WISH Racing Team Roster, Bios/Pictures

I'm Scott from the Granite State (NH). I'm 38 and seem to be going thorugh a midlife crisis that does not involve younger wives or fast cars. It has more to do with seeing how far I can push myself with endurance events. I'm married with 2 great boys and end up seeing the mouse about twice a year.

As far as the running I just started in January of 2007 after reading post here and other sites about marathons and such. I have been mountain biking for the past 15 years or so and have been racing in 12 hour endurance events and 50 milers for the past 5 years.

My sporting activities include:
Mountain Biking
Road Biking
Snow Shoeing
Running (which seems to be more and more time cosuming)

I really like reading the post and seeing how people are changing their lives. Good on you and keep it up.:thumbsup2

Scott Williams is the name and I have been running for about three or four years after losing 130 lbs with weight loss surgery. I found the WISH site in early 06 and did my first race as a WISHer at the 2006 RFTT. If I had to guess at a number of races that I have completed it would be in the 50 range. The time that most impressed myself of any race I have done is probably a 2:03 half but I am also proud of my 24:17 5K PR. These were done at 250 lbs. I try to run as many clydesdale races as I can but there just are not that many around.

My current career it as a Correction Officer from Southeastern Connecticut and have been at that for 8+ years. God willing I can retire when I am 45 and become a school counselor which is really what I want to do when I grow up. I can honestly say that at this point, I don't hate my job as much as many of my co-workers do. The benefits are outstanding, as they should be and the pay is good.

I am also a commercially liscenced hot air balloon pilot. At the present time, I fly enough to keep all my log books current but not much more. Time is tough to come by but it can be an expensive hobby if you don't fly people for money. Another hobby of mine is building rock walls. I am up to over 500 feet now and have been at it for about 3 years. People say that I must have patients but I disagree. I think that I have a vision and someone has to do the work.

On August 1 of 09 I got married to a wonderful woman who also is a disneyaholic. I would not have had it any other way. She has been a great addition to my family which includes an 8 year old son. He has completed 3 races, the longest being a mile. That was one of my proudest moments.
Hi everyone. I'm not new to the DIS, but I'm fairly new to the WISH boards. Everyone here is so friendly and supportive, so I'm very glad to have found you guys.

I'm not a runner, but I wanna be! DH ran his first (and so far, only) marathon in 1999, two months before our first child was born. Since then, he has run several half marathons and 10K's and he runs regularly to stay in shape. We have three great kids, a daughter who is 8, a son who is 6, and another son who is 15 months. Up until now my exercise has consisted of doing laundry, trying to clean the house, and chasing after toddler who doesn't want to go to bed. :rotfl:

I need to lose some weight (can't use the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore since my baby is over a year old now) and want to get in shape. DH and I will both turn...gulp...40 this summer, so DH suggested that we run the Disney marathon in '09 to celebrate being fit 40 yr olds. I must be crazy, because I agreed. Have I mentioned that I'm not a runner?

Anyway, I've been running three times a week for about a month now and it's going pretty well. I'm very slow, but I'm trying to work on distance now and I'll worry about speed later.

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. :goodvibes

Hello all!
I ran 5K's and 10Ks in my 20's, found the bicycle-and rode from San Francisco to Washington DC in the endruace race, RAAM. I still bike, but got the urge to run--and this time around--I plan to have fun.

:earsgirl: I did the Disney World half marathon in Jan--having not raced in any local race for 20 years. I am 49 years old and have a sad case of asthma, which at this time of year turns into asthmatic bronchitis.......and lasts most of the winter. My winter mileage is not all that good, but I certainly make up for it in the summer. I am just telling this story FYI, and not for sympathy for everyone has a weak link and that is mine. I met up with the WISHers at the Disney half, and just HAD to join the group--you guys were a total blast. I hope that I can keep up online with a note just to say hello every now and again. :snail:

Hi :wave2:
I'm Arelys. I'm 21 years old, living in Winter Park, Florida, which is about 25 minutes from Disney World ::MickeyMo


I :love: Mickey Mouse ice cream bars

I live with my wonderful boyfriend (the boy in my signature picture with me) who, thanks to me and a little thing called an annual pass, has become Disney obsessed like me. We also have two "children" (2 very spoiled cats :rotfl: ) I'm an assistant manager at a movie theater right now, but hopefully I will be working at one of the theme parks in the area soon as a stage tech or stage manager.

I have never really ran before, but a few weeks ago I got it into my head that I wanted to run in the half marathon in 2009, so here I am! I am now a woman obsessed...I have signed up for the half and plan on signing up for the Minnie 5k, the Expedition Everest 5k, and the Tower of Terror 13k. I've been following the couch to 5k plan and absolutely love it. I have also fallen in love with Marathoning for Mortals.

I can't wait for my first race and to meet some of you :)
Hi Everyone!

I am not new to the DIS boards, but I am new to the WISH boards and new to running! At 38, age-reality set in, so I laced up and started running just 6 weeks ago (January, 2008). I am loving it and getting more obsessed by the day! I am running 3-3.5 miles 5x/week. I just signed up for the 1/2 in 2009, but I plan so do a few shorter races between now and then. I plan to be 40 and FABULOUS.

As for the rest of my life...I am a college professor and mom of 3 great kids (ages 5, 6, and 8...yes three kids in three years...thus a body that needs some toning!) Fortunately, I work almost entirely online these days, which allows me to be with my kids and work around their schedules...I cherish that!

I have been married to my husband for 11 years (together for 14). He is a natural jock, runner, athlete, muscle head...whatever you want to call it. he has been running 5-6 miles a day for years and is being very supportive of my entrance into the sport.

Hobbies include (other than Disney and running, that is) tennis, hiking, camping, boating, and enjoying all of the amazing outdoor wonder that is Maine.

SO happy to have found the WISH boards!


P.S. I notice that most people are part of a "smaller" racing team. How do I join one??? :goodvibes
I guess it's time to get to know you all a little better. I have been here for a few weeks and have been finding my way around. I came here because I have known Carrie online for several years and I knew she was a WISH member. I checked it out and decided I wanted to be a part of your great team.

I am a former couch potato who had never done anything athletic in my life. I did my first WDW 1/2 in 2004 at the age of 56. Since then I have done the WDW 1/2 in 2005,2006, 2007 and started 2008. I also did the Disney 5K in 2008. In 2007 I did the Country Music Marathon, the Maine Coast 1/2 Marathon and the ToT.

I was sick in January and had to step of the course at mile 4 during the 1/2. I now feel I need to prove something so I am training for the Country Music Marathon in April.

I have two married children and a husband who supports this obsession. My son did the first 1/2 with me and also the second. My husband did the ToT with me and my daughter did the 1/2 in January. I am signed up for the 2009 WDW 1/2 along with my son and DIL. I am so thrilled to share this with my family.

I may be slow but I Believe!!!!! I am proof that anyone can do this if you put in the time.

I look forward to meeting you online and in person!!!!

Hi everyone. I've been kinda lurking for awhile now on the WISH board, but decided I should just take the plunge and join in the fun. :)

I'm 32 and the mother of 4 kids. I was one of those girls in high school that the PE teacher screamed at because when we were supposed to be running laps, I'd be walking and whining about it. :laughing:
I started running only within the last few years and only started taking it more seriously in the past year or so.

I've done a few 5k races, Bloomsday (Spokane) twice and the Nike+ virtual half marathon, but completely lost my mind today and signed up for the Disney Half in January. I figured I'm surprising my daughter with a 4 day cruise for her 16th bday that same week, so why not make it a longer vacation.

Hopefully, it's ok that I've just jumped in here. I look forward to getting to know everyone. :)
I guess I'm next, I joined up with the WISH team in Feb 2008.

Here's me on the Monorail on my way back to Poly after the WDW 2008 Half.

I'm a racewalker and enjoyed the last two Halfs I did at WDW. I don't really enjoy running. I have been into walking for as long as I could walk...duh!:rotfl: But seriously, been racewalking for about a year and a half.
I came across the WISH team after seeing the shirts at the WDW Half this year. I figure anything that is kinda Disney-ish sounded kinda cool to me so I looked you guys up and here I am. I have done 4 half marathons, 7 5k and 1 15K(the last Minnie) so far. I actually started the whole thing after I had surgery on my right big toe because it was hampering me from doing any kind of exercise. I figured after the surgery and recovery that I had no more excuses so I trained for the WDW Half. I did some research and found that the Disneyworld half would be a good place for a first half because of the 16min pace and it would be fun. Of course anything Disney sounded very nice to me. I LOVE DISNEY WORLD AND MICKEY MOUSE and I am not ashamed to say so!!!
I was born in South Florida and have lived here all my life in the Pembroke Pines area. Went to WDW about 3 months after it opened (I couldn't go the day it opened because I was sick) and I just keep going back. I tend to make it there about 4 times a year. I own a few shares of disney stock and am a Seasonal Passport holder (who wants to go in July anyway too hot)
I am 39 and single and work for an Orthodontist in Weston FL. I am a registered dental hygienist and certified orthodontic assistant.
I own a great little female Border Terrier who is now 14. I have to also add here that my heritage background is Irish/welsh and I have aubrun hair and tons of freckles. I also burn like the dickins and flush horribly during my walks but I keep at it - people always want to ask me if I'm ok and I say its just me, my face is always BRIGHT red!
Interests are walking, photography, WDW, Mickey Mouse, Miami Hurricanes, anything Irish, arts and crafts, computers,#9 Kasey Kahne, My Dog Mickey, and my family.

Sorry guys but I don't know how to make this picture smaller, so this is "scary me". lol. My name is Monica and I live in Copper Mountain, Co. with my anti-Disney husband Mike. I love to walk, hike, snowshoe, camp and anything Disney! Hope to see you in 2013!
Hello all! I'm Studmuffin... err, Kevin :thumbsup2

I am 29 years old and have been running for real about 3 years. I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with my 110lb Newfoundland. I'm a native of Washington, DC and spent six years living in Michigan before leaving for warmer pastures. ;)

For work, I am the manager of a small boutique resort on Fort Lauderdale Beach and also work part time as the office manager for a chiropracter in town. I also am one of several editors of an online website which covers electronic/house/trance music, which has afforded me the opportunity to meet some great artists.

I've completed a few 5Ks, a half and two full marathons (including one Goofy) and am signed up to give the Goofy another swing in 2009. Some day once my career gets to the point where I am able to travel a bit more, I would love to become a 50 state marathon clubber.

When I'm not at work, the gym, running and can hear from all the *thumpa-thumpa* club music, I'm a big fan of the Washington Capitals, the European soccer leagues and anything having to do with my "adopted" hometown of Toronto.

Kevin :earsboy:

(I'll get a pic on here...when I figure out that complicated computer stuff....)
Hi I'm Bob AKA Epcot Dude. I live in southern NJ with my DW and DD 12. I just got into running distance last year. I ran 5Ks on a regular basis prior to that. I ran the WDW 1/2 this year and have signed up for next year as well. My first full marathon is this May in Long Branch NJ.
I am a huge Disney fan who visits 3 times a year. This year I became a DVC member, and now hope to make 4 trips per year.
Thats me in the avatar.

My name is Frank, I am single, and I just turned 30. I started running in 2005 while I was living in Clearwater and have since moved back to Cleveland. I was an Annual Passholder while I was in Florida and since my pass didn't expire until Feb 06 I went back to Disney to do my first Half Marathon. I like running and biking and am into fitness in general. I was working full time while in college and living with my Grandma. The combination of lack of time and grandma food every day made me a tad out of shape. Once I graduated and had time since all I had to do was work I started lifting weights and eating right. After a couple of years I decided to try a 5K and was instantly hooked. I never knew what they meant by runner's high until I crossed the finish line of my first 5K at the Gasparilla classic in February 2005.

I ran 4 Disney races. The 06 and 08 WDW half, the 06 Inaugural DL half, and the 2008 National Kidney Foundation 5K because I happen to be in Florida to watch the Indians in spring training and figured why not. Once I get my half time under 90 minutes (I am just over 2 minutes off) I am going to train for a full marathon and then maybe a short triathlon. I am going to Italy to bike Tuscany for a week so have been on the bike more than usual so I figured why not.

As work goes I am the Information Systems Coordinator for a Credit Union in Cleveland.
hi, my name is Christine and i'm new here too.

after losing 150ish pounds (with several more to go :eek:), i've decided to really start walking and transition into running.

i plan on walking the Minnie, walking the Chicago marathon and run/walking the full Disney.

i am 36, married for 10 years to the love of my life, Rick. we have 1 DD who is 4.

i just got bit by the Disney bug last year, so i'm a Disney newbie as well.

look forward to meeting you.


ps - where can i get a wish shirt ?
ps - where can i get a wish shirt ?

Sorry, you just recently missed out on the Original WISH safety yellow shirt order, and the lime green WISH race ready shirts. Two WISHers took everyone's orders, and have already mailed them out. Keep an eye out for the next time they order.

Raceready lime green

Original WISH shirts

HOWEVER, you can order your own shirt via eye2eye, see this link:


or WISH gear from :

My name is Michelle and I am also a newbie. I am 29 yo and Mommy to my 3.5 yo DD. I started running last year just so I could do the DL 5k while we were there. I am hooked! Training for my first DL 1/2 in August and having a great time! Also looking forward to being a part of your team since I'm sure I'll need the encouragement!
Hello everyone ~ I am finally getting around to posting...as I've been lurking for a while.

I am the running buddy of Mkymsehi, but I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I started running for REAL in 2000. WDW 1/2 a few times, WDW Full a few times, Goofy x 2, Disneyland 1/2 x 2, and a few other half marathons. I'm not a runner, just a jogger....to finish. This year I've changed direction and I have been riding my bike. I plan on riding the Aids Lifecycle, 545 miles, SF to LA in 7 days.

Funny story, as Mkymsehi and I were running the Goofy this year...I think we were around mile 23 or 24 and I saw all these lime green WISH shirts around us and everyone cheering for them..I was soooo envious because I was wishing someone was cheering me on because I was ready to give up...and now I found the group!


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