sometimes hectic life??????:rolleyes:

just wait...

Just wanted to say hi. I'm sure with all the crazyness it will be Monday before you are back. Maybe I will be caught up on all the other reports by then..... :rotfl2:

Geesh this is now HUMPPPPPPPP DAAAAAAAAAY and i am just catching up!

Welcome aboard Jen!! As you are friends with mo in real life, I'm sure you know that things get a little crazy around here! ::yes:: Glad to have you along!

yeah and where has SHE GONE??? usual, it sounds like you have a Super hero whirlwind weekend ahead of you. Homecoming sounds like fun though...and who doesn't love a good bonfire! Be sure to take some great pictures (with the SD card IN the camera :lmao:)!

It was fun.. just way TOOOOOOOOO busy! even for me!!!

Welcome Nicole and Jen!!:wave: Can't wait for your input on this crazy (in a good way) PTR!

Me too.. Where IS she???

Mo, I know you won't be back until Monday, but I hope you have a fabulous time this weekend with no huge surprises.:duck: I just love everything about homecoming and am sure you will make it a blast. Can't wait to see the pics you take!

yep always have surprises for you.. i can't wait to see the pictures! :rotfl2:

Did you remember the SD card this time??

Why YES I DID! :cheer2:

Not sure I said hi to Jen yet so this is my official hello. Looking forward to hearing about your plans for the big trip.

Again so am I! where is she? i need her in here!!!

Have you been doing the homework Mo has been assigning you?

I hope so. since i gave her a BIG info on Friday. I will see her tonight.

Hope you all had a great homecoming weekend.

we did thank you!!!! large updating coming right up../

Where oh where is Mo? Where can she possibly be?????

i don't even know where i was half the time and today is already Wednesday!

Alrighty.. about to let you all in on everything since last THURSDAY!
Well hello everyone it has been a while hasn't it?
well i am not doing the HUGE update i wanted because... I have NOT the chance to edit pictures... this has been one BUSY CRAZY 6 days!!!

SO if you give me until tomorrow to get them completed i can get the update up and rolling I PROMISE!!!

going to edit after i tell you this:
from the DIs:
Disney wants guests to show their "Disney Side"
Leah Zanolla | Posted: Sep 30, 2013 | Updated: Sep 30, 2013 - 4:47:54 PM Disney Parks Blog have a new campaign - "Show Your Disney Side." They want park guests to show "the side of you that says 'yes' more often, laughs louder and lives life to the fullest. It's the side of you that embraces fun and comes out to play the moment you step through the gates at Disney Parks."

To promote this new slogan, the company has released a TV commercial, as well as a new website, Guests are invited to share photos of themselves showing off their "Disney side" on the website, as well as on Disney's social media networks by using the hastag #DisneySide.

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Yes! I have an answer and honestly this is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!!!!

Show MY Disney side?!?! does that mean to Do this trip UP even more?!?! why Sure thank you i think i will! Does this mean to wear TONS of cool Disney Stuff? Why YES IT DOES!!!
Have you seen D~ and ALL her A-MAZ-ING gear she bought for her trip?? Well i will be a copy cat and doing the same!!! just different characters! :cool1: I will have tee-shirts-dresses D~ da-bags-and anything else that i can find i WILL HAVE!
i cannot tell you how excited i am about this trip, haven't stopped thinking about it!!! :cool1:
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
I may as well have a word balloon over my head the entire time we are there I LOVE DISNEY AND I AM HERE!!! ::yes::

I am also going to add my stuff to this and i think you all need to do the same!!!
Well hello everyone it has been a while hasn't it?
well i am not doing the HUGE update i wanted because... I have NOT the chance to edit pictures... this has been one BUSY CRAZY 6 days!!!

SO if you give me until tomorrow to get them completed i can get the update up and rolling I PROMISE!!!

going to edit after i tell you this:

Excuses are not allowed. But we will let you slide because we love ya! :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Ok some how missed the link. Here now better late than never right going back to read it all....:rotfl2:
Ok went back and read the whole thing Big hello to Jen and Nickyand show your Disney side hmm think I will give you a run for the went to a craft show today and found Disney necklesses for Raina, Audrey,Evalyn and myself. And lots of cute ideas my sewing machine is going to get a workout, to say the least. So jealous you guys will be at poly....if I could afford it we would be too but CSR will have to sufise. I am so excited to go to Disney after being away from home(Disneyland) for 11 years will be 12 by the time we get there in 2014

edit: Oh yea not supposed to buy any more Disney stuff sence I sent the boxes with Raina..........really ,you think that was going to work....bahaha no way........
Need to buy more! especially when you need to show your Disney side!!!
I will guarantee i will be showing my Disney side! :lmao:

I need to go backwards here. I have been MIA for a week...
Lots of stuff going on around here..
football WORK WORK WORK running like a chicken without my head. Ugh. i have no idea where i am right now.
Lets try this...
Thursday the school had a pep-rally! of course i had to go.. (Pictures soon... i promise, have NOT been on my laptop in forever)
But i did snag this:
one of the cheerleaders made this for Matt I LOVE THIS:

Meg had the pleasure of doing Zack's.. (or shall i say MOM had to do the poster since meg had a lot of homework.. and the Fact that Dad didn't tell me about this until the DAY IT WAS DUE???) i got it done. not perfect but done.

then Friday. i took off with the kids! tonight was the BONFIRE NIGHT!
well Here is the ONE picture i have from the bonfire:

yep my sister and cousin won the raffle for a bears and a Shaw jersey. This is all i have. the bonfire was too far away to go to. plus it already went a little crazy and caught on to the extra wood they had to keep it going all night.. :sad2: so it was a BIG bonfire! :lmao:
we got there about 5pm and started decorating. getting the food out and well.. i had to taste test. everything...
someone needed to make sure the kids wouldn't get sick! i happily volunteered. This is completely different then the bulldogs and previous years!!! the bonfire was always HUGE. doing team pictures, drinking for the parents, getting all the player called out, drinking for the parents, huge pep talk by all coaches, did i mention the drinking for parents???
this bonfire is... well... boring. there is a fire. parents bring a dish or something (good heavens there was a TON of things to eat), BYOB, and the kids run around like wild animals. that's it. So i ended up sitting with, Jen, my sister and a couple of others.. drinking...:drinking1 i know shocking right???
boring...Once Jen left with their kids. My boys wanted to go too.. so a few minutes later we packed up. made sure several times i was NOT taking more kids then i came with. and we went HOME.
Saturday i don't remember. I did go shopping with Meg. So Tom must had had the boys for some reason.
Meg at target:

I did NOT tell her to pose this was just her being Meg:

Enough for now. i have to go and edit a ton of pictures!!! :yay:

i need you to decide what picture i need to enter into the contest..
so if you have time i would LOVE your feedback ---> MOFOTO
I remember those pre-homecoming parties where the kids ran around and the parents drank. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Meg is a hoot. Mark would tell her she did awesome with her hat trying on!

You already have my vote for the Brookfield Zoo picture. :simba:
I remember those pre-homecoming parties where the kids ran around and the parents drank. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Meg is a hoot. Mark would tell her she did awesome with her hat trying on!

You already have my vote for the Brookfield Zoo picture. :simba:

ha! i even told her "OH MARK WOULD BE PROUD!"
she looked at me and asked "who?" I keep forgetting they don't know! LOL...

working on all other pictures now.. Yes you are the wolf right? Mark is the lion. so you are split... is not helping.
ha! i even told her "OH MARK WOULD BE PROUD!"
she looked at me and asked "who?" I keep forgetting they don't know! LOL...

working on all other pictures now.. Yes you are the wolf right? Mark is the lion. so you are split... is not helping.

I really like the lion and wolf; but to make your life easier, I'll go with hubby and say the lion. :)
I really like the lion and wolf; but to make your life easier, I'll go with hubby and say the lion. :)

Good i am going to print that one out today and send it in...

i will let you know how that goes!!!

In the mean time things are still crazy and i have to get the pictures done!!! Promise an update once i get them done!!!
Hahaha... You drinking? Nope - can't picture that one at all.

Love Meg's poses - I think her and V would get along famously!

Great job on the poster Meg (and Mo).

Just waiting on pictures... Story of my life...

D~ <--- Still here, but I always seem to be late to the party?
You wanted pictures?!?! here is Homecoming! FINALLY!!!

Thursday i left work to go and surprise the kids for their peprally! they were excited!
here is the gym:

Cheerleaders/basketball decorating see Meghan's sign?:

Nice sign Mom!:

Closer look:

I already posted Matt's awesome poster! here they are are milling around getting ready:

The boys came down first and were excited:

Meg AND Meg!

Love the face:

Meg being called out:


None of my pictures came out of the boys being called out but here they are:

rah rah

the wee ones:

varsity watching the girls... the blonde is my Godson(nephew) Billy. I thought this was a riot!!!

Varsity Cheerleading:

little ones and varsity together:

Even Walter enjoyed the show!!!


after this the kids had to go back to class get their stuff then go home, I was still in the int gym Tom was outside waiting for the kids to let them know where i was. Matt i guess didn't like the fact i wasn't in the same spot i always am..
Friday i was off! Up next... I don't know.. we shall see together!

looks like fun, oh my that is A LOT of cheerleaders!!!!!!!

I feel ya with the hectic life...I have been so behind around here...just when I think I will catch up I find I'm a week behind again!!! Oh well, I like it that way!!!

I am busy this month making cakes...made one for my niece two weeks ago. still haven't uploaded pics, then have one to make every weekend for the rest of this month....wish me luck!!!


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