WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

Debra I am similar in that I have nothing planned....til after April. I also am in need of a goal to keep me honest and moving. And so far, they have all been "progressive", i.e. do a 15k, then a 1/2, then a full, then a faster full, etc. But that can only go so far (since I won't say out loud that I will do a 1/2 IM), so now is the time to go for variety, I guess.

Oh but there is farther you can go, Maura. You can move up to an ultra. A 50k or 50-mile trail run is certainly of a different variety. :)
I don't usually take all the time to reply to everyone individually. Hope you don't mind, it's just a daunting thing for me.

It's been interesting reading what everyone's thoughts are for the year and will be fun to go back and see how we do.
Heard about this thread on DVCNews and decided to drop in & say Hi. My next planned Disney race is about a year off- I intend to make the WDW Marathon my first full! :scared1: I did my first half (Air Force Half in Dayton, OH) in Sept. of this year, and with a year to train I think I'll be ready to make the jump! :thumbsup2 I want to do the Coast to Coast challenge in 2012 and have planned out my park trips & vacation time @ work to get to DL that Labor Day Weekend of the DL Half. :rotfl:
My half marathon season starts in two weeks with the Manhattan Half. I'm also running the National Half in March, and plan on the Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Bronx HM's between May and October.

In between and after, I plan on running about 20 NYRR races.
So kudos to everyone who ran this past weekend. Hope to hear some great stories from the races (on one thread or another!).

I ran my 15 miles yesterday. Tried out my "new" Camelbak. This would be the one I bought to train for my October marathon--but never used. Don't know why. Thought about returning it and then dog chewed at the packaging, so I figure it's mine now. I have to say--I liked it! It was better not reaching behind for bottles. And it didn't bounce like I thought it might. The only thing was that I could hear the water sloshing around, so by mile 10 I felt a more acute sense of wanting to go to the bathroom!

Also, finally bought a slightly heavier, windblock running shirt. This was a smart move and no more long runs where I feel pins and needles in my arms/chest and come home to red skin!

Other than that, a pretty quiet weekend. House is now back to being empty since kids have both gone back to school.

Hope everyone else is moving forward!

So kudos to everyone who ran this past weekend. Hope to hear some great stories from the races (on one thread or another!).

I ran my 15 miles yesterday. Tried out my "new" Camelbak. This would be the one I bought to train for my October marathon--but never used.


What kind/model camelbak did you get?

I bought some patagonia trail shoes, but took them back. I plan to trail run after the Princess half and when the weather gets warmer.
I did 8 miles on the TM this morning. It wasn't bad, one guy came in the gym while I was there and he was doing weights and I was in the cardio room so it was almost like running by myself. I opened the blinds and watched it snow.
Joan I bought the Annadel (I think that's it). It is supposedly a women-specific model. Holds 40 oz, which is good for me when I do long traing runs in warmer weather. It has a couple of small zipper pockets to put some things in. Only downside that I see so far is that I don't have my gels at an easily accessible spot with this. Can manage 2 in my running shirt (small zip pocket) but more than that and I may also end up running with my race belt (has gel loops).

So here is my best Christmas present (from my DD)


I intend to hold her to it!

Hmmmm......2 consecutive posts. Was it something I said?

Hope everyone is keeping moving. We keep getting "inched" and "2-inched" with snow, which will make tomorrow's 17-miler a bit of a challenge (that and a high temp of 18).

My effort for today for the 100 day challenge was to walk Buddy to the dog park and back. (3 miles or so). Only a few pooches, but still got him to run around a little.

I would like to join in, if I may.

My 2011 goals are pretty much done already: Goofy Challenge.

But, now that I've run a marathon, I think I would like to train for a much speedier marathon. I think I have a sub 4 hour one in me, and possibly faster, if I train properly. I loved doing the run/walk method for the Disney marathon, because I'd pushed myself a bit in the half, but I want to run continuously for the next one. During all my goofy training, I was averaging 9 minute miles or faster for my long runs, so I think it's doable. The KC marathon is in October, so that should be plenty of time to build up some good speed. I could push it and do the Olathe marathon (which is about 10 miles from my front door) in April, but I'm not sure. I know my hubby is not going to go for any traveling to run for awhile. So, those are my 2 options this year.

Oh, and Maura, what a great Christmas gift! I love it. My 11 year old son completely took care of me after Saturday and Sunday's races. He even hunted down all the ice I could ask for.
Tandy Like you, I ran my first half last year at Disney and decided (after appropriate decompression time) that I just might have a faster one in me--also sub 4. So I also trained up over the summer to do an October full-the Detroit Free Press. I trained with a goal of running 8:50 miles, and ended up finishing in 3:53.

So based on your recent races, your LR pace and the amount of time you have, I am sure you have it in you.

I ended using a more aggressive training plan than I used for my first full (it has 5 20-mile runs!), and I think that also had an impact.

Good luck!

Next I'm going to try some trail running. I started my running journey three years ago and now it is time to try something new. I want to do a multi day stage run some place beautiful.

Trail running or a stage run sound like fun. That would be fun to try.

My main 2011 goal is a biggie for me: I'm going to be the program director for the brand-new Birmingham (AL) Galloway Training Program, which is set for launch this spring. The training isn't anywhere near as daunting as is the fact that this formerly shy wallflower is going to be taking charge and actually leading a group instead of just following. WISH me luck!

Good luck with the Galloway Program director!!

I've already registered for 4 halfs in different states. Shamrock in VA and RnRs in Providence, RI; St Louis, MO; and Savannah, GA.

You're going to be in my neck of the woods for that savannah marathon! we havent' decided yet about entering, though...

Savannah is on my maybe list. I have a son at USC in Columbia, so I can combine a trip to see him with a race.

Maybe we can all pick a fun race like Napa Valley, Vegas, Grandma's, or Flying Pig to run together. I was going to suggest Bourbon Chase but it's already full for 2011. :(

John - we have a thread for WISHers at Kentucky Derby Festival April 30 in Louisville. Flying Pig is the next day in Cincinatti so you can do an Ohio River Goofy Challenge this year. It does not happen very often, KDF is last Saturday in April, and Flying Pig is 1st Sunday in May. Just worked out this year.

Thanks for all the ideas on goals, it does help to write them down.
Mine: Sub 2:00 Half (PR)
2nd Marathon 1st was 1984 Marine Corps
4 races 1/2M or more (3 last year).

Thanks for all the motivation, and good luck with your goals,

John - we have a thread for WISHers at Kentucky Derby Festival April 30 in Louisville. Flying Pig is the next day in Cincinatti so you can do an Ohio River Goofy Challenge this year. It does not happen very often, KDF is last Saturday in April, and Flying Pig is 1st Sunday in May. Just worked out this year.

In case one Goofy per year isn't enough? :lmao:
And Maura, you started another thread in which I mentioned doing a non-Disney WISH race. I think that has to be a priority in 2011.

Me, too. I'd like to do another state this year.

I've finally registered for my first tri.

I would also LOVE to try a trail run.

This isn't particularly a goal it just seems to be happening, but I'm on track to run my 20th half marathon later this fall.

If the next WDW marathon is a relay, I may try that next year.

Kim...That's really cool to be a Galloway leader! congrats!
Figured I'd join in here.

I did the full last weekend at Disney. Barely made it. Walked with little running.
Saw a lot of W.I.S.H. shirts and I have to say you guys helped me out a bunch and you don't even know me.

My goal now is to concentrate on 5K races and losing the extra weight I have. (30 pounds) I was losing until I started to train for the marathon.

I want to break 40 min. for a 5K race and I also want to do the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th of July.:hippie:
Figured I'd join in here.

I did the full last weekend at Disney. Barely made it. Walked with little running.
Saw a lot of W.I.S.H. shirts and I have to say you guys helped me out a bunch and you don't even know me.

My goal now is to concentrate on 5K races and losing the extra weight I have. (30 pounds) I was losing until I started to train for the marathon.

I want to break 40 min. for a 5K race and I also want to do the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th of July.:hippie:

Welcome Shmu! congrats on your marathon finish :banana::banana:

I'm with ya on the weight thing...I was doing well losing until I trained for the full a few years ago. Who knew it was possible to gain while training for a marathon? :sad2:

You're probably in good shape to PR a 5K since you're coming off marathon training. Just keep training up to 5 or 6 mile LR and you'll be golden.
Mel Congrats on registering for your first tri. I think sometimes the act of registering for a race is one of the scarier aspects! Now we need to put our brilliant heads together and come up with that destination race. I think I'll devote some brain cells (and web time) to that this week.

Shmu Congrats on your Disney finish and Welcome! After I did the Donald in 2009, and after I recovered, I spent the winter/early spring training for a "fast 5k" (a very relative term). It was a good winter thing to do. Hope you find a plan that helps you reach your goal.

AFM....todaay I did 17 miles in 12 degree weather. My camelbak tube froze so I was water-challenged for most of the run. It was a hard slog on snow covered roads, but I got it done. Didn't have to worry about going too fast for my training target time, LOL.

Now I intend to watch the Seahawks beat the Bears (one can hope...they did it earlier in the season, I believe), but more importantly need the Pats to beat the Jets.

Hi everyone! I'm back from my first full at Disney and had a blast! I ran with Tandy (rubato) and our goal was just finishing but we did it in under 5:00. I had a knee injury (and now an ankle sprain) so the finishing time wasn't a consideration but believe I have it in me to eventually run a full in 4:30 or under. Oops I posted it, I guess now I have to do it :laughing: The only other race I have scheduled for this year is the Princess Half. I'm trying to decide on another full - MCM, Disney or Honolulu. I'd love to go to Hawaii but feel for the cost, I could do a couple other races instead. But before I make any decisions, I think I have to focus on getting my ankle back!
Hi! I'm just getting back to running after ten years off. Having kids and running my family distracted me from something I love.

Tomorrow I start the C25k program. My goals for this year are to run a 5K in the spring, the Crazy 8's in July and if the money works out, the Princess 1/2 in 2012. I might be too aggressive in my goals but they give me something to shoot for.

I found this board through a some of the trip reports where people ran the Half Marathon and I'm looking forward to getting to know you!
Hi! I'm just getting back to running after ten years off. Having kids and running my family distracted me from something I love.

Tomorrow I start the C25k program. My goals for this year are to run a 5K in the spring, the Crazy 8's in July and if the money works out, the Princess 1/2 in 2012. I might be too aggressive in my goals but they give me something to shoot for.

I found this board through a some of the trip reports where people ran the Half Marathon and I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

Welcome Back, I took about 20 years off. I think your goals are reasonable. If finances are the concern for Princess, the Nashville half in November would be an alternative.
AFM....todaay I did 17 miles in 12 degree weather. My camelbak tube froze so I was water-challenged for most of the run. It was a hard slog on snow covered roads, but I got it done. Didn't have to worry about going too fast for my training target time, LOL.

You amaze me.

I have been scoping out days to run. Today 10 miles, 55 degrees and mostly sunny. I was a bit overdressed. And I still had to watch for icy spots.

I don't know how you all do it out in that icy mess.

Welcome back to running DisneyDreamMom. Hope you can make it to a princess some year.

Bunnyfoo and Shmu I hope to be in your situation in a year...coming home from my first full..glad it was a success.

Mel Have fun training for your TRI


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