WISH'ers walking, running and "other"ing in 2012--General Discussion thread

Great job Jackie!

Just ran my fourth Princess. It was a great day to run and I felt wonderful, I was in the zone, but had to pull back as DD and I were running as a team and were there to finish together. It was an ok time, 2:23, but I had so much left in me. Brought back a lot of confidence I lost at the full in Jan. This morning I feel like I could go out and run, but won't as I don't fun two days in a row.
But Joan, we should all "fun two days in a row", don't you think? ;) Glad your race went well.

Just back from the Sports Doc, and while I have no stress fracture or ligament damage, etc in my hip, I do have strained tendons/muscles (THAT, I already knew). So looks like I'm giving up running for Lent. Biking & swimming are okay, though, so I guess I'll do that.

I went out and had some "fun" (run) this morning. Did a 10k a minute faster than my half split on Sunday and that includes helping some lady catch her dog. Quite a scene...traffic including a school bus all stopped while she's running around. I had to help as the dog starting run after me (not in a mean way) when I went by.
The Princess was a blast, but starting in Corral C made things very interesting due to all the people you have to pass. I spent so much energy running around people that I could never get in a groove. Finished in 1:36, but it felt like I ran 14 miles instead of 13.1. My legs are hating me this week since I'm in the middle of Marathon training with 9 miles yesterday and 8 today. I'm ready for my rest day on Friday before the 20 I have to put in. Running as a guy in that race was fun. I didn't dress up, but wore pink in support and had a lot of nice comments from other runners. Very friendly field. I did get one "I hope you do miserablely" from a spectator around the TTC, but that was the only negative comment I heard. I'll be back next year. Running is too darn addictive, and I've only 5 months. Can't believe it took this long to find it!
Eddie I wish I could say "I don't believe it" about the person who made that nasty comment, but I'm afraid I do. Glad you enjoyed the race.

Joan Glad your run was fun--means you recover quickly from racing.

I'm in day 3 of fighting a nasty cold, so just reading and general vegetating for me.

Congrats to the Princess runners! It really looks like such a fun event!

I had an off-week last week. I had a pretty good 12 mile run the weekend before but had some lingering knee soreness. Muscle pain is annoying but this joint pain scares me! I'm usually a 3 day a week runner so I rested instead of doing my Monday run (if hosting 15 people for dinner is resting). I intended to run on Thursday after work but ended up doing emergency surgery at 4am following by a super long day in the office. I decided sleep was more important. ;)
Saturday I really wasn't feeling well and barely managed to walk 4 miles. Yesterday I did an ok 3.1 mile run. My concern is that when I turn the treadmill speed above 5.0, my knee starts to bother me. I won't say hurt. It's more like it's making me aware that it's there. :laughing: I'm trying to work on speed for my upcoming half marathon but apparently my body disagrees with my plan. :confused3
I'll try another run tomorrow or Thursday. I have 14 miles on schedule for Saturday which I have to fit in around my 3 year old's Tae Kwon Do tournament (he's very excited about his obstacle course that he's doing). I usually get up early to run but he has to be there by 8am....
I'm hoping that if I get my miles done, even if they are slower than I hope, I'll still feel strong for my race in April. My PR is 2:36 and I'm hoping for 2:30 or better but ultimately I'm just happy to get my bling at the end! :cloud9:

I had an off-week last week. I had a pretty good 12 mile run the weekend before but had some lingering knee soreness. Muscle pain is annoying but this joint pain scares me!

Amanda- Have you tried taking a Joint supplement? I have no cartilage in my right knee, and I was getting some soreness in that knee. I decided to try a joint supplement, GNC Tri-Flex, and I haven't felt any pain since. I recommend giving something of that nature a try. Your body isn't able to lubricate it like it should when you are putting that much stress on it on a regular basis, and this does the trick. I highly recommend trying something like this.
Hi everybody. Quiet around this thread. I don't have a lot to add since I've been sidelined with a groin/hip strain. I am happy to report that after 6+ weeks (yes, weeks) it seems to be on the mend. I am easing back into running. Today I did an easy 4. I did eventually break down and go to the doctor, mainly just to confirm that I didn't have a more serious underlying cause. So now I have even more PT exercises to do. Pretty soon I'll have to do 2-a-days just to keep up with the PT!

Amanda Hope your knee/s improve. I know that when I dirst started running, it took a while for my knees to be entirely happy. Never had an injury, just some soreness. Eventually that went away. (And then, of course, some other body part took up the achy slack!)

Heather Welcome to WISH! Hope you find some inspiration/good advice/travel planning tips/shoulder to cry on.....whatever you may need!

On a different running-related note.....The latest edition of Run Less, Run Faster is coming out and I am going to have my "testimonial" included in it. Basically, I had written them a note about my BQ experience and they decided to use it. My free copy is on its way and the book comes out on April 10.

Hi, I'm new to the running threads, but not to the Disboards. I am doing my first 5K at Disney in September. It's part of my goal to lose weight and get in better shape. Looking forward to being part of this group. I'm a Florida resident and annual passholder and have been to Disney more times than I can count.
Hi, I'm new to the running threads, but not to the Disboards. I am doing my first 5K at Disney in September. It's part of my goal to lose weight and get in better shape. Looking forward to being part of this group. I'm a Florida resident and annual passholder and have been to Disney more times than I can count.

Welcome! Good luck with you goals, you can do it! :thumbsup2
Maryanne Welcome to the group. Any questions on training or anything else we can answer?

Ran 3 pain-free, albeit slow, miles today--my first in over two months. Working my way back slowly from my hip/groin issues. Plan to take April slowly--just building up with nice and easy miles.

Maura - Does that mean you're not going to Boston? I'm guessing it would be difficult to do 26 if you're just getting back... :sad1:

Maryanne - Welcome! I did my first 5K at Disney, back in 2006. We had to drive a little farther than you, but it was worth it. Word of warning: it's addicting!

Heather - Welcome!

Amanda - How's the knee?

I ran the NC Half last weekend at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. I suppose ran is stretching it... I completed the half with my 21 year old daughter (who had completed exactly ONE 3 mile training run in preparation), a friend who ran MCM with me last fall and has been out with a stress fracture since (and had run exactly NO miles in training), and a random woman who was running her first half marathon (and had run up to SEVEN miles in training.) I set a new PR - for the slowest time I've ever taken! But I had a blast. I hadn't seen the friend from MCM in months, so we got to catch up, and my daughter and the other woman dropped off about mile 8 or 9 and walked in together - we had them in sight until the last half mile so I never felt like we abandoned them completely. It was a good feeling to help all of them achieve their goals, and I needed a break from pushing hard through my last couple of races. I'd never been to the track, so I enjoyed seeing all the different tracks that encompass the complex. And the medal is AWESOME!

And in case anyone is keeping track, I said before MCM last year that it would be my LAST marathon. Since then, I've run 26.2 with Donna. I just registered for Richmond in November. :guilty:

Jackie Glad you enjoyed your race. I didn't sign up for Boston (although I did have qualifying times) because back during signup I was still recovering from my neck issue. I wasn't sure that I would be able to run again. So good call on my part. I hope to qualify again one day.
Maryanne Welcome to the group. Any questions on training or anything else we can answer?


Thanks Maura! Just thought of two questions:
  • Suggestions for stretches to do after walking
  • Interval timers - is there an app that would work with my Nike+ app?

Maryanne I don't have any answers for the Nike+ question. As for stretches for post-walking, I defer to the walkers of the board. But if you feel any tightness when you stop walking, say in the hamstrings, quads, calves, then I would stretch those out. If you are running, then I would add in the IT band for sure.

Hers is a site that I have bookmarked when I want to learn more about muscles or how to stretch or strengthen them. It's pretty detailed (by muscle group or type), but I have found it useful.


Also, Runner's World is a good site for info. I do yoga, and they have posted info on yoga for runners. Here's one link:




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