Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 4

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Yum...will someboday make that pudding for me.;)

goodnight 2x...where's the cloud smilie:beach:

I'll catch everyone in the am!

Lesa...sounds like you had a nice afternoon...hope those girls get well soon!:goodvibes It's time for spring.:)
Ashley: hope you feel better soon, I know how bad a sore back can feel! My grandma told me that my grandpa fell down yesterday coming out of the bathroom and scared her to death (he was fine)... not only did they not call me but she told me about it today as he was going down my basement stairs!

YM: yes it is definitely time for spring. I'd put a flower smilie here but I'm too tired to search for the right one (since you know I've been so busy moving them all around). ;)
Good Morning ALL!!!

It's Monday...cue the sad music ;)

Have a great day, Lilly comes home today!!
Good morning, everyone!!! Yes, it is Monday again!!!:crazy2: I need the weekend to be 3 days long! How about a little healthy start to our work weeks....we can start on the sugar tomorrow.;)


I hope everyone has a Magical Monday!! pixiedust:
Thanks for the replies about Sci-Fi, everyone. We went there last July for a cool refreshment break. Nathan and I had milk shakes and Gary had onion rings. I thought it was pretty cool, but I wasn't a big fan. Gary did tell me last night that it was just a suggestion. He told me to just pick a spot with good food. I might decide on LTT at MK. I didn't make the ADR's.:blush:

Lesa:: I'm glad you enjoyed your play!! Sounds like fun!!!

Michele:: Yippee!!! Lilly comes home this morning!!!:hyper:

Nicole:: I'm cracking up over the last response to your Memphis thread this morning. ( It's from TennVolTony):worried: :joker:

Well, gotta run!!! Talk with you all later!!:wave2:
Good Morning Everyone!!!

Ashley, if you are staying onsite, you can make ADR's at 180+10. So, you would call the 180 from the day of your arrival and can make ADR's for up to 10 days. Keep in mind they only open up a limited amount of seatings and the +10 days. So, if you don't get a seating, call back. If you are staying offsite, then you have to call back each day. The toll free number is 800-828-0228, option 3 for dining.

I hope your back feels better. pixiedust:

Nicole, a trip to Memphis instead?!?! If you do go, try to eat at Corky's. I've never been, but I heard it fabulous.

I didn't do too much this weekend. I am going to (hopefully) start working from home as part time work. So, I spent most of the weekend training.

I really need a vacation. My mother is driving me crazy. I don't know how I am going to spend a week with her. It's not just one thing she is doing, but a combination of things. She knows it upsets me, but doesn't stop. At this point, I am ready to cut off contact with her. I have tried to talk to her, but if you say anything she doesn't like, she hangs up the phone. It makes me sad, because we didn't have the best relationship while I was growing up. After I moved out, it got a lot better, but now it's going down hill. :sad1: I really wanted to share WDW with her, because she seemed excited to go and I think she will like it. However, I just don't think it's a good idea. I'd still like to take my brother (as originally planned) but then I would feel bad if she didn't get to go. She causes issues with Mike and myself, and it isn't right. I just don't know what to do.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Amber: I can totally sympathize with you on the mother issue. When my parents came with us last year, I had to make it clear for months ahead of time that this was MY vacation with MY kids, and they were coming along, rather than the other way around. When I went earlier last year and invited Lyzzie's dad & grandparents to join us "for a day or 2" they ended up staying the entire time - they are not really Disney people and even though it was nice of them to want to spend the time w/Lyzzie, I really felt like I lost control of my own vacation and it was far from relaxing. There was a lot of nitpicking and getting on each others' nerves. It was slightly better with my own parents, but you have to remember that your mom is still the same lady who has always bugged you, and being at WDW is not going to change that. Maybe you need to plan for some time to do separate activities while there? That way you can regroup later and have something to talk about, and at the same time you can get away and do your own thing for a little while. That's what saved my sanity with my folks. Good luck!!
Good Morning!

Thanks for breakfast Donna! I read what he wrote too- :eek: Ummmm.....I think I will just go to WDW!:rotfl:

Ashley- I hope your back feels better!

Amber- :grouphug: I'm sorry about your problems with your mom.

2X- That recipe looks great, I'll have to try it! Thanks!

YM- Yes it is definitely time for spring! It has been in the low 70's last week and today it is cold! I was wearing short sleeves last week and today am wearing a sweater!

Change the smilies back! I hardly use any of these!
pozey:: I just saw the pictures of Courtney!! They are so cute!! She is an adorable young lady and I love her dress!!!

Pozey- Those pics of Courtney are great! I love her dress.
pozey: Lyzzie and I were admiring the pictures of Courtney. She is just such a beautiful girl.
Pozey: You have an incredibly beautiful daughter!:)
Pozey, I love those pictures of Courney! They remind me of the way pictures looked before digital photography. They have a nostalgic quality that makes them all the more beautiful.
Thanks for all the compliments on Courtney. I still don’t know how I could be a part of producing such a beautiful child. Her dress is new, and this was the first time she wore it. She is such a tomboy in a way………she loves playing baseball and any other sports the boys play, and she will rough-house with the best of them. But she still loves to put on dresses and LOVES pretty shoes.
I still am mad at myself for not fixing the settings on my camera before taking the pictures. She actually had some pretty good poses, but dear old dad just messed it all up!!
Hi all!!

(just wanted to make it three in a row for us Tulsa cliqueless cliquers...) :lmao:

Pozey - very beautiful pics as usual - (only a tad overexposed).

I didn't see the eclipse - we were out with another couple at dinner!

Lesa - glad to hear you enjoyed Wicked. They have bang bang shrimp at Cheesecake Factory?? There's a restaurant here that serves it and it's REALLY good - I'll have to look for a Cheescake Factory while we're in NYC!

Ashley - I hope you get to feeling better soon! pixiedust:

Amber - sorry about the mom situation. :(

Later, all! :wave2:
Lyzzie is on her last homework question. Her grade is working on mystery books, and they are broken out into reading groups. She is in the highest level group, which is part of the reason why she has so much homework. The other reason is because she didn't tell me earlier, and she should have had 4 days to do it but she's cramming it all into one. I had her do 20 minutes at a time, it only took 3 sessions and that includes a lot of snacking, potty breaks and general stalling. The funny part is, in between the homework she has been playing "homeschool" with Emma all day!

I've got to go light a fire under her behind to get this last question done & get her in bed before Desperate Housewives comes on. Have a great night! :)
Did I read where Lyzzie is in 2nd grade? If that’s correct, then she and Chase are in the same grade. Chase’s teacher doesn’t send a lot of homework home, but she sends homework home every day except for Friday. Neither of the boys’ teachers send homework home on Friday.
pozey: Lyzzie really liked Courtney's dress, she said she looks like a princess. I know it was accidental, but I thought the overexposure gave it an artsy feel. Don't beat yourself up over it.

DznyFan: I can imagine Erin as a redhead, the dark auburn like you described. I bet it's beautiful on her! I love when I do my hair that color, but it is hard to maintain. The red washes right out.. until I decide I don't want it anymore, then it becomes stubborn.

Nicole: I didn't see your Memphis thread - I think I'm going to have to go find it!
Thanks for the healthy wishes- we really appreciate it!! Picked up some Claritin D yesterday - she's got this sniffle and nagging cough that she just can't get rid of - she's not sick, but this has gotta go!!
I have that same nagging cough. Courtney too. Neither of us are sick. Just have this dry hacking cough. I have found some of the BEST cough medicine though. Zicam. There is a Zicam spray and a Zicam melt-in-your-mouth tablets. They work FAST. But the spray tastes HORRIBLE.
pozey: Yes Lyzzie is in the 2nd grade. She normally has homework twice a week but she usually finishes it on the bus ride home, which takes nearly an hour since she is the last stop. She also has a spelling list to memorize weekly, she has always gotten the advanced list based on the weekly pretest. Once in a while they have "special" projects which give them more homework, but this is the most she has ever had. For the past two years, she has also been in an enrichment program, but this year her teacher didn't tell me about it. I asked Lyzzie about it and she said, "Oh yeah, enrichment's been going on for a while and my teacher forgot to ask me to join." The parent has to request participation, and I guess her teacher forgot. I'm glad the year is almost over, I'm not so thrilled with this teacher. She is very soft-spoken and meek, I have no idea how she can command the attention of 18 2nd graders.

If things are still the same as they were when I was in school (what are the chances of that?) then next year in 3rd grade will be the year when I can have her evaluated for the gifted program. I believe that's when I was tested and began participating. I know Lyzzie would love it, she gets bored at school often and feels like a lot of the work is beneath her. It doesn't help that because of when her birthday falls, she is one of the oldest kids in her grade - don't even get me started on that. The kid was ready for kindergarten 2 years before she was able to start.

My mom and I were remembering this morning that when we moved to KS, Lyzzie was the age that Emma is now. On the drive from FL to KS, Lyzzie was reading signs along the road. It's amazing how advanced she was, but I just had no idea because I had no basis for comparison - I thought it was normal for a 2-year-old to read and write a little bit. In contrast, Emma just learned to spell cat, but I don't think she knows what it means, she is just reciting. She loves letters and traces words and is just beginning to show interest in the fact that letters make sounds and sounds make words. On the other hand, Emma is much more socially and emotionally developed than Lyzzie was at her age. It's just so amazing to me to see how smart they both are in their own ways.

This morning Emma brought the brochure from the museum to my parents house and had to show it off to everyone, pretending to read it to them and telling them all about the paintings we saw. I had no idea she was paying that much attention, I thought she was just trying to run away!!
I have that same nagging cough. Courtney too. Neither of us are sick. Just have this dry hacking cough. I have found some of the BEST cough medicine though. Zicam. There is a Zicam spray and a Zicam melt-in-your-mouth tablets. They work FAST. But the spray tastes HORRIBLE.

Zicam rules!:thumbsup2 (thumb) I actually need some too. My nose is runny and I have a slight sore throat. I don't want to get sick!:faint:
Hi to everyone!!

The weekend went by way too quickly. I have to work early in the morning, but I promised Mr. P a banana pudding pie recipe------so-------

Pozey-------here it is------ta da!!!!
I just thought of you when I saw this recipe in the Feb. issue. A little twist with the meringue topping, I noticed. Doesn't the traditional banana pudding have whipped cream?? Let us know if you get to make this.:beach:
2x2s – thanks for the recipe. Sounds great. I may have to come up with an alternative to the meringue though. DW isn’t a big fan of meringue. I may put the meringue on top, and then have her do what she does with most pies that have meringue……..she just scrapes it off and gives it to someone else.
I'm off to watch the new season of Girls Next Door...it is so trashy it's funny.

Have a great night!!:wave2:
Oh, man!! I forgot that the new season started last night!! I meant to TiVo it, but forgot. Oh, well, I’m sure I’ll catch it…………since E! will re-run it about 20 times in the next 4 or 5 days!!
pozey: Yes Lyzzie is in the 2nd grade. She normally has homework twice a week but she usually finishes it on the bus ride home, which takes nearly an hour since she is the last stop. She also has a spelling list to memorize weekly, she has always gotten the advanced list based on the weekly pretest.
Yeah, Chase has weekly spelling lists as well. His teacher will have a certain “theme” to the list. One list had words like moon, astronaut, lunar, spaceship, capsule – so the theme was outer space.

Once in a while they have "special" projects which give them more homework, but this is the most she has ever had.
So far, Chase hasn’t had any special projects like this one.
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