Wife Diagnosed with Cancer...oh my


Never have fallen asleep on any
Jul 4, 2007
It will be completely ok if you want to move this post but I wanted to share with everyone that my wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer today. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I lost my Dad a few months ago and things seem to be spiraling out of control lately. Try to keep the faith. I just had to share with my Disney buddies. We are both only 40 yrs. old. I don't feel old. Thanks.
Oh no, Mike! That must be so scary for you and your family!

I do have to tell you that I have two friends who had thyroid cancer. Both ended up having their thyroids removed, and they're both doing fine now.

Please keep us posted.
Best wishes and good luck coming to you from the Old Pueblo.
Mike.....Very sorry to hear you are dealing with this. You, your wife, and your family will be in my thoughts.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:
Oh Mike, I'm sorry!!! How very frightening!! I'll keep you and your wife in my thoughts :hug:
Gosh I hate to hear that.
Keep your spirits up and try to keep your stress low. Both of you.
I am a 12 year cancer survivor. The doc's gave me 2 years back in 97.
I tell everyone I meet with cancer to
Fight fight fight.

Thyroid Cancer is highly curable. As others have said, I too know people who have had their thyroids removed. They are doing fine.

I know it's all very scarey and doesn't make sense but you can get through it.
Don't give up.
I am very sorry about your wife's recent diagnosis as well as the loss of your Dad. My prayers will also be with you oth. Keep the faith Mike. With so many people pulling for you, and of course all the pixie dust headed your way, things are sure to turn around. And 40 is not old!
Mike, I just wanted to let you know that I too will be keeping you in my prayers. I will pray for comfort and peace to come apon you, your wife and whole family. I also know a couple of people who are thyroid cancer survivors, so there is much hope.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

God bless.

My family's prayers are with you during this trial. But please do not get discouraged as my husband has conquered cancer two times as is doing great! Keep a positive attitude - it really makes a difference.
I am so sorry and my heart & prayers go out to you and your family Mike. Lets hope that it is not too severe and that she can overcome this battle in her life.
Thoughts, prayers, and pixie dust for you, your DW and your family. :grouphug::wizard::hug:
Very sad news. Thanks for sharing. Heartfelt best wishes to both of you.
Mike, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. I honestly have no idea about thyroid cancer, and its curability, but am encouraged by what others have written to you. I hope you are too! Many prayers for your family during this time.
Mike, I'm so sorry. I will keep you both in my thoughts. This hits home as I am only 38, 40 is not that "old" at all. :) Please, if there is ANYthing we can do just let us know!!


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