Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

Hi All. Hopefully I am back and ready to start (again) being healthy. The immediate stress from work has backed off a little. My boss had told me that, due to politics, they may have to hire someone new for my position. I was so stressed about that that I spoke to his boss (a risky move) and asked what he knew about it. He laughed and told me that there never was an issue and he didn't know why my boss even told me. So I don't have to be as worried about losing my job, but I am still stressed, because my boss is still a jerk.

So with that, I had another pretty bad week. I did manage to finish W2 of C25K and I started W3 of C25K yesterday. I have to say that 3 minutes seemed like forever for me to be running! It probably sounds bad to all of you that are actually able to run marathons, but I was totally happy to hear the little beep at the end of 3 minutes that meant I could walk again. :laughing: Transitioning from walking to running is a lot harder than I thought it would be. But I will keep plugging along. I am signed up for a 5K on Thanksgiving (I won't be ready to run the whole thing yet, but I will be a lot closer) so I have some inspiration to keep getting out.

My eating has been horrible! I can blame Halloween or something, but I know it is my own fault. I had planned so well, we even gave out toys to trick-or-treaters instead of candy so I wouldn't have it all over my house. But I still managed to eat way too much and I am up a couple pounds over last week. But it is a new month, and that is a wonderful time to start over!:yay:

With my new resolve in place I will hopefully be checking in more often. I noticed I was staying away because I knew I only had bad news to report. So if I am gone for too long - come looking for me! Sometimes I need the help :)
Jeanne: I've been tracking you all day. Please tell me that 6:31:08 will get you your finish line photo!! In any case, great job. You finished!! I hope you enjoyed it.

Yes, Cindy.....not only did I get my finish line photo, but it was still daylight!!!! (I think....I haven't seen it yet!) With the clocks going back, I was so sure I'd finish in the dark. I actually talked to the photographers at the Expo and they said they would stay until the finish line officially closed which was 8 hours after the gun start of the race. So my only concern was having the street open up to traffic while I was still on the course. Towards the very end the pace car was right on my tail, but I got into Central Park before they opened up any streets. There's a small stretch at the end of the race where you exit the park and go back into the street again and that was still closed to cars, so I did it! Thanks so much for asking.
I intend to write a huge report....there is SO MUCH to tell....I'll post the link here when it's done.

Beth: so sorry about your fall.....take care of yourself, Pleeze!

Thanks guys for all your support.....I swear I could feel the good vibes coming my way.
Thanks so much for asking.
I intend to write a huge report....there is SO MUCH to tell....I'll post the link here when it's done.

I can hardly wait to hear all about it! (And I want you to know, your dedication and hard work inspired me to enter the NYC lottery for 2010. :thumbsup2 )
Jeanne: I forgot to say Congrats on finishing the race! I read an article about all the people that cheated and cut the last few miles off. That is no good. I look forward to reading about your race.

AFM: I stuck with my exercise goal for yesterday. It was a small goal of half an hour, but I did it. I just walked yesterday - trying to only run every other day for now - but I cranked up the incline and had a good time. It still made me pretty tired. Eating was bad. My mom had her first appointment set up with the oncologist (sp?) today so we took her out to dinner last night to take her mind off it, or at least give her a break from cooking. and going out to eat always means too much food. So in my weigh in this week I am up 3 pounds from last week! REALLY?!?!?! But it is my TOM and I did eat a lot last night, so hopefully I will be able to bring that back down quickly.
Beth - OMG! I'm so glad the watermen were there to help (even though if they hadn't been there you wouldn't have fallen in the first place... :lmao:). I think all of use who are OCD about our mileage should take this as a sign that it's really OK to stop when the Garmin says 5.95. I'm another one of those who jogs around the parking lot until it says 6.0, all the while telling myself it's really all right to round up!

Jeanne - You absolutely should have been able to feel the good vibes - between the WISH boards and FB, the internet was purely alive with "Jeanne tracking" on Sunday! I think Tracy must have updated every couple of minutes - no one else needed to! Bill finally quit asking "what?" every time I let out little squeals when you passed a new timing point! Even he got caught up in the excitement.

Manda - February will mark 4 years of running (did I really just say that? :eek:), and I'm just now beginning to be comfortable with that 3 minutes of running consecutively. My Galloway group does a 2:30R/1:00W interval, and it's way too easy to do that on a regular basis. Just recently DH and I have started 4R/1W, and every now and then I'll skip a walk break just to try to condition my body to running longer periods of time. You're doing GREAT!

Vicky - I have to admit, I giggled at the idea of being shown the correct way to sneeze! But it makes sense...

There will be no mention here of eating. Suffice it to say that I need to join the rest of you in re-committing to better habits. My marathon is in 10 days, and I'm 10 pounds from where I wanted to be. Nothing to do about it now, especially since it's TOM week. Once Richmond is over, then it's on to Goofy training and trying to be good during the holidays, while dealing with the company being sold and all the nightmares of that transition!

Hello, Meanies!

I didn't actually fall off the face of the earth, it just feels that way..unlike poor Beth! :hug:

I'm hitting the workouts so far this week, but my eating is improving more slowly. It seems I have to wean myself back off of so many carbs.

Jackie -- I think TOM just loves us all at the same time. At least now I know why I was so hungry and gained 2 lbs overnight :eek: Hang in there with your work. It seems like there's always something on that front...

Manda -- Hugs for you and mom, this is a hard time for everyone. So glad you are able to be there for her! And sometimes, it doesn't matter how long or short the exercise goal is, it's the consistency that will get you there! :thumbsup2

Wendy -- Totally awesome to hear from you! How are the kids? :goodvibes

Jeanne -- Can't wait to read your huge report! Have you come down from :cloud9: yet? I wouldn't blame you if you hadn't!

Vicky -- I would be sweating bullets with 2 people watching me! It sounds like you got great advice, though! :teacher: DS was actually not feeling that hot and skipped the dance. There will be another one in December, so it's not too bad. He really looked and sounded exhausted, so I'm glad he stayed home.

Beth -- You know I sympathize with you on the fall -- just be glad it wasn't during a race, that would be really embarrassing :rolleyes1 (for those of you that don't know, I did a serious face plant at the WDW Half last year, just going through the Magic Kingdom entrance toll). I hope everyone is back to being healthy and stays that way. DH is panicking because we waited too late to get ds a flu shot, and now there are none to be found. I think he'll be ok, he's never had the flu before...but I am a little miffed this was his responsibility and he blew it...:headache:

Cindy -- Nutritious fuel is a great idea! I've been increasing that and decreasing the junk. I can't believe we leave so soon! DH informed me he plans to order a couple of large pizzas and just eat on them while we're gone. The weird thing is, he is our chef :confused3 I guess he doesn't think it's worth the effort to cook for just himself. I told him we will be sick of restaurant food by Sunday, and ready for a nice, home-cooked meal. popcorn::

I need to actually eat my lunch and get back to work.

Let's all try to make one hard choice and avoid something that isn't good for us today -- just one, progress not perfection!

Maria :upsidedow
Good Morning Lean Meaners.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice weekend.

Maria: Hope the workouts continue to go well.

Jackie: Hope the taper is going well. Best WISHes in your race.

Manda: Good job with staying with your exercise goal. Best WISHes to your Mom. Best WISHes to you too, I'm sure it's very difficult.

Jeanne: I loved part one of your RR. I'll have to go check to see the rest. I am so happy for you and can't wait to see your finish line photo.

Vicky: I can't believe you were done in by a sneeze. Life is so weird sometimes. Hope the back is feeling better and the leg too.

Beth: Sorry about your fall. I hope you've recovered. I hear you about eating this time of year. I hope you've managed to get it under control. I can't and it's almost as if it's not my choice. I feel so completely out of control. I'm heading to WW tomorrow, so hopefully that will help. It dawned on me that it is entirely possible to gain all my weight back if I choose to do nothing about this unlimited eating. That would make me so sad.

I have started training for Goofy. My runs have not felt stellar. I think I've been fighting a cold for a week so I'm a bit run down. Hopefully I'll get my energy back soon.

Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning, Lean Meaners!

I have had a heck of a weekend -- way too much stress, and none of it self-inflicted. I've been pretty good about not crawling into a bag of Cheetos (ok, I ate them all last week, but I didn't buy any more...). Anyway, I did do my 6 miles yesterday (keeping up a 4.7 mph pace -- I was thrilled!), and I didn't have dessert at the Cheesecake Factory yesterday. We had intended to go to Johnny Rockets -- we got to the Mall (we go about once a year), and it wasn't there anymore! So, we found the Cheesecake Factory and I had a chicken salad sandwich. Well, half of one, these are huge!

Since we were out and about yesterday, I have lots to do today -- laundry, decluttering, cleaning -- plus my Patriots and helping ds study for a test on Mesopotamia. Gotta brush up on my Nebuchanezar (I know I spelled that wrong!). I also need to plan out this week's "getting ready" activities. I started Christmas shopping in earnest yesterday. I got most of the gifts for my nieces and Cinderella and Prince Charming dolls for dh's cousin's dd4. We have a family party where we buy gifts for all the kids. The dd4 is the easy and fun one for me, since I get to go to the Disney Store. I still have two boys 8 & 5, and a tween girl and boy 13 to buy for.

My SILs that are doing the WDW races are getting hats from me. I think they are going to be stunned by how supportive everyone is! dh's sis is doing the Half, and his stepbrother's wife is doing the 5K. We've told everyone how much fun it is and how you don't have to have the body fat of a nymph (hey, it's a goal!), and they've decided to check it out.

I'm working on Wednesday, so this should pretty much be a normal week. Actually, that could be good. It might be very quiet, and I might be able to either get alot done or write some long, lovely posts on the DIS. I guess we'll see if my boss is working :rolleyes1

Cindy -- I know it's hard, but can you take a day or afternoon where you just give yourself permission to relax, take a nap, read, just do something for you and not think about training, or eating? Sometimes it just becomes overwhelming and I need a break. Can you take the girls to the park and just play? Or sit down and watch your favorite Disney movie with them? Just something to take you out of what you usually do. DS has outgrown Scooby Doo, but every once in awhile we watch a movie and chuckle over the familiar things. It just puts my mind in a different place. Then I can think clearly, and make a new plan. I like following rules and plans, and nothing gets me more into it than making a new one. But that's just me :flower3:

Ok, I'd better get started on all those things I said I'd do today. I need to use the DIS as a place for breaks, not what I do and then take breaks from! :rotfl:

Maria :upsidedow
Sorry for the hijacking of this thread....

If you are attending the January WISH meet and would like a nametag (just like the ones I did last year) please follow the link below, read the first post for more information on how to get one.

Here is a list of nametags that I still have in my posession from last time and from people who recently asked for one. If you see your name on this list and you want yours, please see instructions on the first post of the Nametag Thread. Thank you so much.

Ed-BamaEd and his wife April
Vic-Big Vic and his wife Marilyn
Cecilia-Cruella de mom
David-Disneyrunningnut and his wife Colleen
Jen-Jen117 and husband Paul
Kirs-Kira G and family
Kirsty-Kirsty Leigh
Stephanie-Nucpharm29 and husband Scott
Stacie-postesf and husband Matt
Scott-Scoolover and wife Kathy

I have 2 people on the wait list for nametags and I need some more names so I print more out. Christine-IMGONNABE40! and Stan-goofy57.

(I have had people ask, donations are a very nice gesture, but are not required.)

Thanks again and now back to your regularly scheduled postings....

Hi Lean Meaners! Just checking in quickly! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! The weather up here was amazing - it's always great to be able to wear shorts in November! If only things could stay this way until January....

Cindy - Yeah, it's always the little things that get me - a sneeze of all things :) My PT and I also figured out that it was the swimming I did during my trip in October that might have aggravated my Achilles/soleus. He said I was probably doing too many flipper kicks. pixiedust: for your cold! I hope it goes away soon. Make sure you're drinking lots of liquids - I've found that helps to flush out the germs (or so I'd like to think).

Maria - Wow! You've got a big group coming with you in January! Very cool that they're all participating too :) Are they first timers or experienced racers?

Jackie - Good luck with your marathon! I hear ya on the transition in the workplace. We're undergoing one too - a new building which should be nice but there are a lot of new rules - no eating at your desk, no pictures or personal effects in your cubicle, no visiting friends between floors - sheesh!

Manda - How did your mom's apt with the oncologist go?

AFM - I haven't been able to get my eating under control. I see something and I eat it :( I thought it was just the Halloween candy but it's everything! I have no idea what's wrong with me, I feel like I have no control. Maybe just TOM. Anyway, I'm going to start keeping a food journal and maybe that will help.

I'm still exercising regularly so that's a good thing :) Did a 6 miler and a 5K this weekend and had some fantastic splits and times! Got a few of the splits in the 9:20-9:50 m/m range. The Garmin said I had one split today that was 7:43 m/m but I don't think that's correct. I've got a 10K race coming up in two weeks so I'm hoping to get that one in under an hour.

Have a great night everyone :wave2:
It seems that we've all been bitten by the 'eating' bug. I don't know what to say. I've tried to control myself.....but it isn't working. It seems you all know what I am talking about. I am out of control. I have put on 5 pounds.....ugh...... Today, is a new day. I am going to try to get rid of the diet soda for a week. I am going to eat good food, healthy food, and avoid the processed crap. That is my goal. UGH. Is it the weather change? I am not sure what is going on......

My left knee still hurts......that darn fall caused me all kinds of grief. I have had to cut my mileage somewhat.....hence the 5 pounds I think.

I have a 1/2 marathon this weekend, and I am not expecting a stellar showing. My knee is to much of an issue right now.

Listen to me complain......ugh. :sad2:

Maria: Glad to see you are back, with good workouts posted. I hear ya with the stress and eating....right there with you!

Cindy: Again......I know what you are saying. Keep trying to do what you can with the eating.....one of those attempts will stick!

Vicky: Glad to hear of your good weather! Makes things so much nicer!

Hope everyone else is ok!

Hey Lean Mean Brigade!

Well, my eating should be back on track today. I had egg whites and veggies with an apple for breakfast; I have hummus and veggies, and yogurt for lunch; grapes and Babybel for a snack; and we're having swordfish and veggies for dinner. I'll round that out with a dark Ferrer Rocher, and call it an eating day. I also have enough extra points for a Kashi TLC bar if I get hungry later in the day, so there's a little wiggle room. popcorn::

Unfortunately, I did not get up and on the TM this AM. So, I'm committed to running when I get home from work while dh makes dinner. I've decided to shake up my schedule a little bit. I'm going to start running 3 mi on Monday and 5 on Tuesday, reversing my current goal. Wednesday is my rest day, and for a lot of reasons it's easier for me to do 3 on Monday (one of which is I just have a hard time with it psychologically, I don't know why Tuesday just isn't as daunting!).

Beth -- I know exactly how you feel! I just can't seem to pull it all together in the same week! I really think trying to be as normal as possible is going to help. And like you said, just keep trying until it sticks :thumbsup2

Vicky -- My SIL and BIL doing the Half are first-timers, my SIL and BIL doing the 5K have done many before. It should be interesting to see who is wiped out on Sunday. I'm approaching it that we're all going to do our own thing Saturday afternoon, because I just don't know who will be up to what. Saturday night we'll have dinner somewhere -- probably off-site since they're not big Disney food fans. I have to make reservations for 4 of us Thursday night. I wanted to try Artist Point, but dh thinks it's better if we go to Boma, since everyone can find something to eat. I'm also not sure which if any of my nieces are coming -- so it may be a different trip if we have a 10 yr. old! :goodvibes

Hang in there!
Maria :upsidedow
Beth - Where are you staying in Richmond? We're at the Commonwealth. We're driving up early Friday morning and plan to hit the Expo sometime Friday afternoon. We're considering pizza Friday night (my boss swears the world's best pizza is in Richmond and we may give it a try, but we're not committed yet!) Hope your knee improves so you can have a decent showing!

Maria - I just got off the phone with WDW Dining. I booked Thursday night dinner at Portobello. Know absolutely nothing about it other than that it's Italian and we've never eaten there. We're saving Artist Point for our post-race celebration on Sunday night, complete with a bottle of wine. :drinking1 We're having breakfast Friday at Boma, and I'm really bummed that I can't find time to do dinner there, but we don't want to eat there the night before a race and we ran out of nights!

Vicky - No personal effects in your cubicles? And no visiting between floors? I thought it was bad when they took all our personal photos off the computers! I'm just crossing my fingers that I don't have to throw a tantrum to get my vacation time in January... :confused3

Cindy - I'll start Goofy training with you next week. My runs have almost disappeared the past couple of weeks. I'm claiming that I'm tapering, but the truth is somewhere between lazy and burnout. I did have a really good 10 mile run on Saturday, but that's the only run I did last week.

Not only is my eating out of control, and my running non-existent, but I bought a new scale Saturday night and gained 7 pounds! :eek: I've known for a couple of years that my scale and my doctor's office varied by about 7 pounds, but I always claimed that it was because it was the middle of the day and I was fully dressed. Apparently that wasn't the case, since when I got on the new digital scale, I weighed almost exactly what I do at the doctor's office. Ouch! :scared1: I know it's all numbers, and I've still lost (or gained) the same thing, but it still hurts!

My goal for the rest of this week is to eat enough to be ready for the marathon on Saturday, and then re-commit to healthier habits to be ready for Goofy in January. (I write this as I just finished off the 5 munchkins that DD left here when she went back to school. Couldn't throw them away, which would have been the responsible thing to do. And they were stale, which makes it even worse that I sat here and ate them!)

Jackie – How is the re-committing going. I am planning on re-committing to re-committing soon.

Maria – Hope the workouts are still going well. I can’t believe you were able to make it out of the Cheesecake Factory without eating Cheesecake! But it is true, they have crazy large portions there. Really? Christmas shopping already? I haven’t even started thinking about it.

Cindy – I am still just in awe of the group doing Goofy, but at least you are in great company. Hope you have your energy back and are having a good time training.

Vicky – Congrats on the good times. I go under a few bridges on my route and usually the Garmin tells me I have a really good top time, if only it were true! I still have to learn all the other great things I can do with it. My DH gave it to me for Christmas last year, and I had just used it as a timer. I am now programming the intervals for C25K in it. Oh the fun.

Beth – Sorry the knee is bugging you. Good luck on the half! I think that any showing in a half marathon is a good showing!

AFM – Thanks for all the hugs to my mom. She went in and was given a long list of options – ranging from not doing anything and seeing what happens in the next few months, to surgery. She is leaning toward surgery to just remove all the problems and hopefully not have to worry anymore. I think it is a good choice for her. I don’t know any of the other details, but I am newly inspired to stay as healthy as I can, since my family seems to be very genetically inclined to cancer. :(

I have done fairly well in exercising. I was scared to DEATH by week 4 of C25K. I have to run 5 minutes straight! The fear of what was coming helped me to push it in week 3. I did D1 of W4 yesterday and was awfully proud of myself that I could still walk after running two sets of 5 minutes! :woohoo: My knees and calves are a little angry at me today, so today will just be walking, but I was happy to be able to do it. We will see what happens tomorrow, then hopefully I can do a long day on Wednesday (I am off of work!). Did I mention I am probably signing up for a 5K on Thanksgiving? My DH is planning on getting back into running with me, now that I am actually running. He didn’t like walking with me, so he is going to pick up on C25K with me. He was a runner already, but has taken a lot of time off – since the DL half.

Eating has been crazy – as it seems to be with a lot of us. I had been trying to log my eating on fitday.com – but it is not the most user friendly web program – it is just the one that came up on the google search first. Do you guys use anything to log food and exercise? If so, what works and what doesn’t? :confused3 I need some seriously help in this area.

Well, I guess it can't be the weather since we all are experiencing the 'eating binge' and we all have different weather! Part of my problem was that I was SO focused during the spa challenge.....when it was over, I needed a break. What a break though.....geez!

Yesterday went well though. About 8:30 I started wanting food though. I didn't eat anything, but the craving was terrible! Mostly for ice cream, which is weird since I havent had any for awhile!

I did drop a 1.5 since yesterday......water weight and all, but I will take it anyway. Felt good to have a little success, but that's over probably. The rest of it will take forever I am sure.

Things I have changed up:
1. I haven't had a diet soda for 2 days.
2. I am making a smoothie after running in the morning. I did use a little
protein powder this morning to help the hunger issue from yesterday.
3. I am not eating anything processed for a couple of weeks.
4. Staying away from sugar and highly refined carbs.
5. Drinking my water (which I always do, but had trouble with it over the
6. I am not eating after 8:00 pm.
7. Increased my intake of fruit (mostly bananas for some reason).
8. Got back to my Pilates class last night!

I am giving myself a two week window with all of the above. We'll see what happens!

Manda: Good work with the C25K plan! Hope things go well for your mother.

Maria: How's it going? Did you get on the TM last night?

Cindy: How was WW? Are you having success taming the eating bug?

Jackie: I have no idea where we are staying in Richmond. My dh does all that for me, and I will find out when we are driving up to it! Good luck with your race!

Vicky: Thanks for the good weather over the weekend!!!! :thumbsup2

Good Morning Lean Meaners!

Last night I did get on the TM and do 3. I felt like I could keep going, but mindful of my goals for today, I stopped. This morning I popped up and did my 5, no problem. I also ate exactly my ww pts yesterday. Off to a great start!

I'm going to be mixing things up with my workouts a little. I decided that since 3 is so easy for me, I'd make my light day 4. I'm also changing that to Monday, and keeping 5 on Tuesday. I traded strength and rest days on Wednesday and Friday, and I'm adding a 1/2 hour on the exercise bike to my strength days, so I'll have a full hour of exercise. Hopefully this will be just what I need to get my scale moving. I was down 2 this morning since yesterday evening, so just thinking about it and making a plan seems to be helping! :goodvibes I still need to lose 3 lbs more to have a good loss this week, so I'm going to really have to watch my food. I'm motivated, though. Still trying to get that shopping trip to Miss Vickie's -- 3 more lbs...

Beth -- Another great fruit to help with hunger is an apple. I usually have one with breakfast every day. I think your plan looks great, I should live like that every day! :thumbsup2 I agree that after a focused period, we do need a break. It's just hard to end the break and get back into it, but we are doing it! :yay:

Manda -- We host a family Christmas party every year, and I never know when it will be in December. My dh books it, but he doesn't know what will be available until he calls (we go to a restaurant that's centrally located). We buy gifts for all the kids, so I like to start getting them in November. My nieces also live in FL, so I like to have their stuff ready to ship and avoid the crowd at the post office. :crowded: I also seem to spend less when I spread out the buying. It keeps me from going into a frenzy! :rolleyes1

Jackie -- You are an athlete who needs a :hug: ! I think your goal for the rest of the week is a good one. Just do what you can to get yourself ready for your race, then re-evaluate, and tackle :goofy: We've all had those stale munchkins moments, the bright side is that moment is now over. I can feel a groundswell of good will, we are all recommiting and tweaking to move forward -- and that is really all you can do! :cheer2:

Vicky -- How is your food journal coming? I don't enjoy doing it, but I have to say it does work for me. Very sobering to see what I'm eating...:eek:

Cindy -- How is your Goofy training coming? I'll be upping my LR to 7 miles on Saturday. I've been able to keep my pace, today I even ran at 12:30(a new record for me!), so I'm hopeful that maybe I can run the entire WDW Half for the first time. Actually, if I can keep running until mile 11 I'll be psyched. I just seem to stop at mile 10. :confused3 Not that I'm "running" very fast at that point, but I'm doing more than the slow walk I start at that then. :rotfl:

Jeanne -- :worship: I won't tell your news, but suffice it to say someone is earning some serious mileage for Team Ohana!

Ok, I have an interview later this morning. I'm hiring a contractor for my rehab (yes, this is work), and it is very interesting. It's me, our male architect and our male facilities director. At yesterday afternoon's interview, the candidate barely looked at me, and was a bit condescending. The architect even commented on it afterwards. If this morning's candidate makes eye contact with me, I think he's getting my vote...;)

Maria :upsidedow
Maria: Good work my friend! Yes, the re-committment is the hard part....then staying away from the treats is the next! You are getting it done though......keep on trucking!:thumbsup2:hippie: Good luck with the interview! What's with people anyway.....what was the problem that the guy wouldn't look at you? Jerk, and wouldn't get my vote either!

Manda: You could try Sparkpeople......seems easy enough. I started it, but of course haven't kept up on it. It's free and fairly simple.

Ok, second interview over. What a completely different experience! This guy made eye contact, and spoke to me just as he did everyone else.

I really think the first guy's problem was he thought I couldn't/didn't understand construction since I'm a woman.

And guess what?! Mr. Nice is also the low bidder, and he's getting the $250,000 contract. See, it pays to treat anyone and everyone with respect.

I'm off to yoga in a few minutes. I haven't been able to go in weeks, so I'm really looking forward to stretching out those hams in downward dog!

Maria :upsidedow
Do you think if I slink back in here no one will notice how much weight I've gained? :tiptoe: I'll wear an oversized shirt...

I cannot believe how long it's been since I've been here! :scared1: To answer your first question, yes I've fallen off the wagon. Big time. Gained four pounds this month, which is UGLY. Like many of us, I took a break (didn't deserve it, but took it) and need to recommit.

On the upside, internet in the house again, just in time for me to have overcommitted with work. It's been a long month, will be a long stretch until the end of the year, but I hope--fingers crossed--I'm back. I've missed my Lean Meaner stories and support. :hug:

So much has been going on in your lives! I can't catch up. Just a few highlight shout-outs!

Good luck to Beth & Jackie for Richmond! :banana:

Jackie: Great job with the weight loss--incredible numbers, despite a recent scale setback--and your successful LRs and speed work. I know some of them have been hard, so double yays for you. Post-marathon those extra pounds will drop off, I'm sure. After all, you're having a very successful training season this year and the momentum will carry you into January, I'm positive. Plus, you're gonna love Goofy this year. Promise. Um, about the best pizza being in Richmond...tell your boss it's in Pittsburgh. Two blocks from my house. The pizzeria's number is on my speed dial. :rotfl2:

Sorry to hear about the cholesterol--mine, too, is high. Higher than yours. Cheeses me off because I'm a vegetarian (no fish, Vicky) and eat the way I should (most of the time), and I exercise, and it's still borderline. :confused3

Beth: Sorry to learn your kids and DH got hit by the flu--it's a lot of pressure on you to stay healthy just so you can be the caregiver. ;) Do you think all the running and overall exercise you do helps keep you healthy--not that your kids and DH aren't healthy--just that it helps your resistance?

Loved your motivational/inspirational post about The Climb. I'm not a fan of Miley Cyrus music myself, but your take on it is just about enough to convince me. :thumbsup2 And ITA about the BL--it's one of the reasons I barely watch it any more--it makes me impatient to see quicker results in my own journey, to work harder and with a short-term mindset. My problem, I know, but it's best I not watch it.

I was even more sorry to read of your face plant on the sidewalk--it sounds like something I would do, as I'm easily distracted. Was your Garmin permanently broken? :hug: I'm so sorry your left knee hurts, forcing you to cut back on mileage. The pain probably contributes to the eating bug, even if you're not consciously in a lot of it. (And I hope you aren't in a lot of pain.)

I love your list of changes you've taken. They're like action steps. Need to take some of them myself.

Cindy: Again, big, big congrats on BQing! You deserve it--all that hard work and 15 years of planning and moving toward your goal. Heck, it makes me a little teary-eyed to think of it. :worship: You are one heck of a runner. And I don't just say that because of your BQ marathon, but the months and years that went into it, the fact that you listen to your body and rest/recover when needed, and then get right back into the swing of the things (like your training for Goofy). You're an all-around, running is part of my life, runner.

Jeanne: What can I say?? NYC and another marathon less than a week afterwards. Wowsa! And congrats to DD on breaking 4 hours at Chicago. I love how your RR included all these details on the event. Made me want to be there, so like Wendy I'll be entering the NYC lottery next year.

Vicky: I'm so glad you got to go to WDW--I think everyone deserves a trip now and then. (And Beth, you too, in January--even though I know that's Nancy's time of year.) I'm very impressed with how you and your PT work together so well--it really seems like you've made a good match. I mean, to notice your "robotic form"? Most of the PTs I know (socially) don't even look at their clients all that much, let alone continue to challenge them. And you do all the hard work, of course! Not quite sure I get the "correct way to sneeze," though??

Yay for closing in on 9mm, btw. You've gotten quite a bit speedier in this last year, I think. How's your Achilles? And did you sign up for the 30K? I'd never heard of that distance, believe it or not, and think doing a distance like that is a good, structured way to build to a marathon. I'll be crossing my fingers for a sub 1:00 10K in the next couple of weeks. :goodvibes

Manda: Hugs for your mother, your family, and you! I have a history of ovarian cancer, so your mom's situation speaks to me. I went the surgery route, btw. :hug:

WTG with the C25K groove, or should I say C25K Plus? :woohoo: I think it's very cool that your DH is supportive and motivated himself. It makes things a lot easier. Your mileage and time have been just great! I'm with the school of people who believe the asphalt is much better for you, but traffic scares me so I run mostly on the sidewalk if I can't get to my local running-biking path. When I'm on my food-logging game, which isn't recently, I use SparkPeople. I like it better than FitDay.

And I think 3-5 minutes+ of running can be forever--I run with RW intervals, and manage to do marathons, so don't sell your accomplishments short! Your challenging yourself and progressing--that's what matters.

Maria: Good news on Dennis' surgery and recovery. I agree that it's harder on you than him--DOOD went through the surgery when we were in the first couple of years of our relationship, and I thought that would be the end of him. Like me, he's a much better caregiver than patient. I'm so glad your DH had you there for him, and I'm sure Dennis is ever-so-grateful for all you did.

Excellent work on your training for the January half! So gratifying to see those longer distances seem shorter the more we work at it. And to get faster, too! You've been very dedicated to hitting your goals. :yay: I, too, have a hard time with Mondays and schedule shorter runs then; it sounds like mixing it up is working out for you. And I loved learning your SILs will be getting hats from you--yes, they'll see a wildly supportive group.

SO glad you're hiring Mr. Nice (non-sexist) guy! He deserves it!

Oh, and in silly questions--you ready for your Universal/Thanksgiving trip? :rotfl2:

As for me: Up four pounds in the past month, but been keeping up (sort of) with my Goofy training. I did 10/20 mile b2b last weekend. I've lost some speed, though. *Sigh* It's probably because my mind hasn't been on my training. Too much work/life/relationship stress at the moment. ILs aren't happy I'm not planning to visit over the holidays--DOOD is welcome to do as he pleases, but they'll blame me if he doesn't show.

On the upside, just posting here is like a promise to get back on track with things fitness and nutrition. :woohoo: AND I'm pleased to report that I still haven't had any soda--it's been somewhere between 6 weeks and 2 months since I had any. And during that time I haven't had caffeinated coffee either, just decaf.

Now if someone could just convince me to step away from the chocolate.....:lmao:
Hi everyone! Here's hoping for some more good weather this weekend! I found an older cashmere coat and decided that it was too nice to give away so I went to a seamstress to have it taken in. I have a 10K next weekend so I'm hoping that everything stays mild, dry and non slippery until then :) I'd settle for January but that might be pushing it.

Beth - Good luck on your 1/2 this weekend! How's your knee doing? Hope its well enough for your 1/2 this weekend. Thanks for the reminder about not eating after 8PM - that's one I could definitely use. I noticed they used "The Climb" on a recent episode of BL.

Maria - The food journalling is coming along... it's definitely made me more aware (again) of what I'm eating. So I have skipped a couple snacks. Yesterday I really wanted something sweet but didn't want to write down donut or cookie so I just stuck with a coffee (which I really shouldn't be having in the afternoon but that's another story :) ) Glad to hear the second interview went well!

Manda - I was using Lose It! for a while. It's an app for the iPhone but they probably have one for the PC. Even though it was really handy - keeps track of your exercise, how many calories you should be eating, fast food calories etc. I just couldn't keep up with it. I think I just like pen and paper better. Good luck with week 4! I'll bet that running 5 minutes will seem like a piece of cake in no time at all :)

Debra - We missed you! :hug: I'm glad to hear you have Internet again! WTG on your B2B runs of 10/20 - not sure I'd be able to handle that. I'm usually pooped after 10 and power nap afterward. Sorry to hear about the IL drama - I'd tell them to where to ... go ... but I'm just confrontational :D Are they still planning to come with you and DOOD to marathon weekend? PS - put down that chocolate ;)

I think the correct way to sneeze is just to sneeze straight instead of turning your body away from someone. Just make sure you use a tissue or bring your arm up to cover your mouth/nose :) Or if you're with your ILs... haha! I'm just kidding.

Jackie - Yeah, I'm trying to keep my big mouth shut at work too. The new set up doesn't leave anybody here with much privacy but I suspect that's the way they wanted things :( Good luck with your marathon this weekend!

AFM - I'm not quite as brave as everyone else here. I don't want to get on that scale because I don't want to see a high number. But I think I'll just do it this weekend so that I'll get an idea of where I am and how much work I have to do.

I skipped running this morning. I woke up and felt awake but my body just felt exhausted. I don't want to catch anything so I figured it would be better to give myself a rest. I may do a 1/2 hour on the TM tonight after training as long as we don't go too heavy on the weights.

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:


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