What did Teresa Say?

I have a slightly different spin on it. I remember hearing it the first time around and thinking, "A travel agent just said that?"

I wasn't personally offended, but I think that's a joke more for off the air than on. You never want to make potential clients think they're worth less than others, even if you're just joking around.
I glad you posted the transcript because I listened to the podcast and was struggling to find out what the heck she was apologizing for. Maybe someone thought that she actually DID that sort of work??!!

Doesn't the world value even imply saving money?
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I'm kind of laughing at those saying the people offended must have been millennial. I'm the one who made the transcript and saw nothing wrong and as much as I hate being mixed with the group I'm in the age range for it. I would say 90% of us aren't the stereotype we have been given.

Preach! The two of us that I know are millennials in this thread are the two saying they don't see why it's offensive, but you know it's our fault, just like everything else. :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Sex work, really? She said "BLT" while making the "a lot of money" signs with her fingers, and at the mention of All Stars, literally rolled her eyes and said " those people have no money"....that's funny? I also found her demeaning and belittling on the free dining podcast as well, and but that's another topic. Insinuating that a whole group of people that choose to stay at All Stars are poor, is funny? BTW, I've never stayed anywhere in Disney other than deluxe villas so far, so I'm not just "sensitive about being poor" as you all say, I'm an MD. I'm also not always looking for something to complain about, as this is the first thing I've ever complained about on these boards. Obviously, I was raised to respect EVERYONE, no matter their income or hotel choices. And just reading the transcript doesn't show her eye roll, hand "money" sign, and flippant facial expression. But some people just blindly follow their "idols"(no idea why she would be one, lol) and like naive little children, believe they can do no wrong. I also find it ridiculous that on these boards, as soon as someone criticizes anything Dis or disney related, even when justified, they get slammed. I love Disney, but I'm not a mindless Dis defender, and I obviously haven't drank the kool aid as you all have.
. I love Disney, but I'm not a mindless Dis defender, and I obviously haven't drank the kool aid as you all have.
As somebody who has joined the heretofore civil discussion on this, I have to say you are painting with a pretty broad brush, and talk about OFFENDED.....I certainly wasn't before, but after this personal attack, I might have to be.

Of course, I will ask your leave to put down my cup of Kool Aid first.......
Preach! The two of us that I know are millennials in this thread are the two saying they don't see why it's offensive, but you know it's our fault, just like everything else. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Do you still have your participation trophies on display? I know I do. And I maniacally laugh thinking about how they're destroying America!
Yes, the joke was about her working as a prostitute. Did you listen again in context?

Interesting that in a post where you state you were raised to respect everyone, you throw moral and character judgments, as well as insults, on people you don't know. That's not very respectful in my opinion.

While we're discussing people being "flippant", you're aware that drinking the koolaid is a reference to a mass suicide, correct? That's mighty flippant of you.

She apologized. What else is it that should be done?
One last thing: let's say what T said did hurt your (general) feelings (not the hypothetical that it could hurt someone's feelings, but you are actively a person who's feelings were hurt), she apologized. She was remorseful. She obviously felt bad and was in tears. What more can she do to fix the situation?

If you (general) are a person who felt bad about what was said, I get it. Money troubles suck, and someone bringing money up to make a joke can suck. I'm sorry your feelings are hurt.
Sex work, really? She said "BLT" while making the "a lot of money" signs with her fingers, and at the mention of All Stars, literally rolled her eyes and said " those people have no money"....that's funny? I also found her demeaning and belittling on the free dining podcast as well, and but that's another topic. Insinuating that a whole group of people that choose to stay at All Stars are poor, is funny? BTW, I've never stayed anywhere in Disney other than deluxe villas so far, so I'm not just "sensitive about being poor" as you all say, I'm an MD. I'm also not always looking for something to complain about, as this is the first thing I've ever complained about on these boards. Obviously, I was raised to respect EVERYONE, no matter their income or hotel choices. And just reading the transcript doesn't show her eye roll, hand "money" sign, and flippant facial expression. But some people just blindly follow their "idols"(no idea why she would be one, lol) and like naive little children, believe they can do no wrong. I also find it ridiculous that on these boards, as soon as someone criticizes anything Dis or disney related, even when justified, they get slammed. I love Disney, but I'm not a mindless Dis defender, and I obviously haven't drank the kool aid as you all have.

You were "raised to respect everyone"?...but here you are denigrating those who posted an opposing view on the thread.

You seem surprised to find "DIS defenders" when you are ON the DIS boards. Naturally you're going to find fans here (of both the boards and the parks). If you'd like to find those who share your disdain for the podcast, you may be in the wrong place.
I also find it ridiculous that on these boards, as soon as someone criticizes anything Dis or disney related, even when justified, they get slammed. I love Disney, but I'm not a mindless Dis defender, and I obviously haven't drank the kool aid as you all have.

As the moderator of this board, I make sure that everyone is allowed to share their opinions regardless of how it relates to the show or Disney. There are posting guidelines that must be followed, of course, but disagreeing with a podcaster is most certainly allowed.

I've been following this thread and do not see anyone being slammed here or going against guidelines. In reality, Teresa is getting quite a bit of heavy criticism and, while that is not going against guidelines, I'd hope that some level of humanity, decorum, and decency would be maintained.
She said "BLT" while making the "a lot of money" signs with her fingers.

literally rolled her eyes and said " those people have no money"....that's funny?

I also found her demeaning and belittling on the free dining podcast as well, and but that's another topic.

And just reading the transcript doesn't show her eye roll, hand "money" sign, and flippant facial expression.

I'm also not always looking for something to complain about

Do you still have your participation trophies on display? I know I do. And I maniacally laugh thinking about how they're destroying America![/QUOTE

Omg. Now that you've put it that way, I'm sorry I threw out all of my sports participation trophies and my 4-h/ffa ribbons. My mom took that kind of hard and said I would regret it. So far, she's been totally wrong about that...until this very minute. I need my own shrine to laugh maniacally in front of every time I read millennial bashing post here.
Sex work, really? She said "BLT" while making the "a lot of money" signs with her fingers, and at the mention of All Stars, literally rolled her eyes and said " those people have no money"....that's funny? I also found her demeaning and belittling on the free dining podcast as well, and but that's another topic. Insinuating that a whole group of people that choose to stay at All Stars are poor, is funny? BTW, I've never stayed anywhere in Disney other than deluxe villas so far, so I'm not just "sensitive about being poor" as you all say, I'm an MD. I'm also not always looking for something to complain about, as this is the first thing I've ever complained about on these boards. Obviously, I was raised to respect EVERYONE, no matter their income or hotel choices. And just reading the transcript doesn't show her eye roll, hand "money" sign, and flippant facial expression. But some people just blindly follow their "idols"(no idea why she would be one, lol) and like naive little children, believe they can do no wrong. I also find it ridiculous that on these boards, as soon as someone criticizes anything Dis or disney related, even when justified, they get slammed. I love Disney, but I'm not a mindless Dis defender, and I obviously haven't drank the kool aid as you all have.

Sooo, because some of us understand sarcasm, have a sense of humor, and aren't offended by such things, we're brainwashed? And also mindless? That's super-respectful, thanks. I'm gonna go pray to my Dis altar now - right after another tall glass of Kool Aid :worship:


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