what is the most annoying thing on a flight

contreversial post coming...
Anyone who is discourteous in such a small space should be put in the luggage hold. do you think im trying to sleep 50cm away from a stranger for the fun of it???
last year on the way home we were sat (in the bulk head seats at our request because of our ASD child. The older couple next to us had mobility probs, so they had the other two seats. no problem. the problem was there **** of a son who keep pushing my 6 yr olds seat back up... i add this was after dinner and when the lights had gone off!!! i called the air hostess, told her he was kicking / pushing, and said if he didnt like it, could he please be moved, cause i was going to say something very loudly and vulgarly if he didnt stop it? he obvioulsy heard, cause i didnt say it quietly. he stopped it...
(This is the bit im not proud of, when he turned his light off i was soooo wound up i turned my reading light on, angled back as far as i could and listened to his dd (15ish) who had kicked my child for an hour tell her daddy she couldnt sleep cause of the light:rotfl2:
ok, it was evil, but my daughter was 5, his was old enough to know better.
This is just like confesional, hehe!!

Pretty much sure that I would have done something along the same lines. :thumbsup2

Holiday or not, if someone thinks that they are going to spend their flight kicking mine or a member of my family's chair then they are badly mistaken.
Weird little kids who stare at you between the seats in the style of Jack Nicholson in The Shining.:rotfl:
Sorry and I am not being snobbish but the last two years to Orlando I have been convinced I was on a Club 18-30 p*ssup flight or something. Going to WDW used to be a touch more exclusive. :(

When we spoke to a hostess she commented on the 'lack of decorum' of some passengers on that route nowadays :sad2: It's a shame as I think the service suffers because of the pre-conception.

When people clearly and obviously tut, sigh and generally have a go at the UC and PE passengers who get on/off first, dont have to queue to check luggage in and then get luggage off first.......:mad:

Would like to say 'Jeeeez we have saved and paid for the privilege...get over yourself' BUT.....Im too happy to be at DisneyWorld so a big beaming 'rub it in' style grin does the trick!! Oh and a bit of pixiedust:

I agree with this too - we sat opposite a family (who were extremely rude about having to wait for disabled kids to board on their flight from the UK :sad2: - I couldn't beleive what I heard to be honest) and when they called the PE seats we got a few looks when we got up, then we happened to see them at luggage claim at Gatwick and they loudly commented when we got our bags first :rotfl:

Another annoyance we had was sitting in the exit seats, everyone and their wife wanted to come over and look out the window, a large majority of those managed to kick / trip over DH's legs :headache: - we chose to sit there for the extra leg room. It was a bit of an invasion of our personal space really, but I guess if you're sat in the middle rows you need to have a look :confused3

Also a stewardess dropped a can of beer which sprayed all over us (our clothes smelt awful) and she didn't even attempt to apologise :scared1: she cleaned herself up and then the floor and had a good old laugh about it :sad2: we had to ask for napkins.

Interesting thread!

I hate the way everyone scrambles to get off! I know why they are doing it but my DD has almost been crushed several times in the scrum. It might help if they opened both sets of doors.

Not a major gripe though!
Weird little kids who stare at you between the seats in the style of Jack Nicholson in The Shining.:rotfl:

I'm so with you on this one :rotfl:

I also hate people - adults or children - kicking the back of my seat continuously throughout the whole flight, nothing more annoying !
The way they always put on a movie (the new Star Trek coming home a couple of weeks ago) and then 5 minutes later start dishing out the meal so you miss chunks of the beginning of the film. :confused3 Why can't they wait 15 minutes? :confused:

Mrs TT
We once had bulkhead seats and then had to endure kids using this as the way to get to the other ailse :confused3
promising free alcoholic drinks and then only coming around the once....it is a pain having to wake DW up so she can collect drinks from the galley!
Pretty much sure that I would have done something along the same lines. :thumbsup2

Holiday or not, if someone thinks that they are going to spend their flight kicking mine or a member of my family's chair then they are badly mistaken.

obviously a local thing - you re only just up the hill from me!!
I hate the way everyone scrambles to get off! I know why they are doing it but my DD has almost been crushed several times in the scrum. It might help if they opened both sets of doors.

Not a major gripe though!

thats my bug bear, im always in the wrong place and i can't wait to get off the darn plane..i hate flying :guilty:
twice I've been on a flight where there have been troublesome drunk passengers - once to Hong Kong, once to Dubai, in both cases the troublesome offender was dispatched off up to us in the front cabin as there was space ..... nice! Both incidentally BA flights, Virgin - only problem we've encountered has been entertainment systems not working - really pissed me off.
Weird little kids who stare at you between the seats in the style of Jack Nicholson in The Shining.:rotfl:

I really hate that and it really freaks me out especially if you have been sleeping and wake up with creepy child staring at you :scared1:

What about those people who won't wait for the trolley to come past and will stand on your feet or almost land up in your lap *** they have to get back to their seat!! Why can people just not wait in a more open area so the stewards can get past.
I can't really think of much right now but I hate the whole "meal process". Once I'm done with it I want rid of it and I always feel it takes an age to clear it away!
Paying a fortune for your flights and finding the seat-back TV does not work.

Last trip, on our return to Gatwick, we were told the movie system wasn't working and we were given £50 in vouchers each as compensation. Actually, the movies were working. (not that we watched them anyway - we slept most of the way back).

Two things that did bug me. A kid that played with his 'push and go' model Virgin plane most of the way out. The sound of its jet engine got too much to bear, and believe it or not, a few years back when those folding aluminium scooters were all the rage, a kid riding one up & down the isles.

Badly parented children. By this I mean people who bring kids on a 10 hour flight with NOTHING for them to do; people who allow their children to play with the airline food, run up and down the aisles on a night flight or kick the back of the seat in front. Also people who bring noisy or just plain stupid toys on a flight - I once saw someone bring a monopoly. A full set, not the travel version. It involved 10% playing the game, 90% scrabbling on the floor for bits.

Crying children. I know that there are reasons for meltdowns and crying babies, but it cuts through you like a knife.

People who get up to go to the bathroom half an hour before landing and then take forever. I once waited 12 minutes to use the bathroom! What the heck that woman was doing in there I will never know!

People who didn't think about what they may want on the flight then spend 10 minutes routine about in the overhead lockers for it whilst standing over you. Be prepared. If you have to access your baggage, get it DOWN and route through it, rather than standing on tiptoes over me!

People who think they know how planes work and express false information loudly to their family/the cabin. I don't know much about planes but I'm fairly sure the landing gear doesn't engage at 20,000ft.

Sitting next to strangers on a plane is fine, but not strangers who wake you for 'breakfast'.

Thank you. I'm done.
when you have a seat at the back near the toilet and every one grabs your seat to stand there


this is before your actually on the plane but when they call a row and every one gets up and you end up pushing and shoving
this is before your actually on the plane but when they call a row and every one gets up and you end up pushing and shoving

OMG - this drives me MAD to. I wish the ground crew would not let them board if its not the row they have called, but they let em on anyway, then when you finally make it through the crowds you can't get your stuff in the overhead locker because all the queue jumpers got on first. Grrrr:mad:
kids who stand on their seats (behind you) and use your seat to lever themselves up and down. They always grab and pull my hair and it drives me flinging flanging bonkers!!!! Also, darling children that kick my chair!!!!

bless the little darlings!!!!!

Seat reclining doesn't bother me - you pay for it - you can sit up and down till the cows come home for all I care!
Yep - drives me flinging flanging bonkers too (just love this saying;)).

Luckily I've only got little legs, but don't much like seat recliners either, especially when you're trying to eat your food.

I also agree about the way you're treated. Luckily we've had the experience of travelling in UC, PE and economy and have always been treated correcrtly (ok, there are some dragon or prima donna-esque crew on all flights, particularly in economy), but my poor friend and her family were upgraded for free on a BA flight (for very good reasons, too long to go into) - when she was eventually asked what she wanted to eat and dared to ask for the fillet steak, the cabin crew turned and said in a very loud voice - "you've not paid to be here therefore you don't deserve to fed like those that have":scared1::sad2::sad2: Deary me.


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