Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

sjms71 said:
Great job, And over 50lbs loss, very inspiring!

Thank you! If I can do it, anyone can! I've gained and lost....and gained..many, many times, but I really believe it will stick this time!
keahgirl8 said:
Thank you! If I can do it, anyone can! I've gained and lost....and gained..many, many times, but I really believe it will stick this time!

YES YOU CAN DO IT! I use to hate when people said, if I can do it anyone can. Because like you I gained and loss many times too usually adding more weight with each gain. For some reason this time it did stick for me. Lifetime still is a struggle, I'm not going to lie, but........if I could do it anyone can!!!!!
I saw the specialist with DD yesterday and was given great news. After that I haven't been eating like a slob anymore. It's crazy the way stress affects emotional eating. I feel much better and am definitely going to stick to the program again.
disneydreamin247 said:
I saw the specialist with DD yesterday and was given great news. After that I haven't been eating like a slob anymore. It's crazy the way stress affects emotional eating. I feel much better and am definitely going to stick to the program again.

Great news about your daughter. Sorry you had to go through that.
I saw the specialist with DD yesterday and was given great news. After that I haven't been eating like a slob anymore. It's crazy the way stress affects emotional eating. I feel much better and am definitely going to stick to the program again.

That's wonderful! Now you can get back on track and do the WW thing for you. Good luck.
sjms71 said:
YES YOU CAN DO IT! I use to hate when people said, if I can do it anyone can. Because like you I gained and loss many times too usually adding more weight with each gain. For some reason this time it did stick for me. Lifetime still is a struggle, I'm not going to lie, but........if I could do it anyone can!!!!!

I know what you mean. I used to think, "But you don't understand! It is easier for you!" Believe me, it is not easy for me. I am not one of those people who loses weight easily!
I saw the specialist with DD yesterday and was given great news. After that I haven't been eating like a slob anymore. It's crazy the way stress affects emotional eating. I feel much better and am definitely going to stick to the program again.

So glad to hear this. I'm glad to hear the determination in your post to stick with the program.
So glad to hear this. I'm glad to hear the determination in your post to stick with the program.

Thank you. It helps to have other who understand where you are in your efforts. I had my Greek yogurt for breakfast this morning and will have a can of tuna for lunch. I need to really save my WP for something good because I am leaving for the shore today.
I finally ventured off the trip report board and decided to check out W.I.S.H. I have been following Weight Watchers since 1999. I lost 60 pounds back then. But then in 2003, after meeting DH, I gained it all back. I have struggled for years (well since 2004) to loose the weight again. I joined back up in June with the birth of DS (2 months). I have a lot of motivation now since I want to be healthy for my baby boy! And I as much as I love DH, he isn't the most supportive person. He doesn't even ask me (he says he forgets) how my meetings go. So far I have lost 7 pounds in a month. I want to lose about 80. And my other goal is to be Lifetime! I am tired of paying :rotfl:
I finally ventured off the trip report board and decided to check out W.I.S.H. I have been following Weight Watchers since 1999. I lost 60 pounds back then. But then in 2003, after meeting DH, I gained it all back. I have struggled for years (well since 2004) to loose the weight again. I joined back up in June with the birth of DS (2 months). I have a lot of motivation now since I want to be healthy for my baby boy! And I as much as I love DH, he isn't the most supportive person. He doesn't even ask me (he says he forgets) how my meetings go. So far I have lost 7 pounds in a month. I want to lose about 80. And my other goal is to be Lifetime! I am tired of paying :rotfl:

Do this for yourself and don't worry about your DH. It may be that he doesn't ask about your meetings because he doesn't want to pry or make you feel bad if things don't go like you'd like or expect. My DH knows I go to meetings on Wednesdays, but he waits for me to bring it up. Sometimes I have a week where I gain and I know, intellectually, why, but I don't really want to talk with him about it (he is one of those guys who, when he gets ten pounds above where he wants to be, he'll lose it in a month and be fine for a year). So, your DH may be more supportive than you think. Also, sometimes you have to tell your DH to be supportive!

Congrats on your baby boy!
Do this for yourself and don't worry about your DH. It may be that he doesn't ask about your meetings because he doesn't want to pry or make you feel bad if things don't go like you'd like or expect. My DH knows I go to meetings on Wednesdays, but he waits for me to bring it up. Sometimes I have a week where I gain and I know, intellectually, why, but I don't really want to talk with him about it (he is one of those guys who, when he gets ten pounds above where he wants to be, he'll lose it in a month and be fine for a year). So, your DH may be more supportive than you think. Also, sometimes you have to tell your DH to be supportive!

Congrats on your baby boy!

Thanks Sandi! I see that you are from the mitten. We are hoping to move back there. DH has a phone interview tomorrow. So fingers crossed we will be back up there in no time!
I saw the specialist with DD yesterday and was given great news. After that I haven't been eating like a slob anymore. It's crazy the way stress affects emotional eating. I feel much better and am definitely going to stick to the program again.

I'm so glad you got good news!! I'm right with you with the emotional eating habits...when the colorado fires started, and seeing so many friends and family members effected, it tore me up, and I started eating Off Plan. I'm on leave this week, and my scale is at work. I'm trying to stay on plan now, but guess I'll just take my knocks when I step on that scale Monday.
I'm so glad you got good news!! I'm right with you with the emotional eating habits...when the colorado fires started, and seeing so many friends and family members effected, it tore me up, and I started eating Off Plan. I'm on leave this week, and my scale is at work. I'm trying to stay on plan now, but guess I'll just take my knocks when I step on that scale Monday.

I was up 3.6 today. :scared1: I definitely need to do better. I am down the shore now so I can get in some walking. I don't like to walk in my neighborhood because I got hit by a car behind my house 3 years ago. I have anxiety about walking now.
I had a great WI! After being up 1.8 lbs from Thursday a.m. to Sunday a.m. after spending three days in WV I was just going to be happy to break even at WW last night. Instead, I'm down another 2.2! Another .8 and I'll be at 15% off. I don't know if WW notes that, but I'm keeping track of those 5% milestones.
jessc79 said:
Down .2 today :)

That's a stick of butter! Great job!

disneydreamin247 said:
I was up 3.6 today. :scared1: I definitely need to do better. I am down the shore now so I can get in some walking. I don't like to walk in my neighborhood because I got hit by a car behind my house 3 years ago. I have anxiety about walking now.

Sorry to hear about your accident years ago. Don't get discouraged there are lots of reasons you can be up. Refocus and I'm sure you will have a better week.

pwdebbie said:
I had a great WI! After being up 1.8 lbs from Thursday a.m. to Sunday a.m. after spending three days in WV I was just going to be happy to break even at WW last night. Instead, I'm down another 2.2! Another .8 and I'll be at 15% off. I don't know if WW notes that, but I'm keeping track of those 5% milestones.

Yippee! Great Job, 5%'s are great mini goals to set for yourself.

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I was up 3.6 today. :scared1: I definitely need to do better. I am down the shore now so I can get in some walking. I don't like to walk in my neighborhood because I got hit by a car behind my house 3 years ago. I have anxiety about walking now.

Sorry about your gain. That is so frustrating. I don't blame you for having anxiety about walking in your neighborhood. It has been so hot that I have walking in the mall. Just keep going!
I'm feeling a little nostalgic today - a few years ago I was lucky enough to be ar WDW on the 4th - amazing!!!

I've been away from this board for a week - I'm loving reading the posts on the new thread - particularly the challenges about WI when you think you've gained. I've been there in the past and I have to admit, I've usually skipped the meeting - not good!! :( I'm determined not to do that this time. You guys have inspired me!! :goodvibes

I was down 1.2 last week - just 1.5 to go before I'm under 200. :cool1: WI is tomorrow, so I'm hoping... Pretty good week so far..

Well, I'm off for a walk. Have a great holiday guys!!



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