WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

Just wanted to join in the fun! I have been running for a little over a year but have never run in a race. So I figured Disney would be the best place to start. My goal is to do the Half Marathon 2012 or the Princess Half 2012.
Are men allowed to run in the Princess? (Just incase my husband wanted to join me:)
Hello everyone! My name is Robyn and I just discovered your forum in the last few days. I have been looking for inspiration to improve my cardio exercise and I think I just found it! I have always been drawn to yoga and pilates but not necessarily to running. So now my goal is to do a 5K in the Spring, do a 5K with my DH and 2 DDs at Disney (not sure which one yet) and hopefully do the Half Marathon in Jan 2012. I have never been much of a runner so I am somewhat nervous about all this. I get on my treadmill a few times a week but it is mostly brisk walking. I know it sounds crazy but if I'm going to do a race the only place I can see having the motivation to do it for is Disney! I am trying to figure out my way around these part of the boards so please be patient... nice to meet everyone :flower3: Robyn
Hi everyone. I got out yesterday morning for my first post-Goofy run/walk - it was more of a walk than run but at least I was out moving. I seem to have gotten a case of Runner's Knee in my left knee during the full (well both knees bothered me from mile 15 on) but now its mainly the left knee that bothers me when I run for too long (and definately doesn't feel good going downhill!!) So yesterday I got in 4.2 miles - I ran until it bothered me and then I would walk until it felt better back and forth like that till I was home.

As for me my goal in 2011 is to help my almost 14 year old neice train for her first half marathon next January at Disney. She was SO excited when I told her the age limit was 14 (I thought it was 16) Trying to find a 10k she can race so she will have proof of time before January - unfortunately there aren't too many of those around anymore.
Can I join in on the fun too??? I just ran my first half, the WDW half and I am hooked. I had never really run before last march when I started the c25k. I didn't really run much during the summer but when Sept came I had to kick it in to prepare for the half and I did. I ran the whole thing but my time was not what I wanted, 3:00, but I am glad I finished. It was awesome and I can't wait to do the princess next year. As far as this year goes, right now I'm signed up for a 10k April 3rd, but I am planning on doing a 5k or two before that and then the Scituate duathlon in October and the Applefest half in October in Hollis, NH.

A question for the pros, will it be too much to do the half on October 1st and then a duathlon October 16th? The duathlon is run 2; bike 10.2; run 2.3. I think I'll be ok but it's all easier said than done, lol.

Are men allowed to run in the Princess? (Just incase my husband wanted to join me:)
Yup, they are.

Vicky We're going to hold you to your time goal! I bet you'll make it though. Hope your ankle heals up soon.

DisneyDreamerMom Welcome! Those are great goals. I think they're totally doable. Just take it slow and steady and you will make it. People love the C25K plan. It seems to really work and is a great first step.

Robyn Welcome! Your goal to run at Disney is not crazy. That's how I started and how a lot of other WISHers did too. Just get yourself some good running shoes, a reasonable 5k plan and you're on your way. And last year I got more into yoga and I am convinced it has helped keep me injury free. And of course Pilates will help with a strong core, so it's all good!

Tricia I think it's a great goal to help someone else train for the half. I tend to run alone, but I figure that by now I could definitely help someone train for a half---I just don't know anyone! Hope your knees heal soon. It's still pretty soon after the Goofy. I'm impressed that you are even out there running.

Carmel Welcome! I think you're not the only WISHer doing the Hollis race. One or two of the SuperGoofs have done that race before. As for your 2 races....I think you'd be fine.

Rest day for me. Plus I am not happy with the football results this weekend (other than the Steelers. who are now my team to root for) Oh well.

Rest day for me. Plus I am not happy with the football results this weekend (other than the Steelers. who are now my team to root for) Oh well.


I had a great football weekend. Sorry you didn't. My Packers looked fantastic. I am hoping for a Steelers/ Packers superbowl now. :thumbsup2
Just wanted to join in the fun! I have been running for a little over a year but have never run in a race. So I figured Disney would be the best place to start. My goal is to do the Half Marathon 2012 or the Princess Half 2012.
Are men allowed to run in the Princess? (Just incase my husband wanted to join me:)

I am running it with DW this year, because "The Gatorade is not going to carry itself." ;) I'll try to post a trip report in March.
Hello everyone! My name is Robyn and I just discovered your forum in the last few days. I have been looking for inspiration to improve my cardio exercise and I think I just found it! I have always been drawn to yoga and pilates but not necessarily to running. So now my goal is to do a 5K in the Spring, do a 5K with my DH and 2 DDs at Disney (not sure which one yet) and hopefully do the Half Marathon in Jan 2012. I have never been much of a runner so I am somewhat nervous about all this. I get on my treadmill a few times a week but it is mostly brisk walking. I know it sounds crazy but if I'm going to do a race the only place I can see having the motivation to do it for is Disney! I am trying to figure out my way around these part of the boards so please be patient... nice to meet everyone :flower3: Robyn
Robyn- Im super nervous too. But what could be better than running around DisneyWorld!! Good Luck!
Mike Have you picked out a running skirt?:rotfl2:

I would love to see some men as the princes' John Smith , Princess Charming etc
Hi WISHers! :wave:

Yes, I know what you all are thinking - is that really Tracy posting??:rotfl2:
Why, yes, yes it is me posting.
I had a hard time keeping up with WISH at the end of last year, but am hoping to at least keep up with one thread and I think this will be it.

Goals are not too defined for this year, as my foot/toe issue has really kept me back from getting any sort of a PR since Nov of 2009. So surgery is looking and is scheduled right now for April 1st (yep, April first:lmao:)
I finished the Half at WDW in a whopping 3:03:33 which really is, for me, a time I would have done about 2 years ago. So, it's all about finishing the races I have signed up for and there are two, ING Miami Half coming up on January 30th and then Princess Half (I have done all of them and hope just to keep up the streak).
I have a 5K at the end of March as a last "race" before surgery.
Then Laurie I guess you and I can get back into training right around the same time.
I am planning on training for my first FULL Marathon for WDW 2012. Yes, first full :scared1:- having done 16 Halfs and I think a "one and done" Full needs to be completed at some point and why not after surgery?
I am hoping to be ready for a Half Marathon in October or at least the Spacecoast in November.
I also enjoyed the cheering and volunteering at the races and this year was just as fun as previous years at WDW for the Full Marathon!! :cool1:
I was supposed to do a 6 miler yesterday but I had a 24 hour stomach virus and didn't get it in, then another 6 miler before the ING Miami, so it looks like another race again that I may not be all that prepared to do. (I got sidelined with an Anterior Tibialis injury before the WDW Half for a few weeks)

That is about it for now, Take care everyone.
Happy Monday Evening WISHer's!!

I have not run since completeing the latest (and last) Goofy. Came down with a cold that has been bothering me for the last few days.Plus I needed to get my ankle that I twisted at mile 15 of the Full back in to healthy shape.

My plans for the rest of this year are (most likely) the Royal Family 5k @ Princess weekend with my luscious DW, The National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer (1/2M) on Feb 13 in Jax Beach, FL. Then the River Run 15k in March in Jacksonville. I've been meaning to do this one for quite some time, but always manage to miss it for "whatever" reasons. Expedition Everest in May, W&D in October.

& hopefully 1 or 2 local (translate:cheap) triathlons. Maybe something at the Space Coast in November, work schedule dependent. ????

And, BTW, JUST for the record................ Yesterday was the ONLY time I have EVER rooted for the Patriots & look what happened. Just another reason to hate Bill Belicheck. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Can I join?

My goals for 2011 are:
1. To run 10 half marathons or longer (I just ran my first Goofy, and I figure that counts as two. I am signed up for 3 others).
2. To run 3 marathons (signed up for Pittsburgh, and looking for a fall one).
3. Run a half in under 1:55 (current PR- 1:59)
Robyn - Welcome! I started running 5 years ago (Wow! Has it really been that long now?) and ran my first 5K at Disney in May 2006. We actually drove from NC to Florida for me to run 3 miles. (And spend a long weekend at WDW too, but it seemed like a good excuse at the time! :rotfl:) I was hooked, and I ran my first half in Jan 2008.

Carmel - I don't think the two races are too much. You might want to take it a little easy on the half, just in case, but there are lots of WISHers who do races on a regular basis.

Mike - What a terrific reason to run the Princess. DH ran Goofy with me in 2010 pretty much just to make sure I finished. He's still having nightmares. :scared1:

Tracy - Welcome back! I understand not being able to define goals for the year... Good luck with the surgery. Glad you've got a date scheduled. I love the April 1st date!

Jim - I have a friend who's run the Jacksonville 15K and highly recommends it. I wish it were closer to me. My "meaning to do" is the Charleston bridge run in April. Maybe next year...

Shmu - Welcome! Great goals for this year. Did I read that Peachtree is going to a lottery this year?

Vicky - My vote for your race this year is MCM. Just saying...

- I don't think your goals are aggressive at all. They look perfectly reasonable to me. Then again, I don't have kids at home anymore either, so it's much, much easier to train!

Joan - Maura is amazing. But then, that's why she's running BOSTON this year!

sug78 - Disney is a GREAT place to start. There's no better place to run, and the WISH support makes it even more amazing.

Tricia - You're right about the lack of 10K's. There are a couple around here, but I doubt you want to travel that far! Good luck training with your niece. We managed to get DD19 through her first half in May. She's doing her second next month. She says she's doing the full in Jan 2013. We'll see...

Tandy - Sub-4:00. It's in print now. We're going to hold you to it!

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks post-op. :yay: That means I get to bend the leg more than 90 degrees at the hip, and will open up new opportunites at PT. Last night I actually got to do 10 minutes on some sort of bike/elliptical, and I did a whole quarter of a mile! I couldn't believe how good it felt to move both legs and feel like I was actually walking, if not running yet. Tomorrow is a pool day. More fun. Then 2 weeks until I see the doc again, and find out if I get to run this year or not. :confused:

Does anyone have any thoughts on which is the more affordable race to run:
1/2 marathon or princess 1/2? Meaning which time usually has cheaper hotel prices- This will factor into my decision which to run since I also have to pay for 4 plane tickets from the frozen arctic!
Does anyone have any thoughts on which is the more affordable race to run:
1/2 marathon or princess 1/2? Meaning which time usually has cheaper hotel prices- This will factor into my decision which to run since I also have to pay for 4 plane tickets from the frozen arctic!

I would have to say probably the 1/2 marathon in January. Depending on the deal Disney is offering I would say it is a little higher in February - if that is if they keep the same time frame as this year for next year.
Mike Have you picked out a running skirt?:rotfl2:

I would love to see some men as the princes' John Smith , Princess Charming etc

You jest, but I met two guys during marathon weekend wearing them. They tapped me on the shoulder as I was changing my shoes after the half, saying "it takes a real man to wear pink." I turned around to see that my pink tutu had almost been outdone by the two of them in pink & white running skirts. :rotfl:
Does anyone have any thoughts on which is the more affordable race to run:
1/2 marathon or princess 1/2? Meaning which time usually has cheaper hotel prices- This will factor into my decision which to run since I also have to pay for 4 plane tickets from the frozen arctic!

I booked my room for January at Pop around the summer for WDW Marathon weekend and had a good price (at a value resort) I just booked a room for Princess weekend and it is somewhat more money, and I booked a value resort again.
Although, Princess weekend, as in the crowds for the actual Half Marathon for the running, are smaller - meaning less runners.


Tricia - yeah 10ks down here near us in south FL are hard to come by, but when we find em its good as you can use a 10k time to submit for the Half Marathon for a good corral placement.

AFM - I got out last night for 4 miles. I was unable to do my 6 mile taper on Sunday as I had a stomach virus, so I hope it doesn't hurt me in anyway. Doing the WDW Half and then the ING Miami Half on January 30th only left me two weekends for LR and I was supposed to do two 6's.
Hey this thread is like January at the gym.....definitely more people hanging around, We'll just see how long it lasts! :lmao:

Tandy Total non sequitur......I was doing one of my back issues of the Sunday NY Times crossword puzzle and the crossword answer--a musical clue--was "rubato". I was unfamiliar with the definition. Is there a story behind your screen name? And Steelers/Pack would be good. Pack are definitely on a roll. Let's see.... who last beat them? Oh yeah, our own (improving_ Detroit Lions. I always hold out hope for next year! (Something I learned growing up as a Red Sox fan)

Tracy Always good to see you here! I missed my traditional "first WISHer to see at WDW" moment with you over marathon weekend! Hope you make it through the rest of your pre-surgery races okay.

Jim I thank the River Run people for putting out one of the few 15k trainig plans I have ever seen. It was the very first training plan I ever used when I started running--I used it to train for the Minnie 15k in 2008. Hope you feel better soon.

WVUFan Pretty ambitious goals! Hope you can manage them all without injury and with a smile on your face (or something approximating it!). My 1/2 PR is 1:50 and change whih I di from 2010. Oddly enough, it is a race that I did on the spur of the moment in place of a 10 mile LR that was on my training plan. Just went out and ran and hoped to finish under 2. Must have been the good vibes I got from DianeL who was cheering us on the course, and Carrie (wtcplc) and Lily(TigerLily) who were running/walking also. I think now if I tried to target that time, I would probably fail.

Jackie I has no idea the extent of your surgery/restriction. Kudos to you for making it through the recovery so far and lots of hope that you get an "all clear" sooner rather than later. I am the impatient type and would find it hard to hold back, but of course it's important to let things heal. (Which I find takes a long time now that I am "old"!)

sug78 Marthon weekend is definitely cheaper. It's low season for hotels, car rentals are cheaper, airfares are cheaper. Disney, on the other hand (park passes, meals) is the same.....expensive! Weather is dicier, though.

John Loved your trip report, BTW. Deintely will have to meet you one of these races. Also look forward to whatever you may run in! :)

As for me......well, yesterday's speed work was 88% successful. I only made it through 4.4 of 5 intervals that I was supposed to do. I just felt tired. Don't know why. Just one of those days.

And as for 2011 goals....still haven't picked out any more specific races. But that's me. I tend to try to do last minute stuff. I have been eyeballing the RnR Savannah half in November, though. Would fit my training plan, and seems like a few WISHers are going. It's an inaugural race---so who knows how well it will be organized--but I have never really been to parts south as a tourist before, so it could be interesting.

This afternoon my goal is to make it through the online training portion for the tax prep help I have volunteered for. Should be interesting!

I'm alive. Though my computer at home is being a pain and work is crazy still ... i hear the boss again. so quick....

Planning on more races this year and working on that list. will let you know when I get that settled.

Tracy... (((hugs)))) I hope the surgery gets you all settled again so you can start smoking up the course as usual :) Sorry it's coming to that (((hugs)))

Maura! BOSTON! Just cause :)

back to work.... send help! LMBO


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