What do you think of "Mission Space"?

This is one of my favorite epcot rides so far. I learned a very valuable lesson riding that ride for the first time. We went during the food and wine festival, and had a few margaritas before our fastpass was ready. After a few of those and nachos in Mexico, we did the orange experience. Not a good combo lol luckily my wife made it to the bathroom before she barfed.... I was fine but almost had a "HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM"
Last year was the first time anyone in our family attempted it and I got them the FP for the easy side, green, I think?

They thought it was extremely tame and somewhat boring and want to try the other, more extreme side next time.

I avoid due to motion sickness.
I read the tip about just concentration on one spot in the center of the screen and it has always worked for me.
I can do it once and am normally fine (occasionally slightly nauseated). More than once and I'm not feeling so hot.
I enjoy the ride but I agree the storyline is kind of lacking. I think it would be neat if they partnered with SpaceX or something to kind of simulate a space tourism experience.
I enjoy the ride but I agree the storyline is kind of lacking. I think it would be neat if they partnered with SpaceX or something to kind of simulate a space tourism experience.
It took me 3 rides before I paid enough attention during the pre-show to understand that it is not a mission, but a training exercise - you aren't supposed to think you are going anywhere. I thought it was bizarre how they stranded you on Mars like that before then.
I think it's a great compromise that they modified the ride to have both green and orange experiences. And it's been a great update for the last few years... but I agree... let's catch up with all the exciting new things happening and get SpaceX involved and make a new experience!
I read the tip about just concentration on one spot in the center of the screen and it has always worked for me.

1000% correct on the concentration part.

The issue with a motion sim, and simultaneously spinning around with a circle is this. When you're watching the screen, your eyes perceive the motion that you're feeling as going forward. Everything is normal and the brain is able to convince itself that you're actually going forward.

Once you peel your eyes off that screen, the brain is able to figure out "Hey, wait a minute I'm not actually going forward I'm spinning around in a circle" And everything starts to freak out. What makes it worse is when you start to lock eyes back onto the screen, now your brain doesn't know what to interpret anymore and thus you'll most likely get some sort of motion sickness in various levels depending on the person.
The claustrophobic feeling really gets me. I never felt claustrophobic until this ride...

This. We did green snd the instant it started I wanted to scream, the whole experience made my skin crawl and I’ve never been claustrophobic. My son (the thrill rider) thought it was boring but I’m sure he’d enjoy orange more, we just didn’t have time. He wanted more action.
We rode it back when it was new and the "thing" to do at Epcot. There was no green side then.
I never get sick on any rides, but this one! I was so sick and dizzy that I couldn't do anything but sit for an hour after. Even with that, I felt dizzy all afternoon.
Never again for either side!
No wonder, as a previous poster stated, it's a centrifuge that spins all the time. Ick! If I'd known that going in, I would never had tried it.
Its far from the best ride WDW has created, but the Orange side is always fun. My wife rides the green side. I've done that side with her, but its not near the fun of Orange.
For those who have motion sickness, do not do Orange.
It's still a unique ride with a sensation you don't get on other rides. Always ride it at least once every trip.
I like it, but I don't get motion sickness and I don't have claustrophobia. When I'm with my daughter I ride the tamer side, with my son I ride the more intense side. (both kids are adults) If you get motion sickness or feel claustrophobic I wouldn't suggest you try it. I like the ride, but I wouldn't do it if I thought it would cause me anxiety or illness. For this reason, I don't do Tower of Terror. I have, but I didn't like the drops. It's supposed to be fun.
I sit and people watch as DH loves it. I went on it once many years ago and had vertigo the rest of the day. It was awful!
Green side only here 😁. First time I took DD on it when she was 7, it tilted back and you’re looking up the launch tower and she said this.is.NOT.good 😂. She loved it btw. My 75 year old dad and I somehow ended up in the Orange line a couple years ago and the CM laughed so hard when I figured it out and NOPED out in a flat second 😁
I really dislike this ride. I rode it on opening weekend a million years ago and still remember how sick it made me. I hear that they toned it down since its initial roll-out, but I still won't ride it again. It's the only ride that I don't like at WDW.
Great ride if you do Orange. Honestly, it is how the ride was meant to be experienced. The "green" side should have never been changed. It's like sitting there watching a really boring movie with a little vibration.


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