WISH Racing Team Roster, Bios/Pictures

Hello everyone ~ I am finally getting around to posting...as I've been lurking for a while.

I am the running buddy of Mkymsehi, but I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I started running for REAL in 2000. WDW 1/2 a few times, WDW Full a few times, Goofy x 2, Disneyland 1/2 x 2, and a few other half marathons. I'm not a runner, just a jogger....to finish. This year I've changed direction and I have been riding my bike. I plan on riding the Aids Lifecycle, 545 miles, SF to LA in 7 days.

Funny story, as Mkymsehi and I were running the Goofy this year...I think we were around mile 23 or 24 and I saw all these lime green WISH shirts around us and everyone cheering for them..I was soooo envious because I was wishing someone was cheering me on because I was ready to give up...and now I found the group!

Watch out everyone, Mooshu is a running nut. She's CRAAAAAAAAAZY. It's all Mooshu's fault that I'm a runner. Read my blog below my signature, and get the full scoops on how I blame her!

About time you started posting, instead of lurking!

Hello all! My name is Eva and I'm from Medina, OH. I've been running for a little over two years now and have only competed twice. Once I slowly jogged across the finish of a Komen Race for the Cure in Cleveland and I came down for the last Race for the Taste. I think I ran that in 1:04....I think.

OK...now, I know it's been a long while since I was in here. But I really am a runner!! I swear!!! I had to take some time off due to a surgery and my "go" date for lacing up and hittin' the streets is Cinco de Mayo!!! I'm not able to run in the Minnie race that I had already paid for, but my new goal is a half marathon in Akron in the fall. :yay:

Better late than never, I guess. (Actually, I only just now figured out the whole photo thing).

Well, WISH'ers, my name is Maura. And sometime in early January, while standing in the shower at my gym, I decided to break out of my fitness rut. And don't ask me how, cause I really can't remember, I ended up finding this board and signing up for Minnie 15k. (I think I scrolled down too far one day when I was checking the DVC Rent/Trade board and found WISH!)

I am turning 50 this year, which doesn't actually bother me, am married with 2 kids (college frosh, high school soph). All are way more athletic than me: husband does cyclocross (look it up--it's a bike sport) and runs; DD is on the track team at MIT, DS is on the team at HS. I'm the family "slug"

When I'm not running (slowly), I work at GM. And when I'm home, enjoy cooking, baseball, sports of most varieties (go ahead, ask me about curling), travel & chocolate. Of course, there's also Disney, but my spouse most emphatically does not share in that little joy.

So I just ran the Minnie 15k and here I am with the lady herself.

Hey everyone! I'm Suzanne and I work at the Wilderness Lodge at WCC. I've been married for 15 yrs and have an awesome almost 13 yr old girl named Lindsey.

I used to be a yo-yo dieter and a stress eater. My Mom passed away on 12/14/07 and I decided that I was not going to sit on the couch and eat chips while feeling sorry for myself. I starting walking as a stress reliever. One of the things on my "life list" that my Mom and I talked about a long time ago was doing a 1/2 marathon. I signed up for the Minnie 15K and 1/2 marathon in mid January and went from there. I really want a medal collection! I started my "training" in mid January and figured if nothing else, I would loss a couple of pounds and work some muscles I didn't know I had. Well, its been all that and more. I actually look forward to working out now! Who would have thought?! I just finished the Minnie 15K and it was amazing! I can't really describe it. I am going to sign up for the Race for the Taste 10K and maybe the Princess 1/2.

I really need to order a WISH shirt!

I met some great WISHER's at the Minnie and they cheered for me at the end even though I wasn't wearing green.

Here's me after a shower, nap and food with my medal!

Hi all! I am the super newbie, I think! My name is Johanna 34, and I am a Maine-ah. I have two great kids, Jake 6, and Abby 4, and a great DH, Jason 34. I am a new runner, desperate for the motivation of a "team" and desperate to do a race! Can't wait to get to know you all!
Hi all! I am the super newbie, I think! My name is Johanna 34, and I am a Maine-ah. I have two great kids, Jake 6, and Abby 4, and a great DH, Jason 34. I am a new runner, desperate for the motivation of a "team" and desperate to do a race! Can't wait to get to know you all!

Johanna, Stacy, Eva, & Rozzie :welcome:
Hi everyone, My name is Stacy, and i am 30 yrs old. I am approaching my 10 year wedding ann. with a great guy named Dave, and have a beautiful 7 yr old princess; Caitlin (hence my Dis name) And 2 lab furbabies ;) We live in the "Ocean State" of Rhode Island. And i work PT as a church Admin. Assistant.

I have never been an athlete, but as i was turning 30 last November, i decided it was time to take control of my life and health. So, i started the C25K plan, and finished & lost 20 lb's in the process! I did the 5k in WDW last week, and now already signed up for the Princess 1/2 in March!

I have been posting on the WISH boards for a while, but never "officially" joined the WISH racing team i guess.. I just got my first WISH shirt - from a great fellow WISH'er!! And I wore it proudly to run my first ever race - the Go Red for Women 5k at WDW last weekend!!

Here is a pic of me at the Expo last weekend with my mom ( I am the one on the left! ;) )

Hello! I'm Robyn, 32, RN, DINK, been married going on 11 years. Fur Mom to 2 Greyhounds, a Italian Greyhound, and a Border Collie Mix, oops a Cat too. I have finally decided to bite the bullet and get back into running. I have been on the edge for a very long time, TM workout here and there for a week or two, but never enough confidence to take the plunge again. It's been a long 5 years, and my body, along with its aches and pains reminds me of it. I guess what finally turned on my internal light bulb was reading wtpclc's (Carrie) TR on her Minnie 15K on another board. I had been following her trials and successes with her running from afar, but suddenly reading this one TR I said "I want to feel that way too". So right then I decided that I will train for the Princess half in March. It will be my first official race, and the longest distance by oh, let's see, 9 miles? All I can think about is I drive 13 miles into work!! :eek:

I am doing the C25K now, and loving my increased energy levels and returning confidence. Another reason I know this is the time to get back in shape is there is a tremendous about of medical history in my family, I am 7 years away from the age my grandfather dropped dead with a heart attack. My dad has had 2. I don't want ANY! ;) Gosh, and to drop a dress size or two won't hurt. But above all else, I'm giving this to myself as a gift. I want to know I can do accomplish something of this magnitude.

It's scary too, very scary, afraid of mainly if my best won't be good enough. But I'll take one day at a time, and thankful every step of the way I have WISH. :)

My turn.

I am Kim, 42.....uuugghhh married to DH Mike 45 for almost 21 years. We have 2 awesome kids DS 18 and DD 15 going on 27. I have been hanging around these boards for many years and WISH I think 2 maybe 3....yikesss. Oldtimers kicking in. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my baby, that would be the 15 year old.;)

I have done a few 8 and 10Ks, I have done 2 1/2 marathons, 1 in disney and 1 in Toronto, I also did the ToT 13K and Minnie 15K at disney.

I am currently training for a 1/2 in Sept and would like to do my first full at Disney in 2009 and my ultimate goal which also includes losing about 40 pds is doing the Goofy in 2010.

I think my photo is in my aviator but if not I have to figure out how to do it, not very computer savy:(

I have really enjoyed meeting all my fellow WISHer's at different events. The DLF>DNF>>DNS has definatley inspired me!!!!
I don't think I ever posted here to introduce myself. Though my handle is bubba73, my name is Bryan Weldon. I live in a little city outside of Birminghan called Chelsea, AL. I have been working out, dieting and exercising for almost 10 years but I have never been serious about doing any kind of races until Liz talked me into doing the mileage competition. By doing that, I have been able to meet a lot of you here on WISH and really have been deversifying my workouts and cardio. Thanks to Dave, I have picked up a lot of speed in walking. So now I am registered for the 5k in January. I am planning another one in August locally but I haven't heard back from the person who is in charge of the race so I am not sure if I will be able to be in that one or not.

I look forward to meeting and talking to as many if not all of you as possible.

I know I've been around a bit, but here is my life in 10,000 words or less.

I'm 51, and honestly don't know how that ever happened. My buddy Jimmy Buffett says "my life's moved at near light speed," and I can attest to that.

I'm a professor of finance in the Boston area, with my full time appointment at a smaller boutique institution, and I'm also regular visiting faculty at one of the better known institutions in Cambridge. I grew up in Colorado and would go back in a minute, if I could get a comparable situation at CU Boulder, which is never going to happen, pity.

My athletic background runs across many sports, mostly because I was hyperactive as a child and my parents kept me involved in every possible activity to wear me out. My aptitude and passion was and remains in soccer, and I played the game to a high level in the 1970's. I've had the good fortune to watch several matches in Europe in the past few years (London is easier to get to from here than Los Angeles), and that has been an amazing experience.

I did some running in my 20's and 30's and produced some results I'm proud of. I went back to soccer in my mid 30's when our daughter started playing and I remembered how much I loved being on the pitch. Leg injuries eventually caught up with me, and when our daughter entered College I was a 47 year old with time on my hands with no real idea how to use it. My solution was to enter the January 2004 WDW Half Marathon, and I've been running ever since. Right now I have 7 WDW Half/Full/Goofy medals hanging in my office, and I plan to add 3 more with the Jan 2009 Goofy. My stregth as a runner is out to 10 miles. Half marathons are a stretch, and anything past 13.1 isn't good for my body or mind.

I am married to the wonderful Martha who completely understands me, and we produced 1 daugher, who is out of College and gainfully employed. This has liberated us to behave irresponsibly, and we plan to behave badly in the coming years.


Here is a shot from the finish area of the 2006 Goofy Challenge, Marathon Sunday. Martha is dressed for the occasion, and I look a lot better than I did 1 mile earlier when I was struggling around World Showcase.

I am quite newish to WISH and Disboard. I joined a few months ago specifically for the WISH portion of Dis. Back in Feb, I was looking for info on the Disneyland 1/2 and found this place. A million of my DL 1/2 questions were answered by reading here.

About me. I'm Casey, 31 years old and live in the Las Vegas area. I'm married(my husband is a triathlete) and am a mom of two kids, age 5 and 1. I started running in 2005 and continued to run my entire pregnancy with my second child. I ran my first 1/2 this past April and I'm hooked on the 1/2 distance now. I've done many 5K's and 10K distance. I'm running the DL 1/2 and 5K. Someday, I'd like to run a full marathon.
Better late than never right?

I'm Allyson and I've been DISing for a few years now but only found the WISH board in January. I am 38, happily married to Rick (40) for 13+ years. We have 3 kids, Cassidy (10, she'll be 11 in a few days), Kylie (8) and Jagger (6). We live in Massachusetts and I work p/t as an Admin Asst for our church. I do payroll, AP and scheduling and things for my boss the Sr. Pastor. I work 95% from home since we moved about an hour from our church 4 years ago and he begged me to keep working there. It has worked out well and flexible hours and from home make it a really sweet deal for me. DH is Director of a boarding school for boys here where we live.

So I was never athletic, not at all. Artistic, yes, athletic, no. Our best friends and us have Life Lists we made a few years back. We each put down 5 things we wanted to do, the four of us. So on one of our friends lists was "Run a race together". You see they are runners. They have done a triathalon, other races and she did the Boston Marathon about 5 years ago. We, my DH and I, are good couch potatoes. So this suggestion was laughable to us but it was on the list, we had to do it. So I countered with "only if it is at Disney", knowing I would need some serious motivation to accomplish this. They agreed.

So the four of us, sans kids, are now running the Half Marathon in Disney. We'll be in Disney Thurs-Sun and then decided since we all had childcare set up and we were already out why not make it a little longer and celebrate with some relaxing in the Bahamas. So Sun-Thu we are off to Sandals in Nassau. While we are there we (well the girls of the group) decided why not do a little homemade vow renewal ceremony on the beach too? So we are throwing that in there too. So this has become the "Run a race, celebrate all turning 40 soon, celebrate both having 15th anniversaries in 2009, and renew the vows too" trip. We like to pack it in. We each have 3 kids, times to get away don't come easy! LOL!

So back to the running part. In January I started exercising consistantly inside at home on our Gazelle. Then in February I went outside and started the Couch to 5K program. It took me two weeks to do each one week on the program. It was hard to think about running 90 seconds at a stretch. I found the boards, read, got real running shoes, learned, got inspired and kept going. In June DH and I (he's been running too, we sometimes run together but not the majority of the time) did our first ever 5K. It was here in town and was such a personal accomplishment! I had never done anything like before! I finished in 37:40 and did mostly a 6R/2W through the whole thing. I finished 23 seconds behind DH and was 18th out of 20 runners in the 5K. I was pretty close to DLF but I finished!

So now we are running every other day and gearing up to use Bingham's R/W Half training come end of summerish. I don't know what DH is planning for training. He is feeling very discouraged lately, can't seem to get in a groove and find what works for him. I have been doing the 3/2 lately and it seems to be good for me. I have tried to tell him to try it but he doesn't seem to be hearing me! LOL!

So I am excited about this. I am excited that I have stuck with this and that I AM going to do this. All those years of hearing in my head "You can't" have been replaced with "Oh yeah, you CAN!" I may not be the fastest or have the best form but I'm doing things I never thought I could! It's really been an experience and I can't wait to run through that castle!:love:

Oh here is a picture of the kids and I. I took them to Disney in March. DH was off in Ecuador on a work trip and we didn't want to stay home alone!


Whew, did I say I was also a little long winded at times? :)


I'm 19 and have been runnning for 3 years now. I started by running cross country in the fall of 11th grade. I was on the football team as well so I had to get up early and do my training before school started by myself. I did well and improved each week, managing to place in the JV events and even breaking the 20-minute mark with a Personal Best of 19:48.

My first long distance race was the Max Bayne Half Marathon in February of 2006. The next distance meet was in May 2006 at the First Muddy Buddy.

Due to a torn tendon and 8 weeks rehab after the end of a 7-week wrestling camp, my running suffered severely and my training slackened.

The Muddy Buddy during May 2007 had slowed by 4 minutes because I was out of shape. I manage to run intermittently with my father every once in a while but still haven't reached my peak fitness again.

Went to college and was signed up for the Goofy Race-and-a-Half Challenge. I trained pretty consistently until around Thanksgiving when my training stopped.

I ran the Half Marathon in 2:11:11 and crossed the finish line with my father but our times were different due to a 6-1/2 minute start difference. We ran the Marathon the next day. Around mile 6 I reinjured my old tendon injury and was slowed to a walk. My father and I spent the rest of the Marathon in walking and jogging intervals. We managed to cross at the same time of 5:58:14.

Spent time recovering and ran the 3rd Muddy Buddy in May again and managed to come within 40 seconds of our first year's time. We also did the Sarasota Muddy Buddy the same month.

My most recent competition was a Sprint Triathalon in Englewood. Runnng I can do, swimming I fail . . .

Currently I'm a student at the University of Florida in the Pharmacy program. I have been dating my girlfriend for just over 2 years now and we just got home from our first vacation to Walt Disney World with just the two of us.

My father (rKyDeX) and mother (MrsTrx) are members of WISH as well. I have a little sister who is in her Senior year of High School.
Do we want to start a new roster for this year or add onto this one from last year? I'll want to update mine I think.
Don't see why we can't do a new 2009 WISH racing team bio thread....



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