Wk of April 13 - WISH Walking/Running Club


I hope your special day is everything you could ever WISH for!!

:bday: :cake: :drinking1 pixiedust:
Scott - I hate to tell you this, but those are the Air Force Thunderbirds.

Cool pic!

Um...yeah...that's what I said :rolleyes1

:rotfl: thanks!! (and thanks to the boards for that friendly little 'edit' button)
Wow this thread is flying!

Cecilia - DS broke his left arm one year then the right one 2 yrs later. Words of wisdom: don't take him the beach (there was sand in everything for 2 weeks). Hope your guy is doing better.

Bill - good luck with the morning thing. I've tried...just cannot get my butt out of bed any earlier than absolutely necessary.

Carol - I've run into the same thing and have brought it up to management. Just not safe.

Morgan - I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow now that the bad run is out of the way.

Mmmm, cookies......(done in best Homer voice )

To everyone else: HELLO!!! :wave2:

Weather here was beautiful yesterday so was able to take my new running skirt out for a test walk. Did 3 miles at a steady 15 mpm. So psyched that it'll all work out for the Minnie. Which I've realized is in two weeks.:scared1:

Have my first 10K tomorrow and of course they're calling for rain. Heavy rain and possible t-storms. I havent' trained in the rain so this shoudl be interesting. Have three goals: finish with a good time, avoid the large puddles and don't slip.

Oh, yeah we were woken up by the earth quake this morning. The center was about 200 miles south of us but was strong enough to wake me at 4.40am (not an easy task) and make everything rattle.

Have a great Friday!!
Scott: "Maybe Hines should make their house a regular "pit stop" during your walks from now on" :lmao: I love your suggestion for Himes. My dog so does this at "Belle's" house (she's no Belle-nasty mean little dog!) on every walk! She waits until she hears/sees Belle barking in the window even. Even if it is pouring down rain she will hold it until we get here; and on the way back she always does at least a token squat. sorry if that was tmi :rolleyes1 And thank you thank you thank you :worship: for arranging for the rain to be held off! I got a lovely run in. On brie: that was something I had never experienced before :love: . I was the first one to cut into it and I thought it was a sweet because the brie was pudding-consistency. Then I tasted it and went "whoa thats savory, not sweet!" followed by "MMMMMMMMM" yeah so I definitely had 3 [small] servings of it...:blush: and yet when I searched for it, it is so darn easy to make! OMG that picture is amazing! (actually I just made it my desktop background!)

Judy: "OK who else thinks we need a WISH Tollhouse Cookie Bake Off??? I volunteer to be a judge!" ooo I second this one! I'll bake and be the official cookie dough tester!


I'm off to do a little post-run rock climbing and swimming (I was going to play tennis with a friend, but she canceled :sad2: ). I don't know what my time was on the 12-miler but it felt quick and good!
Scott and Claire--You know I never allow Hines to potty in other people's yards, but I think from now on he'll be allowed to go in that yard! I'm still mad about it 27 hours later.

Scott--Very cool picture!!!

TX Ang--Do you like your Baby Bjorn? I registered for one, hoping I can use that in place of a stroller for areas that are not stroller friendly. It's definitely going to WDW in January, Stephen and I will have a tough adjustment pushing a stroller!! Were you able to get out for your walk today?

Claire--I'm so glad that you got your run in before the rain! It's supposed to rain tomorrow for Stephen's tri, the tri starts at 7:15, so I'm hoping he's finished before the clouds roll. Have fun having your fondue party and seeing Beauty and the Beast, I just might invite myself down, I love fondue and Beauty and the Beast!

Judy--Good for you for sleeping in!! :thumbsup2 I think Carter is training for something big, he has been quite the wild man today. :teeth:

If I don't make it back here later, have a great weekend everyone and :wizard: :wizard: for fantastic runs!!!!

Cecilia - I must have missed something while I was gone... Your son broke his foot?!? I'm sending pixie dust his way! :wizard:

If next Tuesday I have another bad run I'm off to the doc. I promise.
It was his arm. He is doing great though. And it sounds like you have a good plan I hope the rest takes care of things for you.

Tonight we are going out for an early birthday dinner with my and his parents to a place where they serve you raw steak on a 700 degree volcanic rock. Trust me, it's delicious (it cooks on the rock). I figured that, a baked potato and veg is a good pre-race dinner.
A steak and baked potato are my favorite pre-race meal by far. Good Luck Tomorrow and have fun at dinner - it sounds really cool.

Cecilia - DS broke his left arm one year then the right one 2 yrs later. Words of wisdom: don't take him the beach (there was sand in everything for 2 weeks). Hope your guy is doing better.
Oh my gosh, just the thought of all that sand!!! Wow. Thanks for the heads up!
Lily: You always give such thoughtful, good advice to everyone. (Just thinking about what you said to CarolA and NEPatsBill. We're lucky to have you here.

Tracy: Great job with Mount Trashmore yesterday, with the pace, wind and dirt. You've got true grit, you do! (Sorry, sorry!) A monthly massage sounds like heaven, and you'll certainly deserve one after the Minnie! :thumbsup2

Frank: Back-to-back races?? I think that sort of represents the addictive nature of the running high, don't you?

Amy: You're in the groove! What a great pace and, best of all, a good-feeling run. And I have to admit that I'm actually somewhat relieved that you occasionally take a difficult Pilates class. Not because you challenge yourself, because I know you do, but because it lets me pretend I'm not such a wimp. ;)

NE Bill: Wow--you squeezed a lot into your day. No wonder it's not an early-to-bed life. I hope your plans for Monday goes well, and think you're very wise not to try to change things up for the weekend because of the high risk of failure. It's a good thing your Queen sees you an adult, but what impresses me most about her is that she hasn't issued an "off with his head" order because of those alarm-clock strategies. (Tried 'em, doesn't work for me either.) For the record, I'm willing to try your cookies in a side-by-side taste test with Amy's!

Aloha Jeff: Your commute plan sounds like a great opportunity for XT!!! I'm a walker, which doesn't even begin to offset DOOD's commute (1 hour). Love the Mickey truck markings--he looks a little like you in stride, don't you think? :thumbsup2

Kristi: I'm sure if the young'uns at the gym say anything about you, it's "Geez, she's a serious athlete." That's what I would say! It's the fitness attendants who always talk smack, in my experience.

Maura: Great news about the massage therapist having the personal and professional background to work with you! I'm sure you'll be feeling in fine form for the Minnie.

Cecilia: I loved, loved, loved the anecdote about DD and DH & the weight/cardio room. Especially this quote:
Some people seem to think being in the same room with their children is the same as being involved with their children. Its not.
You're awesome parents, both of you! Btw, I'm glad your DS is doing okay with the arm.

Stacie: Have a great, if short, run, enjoy our weekend at Beaufort, and kick booty with that 7 miler! I expect to hear good things on your return!

Shan: Be careful & don't jump into running too soon, no matter what kind of evil peer pressure you feel from DH. Tuesday will come soon enough. In the meantime, come join the Core Warriors; trust me, it'll take your mind off running as you'll find new soreness to think about. :lmao:

Krista: Regarding the irresponsible dog owner--how frustrating for you. :mad: 90% of dog owners I've met are great people, and I live in a very dog-friendly neighborhood, which is what makes the rest stand out. Plus, those poor dogs. And to know you might need to deal with your neighbor in the future. I'm glad that you and Hines are okay, but I just kept thinking about the future. You know, how Hines might react in the future, or when you're more pregnant, or with Carter. And his (non) reaction: it just makes me so mad!!! Now I think I better go work off some steam myself.

Jen: See, that's what I worry about with dogs & kids. Not necessarily the danger of an excitable dog--I don't like to dwell on that too much--but instilling fear in kids. My landlady has two dogs, one very loud & physical puppy, and her BF's youngest kid was scared of it after he met the dog for the first time last week. (With good reason, he's a bit scary.) But SHE's bringing in an animal behaviorist today, as a matter of fact, to work with the two "families" as they get to know each other. THAT's a good dog owner!

Carrie: WTG with biking to dinner. Puts in the miles, the minutes, and I'll bet the food tastes better too! A cookie as dessert might have been a great way to top off the meal. I'm sorry to hear about Scott's heel--that must be very frustrating for him. Why were you at a track meet, btw? And I'm glad to hear that the cat has been exonerated and the earthquake has received its proper credit for the bed shaking.

Then instead of class we went to a reception and to hear a guest professor. Quite uhh interesting. Good food though! Baked brie and chocolate mousse cups made it worth it!
Hmmm, methinks there are stories you are leaving out. Was there alcohol at the reception--I find it always makes talks and academic chit-chat much more interesting. Have fun with the rock climbing & swimming (and after a 12 miler)! :worship And I just know you're going to have a blast with all the BatB festivities!

Scott: Very cool pictures. Makes me wish I'd seen them. And I wish I could answer your question about the bike/hill riding. But that's exactly the kind of question I have that I didn't know I had until you asked if, if that makes any sense. It's one of those riding things that I'd like to get a handle on--not only for physical benefits but for my comfort level on the streets. I tend to alter my route to try to avoid the hills, but it's not so doable around here without hitting some busy, busy streets.

Judy: I second (third?) the call for a Tollhouse Cookie Bake Off. Amy, of course, and Bill could enter his M & M cookies. Anyone else? I do think we'll need lots and lots of judges. It's a hard job, but some of will just have to do it...

Morgan: What, praytell, is an EggMcMorganMuffin? I assume it tastes better than one my Mickey D's, if only because it's made for you, with extra love, by DBF.

TXAng: Apparently your "training partner" is a strong advocate of the proper amount of rest before WOs. Wise beyond his years, I think.

Liz: Good luck on your 10K tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain, but am sure you'll do well regardless. Tell me, how does your skirt like being walked? I assume leash-free is appropriate in this case. :rotfl2:

As for me: Not much to report--a XT day with 6 miles on tap for tomorrow. We're hoping to get out and about this weekend with the good weather, looking at housing, catching some Earth Day events, etc. But there's a production of King Lear also going on this weekend seems worth seeing--it's such an "up" play, you know. :rolleyes: Too many choices, too little time. :woohoo:
Forgot to post that I woke up to teh earth quake this am.

Carrie & Liz: Your quake made it onto our morning news way out here. I hope there was no damage to your home.

Morgan: Next time, peel off all the tape from the back, and use Goop or Aquarium silicone to adhere the Mickey Head emblem to your car. Way more secure.
Very cool Jeff. I'm jealous! :goodvibes

Well, today I watched some video that DH took on vacation. Turns out we got the Thunderbirds pretty good on video! :thumbsup2
Well, today I watched some video that DH took on vacation. Turns out we got the Thunderbirds pretty good on video! :thumbsup2

Honolulu got a treat last year in October and November, when first the Thunderbirds flew airshows over Waikiki. Then the Blue Angels flew airshows over Kaneohe Marine Corps base.

I took our Girl Scout troop to both events, and they had a blast.

Did anyone know that one of the Thunderbird pilots is a woman? Yep, Major Nicole Malachowski. My Girl Scouts were amazed to read this article about her.

...Stephen and I will have a tough adjustment pushing a stroller!!
Krista, Krista, Krista...you NEED the stroller! Where are you going to put all the baby "stuff" you "need?"

Seriously. We bought a couple strollers we thought would be great. We thought all those people who spent crazy money on the Peg Perego were nuts. Well, guess what we broke down & bought when Zack was 18 mos. old? Yup. LOVE that stroller! In fact my nephew is right now tooling around WDW in it. You will be missing the stroller days when they are over. We have no idea where to put all our "stuff" now. :rotfl:

We also thought the Britax car seat people were crazy too. :rolleyes1
Zack is still in his Marathon! :thumbsup2
So cool Jeff!

It was amazing to me when I watched our video how close those airplanes are. They are practically touching each other. Almost seems impossible!

Then I thought, how safe was it for us to be underneath them? I shouldn't think so much! :headache:
Had nice weather here in SE FL. About 68/70 degrees during my walk this morning. High is supposed to be around 83 today, humidity of 68%. ( I just WISH this weather would hang around for the Minnie!!)

Just wanted to share a great walk I had today!!!
I did 4miles in 55min56.52sec. That is a minute per mile pace of 13:58!!!
(I know that doesn't seem great to you runners, ugh!)
But that is the first 4miles that I have done under 14min pace!!!:cool1: :banana:
I am so excited!!

Jeff: where did you get the running Mickey??

I loved the photos of the jet planes!!!

Take care everyone and have a great Saturday.
Krista: Good luck to Stephen! Tri-ing in the rain wouldn't be much fun. At least he would be wet anyway! Fondue was yummy, though a bit hurried for the cheese course (we stuck to cheese before and chocolate after). I stuck with a tomato and swiss recipe (no alcohol for this one), so you could have joined us! And Beauty and the Beast was charming. It was put on by a high school with a phenomenal theatre department (not to mention an awesome budget!). Last year we saw The King and I so we knew we had to come back for this one! Hmm we wiped out the chocolate but we had left over cheese....what does that say about us??? :rolleyes: Hmmm and I have decided that I like the "first to lose a bread cube" tradition. *searches for halo* :angel:

Debra: Ohhh maybe That's why everyone seemed to be having such a good time....:idea: They were serving wine (along with tea and water, though you had to ask specially for those!), though I didn't have any. Now I know why they all seemed so....:dance3: Sounds like a fun weekend planned! Good luck on the 6 miler.

Scott: :confused: now what did you have with the picture other than Air Force Thunderbirds? (Blue Angels perhaps?)

Jeff: Thanks for the Mickey head tip there! And I love the idea of a WISH sticker :thumbsup2

Krista & Kristi Yeah how else are you supposed to knock people out of the way and whack the crud out of their calves/shins?? :sad2:


Not much training since yesterday, unless you count fondue as XT! (hey it takes skill not to drip).

Last night I introduced my friend to the amazing and quirky qualities of cornstarch (mixed with water). So cheap and yet so entertaining! For anyone who has not tried this it makes "oobleck" which is a non-Newtonian fluid, so it oozes like a liquid and can be poured, but if you apply pressure quickly to it it seems to be solid. Just mix approximately 1 part water to 1.5–2 parts cornstarch for hours of fun :dance3: :yay:

Perhaps y'all would have some ideas on this: for our end of term spring banquet we are having a "Masquerade" theme. I'm going to try to go by party city or similar store (or a craft store) to look for masks. Has anyone tried to make one before? Any good theme ideas for BF and I (Disney strongly preferred--of course!)?

Have a lovely lovely Saturday!
Pau Hana Friday bike ride... through our Mt. Trashmore


End of the day.

Start of the night.

Sunset surfing.

Fireworks at Hilton Hawaiian Village
Happy Saturday WISH team! I had a fantastic run this morning. I did 9.3 miles in 1:40. I shaved off 16 MINUTES from my minnie time last year!! It is also nice to know that I can start my taper now.

I want to thank everyone that gave me their opinions on me doing a half marathon 2 weeks after the goofy next year. I am still thinking about it. I don't need to make a decision anytime soon.

Now I need to go catch up with this thread! Have a great weekend everybody!

Thanks Jeff! Great pics and your girls are so cute!! (I have 2 also) And I have to ask what everyone else is asking - where did you get your running Mickey decal?

Krista - hey just want to chime in that I loved loved loved my baby bjorn carrier!! It is so wonderful! And as far as a stroller, I have been through so many, but my newest is a Maclaren and I love it. I bought last year's model so I got it like half price.

Does anyone else thing Jeff must work for the Tourist Board? Those pictures make me jealous LOL!

I posted my run today in the event thread. Let's just say it was NOT pretty but I got through it.

Becky and Tracy. Great times! Sound good to me!


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