Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

P.S. looking forward to TofT....Nancy and I can drink you and Robert under the table any day! (and John and Norm will join Erica and Linda as they just shake their heads :rotfl2: )
You're right dear the halloween candy ain't on the list. You aren't one of them low carb eaters are ya?

I had to run away from a thread on the other part of wish, they were talking about what constituted a good healthy breakfast. I mentioned my Cherrios, banana and skim milk and they set me straight right now that was all wrong. To much sugar and carb. They were talking about how much better eggs and bacon were with no demon toast.

I kinda thought that fried fat like bacon and sasuage, although they taste good, are right up there with cigarettes as health food.

Totally out of step with the low carb lifestyle Panda:hippie:
So THIS is where all of the Lean Meaners have gone. I thought you all wasted away to nothing and slipped between the threads into oblivion. I am glad you are still here. :hug:

I have some training to report.. from earlier this evening.

Miles: 6
Time: 50:07
Pace: 8:21

Splits: 8:37, 8:29, 9:19, 8:11, 8:11, and 8:20.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening! :wave2:


Hi Everyone,

Howard: Glad you found us. Good job on the workout.

Dave: I guess life is really “to each his own”. I’m with you on the cheerios, although I like mine dry. I put a serving in a little baggie then bring them along as a snack. It satisfies the urge to crunch. Also, kudos to you for getting into such great shape this year.

Jeanne: Such temptation!! Yum. Unfortunately all of that is on my current plan. Obviously, I need to make some changes to that plan.

Maria: Hello. Hope all is well.

Beth: You are such a positive person, thanks for sharing that with us. I filled up my 1 L bottle of water and hope to finish it by lunchtime.

Amy: Sorry the scale hasn’t budged, but the fact that the clothes are getting looser is great. Great job on your 5K PR. It’s so encouraging to know that you are doing the right things as far as training.

Tracey: The massage was quite painful since all my muscles (& IT band) are extremely tight. But after a few days I’m feeling much better. I wish I could afford to go more often. I have another one scheduled for the day after my marathon, but that will probably be it for the rest of the year. Hope the stroller gets fixed soon so you can enjoy some outside runs before the weather gets bad.

Connie: I love the vow about only seeing the doctor for athletic injuries. That’s a great goal. Have you been athletic your entire life, or is it an adult-onset condition? Good luck with the PT. You’re making progress.

Lisa: Congrats again on achieving your PR. Also I think you’re really wonderful for staying with Amybeth while she was suffering so much. That really demonstrates the WISH spirit. I really enjoyed meeting you and Mike. It was fun cheering for all the runners. It’s great to be on the other side every once in a while. Good luck with your new training regimen. Get a good start now while your feeling motivated before all those ToT and bday temptations come your way.

Jeff: Good job getting the 20 done. Sorry you were a little low in the gas tank. A lesson for the next time.

Tracy: Good job on the WW. I also attempt to count points, but I haven’t been very diligent lately. It’s great that you report that you didn’t have a good week, but still managed to lose a lb. I’d take that every week.

As for me…I have managed to catch a cold. I am just 12 days away from my marathon, so I’m very upset. Unfortunately it’s in my chest. I’m taking Cold-eeze and trying to get lots of fluids. After training all summer for this race I will be so bummed if I can’t do my best. I’m hoping that it will pass quickly, but even then, I’m missing several workouts because of it. I was supposed to do 14 yesterday and cut it down to 5. Anyone have any great get well soon tips?

Have a great day everyone.
Cindy Sorry you are feeling :sick:. PD for a speedy recovery before your marathon.

Dave Your breakfast sounds great to me! I love cheerios with bananas.

Jeanne is that candy from this year? It looks better than what they had last year. I am cutting myself off from candy though. :sad1:

Everyone :wave: and :grouphug:

Went on sparkpeople and it said I should be getting between 1200-1500 calories/day. Anyone have any thoughts on how to get some protein in my breakfast? I don't do eggs. AT ALL. Would a protein shake be good? I need to add more protein to my diet overall and breakfast is where it is severely lacking.

Have a good day! :goodvibes
Cindy: I totally understand with the cold thing......I ran 3 1/2 marathons in September and had a cold the whole time......what a drag! I hope you are feeling better by marathon time!!! :wizard: :wizard: Sending PD your way!

To all my Lean Meaner friends. I know that we are all on different plans for eating, and I by no means, am trying to sway anybody towards a certain plan. I have found that low carb works for me......and I know that it is not a popular choice in main stream society. I like the way it works for me, and how good I feel on it. I know it is not for everybody, and try not to discuss it much here. Please don't feel that that is my motivation. To WWDave, I appoligize to you if I have offended you. It was not my intention. Sugar has never been kind to me, I just didn't know it!!! :confused3 But, please take my appoligizes.

Copy and paste from another thread.

Feels fine after a long rest...but I still have 10 days to go.

I'm on a prescription anti inflammatory, and ice and stretch the stupid thing multiple times every day.

I am VERY concerned about even participating in the marathon on November 1, given that I am missing the longest training run on the schedule (20 miles) this weekend...and have another week or so after that to rest.

My ultimate goal isn't to run the marathon, its to do the Ironman in Sept 09, so I am likely going to NOT do this event...which is frustrating, but again, my short term goal is conflicting with my long term goal...kinda like wanting to lose weight (long term) and eating this piece of pie (short term)...

Keep getting leaner and meaner folks!


Went on sparkpeople and it said I should be getting between 1200-1500 calories/day. Anyone have any thoughts on how to get some protein in my breakfast? I don't do eggs. AT ALL. Would a protein shake be good? I need to add more protein to my diet overall and breakfast is where it is severely lacking.

Have a good day! :goodvibes

I use this http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2944029&cp=2665513.2108294&parentPage=family

I used to use this: http://www.gnc.com/product/index.js...origkw=whey+protein+isolate&parentPage=search but stopped when I realized that they added sucralose (an artificial sweetener that i believe is dangerous) I sort of look the other way at the artificial flavor...can't seem to get away from it, but I'm not crazy about it.

If you are lactose intolerant, you should probably look for a whey protein ISOLATE rather than CONCENTRATE.

I decided on the first product (even though I am a bit intolerant) since it is a blend of isolate and concentrate, and doesn't contain sucralose.

Below is a recipe that I use for recovery shakes...

1) a big glass of water, a bagel with peanut butter, and a shake made of

1 cup of soy milk
1/2 cup plain yogurt
4-5 frozen strawberries
1 banana
2 TBS ground flax seed
1-2 (depending on workout intensity) scoops whey protein isolate/concentrate
I also put in a tablespoon of some hot cocoa mix (with the vanilla flavored mix) to make it yummylicious.

I actually premix a weeks worth of the dry ingredients to cut down on the number of containers I open every morning...

I have to say that Mike's recovery shakes are the bomb!! They are really good and filling too.

I have a recipe somewhere for a PB and banana smoothing for breakfast and some suggestions for 300 calorie-ish breakfasts but I need to go dig. Back una momento.......:surfweb:

PB and Banana Smoothie: 10 oz skim milk or soy milk, 1 Tbsp natural PB, 1 medium banana. Blend in a blender with 6 ice cubes for thicker consistency.

Other suggestions:
Yogurt parfait: 6 oz nonfat plain yogurt (I use Greek style for more protein), 2 tsp honey, 1 cup fruit of your choice and 1 granola bar crumbled. Mix the honey in the yogurt and top with fruit and granola.

Honey whipped cottage cheese with melon: 8 oz low fat cottage cheese, 1 TBSP honey, 1/2 cup chopped cantaloupe, 1/2 cup chopped honeydew melon, 2 TBSP chopped fresh mint. In a blender combine the cottage cheese and honey until smooth. Top with melon and mint.
Hello everyone! I'd been wanting to get in on this group but that other thread was a bit intimidating. Figured I'd jump in on the do-over here.

I need some motivation to finish out the year! I lost 25 lbs from Jan - May, then just stopped. I've kept running, so my weight has stayed mostly steady (I'm up 3-4 lbs) but I just can't get back on the wagon to lose the next 25. It's so silly - I KNOW what to do, like most people who have tried to lose weight - heck, we're experts! It's just the implementation of all my vast knowledge ;) where I run into the problem. Chile rellenos and snickerdoodle ice cream can kick my big ol' butt every time. Where's my willpower?

Looking forward to getting some good ideas, motivation and a kick in the pants when I need one. (Hint - I need one today! 2 cups of coffee and a piece of cheese does not make a healthy breakfast.)
Kayci, you are in the right place. While in itself, coffee and 2 pieces of cheese is not a good breakfast, add an apple to that and you have completed your protein. This is a good healthy 150 calorie-ish snack. :goodvibes
Good Morning Lean Meaners! I am trying really hard to get on the wagon though I it appears I am dragging my feet and running along beside you.

I'm not one to count calories, but I went back to check when I was on Spark people before and it said 1400-1700 cal a day. Seems like a lot to me. I coudn't figure out how to check it or how they had come up w/ that number in the past.

I did have a small victory today. DH went to McDonald's for b-fast. Instead of asking him to get a bacon egg and cheese as I would have normally wanted, I asked for the Fruit and Yogurt parfait. :goodvibes

I completed my 5 K on Saturday. It took me 44:03 to finish, which I thought was not too bad. It came out to an avg of about a 14 mpm pace. I walked it w/ a running burst 2-3 min once per mile. We were the 4th from the last people to finish, but I still tried to have a positive attitude.

My Water Fitness training went well and hopefully I'll have my certificate in a few weeks. yay!

The book signing was cool. Found out that Nicholas Sparks ran a marathon in college years and finished in something like 2:14 or 2:17. I can't remember exactly.

I also ordered new shoes on Friday. Even with $40 in discounts those suckers till cost me $98! I ended up w/ my Saucony Hurricanes again. Which was fine. I really wanted the Asiacs Kayanos to work for me, but they just didn't.

Not sure if any of you ladies wear or like Pandora jewelry. DH bought me one of their bracelets this weekend. The charm I chose was called the "tree of life" and since my first 5K was at the Animal Kingdom, I thought it would be an appropriate first charm.

NC LADIES... I'm looking at fuel belt options and didn't know by chance if any of you have one that you may not use anymore that you might be able to let me borrow to see if I like that type before I spend the $$ to get something. I'm afraid of paying a lot of money and then not liking it. I'd just like to be able to try something out before I make the purchase.

Lisa... Great job on your Half!!! I know you must of had a great time running w/ Scott and Amy!

Cindy...I hope your cold gets better! :wizard:

Amy...Great job on your 5K girl! You are getting speedy!!!

Shout outs to everyone else. I've rambled on too long and must now sign off. Back to work. ugh. Stay healthy and train smart!

I had a piece of home made banana bread, a HUGE honey crisp apple, two cups of coffee, three glasses of water so far today..

I really want some pechuga en mole right now! (Thats chicken breast in mole sauce)


NC LADIES... I'm looking at fuel belt options and didn't know by chance if any of you have one that you may not use anymore that you might be able to let me borrow to see if I like that type before I spend the $$ to get something. I'm afraid of paying a lot of money and then not liking it. I'd just like to be able to try something out before I make the purchase.


you might consider trying www.dickssportinggoods.com

I have had good luck returning stuff there, and their pricing is fair...not the best, not the worst...

Can you send that wagon to Wyoming? I'm not that far from Tx! I need to jump on that wagon!!!! Sugar is my downfall - in any form, but especially chocolate! I agree with the earlier post that we all know what we are supposed to do, it is just a matter of doing it!

For protein in the morning, I eat Kashi GoLean Crunch with either fresh fruit or dryed fruit and yogurt, it has protein, also, there are some oatmeals that have protein. My husband needs to eat alot of protein, so we look for things with extra protein.
Can you send that wagon to Wyoming? I'm not that far from Tx! I need to jump on that wagon!!!! Sugar is my downfall - in any form, but especially chocolate! I agree with the earlier post that we all know what we are supposed to do, it is just a matter of doing it!

For protein in the morning, I eat Kashi GoLean Crunch with either fresh fruit or dryed fruit and yogurt, it has protein, also, there are some oatmeals that have protein. My husband needs to eat alot of protein, so we look for things with extra protein.

wow...I find myself ravenous if I eat any kind of cereal for breakfast.

that said, you might consider trying soy milk if you're looking for a quick protein add...
Amy: yes, the candy was from this year. The only place we got the Ghiardelli's was at the turnstiles as we were exiting. I guess if they gave them out anywhere else people would keep going back!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make soy milk more palatable? Even the flavored ones taste like chalk to me.
Back from a 10 miler with Guru Les. Average pace 8:43 up and over Diamond Head. Better run than last Sunday, but still not up to speed. :lmao:
Good Morning Everyone,

Jeff: Glad the run was better. Unfortunately not every run is great. It sure does make you appreciate the good ones though.

Jeanne: I haven’t been able to acquire a taste for soy milk either. I do use Genisoy chocolate powder in regular milk along with a scoop of Nesquick. That adds a lot of sugar, but it’s a great post-workout drink and quite yummy.

Lynn: Welcome to the wagon. I’m with you with the sugar and chocolate.

Mike: Hope the rest is going well. I’m sure it’s a very difficult decision to skip the race on Nov. 1st. You seem like you are being very logical with keeping the big picture in mind.

Stacie: I haven’t heard of Pandora jewelry, I’ll have to go look it up. The tree of life charm seems quite appropriate. Congrats on doing well with your water fitness. Good job on your 5K. It’s great to see your positive attitude.

Kayci: Welcome to this thread. I completely understand how hard it is to get back into the swing of losing weight. The only thing you can do is to keep trying and remind yourself of why you want to lose the weight. Hopefully the right combination of motivation and lack of temptations will come along and you’ll get back to it.

Lisa: I like the honey whipped cottage cheese suggestion. I will definitely try that one. I’ve switched to Greek yogurt too although it’s sooooo expensive in my grocery store.

Beth: I certainly don’t feel like you are trying to convert me to your diet ways. I think it’s always good to hear a different view because it makes you rethink what you are doing. I really think that different plans work for different people – not only physiologically but psychologically as well.

Amy: My protein suggestions for breakfast are peanut butter toast, a cereal with high protein (I like the Kashi Go Lean too), Greek yogurt with fruit. I guess there’s nothing saying you can’t have a piece of turkey or ham for breakfast. Shakes would be good too, although I feel like I don’t have time for that in the morning. It probably wouldn’t take me any longer to make that than to make my toast - it’s just mental I guess.

Maria, Connie, Tracey, Howard, Wendy, Julie, Tracy, Vic and everyone else: Hello.

I’m feeling sicker today which I take as a good sign that this cold is progressing. I’ll skip my tempo run today and see how I feel tomorrow. I’ve searched for home remedies and came up with apples, onions and garlic. I plan to make a very garlicky soup tonight, pity for my family and co-workers.

There was a good article in RW about running again after a failed marathon attempt. They suggest waiting 4 to 8 weeks to try again, so now I’m looking into Plan B marathons in case I don’t qualify for Boston in my next attempt. Richmond, VA has a marathon which is near where my Mom lives. Trying to figure if I can justify the $ to fly down there just to run a race. I’ll have to have a discussion with DH about that.

Gotta go fill my water bottle. I hope to wash this cold right out of my system.

Have a great day everyone.
Cindy: Thanks for the reply......just wanted to make my intentions clear. I really like the motivational side of things and want to support all of you in your weight loss endeavors. I am glad the cold seems to be progressing.....my didn't and hung on instead. Maybe by marathon time you will be 100%! I am proud of you for the goal of qualifying for Boston!!!! :cool1: Good idea to have plan B if you need it. I am cheering you on!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Mike: I am starving too after a bowl of cereal......I used to think I was just weird. Glad to hear someone else experiencing the same thing! I hope things are healing up for you..... I hate the forced sidelines (even if it's for my own good!) Still, the rest will only help you in the end!

Jeanne: I don't think there is making soy milk better.......but, you might find that you get used to it! Some things I used to eat were horrible, but over time I acclimated to them and now like them! Would you only be using it on cereal, or drinking it too? I would think it would be easier to accept on cereal. I hear you on the accepted discrimination of people who are heavier......I never realized it to much at my heaviest (I have been heavy for such a long time), but when I started to get the weight down people treated me different. Yes, most thin people assume that we are just eating all the time......and no, it is not true. I might not eat the healthiest 100% of the time, but I am not constently eating either......makes me sad to see!

Kayci: Sure......I would be happy to swing the bus to pick you up! Welcome aboard! I do think a little protein for breakfast helps me through the day! I love the Kashi! The one I had tasted alot like Sugar Smacks when I was a little kid!

Lynn: Welcome!! The wagon is open to all! It's one big healthy party! Be sure to bring your water cup!

Wagon Tip of the Day: Give yourself a break! This is a long term lifestyle.....if you blow it for a meal or snack, get back to it the next meal! None of us is perfect, and when we eat something we shouldn't we need to stop punishing ourselves. Usually leads me to eat bad the rest of the day......since I blew it already, mine as well keep eating right? NO! Move on immediately, and eat well the next meal (NOT the next day!). We all are walking/running/working out, so add a few minutes into our workout that day. And stop thinking you are a bad person for having something we shouldn't! Enjoy the indiscreation, and get back to your healthy eating immediately! :love:



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