We WISH You A Disney Happy Holidays – December Challenge

QOTD: The Christmas menu... or menus. We drive up mid-day Saturday and that evening my Sister is hosting a fondue party in our room. Christmas Eve dinner is at the lodge where my Niece and NIL are staying, which is across the street from where my SIS and I are - its a farm-table-locally-grown type place, so the options should be yummy and healthy. For Christmas dinner I'm bringing the fixings for a Charcuturie Board, so cheeses, sliced meats etc. None of it is exactly "diet" food, but none of it is horrible either... unless I over do it. Its going to be a lot of dairy because of all the cheese, so I'll have to watch that.

Daily accountability:
lose 5 pounds...
my system is not happy going back to "normal" eating and I am paying attention to it.
walk out doors... I'm thinking I may take my snow shoes with me, since there is snow on the ground. I'm not in any shape to do a long trek with them, but even just a short walk around the resort grounds might be nice. Either way, I am really looking forward to being up in the mountains for a couple days.
daily gratitude... gratitude is becoming a daily practice for me, so yah!
spread peace... as part of the Peace Project today is International Knit for Peace Day. In the US we've got someone knitting in every state except North Dakota and then there are also a lot of people in Northern Europe and a few scattering in other places around the world. I brought my Peace Shawl with me to work and will knit on it at lunch time, for my public knitting... so that people will ask me about it and I can tell them about the Peace Project. By focusing on gratitude and peace, the times I drift back in to old thought patterns is much more evident and I've really been looking at them, what the triggers are and where they come from.

Last day in the office before the holiday - hip hip hurrah! I'm so glad I decided to take Friday off, as I do have a lot to do to get ready to go, including finishing up getting food together, digging out winter/cold weather gear, organizing and packing everything up and cleaning house. It will be really nice to have all day to get it together, instead of just this evening, as I would like for tonight to be calm and peaceful with a nice slow pace.

Hope everyone has a wonderful peaceful holiday!

Menu: I have no idea this year for once! Haha! The inlaws are doing a Christmas Eve brunch and don't want me to bring anything. I am on dessert duty for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner with my family (pecan pie, cherry pie, sugar cookies, rum balls, and pound cake are going to be made and taken to one event or the other), and that's all I know.

My family usually does basically a Thanksgiving Take 2 for Christmas. So I imagine there will be turkey, some casseroles, and veggies. I am most looking forward to the pound cake though. It was my great-great grandmother recipe, and it's so simple but so delicious!

Last night was a pretty good night. At the party I was at, they had heavy hor d'oeuvres but healthier options. Shrimp, chicken, etc. I had that and a few drinks and that was that. Tonight will be fine too as I have already planned to get seafood at the company dinner tonight. The only bump in the road has been the baked goods that came in today. One of our customers makes an INSANELY delicious Kahlua cake, which she brought in today. But again, it's one of those once a year indulgences, so I plan to enjoy every bite!
QOTD: What is on your Christmas meal menu? What are you most looking forward to having?

We will have lunch on Christmas Day as our main Christmas celebration we usually have ham, roast turkey breast, roast chicken, prawns, salads, plum pudding with cream, chocolate cake.

It is the portion size that will mostly be the issue - but I am getting better with that and will just eat till I am comfortable and happy - it will always be there later when I get hungry again!

We are really heading into Christmas now - the last few shopping days, travelling occurring to be with loved ones, traditions (old and new), excitement, anticipation, joy, anxiousness and even sadness are all things we experience during this celebration.

Things are getting a little quieter on here and that is ok everyone has lots to do and time to spend with family - I will keep posting and just come and go as you like.

So things have changed in our house a little this year - turns out last year was the last year for Santa to visit - no more leaving our carrots and water for the reindeer or cookies and a drink for Santa - so more young childlike excitement for Santa to bring the beloved present but a shift to anticipating what family members have gifted each other. I am determined to have a Santa photo and that HAS to happen tomorrow - despite DD13s reticence to do it. I am a little sad about this progression but knew that it was coming.

QOTD: Are there traditions that have changed in your house this year for Christmas?
Happy Friday! This is probably my last day posting until after Christmas, but things are slow at work today as to be expected.... so I am counting down the next 2 hours before I head out and get ready for Christmas!

@4Mickeys - You bring up a sad but true point about the holidays... it definitely changes. In my family Christmas centers mainly around the "Santa" aged children. So the holidays used to center around me and my mom since I was the youngest in the family for quite a long time. But I've been out of Santa age for quite a while and the day shifted towards my cousin and her two girls. They have shifted out of the Santa age for sure (last year, Santa came but it was quite obvious that Santa mainly came for their mom). For years, we used to sleep over at my cousin's house (to help Santa set up and bc she is a widow and we didn't want her to be alone Christmas Eve), but as time is moving on and the kids are growing up, things are definitely changing-- and it's a little sad. I miss helping Santa! There aren't any other Santa aged kids in our nuclear family unit, so we are kind of trying to find our new traditions.

DH has Santa aged kids in his family, but they mainly do their own thing in the morning then all gather for dinner.

Sooooo DH and I are starting our new traditions. We are spending Christmas Eve night at our house and plan to wake up with mimosas opening our gifts to each other and enjoying our quiet time together before jumping into the hustle and bustle in the afternoon.

Well... I've only got another hour to kill at work-- I've already had two pieces of kaluah cake, so I'll say it's a good day! LOL!

Happiest of holidays to everyone!!!! :-)
I wrote this yesterday and by the time I click post, dis was down!

@piglet1979 hope your son surgery went well.

Christmas meal in Ireland is a lot like thanksgiving dinner in US. We have turkey, ham, few types of potatoes, stuffing, gravy, bread sauce, sprouts, carrots/parsnips - usually roast with maple syrup! Christmas pudding (which I hate) and trifle (which I love but only the one I make). Mine is with fresh cherries, creme de casis (liquor) low fat custard and of course cream & almonds and few other things. I put a lot of fruit and the taste of creme de casis with the liquor is so good.

Breakfast I will make plantains & egg pancakes with fruit and maple syrup .

Having the meal in my in laws we are bringing the ham and the trifle, which are our favorite items so we don't leave them to a chance. I may bring some extra veggies as my in laws aren't big on vegetables

But mostly, I am looking forward not making it all myself. I did it few years in row and it's A LOT to do for one meal. It's great to share the food prep

I am off to the gym and yoga class today, and it just occurred me next time I will have my dream wireless headphones! i have been dreaming about noise cancelling wireless bose for years - and I am getting them from santa!
Yesterday gym went well. I managed to try new exercise - reverse hyper. I have been wanting to try it for ages but simply not brave enough. The gym was quiet and I asked one of the trainers - I like it a lot.

I also did spin class (The Trip, great IMAX style visuals ) but my tailbone was so sore after! No love from me I am afraid.

I have to do my food shopping today, and i have to do it early in the morning to minimize the madness :scared:. I am booking ADRs for our first 10 days of WDW trip at 11 am and I hope to be really fast so I can hit the gym at 12, do yoga at 13, come back home by 14:30, quick shower and hit the road by 15:00. We will go in the city to enjoy a family comedy show (we call it panto)and the lights & some food in town. It will be crazy busy day, I wish I don't have to do the adrs today!

One thing i have been consistent this year was gym, and I feel much stronger and healthier for it. I am still couple of kg over what i was October 2016, but i am not too sure if I am bother about that or not. I joined local slimming club while back - slimming world, and I haven't been posting about it here. Love all the new recipes! They are little like weight watchers, but weight watchers doesn't seem to be as good around here - and you can't use even the app. This plan have a lot of focus on eating 1/3rd of your meals as speed - speed is all veggies and most low and medium calories furit, eating your ps - p is protein rich food and not much counting. I won't go in too much details, but they have a facebook support group outside the class, there is a lot of focus in owning your choices, good and bad, no shame in having bad days and being able to go back to having good days without making big deal out of a cake for example. The leader lost the weight once and regained it, and is very honest about his mistakes.

Ladies - half size me podcast 305 and 306 episodes are fab! They talk about the impact hormones have to female need through different phases of life, but also through different weeks of the month. Example, pms week - I go to the gym expect to be as I was the week before and often over do it! The interviewee was talking about his client just playing around for little bit in the gym that week and returning to normal. He is also suggesting higher fat and protein (not too high thought) during the last week to help dealing with the increased carb craving, and eating in balance and not deficit and adding some chocolate calories. There was a lot about moderation, not making it all or nothing and so on. I think I know good bit about weight loss and fitness but I felt I got a lot out of the interview.

Anyway - two long posts from me today, and I haven't even answered QOTD. I was little sad that DS knows, for first Christmas ever about Santa. We sow a woman putting big bags of presents in the car last night, and he said -she is sorting the presents from Santa isn't she? I just said yes. And he held my hand and replied

"Mammy, for first Christmas ever I know that it's actually you that makes all the Christmas magic!"


I don't worry too much about traditions on Christmas, it's always also a sad time as I remember all people that I can no longer spend it with. But also time to be with family, reflect on the year and dream for better year ahead. I am not religious, so Christmas for me it's end of year celebration and I love the spirit of giving too, for me that's also part of Christmas - spending some time, thought and or money for less fortunate of us.
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With lots to fit in during the Holiday Season, shopping, gift wrapping, cooking, travelling, parties, emotions it can get exhausting!

QOTD: How are you managing to rest and relax amid the busyness of the season?
It's all done, it's Christmas for me! Not much resting but I went one day to thermal swimming pool for chill out session and I did 6 mile walk along the coast of dublin another day as part of my unwind time.

I mediate 2 minutes morning and night, but not as regular as I would like to!

I want to thank you all for sharing this journey with me last few years, I appreciate all the chats and looking forward for more. I hope your Christmas is magical!


Merry Christmas

I wish you all a magical Christmas with your loved ones - I hope you all experience joy and peace this holiday season and a treat or two!

Christmas Eve is almost over where I am - we are about 45 minutes away from Christmas morning - the kids and I are just watching the last of Santa Claus 2 together - we already watched the first one earlier tonight.

No questions until December 26 - enjoy time with your families.
It's all done, it's Christmas for me! Not much resting but I went one day to thermal swimming pool for chill out session and I did 6 mile walk along the coast of dublin another day as part of my unwind time.

I mediate 2 minutes morning and night, but not as regular as I would like to!

I want to thank you all for sharing this journey with me last few years, I appreciate all the chats and looking forward for more. I hope your Christmas is magical!

Well done fitting in you time to recharge during this busy time of year! Thanks for the wishes - definitely lots more chats to be had! Merry Christmas.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts. Surgery went well even though it got pushed back by 2 hours for a trauma. DH was a little hungry. D'S did great. First night went great but by late morning the next day he was in a lot of pain. He was on Motrin and Tylenol rotating every 3 hours and oxycodone as needed (we gave it to him about twice a day). He stopped walking for about 2 days. Carrying a boy my size was not easy. Thankfully he is all skin and bone. DH did have to do a lot of work with DS as mom is no longer allowed to help him get dressed or in the bathroom.

He has really turned a corner today. He has had no meds since last night at 7 and is walking much more. Now starts the battle of even though you feel fine you still need to rest. He get the best present (or maybe we do), we can take the bandages off and he can finally take a shower/bath.

The last few days have been busy. I had running around and a hair appointment on Thursday. I went darker color (almost black) with red violet color on the bottom. It is a big change for me as i always have blonde highlights.

Friday was Christmas with my in-laws. We have it at our house. I make a big thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, macaroni salad and rolls. I had my mother in law do more this year as I just have time. It was a fun night.

Saturday was a mother day of running around to get the stuff we needed food wise the next couple of days. I also took dd to get our nails done. She decided to make a cake for tomorrow at my mom's. This is the first cake I just let her do it all herself. She did great.

Today is a rest day. We got our first good night's sleep since the surgery. We were getting up every 3 hours to give meds. We didn't have to get up last night and then we slept in until 9. We are just laying around today. This is a big change. Normally we have my in-laws over on christ.as eve but they wanted to do it on Friday. This is a big change this year.

Tomorrow we will go to my mom's and dinner is a bit different. Last year she started doing dinner around the world. I an supposed to bring stuffed cabbage but I can't seem to get the leaves out in one piece so I make it into a soup. My mom will make spaghetti and then here is where our spin on food comes in. I get my pickiness from my mom. My sister will make chop suey but it is not really Asian food but we think it is. We will also have some type of Mexican food. Not should what that will be yet.

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone. I had a great day and I did get my water in on top of some nice hot drinks. It was well below zero here and is supposed to be in the -20 and -30 ranges tonight and tomorrow with wind chill through the region. Not sure if I am going out tomorrow that depends if I get up in time or not. DH has to take 10 year old in for speech and occupational therapy and plans to take 12 year old in as well. He and 12 year old both need to pick up their glasses and they can get my contacts at the same time. I am also getting new lenses for my glasses but since I use them for backup. Ok for watching a movie on the actual tv not my laptop late at night when I have taken my contacts out truth be told. I can wait for mine. I will have to drop the frames off and come back in about 2 hours to get them. They are also going to stop by DH's folks to get the girls gifts from that side of the family. Last will be a quick trip to the grocery store to get some more bread and possibly some milk. We will check that in the morning and decide from there. Hopefully it warms up on Friday as that is payday and major errand running day. Not as many stops to do this time around though as we got a loan we were paying off at payments every paycheck paid off a week ago. The credit card while it will be paid on this paycheck is not due till later so if the roads are bad that can wait. Everything else if I do a payment I use check by phone, or my banks bill payment program. Need to figure out a couple of gifts for DH for either his Feast of Ephiany presents or his birthday. I also need to figure out a big gift for 10 year old .and a couple of smaller ones for both girls. I may be using amazon yet again especially since I have prime free for the month. I doubt that we will get water though since it will be during the day DH might get a load and just fight with getting the valve open and closed. In this weather if freezes shut on the 10 minute 15 if we have to go slow because of the ice drive home. During the 20 minutes or so that it takes to unload the valve usually gets frozen in the open position so DH has to pour hot water on it again to get it so he can close it. I am hoping that by next winter we will have enough stuff paid off that we can have water hauled at least for the winter months. Even if we have it delivered mid Nov to mid Mar that will get us through the worst of it. So far the 2 lowest price places have said that the way our place is set up it is not easy for them to get into though there is a new service in the area that if they are not booked up I might try.
The last few days have been busy. I had running around and a hair appointment on Thursday. I went darker color (almost black) with red violet color on the bottom. It is a big change for me as i always have blonde highlights.

Ooh that sounds nice - would love to see it - if you want to share a pic with us :-)

Today is a rest day

Glad all is well and he is doing ok - rest days are fantastic - we had a lazy one today too - dvds and sleep!

With the main gift giving part of the season over for both Christmas and Hanukkah ...

QOTD: Did you get something you really wanted this year? Was it at all related to your healthy journey?

I am so glad to be back at the gym! Even though I didn't sleep well last night, I still managed to get up at o'dark thirty and make it in time to play pickleball. I did forget my long pants at home so had to dash back before I walked with a girlfriend. I feel like all I've done is eat junk food these last few days! My calories show it, too! Oh well, moving on.

Christmas was a bit different this year. Christmas Eve we always go to a friend's open house. We time it with some other friends (my walking group) so we all have a great time and our husbands get to visit. DS1 drove to his girlfriend's family home an hour north of us to be with them. Then because it was snowing and icy he was late getting back and missed part of church. Unfortunately he missed his brother's two solos--which were stunning! Our music director really show cased the college kids that were in town. Their voices were fantastic. It was also fun to see families with everybody together. So not having DS1 there the whole time was strange. Thinking about how things will change now that he and his girlfriend are getting serious is weird, too. On Christmas Day we saw Star Wars. We usually are just home, but decided to see a movie to divide up the day some. I think we might make that a new thing. It was kinda fun.

This week is about just getting back on schedule! I'm glad all of the unhealthy food is mostly gone!
I really didn't have anything I really wanted this year in fact I struggled with coming up with a list of things I even wanted. I got a number of things that I can use and a few fun items. I am looking forward to making some nice soups and stuff in my stock pot. My family got me a kurig and I have had a few drinks from it though I don't have a whole lot till payday. There is a caramel apple cider from the company I get my essential oils and cleaning supplies from that I love that comes in pods. I would just break them open and then add hot water. Except unless there are some loose in the tub I am storing food in-to prevent the gad blasted mice from destroying it. Our two female cats who are our mousers ( the boys are lazy especially the one) are being put in the basement next week for a good day to remove them. We are calling it take a mouse out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner plan. I was supposed to get some Godiva Chocolate but the mice got into it in the basement in the week between my husband shopping and wrapping my gifts.
I got bose quiet comfort 35! Love them - and yes, I will use them for my workouts. For many long conference calls when I work from home too but happy. I feel sick after eating way too much two days in row, looking forward for the gym and healthier meals today!


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