Wk of April 13 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Morgan: Bad runs happen but don’t let it get you down. I think everyone has had a story like yours but the good and bad ones all even out in the end.

Bill: Good luck on the morning work outs. I can switch up from morning to midnight runs but weights are so much harder for me…or at least my joints. Apparently they can’t hear the alarm.

Pat: If you set your mind to it you can do whatever distance you want. I started barely able to run for a mile and in about 5 weeks I did my first 5K. As soon as I crossed that line I was hooked. The runner’s high is just something that can’t be explained.

Cecilia: Good luck in the CM half. I did it in 2006 and loved it. I think I said it earlier or on a different thread but Elite Racing puts on the most organized race I have ever seen (sorry Disney).

Jeff: National Bike to Work day is Friday May 16th. I would love to bike to work and it isn’t prohibitively far but I would have to be in a lot of traffic and I barely survive the crazy morning drivers in my car let alone on my bike.

Carol: The gym I go to is pretty good about keeping kids out and I can see how it would be frustrating. I give the kid credit for at least trying to be active but it will do no good when he is in a cast because he grabbed a cable while someone was doing rows or something like that.

Today was just a weights day for me so nothing big to report. Rest day tomorrow and races Saturday and Sunday.
Hi Guys...quick update from me and a little catching up on everyone else...

I managed to get outside this afternoon for a nice 6 miler. Was able to do 5 Miles at nearly tempo pace. I finished 5 in 45 minutes which is nothing to complain about at all. Then I ran out the final mile at a really easy pace to relax the legs. So overall...a successful and relatively pain free 6 miles! :thumbsup2 This afternoon I went and took an advanced pilates class from my pilates trainer which was GREAT...wow...it was sooo difficult! Then I taught my Pilates class this evening. Overall a great day of exercise for me!!!

Morgan: You need a hug! :hug: Gosh...I've had those runs before and they are sooooo stinkin' frustrating. Just know this....we all have them....even those super speedy elite runners have them. Never fear girl...you have been doing great and look at those tough runs as a badge of honor. Tough runs make tough runners....you've been inducted into the tough runner club today!

Lily: What's "the bird". Excuse my ignorance but I'm very curious LOL :). I'm sure it was fun!

CarolA: Nope..not witchy. I'd report it in ANY of the gyms that I work in. Matter of fact...it's really not a safe situation and you are doing the right thing to address it. And thanks for the confidence in my baking ability...I still think scott is just being way too nice ;).

Angie: 4.1 in 39 is SWEET girl! WTG!

TxAng: *sigh* toting a baby. *sigh* :love: Miss having babies. I know how much work they are...but wow...aren't they just THE BEST!!!

Stacie: I know I touched on your journal...but :hug: i know it was a tough run but I'm so proud of you sweetie!

Cecilia: *sigh* NASHVILLE :lovestruc ! We did CMM last year (as Scott mentioned) and I have so many great memories from the race, the town, the music. I'm MASSIVELY jealous! Go have a ton of fun for us and report back LOL!

Krista: David Cook ROCKS!!!! :cool1: I'm a HUGE fan!!! I really want to see him go to the end (but secretly not win so he can have more creative freedom).

Scott: How was the Tour de Scott tonight?? My wonder twins powers tell me it was a successful elliptification an bicyling session. ;)

That's it from me I think. You guys are all doing great! Awesome week of training :)
As you can tell, I haven't quite mastered the early to bed thing yet. I did get in a swim team awards banquent, soccer shoe buying and some work related paperwork tonight (sorry Green Peace, we litigation attorneys haven't yet reached the point of being paper free). I will try to start the early morning thing on Monday (always a good day to start something new, plus it won't mess up the weekend).

Thanks everyone for your suggestions and encouragement though.

**Debra** Unlike DOOD, the Queen of my castle keeps accusing me of supposedly being an adult and, as such, I should be able to get myself up. Of course hearing the snooze alarm going off every 9 minutes for an hour or more does tend to annoy her a little. She also usually doesn't find it amusing when I move my alarm clock around to make it more difficut to "sleep walk" to the snooze button.

**Carol** As a parent, I think you did the right thing. Not only are there safety issues with respect to the equipment, there are also general safety issues with a 12 year old left alone. You aren't there to baby sit other people's children, that's his Dad's job.

**Jeff** Unfortunately, I am no where near ready for hoofing it 20 miles each way to work. Maybe in a few years when I start doing ultras;). For now, I'll have to keep paying for the gas. If all the other WISHers stop driving though, there should be less demand and I'll get to pay less.

**Amy** I can't say whether your recipe story is true or not. I will say, however, that my wife, among other things, is an excellent baker, but my kids still say Daddy makes the best M&M cookies. My wife even uses my secret recipe (taken off an M&M bag about 25 years ago), but the kids still say mine are the best. Of course I may make them about once a year and other than manning the barbeque and ocassionally cooking pasta, its the only cooking/baking I do.

Have a great Friday all.
Happy Aloha Friday WISHers:

Welcome to all the newbies this week. :welcome:

I need to clarify for you all, I live about 4 miles from work, so I guess that makes me the designated rider :rotfl:. I know Leanna rides to work on occasion, even in the snow.

So, once gas hit's $4.00 here, I'll be dropping the Princesses off at school, and commuting by bike from their parking lot. It's mostly downhill, or flat going to work. Very do-able, in less than 30 minutes. Coming home it is flat, then uphill. Probably 45-50 minutes due to the incline. :yay:

I do use my car for work on occasion, when I have to go out on audits, those days I'd have to drive.

A few years ago there was a bus strike here, traffic got so congested, I rode for about 2 months on alternate days.

Training report: Went for my hill run that was aborted for a beach run on Tuesday. Very warm out, with vog filled air. But I got in my 6 miles. :banana:

Good going everyone who got out this week and did your "homework." Keep up the good work, and see you at the water stops.

I just had to share my new markings on the truck (I told you I have Disneyitis). I'm still trying to make a decision on my vanity plates.



I still have to get the dog sticker.

I just ordered "MKYFAN" since someone stole my

I am thinking about our southern Illinois area WISHers - are you all ok?
We've been running the story about the earthquake for the past hour and I've been thinking of you guys!

Carol - if you are a witch, I guess I am too. And I have a rugrat!
The boys that play basketball in the middle of the indoor track at my Y and a huge pain. No respect at all. They are constantly darting out in front of me on the track - to get a stray ball, a drink from the bubbler, etc. I have been known to give them very dirty looks and shake my head. I can just imagine what they say about me! :laughing: I am on the verge of talking to someone at the desk about it. I just think it will be pretty futile. Heck, most of the adults don't follow the rules of the road (or track!). Why would their kids? :rolleyes:
Jeff So I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your Disney-style "pimp my ride". I bought my DD great Mickey seat covers (on sale,no less) and of course the car topper. So much stuff to buy. DS will strip it all off when it is time for him to drive the car (he's in no hurry)

Morgan Good luck on your race. Given my readings of WISHers doing races over the past few months, they all kvetch/get nervous about how "unprepared" they are and then all go set PR's! With all the WISH-vibes headed your way, you'll do great.

Just some weights and stretching for me today, since no LR tomorrow. Did get a call back from the massage therapist--they can see me after Tuesday. And get this--he finished 20th at the London Marathon in a time of 2:18+ and is now in Boston with his partner who's doing the trials this weekend! I figure these guys have a good shot at helping me--they know what it's all about!

I am looking for advice... Am I being a witch?
Cruella says no, you were absolutely right to report them. Children and adults have no business using the machines until they are taught how to use them.
DD turned 12 on Wednesday and all she wanted for her birthday was to FINALLY get to go to the cardio/weight room at the gym. (Our gym the age is 12) Dh took her to the gym. He showed her how to work the treadmill, turned it off and made her turn it on. He made her wear the safety clip that noone wears. He then stayed next to her so he could watch her in case she got tired (yea right)
Then he got an exercise chart out and measured her for about 5 machines writing it all down for her as they went. He showed her how to move the machines to her settings, how to move the weights to the lowest setting and how to record her work out on the chart.
Yesterday, he took her back and made her show him that she could do it all without help. Some people seem to think being in the same room with their children is the same as being involved with their children. Its not.

Me? I had a horrible run. Awful..... I was -and still am- pretty upset. I really do not feel prepared for Saturday now at all. :(
I have freinds who are highly superstitious. They say that if you don't have a real stinker of a training run before the big race then you will have a stinker of a race.
If you could go back and look at all my posts prior to any given race, I almost never feel prepared or trained. I always find something to panic about. And so far, I have always managed to do just fine. Sometimes I do better than fine and really surpise myself. Trust me, the race will be completely different than that training run.
Hey folks!

Cecilia...11.2! :faint: WOW. You go girl!

Debra...Sorry about your off-kilter day. Hope today is better for you!

Angie...Yeah girl, I bet your mom would wear one of your shirts. My mom is like 3 sizes SMALLER than me, so I had to get her one of her own. It's kinda sad though that I could let my dad borrow mine. :upsidedow

TXAng...Yep. My mom, dad, DH, Sister and BIL are all doing the 5K. It will be tougher for some of us than others, but everyone is at least going to attempt it. I know my mom won't have a problem. She can walk circles around me! She's been training now for 3 months or so to work on her pace. My dad too. I just hope his knee holds out! You mom could totally do one!

Morgan... :hug:

Amy...Yay! What a great workout! I'm so glad you had a good day. Looks like that "rest" paid off!

For me...Nothing yesterday. I work til about 3:30, hope to get home and try get 3 miles in, but I may have to cut it short to 2. We leave tonight for the coast. So, hopefully I will conquer my 7 miles at Beaufort tomorrow. My longest distance yet. I just got in my fuel belt. It has two bottles, but I wish I'd gotten one w/ smaller bottles. It just seems so big. I thought about sending it back, but I guess I'll just keep it and see how it does.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Morgan - :hug:

Cecilia - I must have missed something while I was gone... Your son broke his foot?!? I'm sending pixie dust his way! :wizard:

Jeff - Where did you get that Mickey running decal?!? I want one!!! I have the Disney family on my car and get compliments on it all the time. I think they are about done, though. The ears are starting to curl up. Guess I'll need to get a "new family" when we go down to WDW again. :lmao:

Me? I'm fighting the urge to try and go out and run. I'm laying off for a week and will try to run again next Tuesday. I'm gonna take DH with me so he can see what is happening. I think he thinks I'm full of it cause he only sees me walking around just fine. I don't start limping until a mile into my runs. If next Tuesday I have another bad run I'm off to the doc. I promise.
Good morning, team!!! Happy Friday!! Did all the mid-westeners survive the earthquake this morning? People are claiming to have felt it here, but I didn't feel a thing. Hines started barking about the time it hit, but I have no idea if that's what he was barking about or not.

Morgan--:hug: You will be fine for tomorrow, trust me. I think every last run before an event for me has been horrible, I end up thinking "how can I run x miles, if I can't even run y?" But it's all just part of the training. Try to put it all behind you, have a relaxing day today, eat some carbs tonight and get to bed early. Here's the best tip I ever got from anybody, I heard it from John Bingham the night before my first half marathon, even if you aren't tired, go to bed and try to lay as still as possible. You might still be awake, but your body is getting rest. Good luck!!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Debra--I am very sorry that your parents aren't more supportive and encouraging to you. :hug: Do they not realize how great your accomplishments are?? :hug: :hug: :hug: Make sure you get that ice cream this weekend and make it 2 scoops. ;)

Aloha Jeff--4 miles to work?? That's a dream! Our grocery store is about 4 miles away. Wow! Isn't it fun living in suburbia? ;) Love the truck!

Angie--Good luck today on your last day of work!!

Carol--You are not a witch at all! I would have done the same thing. I don't get parents and their lack of parenting, I always say that I'm going to be a mean mom and I'm serious about it too.

Amy and Scott--You two are the cutest ever!!!! I love Bingham K. Penguin.

Amy--I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling much better and you were able to get some much deserved rest. Now just remember to take a rest day more than once every 6 months. ;)

Scott--Plain vanilla, huh? Maybe you can mix it up with some of Amy's famous cookies. :)

Cecilia--How is your son? Still adjusting to the cast? I am so impressed with your daughter, I love how she wants to exercise as a 12 year old, that says A LOT for what kind of an example you and your husband are to your kids.

Hines and I went out for another 3 miles last night, we did it in 48 minutes flat. :woohoo: I discovered that I can still wear my running shorts if I untie them, let the drawstring all the way out, and roll them under my stomach. I don't know how much longer that's going to work, but it's working for now. Stephen went through all of his running shirts and found ones that are cut smaller, so I have about 4 tech shirts I can wear now. But let me tell you how mean Stephen was to mean, when he saw my shorts, he started laughing and said that I looked like Tim Allen on the Santa Claus when he tries to wear his old clothes with his Santa belly. :mad: ;)

And let me vent for a minute about irresponsible dog owners. Hines and I were walking along and out of nowhere comes this little dog flying at us. I really wasn't too worried, I knew Hines wouldn't hurt her and she was so small (I think it was a French Bulldog), I knew she couldn't do much damage. About 30 seconds behind her comes another dog, a lab mix, I was worried about her though because she was bigger. As I was trying to figure out what to do, a little boy comes out of the house to get the dogs. The bigger dog sniffed Hines and went back to the house, but the little dog was jumping on Hines, scratching at him, and barking. The little boy couldn't catch her and I was trying to grab her collar too, but as I holding Hines' leash with one hand, I wasn't much help. After about 5 minutes of this, the dad finally comes out, it took him a few minutes, but he finally got the dog in house. The dogs getting out of the house wasn't a big deal, I have a dog, I know how that is and the little dog didn't hurt Hines, so that wasn't my problem. My problem was the dad, he didn't say one word to me, not an apology or anything. Here I am minding my own business with my dog properly on a collar and leash and his dogs come out of nowhere and basically attack my dog and he can't even apologize? What is up with that????? :mad: :confused3 :mad: And not to play the pregnant card, because I hate when people do that, but what if I was knocked down by the dogs? Or they jumped on my stomach? I almost said something to him, but I thought this is my neighbor (it was about 6-7 houses down from us) and over the next few years I'm going to be running a lot in our neighborhood, I better not make an enemy. I was so mad after that, Hines and I were walking 14:00 miles!!!!!

Now that I'm fired up again, I better get off and get some work done. Carter must be able to feel my anger, he was been rolling around nonstop since I started posting my vent! :lmao:

Krista - DOn't get me started.....FYI - There are soem marathon LOs on RObert;s site that are very cool. http://www.disneyrunning.com

Stacie - Good luck on your 3!

Shan - GOod job fr letting yourself heal.

Amy & Scott - We have used teh TOll house Recipe fro years. I swear half the world does. hwoever, some peole use butter, some shortening, some add nuts. The size fo dough on the cookie sheet and the bake time can change a cookie tons. So, I believe Amy adn just think she's got the gift of knowing just how to bake them right. Have we sttled this spat now? :rotfl: BTW, AMY, you can bring em samples so I can tell yScot once and fro all if they're TOll House if you want. ;)

Well, a track meet and going out to dinner got in teh way of my 40 min run. However, we did ride our bikes to dinner adn got in 7.7 miles in 44 min. So, we at elast got the time in. First track meet I've been atsince HS. "FInal call fro teh boys and girls 2 miles run" still puts my stomach in knots. :scared:

Looks liek Scott will be off his running shoes fo a bit, as he has had a bruised heel since before CHristmas. Very timel at seeing teh doc, huh? He's on his feet all day for work, so that deosn't help.:rolleyes:

HAve a good weekend everyone!
Well, now it's raining here and supposed to for 3 days. So last night was a date with the TM and I did 45 minutes. I was OK with it because at least it wasn't snowing outside.

Krista - The other night when I was running with Emma (DD7) and Sadie (My Golden), a dog flew out at us between parked cars. Emma didn't see it coming and freaked out. This happens regularily and the owners never ever say a word about it. Usually I have to scream at the dog to "Go Home". DH says I am a dog whisperer because they usually listen to me. So after that, we turned the corner and these two HUGE labs that had to be mixed with Rottweiler because they were so huge, started barking and yanking on their chains like they wanted to kills us.... we turned around and high tailed it home. These homes are all within 10 houses of us, but we have had such a turn over in owners lately and the new people moving into the "hood" are not at all friendly like the old bunch. I think this dog thing is a universal problem. I told Emma that Sadie would beat up another dog to save us, so she was OK with that.
Amy: mmm I can live with "just" Tollhouse cookies! Good workout too!

Bill: :wizard: PD for DD gymnast's back --tough break! You sound crazy busy with those kids (actually your post reads like our forum--activity guide!). As for getting in early morning workouts: consistency. Get to bed earlier and force yourself to get up and get out. I've found in the evening cutting lights down to mainly lamps helps me to get sleepy earlier and in the morning turning on lights helps me wake up. It's tough for the first few weeks but then it becomes habit.

Patricia: You can do it! :cool1:

Ang: My aunt and uncle met whilst rollerblading on the levee, so I kind of have a legacy to uphold! Cute story--they actually got married on a boat--on roller skate! Quads though, not blades, because they figured it was more "formal" :rolleyes: Keep in mind this was the same wedding where the best man passed out little googlie/sprongie headbands (with the two springs with foam balls on them) to all the guests so that after they said "I do" and turned around we would all have them on (surprise!). Needless to say it was a fun wedding!

Stacie: Good job on getting the miles in! :eek: on the chicken and rice! And you mom sounds so cute! :yay:

Judy: LOL though soon enough it will be $4 !!! :scared1:

Scott and Amy: On the cookies it can also make a huge difference if you use, say, margarine instead of butter. It can completely change the texture! So perhaps your little touches make a difference Amy.

Scott:That looks like one pooped penguin! I love the idea.

Cecilia: "All this talk of cookies is not helping me watch what I eat at all. I am alone in the house with left over chocloate fudge birthday cake and I can hear it calling me..." gee I can hear it calling me too...:love: :rolleyes1 Give your DH for the weight/cardio room training with DD!

Debra: I love the vanilla blurb! And bonus points for using the word "loquacious"!

Jeff: Leave your car-- Easier said when you live on an island! (Though admittedly I don't use mine very much) I LOVE the Disney family stickers! :goodvibes

Morgan: :hug: sorry about your run. At least all that happened now instead of during the race and you know some things to change/check/watch on race day.

Krista: :sad2: on that owner. How rude! But it did seem to push you to a nice pace.


Wheew this board is flyin!

Yesterday I went to the gym for a short weight/core session and a few laps in the pool. Then instead of class we went to a reception and to hear a guest professor. Quite uhh interesting. Good food though! Baked brie and chocolate mousse cups made it worth it!
I'm about to head out on my 12 miler, but it looks as though I should bring my poncho b/c the radar shows some serious rain heading this way. Oh joy.

Tonight I'm making fondue and I am rather excited! (Plus we are going to see Beauty and the Beast!)
In my best Robin Williams imitation...


(For the younger WISHers, just google "Robin Williams Good Morning Vietnam audio" :rotfl:)

Carrie - Best wishes to Scott regarding the bruised heel...sounds kind of painful. And thank you for settling the spat, I'm cool with Amy having the gift of just how to bake them right :goodvibes: Nice work on the bike ride last night!

Krista - Wow how rude of the dad to not say anything at all!! That has happened before with my dog and it is one of those understandable things, but geesh...he should have at least apologized. Maybe Hines should make their house a regular "pit stop" during your walks from now on ;)

Stacie - Good luck getting a run in tonight and have fun on the 7 miler along the coast tomorrow!! Sounds like fun :) I have a larger sized pack as well and it does come in handy so I'd definitely try it out tomorrow and see how you like it before making a decision on sending it back. It all boils down to how much water you want to carry with you. :)

- Yeah, sounds like you have the right folks helping you! 20th overall..wow!!

NE Bill - Love the Monday idea, always a great time to start any new program!

Lily - sounds like a great reason to take some time off...i bet the ride around was fun and relaxing :)

Morgan - You will do great tomorrow!! You have now been through what every one of us goes through...a "bad" run during the day or two before a race. I think it's a mandatory thing!

TXAng - Forgive my ignorance, but what is a Baby Bjorn?

Claire - Good luck on the 12 miles today! I'll talk to the weather gods about holding things off for you. Ahhh...baked brie...LOVE baked brie!! (forgive my moment of silence as I ponder it's cheesy, doughy goodness)

Christa - Where ya' been? What'cha been up to?

- :wave:

Toll House McCore - Awesome run yesterday!!! I think you did GREAT! I'm proud of you for resting :hug: I hope the pilates and the XT goes well today too! Thanks for the laughs yesterday, I know we hijacked the thread a little but it made for some good fun. Talked to any hills lately? Only 13 more days :goodvibes:

Scott's World
- The weather cooperated so I did my road bike/elliptical combo again last night. I rode to the FC, did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then put in another half hour on the bike. My question to any cyclists out there is that although I averaged 16.1 mph, which I'm happy with, It's a bunch of pedaling tough up a hill at between 8-10mph and then flying down the other side at around 30-33mph...I can't really keep any kind of cadence going. Is this normal or is there a way to adjust my riding style to get more benefit out of the ride?

Anyway...that's it for me this morning. I hope eveyrone has a great day and wonderful weekend!

Oh...almost forgot....Last week, it seems the Air Force Thunderbirds were doing flyovers at WDW. I was reading reports of this on another site and someone posted an image that Disney officially released of the flyover, I think it is such a cool shot that I wanted to share it with you guys! (maybe they were filming a new Soarin' movie??) Here it is...enjoy!

Forgot to post that I woke up to teh earth quake this am. Thought it was my cat scrathcing and shaking the bed. lol. We had one that my mom felt when I was little, so it's not totally unheard of, but very weird. Still, I would have written it off it I hadn't heard about it on teh news. Hit MI exactly when I was cursing the cat. :blush:

Scott - FOrgot to tell you that I thought of you on my bike ride. Yes, you ride to your work outs, I rid eto go stuff my facr. Go figure. :confused3 :rotfl: Think that might be why I'm so far behind you and Amy? :idea:

Blue ANgels Pic - WHile teh pic is very cool, I hadve to admite I am LMBO over all teh people withtheir cameras int eh sky. :rotfl2:
Good morning Racing Team -

Yes, OK, I'll admit it...I slept in. Grrrrrrrrrrr. :headache:

Carol - I don't think you're being a witch either. As other have said, it's for his own safety. Yeah, that's it. His own safety. Let us know what they say. :)

Morgan - Oh you poor thing.:hug: But don't worry! A bad run right before a race means a good race! It's true!

Krista - OMG! I don't think you're "playing the pregnancy card". I think you've got a very legitimate point there! How rude the father was! :mad: UGH! And umm, Stephen??? Where's that :whackahusband: smilie when you need it!??? Hey, Carter's XTing! ha ha ha!

Scott - AWESOME picture! :thumbsup2

OK who else thinks we need a WISH Tollhouse Cookie Bake Off??? I volunteer to be a judge! :lmao:
Tracy, I love that you have Mount Trashmore. Makes me giggle everytime!

Frank, see you tomorrow!! I am getting a little excited again.

Amy, you are so sweet!! Yay, Tough Runners Club!! I wish I could join your Pilates class! All the ones I could take here start at 5pm - now who thought that was a smart idea?

Aloha Jeff, I LOVE the running Mickey decal!! If it was only a running Donald, I might come steal your car! :rotfl: I used to have the silver Mickey head on my Scion but a fierce windstorm tore if off. I need to get a new one in June.

Maura, I guess this is my first race I will be setting a PR, right? :cutie:

Cecillia, I'll start preparing myself for bad pre-race runs then!

Krista, that's exactly what I was talking about the other day! I love dogs, but I hate bad owners!! Some people are just so rude! I am sorry you have a poopy-head neighbor!

Scott, that photo is SO COOL!!

Thank you to EVERYONE for taking the brunt of my whine and offering hugs and encouragement. I remembered John Bingham saying in Running for Mortals about how up and down you are all race-week and I guess he's right. I completely passed out asleep by 9pm! Oh, and DBF made up for being a dork by making me an Egg McMorganMuffin for dinner - yum! Tonight we are going out for an early birthday dinner with my and his parents to a place where they serve you raw steak on a 700 degree volcanic rock. Trust me, it's delicious (it cooks on the rock). I figured that, a baked potato and veg is a good pre-race dinner.

Of course, you all STILL have me wanting a cookie... Mmmmmm...cookie....
Morgan – Sorry to hear that you had such a lousy run! But think of it as getting the bad run out of the way so you can have an awesome run for your 5K.

Tracy – Mt. Trashmore still cracks me up. Great job on keeping your pace!

FireDancer – Good luck on your double races this weekend.

Amy – Busy day for you, as usual, I see! Yup, we’re having a lot of fun with our little guy. He’s just gotten out of that newborn-do-nothing-all-day phase. And now he has an opinion about everything!

NE Bill – I’ve been known to hit the snooze button enough times that the alarm just shuts itself off.

Aloha Jeff – LOVE the running Mickey decal!

Stacie – Wow, a family 5K! That sounds like a lot of fun! My baby brother (he’s 12) has expressed interest in trying a 5K with us at some point. I’m afraid he’d run circles around us, though!

Shan – Glad to hear that you’re taking some rest days. Hope it helps!

Krista – Yikes! I can’t believe he didn’t even apologize! :mad:

Carrie – Oh, no, I hope Scott’s heel feels better soon! :wizard:

Claire – That does sound like a fun wedding! Sounds like a fun night for you! I love fondue. And Beauty and the Beast. Can I come, too? :)

Scott – Love that photo – especially everyone in the foreground with their cameras aimed up! A Baby Bjorn is just a frontpack baby carrier. It’s really nice to use while shopping so that you can have both hands free!

Tried to go out about an hour ago, but my little training partner decided he was DONE after only 4 minutes. D'oh! Apparently it was naptime and no one warned me about it until we were already on the road. So he's napping now and hopefully we'll get to go out for real in a little while.
Scott, the Thunderbirds flew over for us last week at the MK. It was really cloudy and we waited for over an hour on Main Street for them to fly over. We finally gave up and went and rode some rides. Happened to be coming out of the Laugh Floor when they flew over hours later. We didn't get nearly as cool of a photo!
Scott - I hate to tell you this, but those are the Air Force Thunderbirds.

Cool pic!


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