WDW Should Not Open in July. Discuss.

Should WDW open in July?

  • Yes. I'd definitely go if I had the chance.

    Votes: 133 26.3%
  • No. Not in July, but I would go before a vaccine is available.

    Votes: 203 40.2%
  • No. Not in July, and I won't feel safe going until there is a vaccine.

    Votes: 169 33.5%

  • Total voters
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So maybe table service meals are a bad idea also. I will remember to open the windows and door for awhile. I wonder if we should refuse housekeeping?
We will 100% be refusing any housekeeping! Get to your room, air it out/ disinfect yourself etc. I am bringing our own toiletries, sheets, blankets, towels.....to each their own, but this is my plan. Have a good trip😊
I'm not sure which state you are in, but I am also in one that has had over a month of nightly protests/sometime riots and we are not seeing anywhere near the spike Florida is. Other large cities with protests are also not seeing the spike Florida is. This is why no one is blaming the spread on the protests - opening up theme parks, restaurants, bars etc with no mask policy in place however does appear to make a difference.

Most states aren't tracing or even asking if people have been to protests or large gatherings. What we do know is that cases are up for the younger demographic that fits the same demographic that is protesting age wise.

We also know that of the NBA players who have tested positive, guys like Malcolm Brogdan (Indiana), Jabari Parker (Sacaramento) actually traveled to protest or went to a large gathering Tennis tournament in Sebria (Nicola Jokovic)

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that large gathering non social distancing protests, riots, conventions, tennis tournaments are super spreaders. There is a reason that we can't have large gathering spectators or fans at concerts or sporting events.
Contact tracing has proven the protest angle out - it is from bars, restaurants and other get togethers.
They talk a good game in Florida, but saw an article somewhere that Contact Tracing is not at the level it should be.
You are correct that there is no way to enforce correct mask wearing 100% if the time anywhere ( Disney or elsewhere.)It needs to be an individual choice of if you feel confident enough to take the risk to go. I was simply stating in our case, given my DH job exposure here in Tampa we are just as likely to get covid from one of the million people visiting our beaches/ tourism here as we are at wdw. At least was is making an attempt of mask enforcement. I understand if you are outside of the wd w area, the exposure level at home for you may not be comparable to a wdw trip.

i have no issue with people going if they want to. i just feel for some that there's a misconception on what it will be like. i've seen posts where people are wanting to go b/c they think it's going to be the BEST EVER wdw experience b/c the crowds will be limited, everyone will be masked, everyone will follow social distancing to the letter, everyone will be working together w/disney staff to make it the most safe experience ever......and the reality is it won't be. the numbers in the parks may be reduced but wait times for rides if social distancing is enforced and proper disinfecting is done-will be longer. it's likely things people don't think about but rely on may look and feel a bit different-a somewhat local amusement park to us reopened and they removed allot of the benches and seating areas where people routinely took a break/people watched-so social distancing could be maintained (and so they didn't have to re sanitize every time someone got up), there will be no having a cuddly side by side photo with a character, no parades, no fireworks...and even people with the best intentions of wearing masks may get to the breaking point with the heat.

if people want to go then they should go-they just need to be realistic and prepared.
I'm talking about my state (WI).

Two things,
1. They didn't have date for protests from 6/13 to 6/26. Yet they are comparing that to the that data to the whole month for the other activities.
"Public Health Madison & Dane County did not immediately have data available to show how many positive cases were associated with protests during the week of June 13-26. Last week, Public Health shared data with the Cap Times showing that 12 people with COVID-19 said they were associated with protests. "

2. Alot of people are simply not answering the questions.

"From June 1 through June 24, 622 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Dane County, according to public health data. When asked if they had attended a gathering, party or meeting with people from outside their household in the 14 days before experiencing symptoms, 213 answered ‘yes.’

Of those, 12 said they had attended a protest, six said they didn’t know and 115 didn’t answer, which could mean that the case is still under investigation or the question was not asked.

It's crazy how the metrics that are important to some keep shifting........

"Positivity rate is important, not cases" - Then it goes from 5% to over 10%

"Well, it's all hospitilazations" - Those start steadily rising

"It's all about median age" - Doctors come out and say they aren't as safe as they think they are

"It's all about per capita divided by mortality rate divided by protests" - :confused3

Feel like Charlie Brown had a better shot of kicking that football through the uprights.........
New York had the biggest protests in the country. We are hovering around a 1% positive rate and do more testing than anyone in the country.

"The hundreds of contact tracing workers hired by the city under de Blasio’s new “test and trace” campaign have been instructed not to ask anyone who’s tested positive for COVID-19 whether they recently attended a demonstration, City Hall confirmed to THE CITY. "

"The hundreds of contact tracing workers hired by the city under de Blasio’s new “test and trace” campaign have been instructed not to ask anyone who’s tested positive for COVID-19 whether they recently attended a demonstration, City Hall confirmed to THE CITY. "


Think you need to scroll down to the "Treat people with ease" section and continue reading....

Headlines, gotta get those clicks, am I right?
With tourism so critical to Florida, they needed to be strict everywhere else in the state in order to keep infection rates down. Florida needed to be fully on board with a sensible, strict reopening. Mandatory masking, strict limits on indoor occupancy so that the predominantly outdoor amenities there, like theme parks, could function. This yee-ha, cowboy, cavalier attitude has literally tanked the economy there.

Exactly. It's precisely because Florida is so reliant on tourism that their failure to address this quickly and adequately is such a disaster. And why opening up willy-nilly now will just continue the disaster. The rest of the world is looking at Florida and thinking "no one in hell am I going there any time soon" Something legally open isn't what will improve Florida's economy. Good (and transparent!) numbers are what will make people feel safe and willing to go.
It's crazy how the metrics that are important to some keep shifting........

"Positivity rate is important, not cases" - Then it goes from 5% to over 10%

"Well, it's all hospitilazations" - Those start steadily rising

"It's all about median age" - Doctors come out and say they aren't as safe as they think they are

"It's all about per capita divided by mortality rate divided by protests" - :confused3

Feel like Charlie Brown had a better shot of kicking that football through the uprights.........
I pointed out the same thing a couple weeks ago about how the goalposts keep shifting, all to minimize the severity from those who are trying to dismiss it as a hoax or nothing more than the flu. The facts, data and science say otherwise.
I agree, but think a new thread will be made saying when will WDW re-close?

i suspect it will be a bigger financial hit to them if they have to close again than if they simply stayed closed longer. on a smaller scale, by way of example-we had a local bar/restaurant reopen recently and within a few weeks a covid outbreak was traced to it (group of people not following the place's social distancing-all got it, one server who served them and had tested negative immediately prior to reopening ended up coming down with it as well). they initially planned to close, re-sanitize, make sure remaining staff was clear. then they ran the numbers. all that food they had restocked would have to be tossed/replaced as well as the cost of re sanitizing when the same thing could happen the same night they reopened. they decided to stay closed for now and several other restaurant/bars cancelled plans to transition from to go to open dining. at the scale of all the food and other perishables disney must have to bring in, the size of their properties and cost to sanitize if there's a large scale outbreak. that would be hard for any company to recover from.

i also think about the employees-it's no secret how difficult the unemployment process has been in most states. think about what a pain/financial hardship it would be to go back to work, have you unemployment case close and then a few weeks or a month later have to turn around, reestablish your claim and then wait god knows how long to get your first check:worried:
My state hasn't seen the surge and our restaurants are closed so AGAIN I ASK why do other countries think it's okay to assume all of the US is doing this? I didn't blame the entirety of Europe for Sweden's failed "herd immunity" tactic

Europe isn't one country. The United States is.
The rest of the world is marveling at the failure of our federal government.
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