What's your feeling about getting a medal without finishing Princess?

Tropical Wilds, I don't think his comment was aimed at you, earlier in this thread someone posted something along the lines of Disney should not let Cows like her in. That person has not been back to the thread since and near as I can tell took their post down.

So I am going to be the broken record here. RunDisney decided to offer the Medals to those who get swept by them. The runner who get swept chooses weather or not to take the medal. What someone else does can only effect how you feel about your accomplishment if you let them.

How would any of us feel if we were told that because you have never run a marathon under five hours you are not a runner? I know I would ask that person what their best marathon time was, if they don't have one tell one tell them the shut the heck up. Endurance sports are about learning about yourself and taking those lessons to the real world. I learned if I actually train for something I can be super close to the two hour half marathon boarder. Now with that being said I keep coming back to RunDisney for the bling and the Mouse.
So, let me get this straight, an organization that donates race medals to sick children doesn't accept medals that haven't been earned? Hmmm. Sounds to me like medals should be always earned.

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

M4M may only accept earned medals, but what someone gets by taking one that they didn't get crossing across a finish line doesn't dilute the meaning it has for that runner that did. If that motivates someone to push on and get a medal the next time so they can donate it, doesn't it mean more? If we got a legacy form based on a story like that, I guarantee you that the adult or child would treasure that medal so much that is given it for the milestones they have achieved. On that note, it makes absolutely no sense to have a different medal for those that didn't cross the finish line.

Care about the medal you earn, how you earned it and leave others alone. It is horrible how so many rush to judge those that they don't know, spread rumors or say things that deliberately hurt those that who didn't finish. The people I am most proud of on the course are those that didn't finish and came back to the next time. I met one during the Princess this year. She used her swept medal as motivation to get the one she earned this year.
I think it might help if Disney pushed out the time limit from 3:30 to 4 hours (especially in Fla, when it's their own roads they are closing anyways). I'm sure most of those who were swept would be able to finish if given enough time, and it might help a bit with the dishonesty with corrals (maybe if people weren't so nervous about the time limits, they would be more adapt to be honest).

I understand what you are saying but if you set the limit at 4, there will be those that can't complete in 4 and want the limit 4 1/2 and so on and so on. There is always going to be those that will be nervous of the time limits no matter what they are. Never going to please everyone. And we all know that Disney has to open those roads for the guests trying to get into the parks else they'll start hearing complaints about that (probably getting them already with the times what they are now). As far as corral jumpers, unfortunately there will be those that will try to get away with it if they can. :sad2:
Hellz NO! Frankly I dont wear race shirts until I've earned them and completed the race either!

Another pet peeve of mine is coral hoppers who are slower than dirt. If you run a 14 minute mile I'm glad you're running. I ran a 13 something mile when I started so I get it. I now run an <8:30 on the flat do not get into the coral with me and choke my pace. Seriously this makes my head explode.

I have not done a disney race but I'm really hoping they're good with corals when I run next year. Characters maybe fun, but for me I want to run and get it done. I'm all for scenery but for me running is beating myself and getting it done so I can eat. He who finishes quicker gets to the food faster!
I haven't read thru all the pages of responses to the OP, but here's my 2 cents: I joined my first training group in January here in MI and have not missed a single run. Granted I am only training for my first 5K, BUT I am a "big girl" that a few of the other posters seem to have a probelm with, and I have never really ran before, so I had to start somewhere, right? but I digress. My goal is to run the DPH in Feb 2014 and plan to do all the recommended training. In fact, I start training for a 10K next week. I don't understand why or how anyone would pay that kind of money to sign up for a half and not train. 13 miles is a LONG way for anyone.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.
DH and I are both runners and we both agree, the medal is only for FINISHERS! It is not a participant medal. I started off as a large runner running to lose weight. My first 5k, I was still quite large but had trained for two months for the race and was prepared for it. The size doesn't matter, it is about being prepared and well trained. As I lost weight and got in shape, I increased my distance. I would have never jumped into a half right away. My DH is a 2.5 hr marathoner and he has dropped out of his fair share of races (due to all sorts of issues/injuries) and won't even wear the race shirt if he did not finish. Prior to my first marathon (WDW '12) I bought the I Did it shirt knowing that it would motivate me to finish knowing I already bought it. At mile 20, all I could think about was wanting to wear my shirt and medal the following day. It modivated me to the finish line. If I got swept and wanted modivation for next year, I would print a copy of my DNF as my reminder, not a medal that I didn't earn. While I don't feel it lessened the medal that I EARNED, I still hope that everyone who was wearing their medal that I congratulated actually earned it.

Oh and my DH who ran Boston in 2.5 hrs, ran 4 hrs at WDW. Still a very touchy subject with him.
I haven't read thru all the pages of responses to the OP, but here's my 2 cents: I joined my first training group in January here in MI and have not missed a single run. Granted I am only training for my first 5K, BUT I am a "big girl" that a few of the other posters seem to have a probelm with, and I have never really ran before, so I had to start somewhere, right? but I digress. My goal is to run the DPH in Feb 2014 and plan to do all the recommended training. In fact, I start training for a 10K next week. I don't understand why or how anyone would pay that kind of money to sign up for a half and not train. 13 miles is a LONG way for anyone.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.

Oh girl let me tell you as a 5'4" size 4 gal I had PLENTY of plus size princesses run past me smokin' my a** and I thought you go girl...:cheer2:

I say do the half marathon...train hard. Track your pace and I bet you will be surprised how GREAT you will do. :goodvibes
I haven't read thru all the pages of responses to the OP, but here's my 2 cents: I joined my first training group in January here in MI and have not missed a single run. Granted I am only training for my first 5K, BUT I am a "big girl" that a few of the other posters seem to have a probelm with, and I have never really ran before, so I had to start somewhere, right? but I digress. My goal is to run the DPH in Feb 2014 and plan to do all the recommended training. In fact, I start training for a 10K next week. I don't understand why or how anyone would pay that kind of money to sign up for a half and not train. 13 miles is a LONG way for anyone.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.

First off, congrats on starting your journey to a half! It sounds like you are on a great start to your race. A year of training is plenty of time to get accustomed to running, and I bet you'll see big improvements over the course of the year. If you are training at a 13 min/mile now, I bet you'll be more than fine! I have to ask though - why plan on stop for photos if you are worried about being swept? I walked my first couple of races before I got into running, and it took me around 3:15 to finish. No shame in that, but I knew with photo stops it could cut it a little close...so we didn't stop for photos. Still had a great time, finished the race, and we took plenty of photos after on our trip!
Gryhndmom said:
Oh girl let me tell you as a 5'4" size 4 gal I had PLENTY of plus size princesses run past me smokin' my a** and I thought you go girl...:cheer2:

I say do the half marathon...train hard. Track your pace and I bet you will be surprised how GREAT you will do. :goodvibes

Amen to this sister. I'm 150 and size 8 and I barely squeaked out a 14mm on today's run. Size ain't got nothin to do with it! Get out there and get it done, lady!!!! Keep up the good work!
Tropical Wilds, I don't think his comment was aimed at you, earlier in this thread someone posted something along the lines of Disney should not let Cows like her in. That person has not been back to the thread since and near as I can tell took their post down.

I know, but I want to make really clear that, when I mention she's a runner of size, I'm doing so because that's what she's identified herself as, if only for the purposes of marking a starting point for where she's being proactive in her health. I don't want people to think I'm picking on her.

Being somebody who, at 200 pounds, was scared off from a gym for a good 10 years because "why is a fat girl at the gym?" I want to make sure I'm not lumping myself into that mean girl category.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.

See below...

Oh girl let me tell you as a 5'4" size 4 gal I had PLENTY of plus size princesses run past me smokin' my a** and I thought you go girl...:cheer2:

I say do the half marathon...train hard. Track your pace and I bet you will be surprised how GREAT you will do. :goodvibes

Amen to this sister. I'm 150 and size 8 and I barely squeaked out a 14mm on today's run. Size ain't got nothin to do with it! Get out there and get it done, lady!!!! Keep up the good work!

You have everything to be proud of... Seriously. Your accomplishment, no matter how small it feels to you compared to others, is huge compared to your previous abilities. I'm 5 ft 7 and 134, and today, just today, about 15 minutes ago, I hit for the very first time on my long run a single mile pace of 13:01 and a cumulative average run of 14:34 per mile pace. I was so proud of myself I got misty, still fully aware that to the folks here who are serious runners and the folks I draw inspiration from online, that's a pace that would make them embarrassed because it's so slow.

So, be really proud of yourself. You're 13 minutes faster then everybody who stayed on the couch all day.
Oh girl let me tell you as a 5'4" size 4 gal I had PLENTY of plus size princesses run past me smokin' my a** and I thought you go girl...:cheer2:

I say do the half marathon...train hard. Track your pace and I bet you will be surprised how GREAT you will do. :goodvibes

Exactly...Its the training that matters..nothing else. There may be some natural born runners..but i think rest of us had to work really hard
I think there is a lot of confusion and people reading into things that aren't there going on. No one is telling people not to try. No one is saying that making it to 10 miles isn't an accomplishment. But, if the "WISH" way is to reward everyone who starts, even if they are completely and dangerously unprepared, then perhaps I am not suited for the WISH boards.

To be clear, I am fine with people trying who know that they may not keep pace. People who are just starting out, have done a 5k and a 10k, and know that their pace is just at or above 16 minutes, but hey, maybe the adrenaline will pull them through! As long as they have trained up to 10ish miles, then it isn't dangerous for them to try, and more power to them. I hope they succeed. My issue is with those who DON'T TRAIN!!!! The woman in the blog, while she has since learned her lesson and has been putting the miles in, tried her first half when she had no business being out there. I think in retrospect she knows that.

My main concern is not people diminishing my medal. My concern is people getting hurt. People have died attempting marathons, and it is not something to be taken lightly. THAT is what diminishes the accomplishment for the rest of us, not just taking the medal. When people don't respect the distance, they don't respect those of us who do the distance!!!

And seriously, if encouraging people to start even if they are untrained is the "WISH way", then get me out of here! I am not going to take part in encouraging people to do something stupid and get hurt! I am fine with newbie runners. We all started somewhere. But let them start with a 5k, move up to 10k, and THEN sign up for the half marathon. They are not special and cannot just skip over the necessary steps.

Okay, rant over.

ETA: This is also not about size, shape, gender, height, etc. Just about training. If you don't train, you shouldn't be out there, regardless of your body size. If you want to experience a Disney run, but don't want to put in the time and effort, do the 5k.
I haven't read thru all the pages of responses to the OP, but here's my 2 cents: I joined my first training group in January here in MI and have not missed a single run. Granted I am only training for my first 5K, BUT I am a "big girl" that a few of the other posters seem to have a probelm with, and I have never really ran before, so I had to start somewhere, right? but I digress. My goal is to run the DPH in Feb 2014 and plan to do all the recommended training. In fact, I start training for a 10K next week. I don't understand why or how anyone would pay that kind of money to sign up for a half and not train. 13 miles is a LONG way for anyone.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.

Congratulations on your accomplishment! You should be extremely proud of yourself. :banana:

I just want to make sure that you understand that I don't think anyone on this thread is at all suggesting that you shouldn't do the PHM. You have started training more than a year out, you're doing a 5K and a 10K first, you will be TRAINED by February 2014.

As I read the thread, the reservations expressed by some people are not that someone who is a "big girl" as you put it shouldn't run. But that untrained people, regardless of their age, gender, or size, should not participate. I ran the PHM last month. It was my first half marathon, and I had a wonderful time. I trained for it and was ready. You are training and will be ready too. And if you're already at 13 minutes per mile, I can only imagine where you'll be 11 months from now.

Keep up the good work, and please don't think from anything that's been said here that you shouldn't do the race. I don't think anyone is saying that.
I think that if you want to participate in the full, you need to have proof that you've finished a half. If you want to run the half marathon, you should have proof that you've completed a 10k. It makes sense to me that you should have to prove that you are unable to complete a certain distance.

I'm so confused by these people who can only walk a few miles and decide to participate in a distance race. Not only is it a serious health issue, it make it worse for those who have trained. Running around walkers 4 in a row at mile 2 is not my idea of a good time.

I don't think that you should get a medal if you don't finish. I'd MAYBE be OK with those who only who were injured and had to stop a few miles before the finish. If you make it 23 out of 26 miles, you're more a finisher in my book then someone who completes 3.
This thread was started because people do not like Disney's policy of giving the race medal to people who were picked up by the sweeper buses. Now there is really not much anyone can do about that policy.

Then this thread went into the attack of the woman and her blog about her RunDisney experiences.

The the thread went into how people show up to the Disney races undertrained and how people feels that that takes away from their race experience

Now people are trying to say that you have to do a half marathon before a full.

Each one of these things is trying to exclude someone somewhere from doing a RunDisney event. The WISH way is to include everyone and help them with their journey. At the end of the day it is not about speed, distance, skill, it is about getting off the couch, or computer desk and doing something.

Now incase I was not clear in a single one of my other posts Disney makes the decisions and the individual runner decides whether or not to take the medal. Disney decides to run these races. Disney decides what the cut off times are. You can email Disney if you want it to change.
I contacted runDisney about finisher medals, asking about finisher medals.

This is their official response:

As long as a participant starts the race, they will receive a finisher

I think knowing runDisney's official stance on finisher medals is worthwhile. It's not a finisher medal the way some of us have thought of them or have experienced them in other races. It's a participant medal.

Please note: I'm really not trying to shut down conversation. I don't think this needs to shut down the thread - as I still think having the conversation can be useful and/or enlightening.

I believe this topic - about finisher medals - is as worthy of discussion as are the many other things we talk about when we talk about runDisney: registration fees, the size of the field, course designs, pacing requirements, whether or not runDisney should increase the time limits, etc. We talk about these things whether or not we have any direct control of them.

And, for the most part, I think the posts have been considered and thoughtful of others' positions, even if we don't agree with one another 100%. :goodvibes
This thread was started because people do not like Disney's policy of giving the race medal to people who were picked up by the sweeper buses. Now there is really not much anyone can do about that policy.

Then this thread went into the attack of the woman and her blog about her RunDisney experiences.

The the thread went into how people show up to the Disney races undertrained and how people feels that that takes away from their race experience

Now people are trying to say that you have to do a half marathon before a full.

Each one of these things is trying to exclude someone somewhere from doing a RunDisney event. The WISH way is to include everyone and help them with their journey. At the end of the day it is not about speed, distance, skill, it is about getting off the couch, or computer desk and doing something.

Now incase I was not clear in a single one of my other posts Disney makes the decisions and the individual runner decides whether or not to take the medal. Disney decides to run these races. Disney decides what the cut off times are. You can email Disney if you want it to change.

I must have missed something somewhere along the way.
What I did see was one person that jumped into this thread and made an uncalled for, truly nasty comment - but unless that post was modified or removed, I didn't see that it was directed specifically at any one person. Many jumped right in and told that person to knock it off. Thank goodness, that person hasn't been back.

Can we all just let that go? This keeps getting brought up with what seems to be an attempt to stir a pot that just isn't/wasn't there. The vast majority of this thread has been nothing but calm opinions - on both sides. Opinions are not attacks - and quite honestly, I think they seem to have been said quite nicely, with common sense, and at the same time being supportive of any/all runners, walkers, and runner/walkers. Those opinions may not always agree with mine, but I'm willing to read them without calling for the thread to be closed. Everyone's got opinions that's for sure.

Personally, I like to see other people's viewpoints - one has the opportunity to see things from another angle and quite possibly learn something new from that perspective. I know I have. :)
I haven't read thru all the pages of responses to the OP, but here's my 2 cents: I joined my first training group in January here in MI and have not missed a single run. Granted I am only training for my first 5K, BUT I am a "big girl" that a few of the other posters seem to have a probelm with, and I have never really ran before, so I had to start somewhere, right? but I digress. My goal is to run the DPH in Feb 2014 and plan to do all the recommended training. In fact, I start training for a 10K next week. I don't understand why or how anyone would pay that kind of money to sign up for a half and not train. 13 miles is a LONG way for anyone.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.
Please don't be sad. I think the Princess HM is a great place to run your first half and I think you are doing a great job with getting your training started. A lot of people recommend running at least a year before your first half so I think getting off to such a good start is awesome!

When I started on the weight lost/exercise wagon (for the millionth time) in 2010 I weighed 37 pounds more than I do now and could barely eek out 30 min on the elliptical. It was slow and very painful. ;) I thought I would never feel like a real runner and when I went to the park for those first few training runs I wanted to die. I felt like everyone was looking at me and judging me.

The reality is that most people during runs (and races) are in their own little world. I hope you will find the joy from running that I have.

The WISH community really is a wonderful place with very helpful and kind people. For some reason this is just a very hot topic.

Please don't let any of that discourage you. I think you are off to an awesome start and if you keep up that pace you should have no trouble finishing the PHM. :goodvibes
I haven't read thru all the pages of responses to the OP, but here's my 2 cents: I joined my first training group in January here in MI and have not missed a single run. Granted I am only training for my first 5K, BUT I am a "big girl" that a few of the other posters seem to have a probelm with, and I have never really ran before, so I had to start somewhere, right? but I digress. My goal is to run the DPH in Feb 2014 and plan to do all the recommended training. In fact, I start training for a 10K next week. I don't understand why or how anyone would pay that kind of money to sign up for a half and not train. 13 miles is a LONG way for anyone.

I currently run a slow 13mm and it ain't pretty, but I am out there, and I'd like to ask any of you if you know how it feels to get out there and be the size I am? (I'm about 195lbs and about 5'5") I fully realize my pace coupled with photo ops would likely put me over the 3:30 time limit therefore, I was going in to this not expecting a medal, at least not this time. But if they gave me a medal as I ran or walked my fat *ss over the finish line, you bet your sweet bippy I'd take it and I dare you to tell me I didn't earn it or deserve it-even with an asterisk* of DNF in-time. As write this to all of you, I have tears running down my face because of all places, I felt like the DPH would be a great place to run what could be my first HM, but now I am terrified that I will be being judged the whole time.

And FYI, I am not a proponent of the "we all win" mentality, but everyone's circumstances are different and people have to live with themselves and their decisions to wear/accept a medal.

Others have posted, but more positives in this thread are great :) NO ONE has any problem with anyone of any shape, size, age, religion, sex, color, well you get the point :) trying a marathon or 1/2 or whatever race. And heck, a 13 min mile isnt bad at all!! Like another poster said, 11 months out, you keep it up you are going to be rocking that 1/2 lol.. You will have PLENTY of time for pictures!! Keep up that good work, it will be so worth it!!!
I think that if you want to participate in the full, you need to have proof that you've finished a half. If you want to run the half marathon, you should have proof that you've completed a 10k. It makes sense to me that you should have to prove that you are unable to complete a certain distance.

I had seriously considered running the princess half for 2013, but didn't make up my mind in time and it was sold out when I finally decided to do it.

I have NEVER run any race before, not even a 5k.

For the last 3 years, I have been running at least one 10+ mile run each week. I average about a 9:30-10:00 mile pace for those runs.

I really want my first race ever to be a Disney race, so now I will be running the TOT 10 miler in October...and I think I might sign up for the Princess 1/2 for 2014--we'll see when the registration actually opens. It's more about the cost, not the distance of the race, to be honest.

Anyway, if I hadn't been so wishy washy and did register for the 2013 Princess 1/2, I know I would have been able to complete it--but I wouldn't have had proof of having run a 10k.


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