who do I call to complain??

Every person there spends a lot of money, not just DVC members.
And beyond that, "a lot" of money doesn't purchase sovereignty. When we buy something we're purchasing what was offered for sale, not the right to dictate what it is we purchased.
CarolA said:
I agree.

The way some members treat the CMs in UNFORGIVEABLE. Those folks were not hired to be abused by you and are not your personal slaves. I have witnessed some HORRID behavior. (Threats of violence over a room requests not met for example) We all pay for this behavior. CM's are leary of all of us after a few abuses.

Now if I was a CM anyone threatening me with violence would end up in jail. I may be out of a job if management tried to persuade me not to, BECAUSE CHARGES WOULD BE FILED!! A lot of people are not familiar what the term assault and battery means. The assault part means anytime you are threatened with harm. The battery part is when it is done.
The problem is that it is very difficult to prove assault without lots of witnesses or the battery.
tjkraz said:
On the contrary...I think CMs at DVC resorts are reminded daily by many, many guests exactly how much they've paid to be part of DVC. IMO, it's this disposition that leads to indifference on the CMs' part.

That's a shame. I have to say that I have never really thought that people would actually tell a CM that. This is just a feeling that I have, I would never actually say that to a CM.

tjkraz said:
While I agree that problems should be reported by guests so that the resort can address them, turning it into a financial issue is unnecessary.

I have never turned an issue into a financial situation with a CM. That being said, it is hard to not get upset when I make my payment every month, I pay my taxes every year and I pay my dues to DVC and the room and treatment I receive is less then acceptable. Don't get me wrong this has not happened every time, it has happened only twice, but it is my feeling, that twice is too many times.
I never care what kind of room I get, but it should be clean!!! :confused3
i am planning on calling back on monday do you think I should call DVC member service first??
kritter said:
i am planning on calling back on monday do you think I should call DVC member service first??

Well, I think the first thing you need to do is really decide what it is you hope to accomplish. If you start calling people on the phone, I'm guessing you'll get a heartfelt apology somewhere along the line, but your story my never go any further than that person.

If you really want your story to be heard by the right people, I'd suggest putting it in writing (on paper, with a stamp) and send copies to Jim Lewis at DVC, the resort manager and the head of the WDW resorts division. Sorry I can't help you with exact names.

Personally, I would focus your story on the fact that the first room you were given was not properly cleaned before it was assigned to you. The resort was correct in that they really can't control the fact that someone smokes in a non-smoking room. And it's certainly possible that the second room you were given was the last one available for the night. I don't recall reading what time you arrived, but if the resort is 100% booked and you are one of the last to arrive, their options are limited. One thing that you might have done was asked the resort to clean room #1 while they treated you to a drink at the bar.

Aside from that, it sounds like some CMs were a bit insensitive to your plight. If you have names, it can be documented and action taken. If you don't have the names of the specific CMs you dealt with, there's little that can be done to prevent other guests from having similar experiences.
oh I have the names and have already sent it in writing and that is when I heard nothing,,One thing you should know about me I will not stop..
Dh has said that maybe they should have offered another room..we went in sept..they told it was the slowest it had been since post 9/11...so there was hardly anyone there...
Jim Lewis we will see I have heard that other times they will offer a free night the next time youreturn I want to see if they are going to offer anything other than an ap;ogy it is a bit late for that don't yu think...should have been done while I was there..
My family and I have endured a ton this winter with me being sick and all and that is why we used our points to go to WDW in the first place to get a way from it all not worry that I was in a smoke infested room...
A little sympathy from them would have been nice..I sat in a hospital bed for three months wiht a tube shoved in my side and supposed to be a the happiest celebration on earth worrying about my lung collapasing..nOT
SSorry to vent just really frustrated that no one seems to think this is a huge deal.//
Well, you're probably going to add me to your insensitive list after this, but here goes...

kritter said:
oh I have the names and have already sent it in writing and that is when I heard nothing,,One thing you should know about me I will not stop..

That's all well and good, but it still leaves me asking two questions:

1. What EXACTLY are you expecting?
2. If you "will not stop", honestly that attitude would have done you a lot more good while you were at WDW. Personally, I would have stood at the front desk and stated, calmly but matter-of-factly, that I will NOT leave until I have a room that meets my medical needs. You suffered through a trip and are now expending unknown energies trying to get satisfaction over an issue that, IMO, could have been resolved while at WDW.

Dh has said that maybe they should have offered another room...

Yes they should have offered another room. And you should have waited for a new room. You mentioned a room that they tried to put you in that wasn't clean. My response to that would have been "someone here better grab a bucket because if that's the last room you have, someone is cleaning it."

they told it was the slowest it had been since post 9/11...so there was hardly anyone there...

Don't confuse WDW attendance with DVC attendance. DVC accommodations are designed to be near 100% capacity year-round. I simply don't understand why the resort would have refused to move you to a vacant room if they had one available.

Jim Lewis we will see I have heard that other times they will offer a free night the next time youreturn I want to see if they are going to offer anything other than an ap;ogy it is a bit late for that don't yu think...should have been done while I was there..

I understand why you were/are frustrated. I understand that you had health problems and were worried about them recurring. I understand that the resort staff perhaps wasn't as tactful as they could have been. But what I don't understand is why you were willing to endure this sub-standard vacation and only now are so fired-up about getting your pound of flesh from Disney.

And, I realize you're not going to agree with this, but from afar it seems like the resort genuinely DID try to help you. You got a dirty room...they moved you to a new one. Someone smoked in a NS room...they came and sprayed air freshener. The linens smelled bad...they were replaced.

Did you ask to be moved to a different room after the first night? It stands to reason that SOMEONE would have checked-out, or your original room would have gotten some attention from housekeeping and you could have moved over there. Please tell me you didn't spend your entire trip in this disagreeable room, and only now want some form of remuneration.
tjkraz said:
Well, you're probably going to add me to your insensitive list after this, but here goes...

That's all well and good, but it still leaves me asking two questions:

1. What EXACTLY are you expecting?
2. If you "will not stop", honestly that attitude would have done you a lot more good while you were at WDW. Personally, I would have stood at the front desk and stated, calmly but matter-of-factly, that I will NOT leave until I have a room that meets my medical needs. You suffered through a trip and are now expending unknown energies trying to get satisfaction over an issue that, IMO, could have been resolved while at WDW.

Yes they should have offered another room. And you should have waited for a new room. You mentioned a room that they tried to put you in that wasn't clean. My response to that would have been "someone here better grab a bucket because if that's the last room you have, someone is cleaning it."

Don't confuse WDW attendance with DVC attendance. DVC accommodations are designed to be near 100% capacity year-round. I simply don't understand why the resort would have refused to move you to a vacant room if they had one available.

I understand why you were/are frustrated. I understand that you had health problems and were worried about them recurring. I understand that the resort staff perhaps wasn't as tactful as they could have been. But what I don't understand is why you were willing to endure this sub-standard vacation and only now are so fired-up about getting your pound of flesh from Disney.

And, I realize you're not going to agree with this, but from afar it seems like the resort genuinely DID try to help you. You got a dirty room...they moved you to a new one. Someone smoked in a NS room...they came and sprayed air freshener. The linens smelled bad...they were replaced.

Did you ask to be moved to a different room after the first night? It stands to reason that SOMEONE would have checked-out, or your original room would have gotten some attention from housekeeping and you could have moved over there. Please tell me you didn't spend your entire trip in this disagreeable room, and only now want some form of remuneration.
Sorry, but I too agree with tjkraz. I have asthma, and I would NOT have stayed in any room until it was cleaned to my satisfaction. Even if they would have insisted on charging me the cleaning fee, I would have gladly payed it rather than ruin my health for the duration of the trip. Trying to do something after the fact rings a little hollow.
got a call today and gettting some points back and also some disney dollars thought you would want to know...
yes they resoelved it to the best that they could...thanks for the support..
Glad you finally got it resolved. Who did you eventually have to deal with?


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