What's your feeling about getting a medal without finishing Princess?

WVURunner said:
It is not proof, someone else suggested that maybe it could be used as proof that you have done longer runs. I was pointing out that it would be flawed if they used it. Currently, only official timed race results are used.

I would hope they wouldn't go to this. Run keeper messed up this am on my run and apparently I had a 71 minute mile. :-).
I would hope they wouldn't go to this. Run keeper messed up this am on my run and apparently I had a 71 minute mile. :-).

Mine has messed up too, but in the opposite direction. I assure you, there is no way on this earth that I have run 5 minute miles, but my RunKeeper said it to be so!
Once Disney said it was a participation medal then there really is no discussion. If you start, you get the medal. Now if you are in a race that has a finishers medal than that is a different story. Remember, Disney is a FUN race, do not take it too seriously. Any race with over 25,000 people is a FUN race just do to the sheer size of the field.

And, I really do not care who gets a medal or who runs unprepared. Yea, in the perfect world everyone would be trained and the only people that don’t finish are those that didn’t get hurt. But this is Disney and that is not how they hold their races. With that being said, those that get swept have a choice in accepting the medal. I treat them like finishers medals so I wouldn’t take one, but that’s just me. Not everyone feels that way. Remember, Disney wants EVERYONE to go away happy. This does not diminish the medal, not at all. In Disney’s eyes all they care is if you started the race. You know the difference as does the person that didn’t finish. Imagine walking around the park with a medal and everyone congratulating you and you know you only finished say 6 miles. That would feel crappy.

Very few people get hurt in a Disney race, unprepared or not. If they haven’t run then they just usually peter out before they get hurt. The chance of real injury is slim. I do full Ironman races and if you are not prepared you could drown. A little different that at Disney where if you get tiered you just stop.  Disney is a FUN race, don’t take it too seriously.

I read the blog that was linked about the woman that only finished 2 miles. Nowhere did I read she was proud she only did that and got the medal. She shouldn’t have taken it but that is just me. I saw the blog of someone struggling with life issues and trying go overcome a bit at a time. She had paid for the race so she was at least going to start. Again, not me but we are all different.

My thought is, if it will get you out exercising then go for it. And yea, don’t sign up for a marathon if you can only walk 2 miles. Not a good idea as you will only make yourself miserable.
Participant or Finisher Medal? Technically, the answer is:

From RunDisney's website:

Each participant's registration in Disney's Princess Half Marathon will include:
Champion® Women's Short-Sleeved Tech Shirt (Unisex cut available) - click here to see the sizing chart
5th Anniversary Commemorative Finisher medal
Official Race Program Guide*
A one-year subscription to REDBOOK (a $3.92 value). Offer and refund details
iGift bag
Personalized bib (Must register by December 1, 2012 for name to appear on bib)
On-course and post-race refreshments
ChronoTrack B-tag timed race with live runner tracking sign up for friends and family
Personalized results website
I think they just need to change their terms to Participant medal and then even more then ALL of the discussion is taken out.. And yet you actually have to finish both to get the goofy.. so there is that :)
If someone wanted to cheat the system to prove they could do a certain time, then shame on them. They are the ones that still have to run 10, 13.1 or 26.2 miles. Once you cross the starting line, there is no faking it. You can either complete the miles or you can't.

I just think those who haven't trained or are injured are taking a big risk by trying to accomplish something that isn't easy.

It reminds me of a league of their own... "It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it."
mickeysgal said:
Participant or Finisher Medal? Technically, the answer is:

From RunDisney's website:

Each participant's registration in Disney's Princess Half Marathon will include:
Champion® Women's Short-Sleeved Tech Shirt (Unisex cut available) - click here to see the sizing chart
5th Anniversary Commemorative Finisher medal
Official Race Program Guide*
A one-year subscription to REDBOOK (a $3.92 value). Offer and refund details
iGift bag
Personalized bib (Must register by December 1, 2012 for name to appear on bib)
On-course and post-race refreshments
ChronoTrack B-tag timed race with live runner tracking sign up for friends and family
Personalized results website

Look back a page or two and you will see that someone emailed RunDisney and they wrote back saying everyone gets a medal. Oh well. They should change their wording in the website.

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards


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