Wk of April 13 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Jeff - You live a nice life. I can't decide if you are trying to make us jealous or just sharing the wealth. The pictures are incredible.

Becky - nice run. wow you are fast.

Lillousiannagal - For the masqueade I am thinking mardi gras sites might have masks. And of course that made me think of the hunch back of notre dame...

Krista - Dh and I used a baby bjorn with our kids all the time. Here is a trick to keep strangers from coming up and breathing on the baby. Have Stephen wear the baby instead of you. For some reason that I have yet to figure out, people won't close in on a man wearing the baby.

Also, wearing babies at Disney makes a lot of sense. We could wear our kids in lines and on many of the rides too. Strollers are a pain because you have to constantly park them. We only had to unstrap the kids when we were actually getting on the rides. Mine would sleep in lines for rides and then we would parent pass so naps didn't get in the way of our fun at all.

Oh and the only stroller I liked was my super expensive baby jogger. you can't use them until baby is 6 months old though. Its was worht every penny though.

Just have time for a quick post today -

Krista - We really like our Bjorn, but I'm looking at possibly getting an Ergo, too. It has a higher weight limit than the Bjorn, and is supposed to be more comfortable to wear. I've never tried one, though, I've just heard good things about them.

Becky - Awesome run!

Jeff - Gorgeous photos!

Ended up bagging my WO completely yesterday. So DH and I went out today and did W1D3 of C25K (Sean was in a MUCH better mood!). It was warm out, and very sunny, so we came back all hot and winded. 1.96 miles in 28:37, which explains why I'm tired - that's an average pace of 14:37, and my past several wogs have averaged at about 15:30. Oops! That's what happens when I try to keep up with DH! :)


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